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Livestreams Moved To Fridays, Stream #16 Coming Soon!


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What's the current status of reload animations?

Although some weapons have certain differences (The flying magazine of the Soma), we've yet to really see any more of the Strun and Gorgon type revamps of the entire animation.

Also, I'm genuinely curious on the very heavy emphasis on psuedo-Asian decorations on the newest Dojo rooms. Is there plans to balance it out with, say, Gothic or Celtic styling? The Galatine, and somewhat the Ballistica, show a step toward both existing equally.

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Q.1. Why don't you give the platinum like prizes for exampl for alerts or 7day rewards like in mobile games?

Q.2. why only 2 slots for warframe? why don't you give 1 slot more for every 3rd level of mastery rank (3,6,9,12)? 

I ask this cause not all people can pay for some accesories (inventory etc.) in the game!

Edited by Pokemon1212
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Question : Now, many player are overpower than the enemy and even the boss. compare to the Mass Effect game, co-op against the enemy can compare with Warframe, however the enemy have a lot of power and ability against the player. Strategy and Technique are required to fight with the enemy, and quite hard to play solo for complete the game. Now, when i play Warframe, it's simple to myself to finish the game or kill the boss with my build weapon in the end-game enemy. These days, i hunt only alert to fulfill my interest and challenge my performance(Because alert is only the place where i can meet the 100+ enemy).


So, have the staffs  planed to create any new enemy for the present factions, those are hard to fight(you may imagined in one map have a lot of enemy that have the ability like Stalker or Warframe)? To interest the game and challenge the existing players.


All in all, the numbers of enemy and their level're not only the keys for player challenge, but we need an enemy that can match with us. Imagine, one regular enemy have ability to counter us and instant kill us in per second.







"Challenge 's only the key, to keep the Warframe's interest go forward"

Edited by Mr.FezZ
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hi there :)


i would like to see some unique feature from past, to come back such as lato and braton vandal, maybe on alerts, but from multiple ones, like the seer pistol ...to make them available again but only to those who are "awake"

Or they could be findable in levels, as weapons parts, but very well hiden and not everytimes on the same map/planet ...that would make rusher to miss them


my question is: have we a chance to see some previous content/feature to come back ?


Greetings :)

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Q: Why not experiment with weapons having special effects rather than straight damage upgrades/Mods that give effects rather than a damage buff?


Q: Any new high-lvl content that isn't based on stricktly higher lvl-ed enemies planned?


Q (kinda...): This game needs Droidekas! 


Also, my Synapse asked me to ask you guys to consider giving it real arcing(/cone of fire)... =P

Edited by Ratiasu
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Will you change the Heavy Calibur and Magnum force again, and make it have increased recoil instead of decreased accuracy? 
If you wont, the mods are basicly useless. I know of lots of people who wasted 1000+ fusion cores to have their alltime wet dream Flux rifle.

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1. Will the Net code be updated/rewritten/or appended to fix some of the new and older outstanding connection issues that seem to be compounding?



1) ^ same question. Because we are having a hard time trying to play coop with our friends (instead of strangers, no offense strangers :D hehe). Can't even host and invite a game with friends with current net code... Already sent support ticket, but I know it's just letting them know issues that already compounding, so not expecting any good solution / reply for that support ticket.


So to add further to the question:

2) Any timeline or plans for the fix or improving of the net code? Because this is a multiplayer coop game is it not? So the net code is actually the core functionality. Playing Warframe solo is not as fun as playing with friends and family members.


Other topics:

3) Stealth play and kills are feasible during earlier levels, but once progressed to higher levels is kinda hard to pull off even when my warframe is already cloaked and stand directly behind the enemy within striking distance. So will it get looked at in the future so that it is also feasible in higher levels?


4) Any future plan to raise the warframe level cap? Enemies can go higher than lv.100 >_<

Edited by sofyand
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Hello happened in the time or the next update to resolve the issue of invitations chatting on the Italian server, because it's hard having to lose 6 groups of 10 empty session because of an error or already full when there is a person in the party, I hope will solve as soon as possible, been playing for about 2 months and I can not tear myself away from WARFRAME fan ^ _ ^

Edited by Gruwer
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Ok here :


1. Have you thought about changing the slot system for frames?

I tried to think about it here : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/109680-mods-new-slot-system/?hl=%2Bslot+%2Bsystem

The main issue I was trying to solve was the amount of unused mods, like stamina mods. As you guys said in livestream 14, you made changes in the stamina system to make us think more about it. So you nerfed it, then balanced it, and we are still not really using the stamina mods.

By dividing the number of slots in 3 parts : Helmet, Chassis, System, and dedicating each part to a certain type of mods (abilities/skills, stamina/health, power). It allows more diversity in the builds as it forces players to make choices, and by giving at least 2 more slots, we could give a chance to all those unused mods. There are many suggestions about it in this thread.


2. Have you checked this thread about a new tutorial?


Ced23Ric rewrote the tutorial in order to make the FTUE (First Time User Experience) more attractive and complete. An efficient tutorial and a sneak peek on the Warframe Universe would help you keep the new users playing. It encourages new players to spend both time and money in your game by using some mechanisms really F2P/Freemium-oriented.


3. A word about lore. How are you going to implement the lore in Warframe?

Is it going to be a linear story that gets complete once the Solar System achieved? Would it include a database? Or is it going to be more implicit, with hints, with more consistency in all Warframe elements (weapons, factions, etc.)?


4. About the mod drop table, in order to cleanse it and help to reduce the grind process, what do you think about making a separate drop table only for containers?

By putting special containers in standard missions in special rooms (something like you could find in the Void), you could dedicate those containers for some mods (rare, uncommon) and so give us a reason to explore the maps instead of just rushing them. The special "vault" could be a reward for a parkour room, a trapped room, a mini boss, or a crowd of mobs. That would cleanse the drop table from mob loots, and reduce the amount of grind.


5. Rebecca, that's for you : During your livestream, if you could say something about the French-speaking community getting all together to get a specific section, it would be sweet and amazing!

You already know our thread ;) https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/116431-to-de-open-letter-from-the-french-community/

Edited by matto
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I like the Warframe system and How you maintain Free to play with platinum purchase. I have enjoyed playing this game for the past six months. I personally feel that too much platinum would spoil The fun and make it easy. But I believe strongly that an amazing game such as this should be kept alive and its only fare that i contribute to this game for providing us gamer's with amazing and creative updates. And the only way to support is by buying platinum. But as much as i want to it is really hard to purchase it online. I am from India and i tried numerous times using various options to buy platinum and failed. Hope in the future an easier and continent method would be available. 


A few questions to the DE:)


+ Are there any plans for a LOKI PRIME 

+ Why is FLOW so hard to find. Been playing this game for so long and Primes are easier to find compared to flow 



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Do you intend to continue reinforcing the restriction of placing the same mod on a sentinel weapon and a warframe weapon at the same time? It feels out of place with the way the rest of the mod system now works, it is simply stubborn and a nuisance in my opinion.

Game systems need more solidarity!

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I've seen from your work that you guys are really creative.

However, not much of that creativity is seen in the game, only the Glaive and the new Ballistica


You guys are doing a great job but will there be more unusual weapons/warframes which make a big difference in the gameplay?

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