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Losing buffs


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I'll be bombarding this over and over from time to time until DE notices this, does something about it or bans me forever.

Nullifier fields and falling off cliffs/jumping too high should not remove our buffs. It already does not remove some of those (i.e. Health conversion) why not make it the same to everything?

In case of NULLIFIERS this could work as turn off buffs while inside the bubble but turn back on as soon as you leave the field. Or just remove this feature completely about buffs and compensate it by making the unit stronger instead.

I am not asking to make the game easier, I only ask to do something about the annoying part of this mechanic when you need to rebuff. It is not a difficulty, this is just frustrating when you play a warframe that relies on invisibility or protective buffs. 

Before Deadlock Protocol I could just ignore Corpus missions to avoid interactions with nullifiers (only a few could spawn during relics) but now it is getting unberable and I pick Inaros more and more these days (and this frame is so boooring).

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En 26/6/2020 a las 8:03, Scar.brother.help.me dijo:

I'll be bombarding this over and over from time to time until DE notices this, does something about it or bans me forever.

Nullifier fields and falling off cliffs/jumping too high should not remove our buffs. It already does not remove some of those (i.e. Health conversion) why not make it the same to everything?

In case of NULLIFIERS this could work as turn off buffs while inside the bubble but turn back on as soon as you leave the field. Or just remove this feature completely about buffs and compensate it by making the unit stronger instead.

I am not asking to make the game easier, I only ask to do something about the annoying part of this mechanic when you need to rebuff. It is not a difficulty, this is just frustrating when you play a warframe that relies on invisibility or protective buffs. 

Before Deadlock Protocol I could just ignore Corpus missions to avoid interactions with nullifiers (only a few could spawn during relics) but now it is getting unberable and I pick Inaros more and more these days (and this frame is so boooring).


I'm with you on the fact that as a game it should be put on pause and not turned off. Some may argue "it's imersive to be turned off totaly" to the individuals that think that i'll say where do you store your 2k energy pizzas , the archving , hoverboard , reviving gass , all the ammo for your guns ... etc.  

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On 2020-06-26 at 2:03 AM, Scar.brother.help.me said:

I'll be bombarding this over and over from time to time until DE notices this, does something about it or bans me forever.

Nullifier fields and falling off cliffs/jumping too high should not remove our buffs. It already does not remove some of those (i.e. Health conversion) why not make it the same to everything?

In case of NULLIFIERS this could work as turn off buffs while inside the bubble but turn back on as soon as you leave the field. Or just remove this feature completely about buffs and compensate it by making the unit stronger instead.

I am not asking to make the game easier, I only ask to do something about the annoying part of this mechanic when you need to rebuff. It is not a difficulty, this is just frustrating when you play a warframe that relies on invisibility or protective buffs. 

Before Deadlock Protocol I could just ignore Corpus missions to avoid interactions with nullifiers (only a few could spawn during relics) but now it is getting unberable and I pick Inaros more and more these days (and this frame is so boooring).

yeah im going to hard disagree with the nullifiers 

there will be no down side into slide attacking into a nullifier bubble and 1 shooting them

the idea of the bubble it to discourage u from being in the bubble 

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I believe that there is some virtue in what you say; some mechanics and abilities should be revisited in regards to the "dispel" mechanic.

One of the biggest issues that I've seen regarding this is Oberon's Renewal buff - If you pick up the buff and get dispelled or fall off the map, you cannot return to regain the buff, it's simply just NOT something you can do - for no apparent reason. 

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9 hours ago, (PS4)Spider_Enigma said:

yeah im going to hard disagree with the nullifiers 

there will be no down side into slide attacking into a nullifier bubble and 1 shooting them

the idea of the bubble it to discourage u from being in the bubble 

Pff, just make one, whatever will be dreadful, risky, but not annoying 

There are plenty of annoying things in the game: buff dispel, energy drain, damn door frames, auto-grabbing edges when speed-jumping through the mission and much more. I just wish the game to have less of those to be less frustrating and more dynamic.

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On 2020-06-25 at 8:03 PM, Scar.brother.help.me said:

Before Deadlock Protocol I could just ignore Corpus missions to avoid interactions with nullifiers (only a few could spawn during relics) but now it is getting unberable and I pick Inaros more and more these days (and this frame is so boooring).

This is the part that annoy me the most. That we see more and more Nullifier unit.

Its mechanics itself can be dealt with in regular time but on Orb Vallis with the 4th rank alert, when every mod become a walking nullifier without the little drone to make it even harder to deal with. Its just pain.

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I think buff dispell mechanic has to go or be transformed to something less annoying 

I hope DE can understand it and find some better solution themselves but just in case:

my proposal is go "offline" while inside the null field and come back "online" when you are out - this will still make u very vulnerable while inside the field and encourage u to avoid it.

But even better proposal - just let it go away, let the buffs stay, even channeled, but keep the silence inside, keep abilities immunity to the units inside it (channeled can be turned off while inside but not turned on before u get out)

In exchange - just give some buffs to enemies inside and make Nullifiers more dangerous instead.



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On 2020-07-16 at 2:33 PM, (PS4)Spider_Enigma said:

yeah im going to hard disagree with the nullifiers 

there will be no down side into slide attacking into a nullifier bubble and 1 shooting them

the idea of the bubble it to discourage u from being in the bubble 

And thats a bad thing ?

If the Warframe you are playing relies on an Ability to start stacking from Mission Start to mission end (whether its 10 minutes or 10 hours) then why is it so important to discourage players from being in the bubble in the first place ?

On 2020-07-18 at 4:35 AM, Taiepii said:

This is the part that annoy me the most. That we see more and more Nullifier unit.

Its mechanics itself can be dealt with in regular time but on Orb Vallis with the 4th rank alert, when every mod become a walking nullifier without the little drone to make it even harder to deal with. Its just pain.

Werent new Nullifier types added in the recent update ? 

Unlike Corrupted nullifiers which wield Lankas and cant hit anything these new ones are actually a lethal threat and must be dealt with even more immediately than usual


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On 2020-07-20 at 8:43 PM, Lutesque said:


If the Warframe you are playing relies on an Ability to start stacking from Mission Start to mission end (whether its 10 minutes or 10 hours) then why is it so important to discourage players from being in the bubble in the first place ?


And bump again.

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