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Making the Leverian credit donation useful


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What if donating to the Leverian a certain amount of credits gave us something like a resource booster or an affinity booster. Be it 10,000 or even 100k

Since donating is entirely useless, I thought of this when I saw it as a nightwave act

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10 minutes ago, Ailia_Grimm said:

Yeah well, 1 credit for 1k standing. I'd rather have a booster like I said for 100k

When a booster from Baro is Credits64150,000 + PrimeBucks400. And Drusus is a librarian. I wouldn't expect it.

It's a gag. That's all it needs to be when the reward is a lore story already.

Edited by Firetempest
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would be cool if Drusus funded a leverian for you: your most used weapons and frames, on display to view, but his narration would change based on how much you donate;

- if you donate a lot, he'll be kind of a suck up and glorify your achievements. the walls and podiums would be Orokin-styled or or Gilded.

- if you donate, but not too regularly, he'll just talk about you in objective terms, without bias. the leverian looks as always

- if you donate little or don't donate at all, he should talk passive-aggressively about you, e.g. "and this is the frame of the cheapskate who wants me to starve - sorry - Tenno..". the Leverian should also look run down and broken due to a lack of funding.

would be interesting IMO, maybe also have the ability to view other people's personal leverians too!

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Some games have systems that are just charity/generosity - you pour in-game money into a box, and you get no reward except fictional self-satisfaction. Some people, myself included, do feel a sort of compulsion to do so - we have billions of credits, what's a good sum of generosity going to do to us? And this character, despite being entirely fictional, shows genuine appreciation at our actions - sometimes you can just do things for the sake of being nice and not expect a reward, and this mechanic seems to be just that.

Bad game design? Arguments exist for and against, both quite strong! But it's still an interesting thing to observe - especially as someone who's partially working on a project about human empathy (lots of people feel empathy towards fictional and inanimate things, like Roombas - it's a surprisingly wholesome thing to look into!). Maybe Reb will get some data/charts on how much we've donated as a collective whole.

An interesting idea though: It would be fun to see the style of that chamber (which seems to get recycled for each leverian entry) get more and more ornate, maybe even get nicer lighting, as we fund his endeavors more. Maybe even have specific non-warframe exhibits appear, us funding him allowing Drusus to obtain more and more coveted artifacts and tell us their stories, perhaps tying up loose ends or providing interesting insights to things.

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