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Livestreams Moved To Fridays, Stream #16 Coming Soon!


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-Will you rework stats that gives thrak rhino helmet?
-After reworking Sargas Ruk, what Boss will be reworked next?
-In a near future will the be new type of maps, like full parkour walkthrough?
-We need to know Rebecca when Rhino have his time to be prime?
-Will there be new enemy race?
-Will be there an event like assault of Stalkers base?
-When you add more non-boss units?
-Will there be a boss, corrupted tenno or a boss like abomination, that can be created by grineer or corpus, or corrupted tenno from infested side?

-Why weapon that have a charge attack, like lanka, dont have a crit chance in a weapon stats grid in arsenal?

Edited by SweetBread
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Will there be changes to the extraction method in the survival mode? Is the possibility for players to extract individually considered by the Devs or are we stuck with the imperfect 'wait until everyone is done' option?


Thanks! and see you at the livestream!

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in livestream 15 or 14, i don´t rmember, steve said that the animation team is making a nwe trailer presenting the new corpus boss.


does the team really think that the most important thing right now is to make a trailer? because animations could really use some work

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Hey it kind of bugges me that saryn for example is  effected by poisen or ember by fire. Make them invulnerable to this would make them op, but what about passive Warframe auras. For example when saryn hits 30 you unlock the passive aura, so you and your teammates all get a 5% poision resistens. This also would effect ember for fire, volt for electricity or frost for shield reduction in ice level.  I already posted this in an other tread but was told to post it here too.

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As someone who likes to play solo, I'm concerned that it's becoming dangerously close to impossible to do so. The new survival mission doesn't seem like it can be won solo, and the reworking of the sabotage mission sounds like it's going to make it nearly impossible to do so with fuel rods that drain precious shields and increased enemy spawning.


So my question is: "Do you  plan to address these issues, and if so, how? And if not, are you just going to remove solo play as an option at some point in the future?"


Edit: And by the way, I can't seem to get any Redirection Mods. Is this a known issue/bug or is it just bad luck?


Edit: Sorry. One more question: "Why have you chosen to 'retire' some weapons?" 

Edited by NoSecondChances
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1 - Droptables when?


2 - And the droptables?


3 - How about freakin droptables?


4 - On livestream 14 I asked about... droptables, when?


5 - On the topic drops 2.0 steve talked about releasing them, like 1 month ago... so droptables?


6 - Droptables?

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When will we finally be able to see our secondairy objectives, that grant us the bonus experience, without explicitely doing it?


And more important: What are your plans for the compendium that was mentioned in some livestream. The thingy where you will show enemies, what they drop etc. Will this include stats like healt, armor, weaknesses and experience given as well?

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1) Strict Nat? How is it going?


2) Less Randomness please? Even you gotta see that randomness is not good. People waste lot of times trying to find that one thing.


3) So drop tables are now encrypted. No one knows where to find anything anymore. So how shall we find what we seek now? That official drop table is hidden. We cannot just wander around in the dark, can we?


4) In the same region as RNG, are you thinking about how to decrease the high level of grind in Warframe?


5) Armor 2.0? Where is it?


6) So when are you going to do a polishing update, where you take care of bugs, optimize things and alike? We know from earlier that you adding stuff to game break parts of it.


7) I for one will probably throw the founder clothing in a bin.. how did you come up with the idea for clothing for founders?

Edited by se05239
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1) When can we expect a finished Arsenal with Fully Functional Stats and a new HUD?


2) Is DE aware of the issues and constant crashes that the 10.0.3 hotfix multithreading and DirectX11 thingy experimentations

have been cause? It's really affecting the game experience (my game crashes at least twice a day, on a good day).


3) What is up with the Droptable encryption thing? And when can we get a final RNG system? (it's getting to a point that the community will be asking for blood again)


4) Will the Devs actually adress this and other issues that concern the player base and community this time or will we get more elusive answers?


Thank you and i really hope this Livestream is productive for all. 


Keep up the good work DE.

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PhysX and particle physics going forward


Seeing that the PS4 is based on AMD silicon and not nVidia, how will you be implementing particle physics?


Is it possible you will go with a more open standard than PhysX?


Can the same techniques be used on the PC side of things?


It would be fantastic to be able to see the complete vision of the game's graphics without needing to buy nVidia hardware.

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I have a question about alternate helms.


Since you're no longer going to be using stat alterations on helmets, for example Nekros, will you ever add the option to make the existing helmets for cosmetic purposes only as well? On some frames I'd rather use one helmet over the other, but the effects are not what I am after. Perhaps a toggle or tickbox whether you want to apply the effects.


Also is there an ETA on Nova's second helmet? Is that coming with Nekros's other helmet?


Thanks! Loving the Corrupt Mods by the way.

Edited by PokieFishMan
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1:  Why make Heavy Caliber reduce accuracy because a couple of weapons benefited from it without a penalty?  I can no longer use it on any weapon to hit a target beyond short range (my snipetron misses at medium range most of the time, and can't even hit a bombard/napalm at long range).  Continuous fire weapons suffer almost no penalty from this revision of it because they are all short range weapons.


2:  Armor 2.0, When???


3:  In as system where advancement requires you to level useless and boring weapons to level 30 then sell them, why are you removing weapons from the pool?  Particularly some of the low/no mastery requirement ones.  Also, why remove the Gorgon?  It rated fairly high on the "what weapons need to be reviewed" poll you had.


4:  Where are the tutorials that actually teach new players how to play the game?  You claim you hate the wiki, but currently it is the ONLY tool available to new players to learn how to do basic movement within the game, along with a variety of other things.


5:  Where are the Mastery "Rewards" that you have talked about standing?  Eta?  Plan on what you are doing?


6:  Where are our drop tables?  We don't need exact %, but knowing that from a T3 Exterminate, X, Y and Z are common, A, B and C are uncommon, and L, M and N are Rare would be a step in the right direction with the whole datamining issue you have and our lack of trust in you.

Hiding something behind a wall and then saying "It exists, trust us!" doesn't go over well when you have a history of deception.


7:  Will you consider removing all the garbage 1-handed weapons from the alert table and putting them either in the market or as drops from systems/faction?


Edit:  Added question about Heavy Caliber.

Edited by Drogra
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Q1: Why is the founders program ending?



Q2: Are you guys working on improving the game's framerate so that everyone including myself van play at full graphics.



Q3:  When is the next weekend event? note: plz don't make it this weekend as i am gonna be studying hard this weekend for exams next week if u really need it this weekend then go  ahead and do it this weekend.)

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1. Have you thought about making NPC hitscan accuracy scale with level, as well decreasing enemy turn speed to allow faster frames and players with movement skills to avoid being hit?


2. Wit corruputed mods sharing some of the more popular stats alternate warframe helmets feature, have you considered removing alternate helmet stats in exchange for an additional warframe mod slot?

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Have you considered a revamp of the alert rewards? At the moment, this is a bit dissatisfying. Heat Sword, Heat dagger, Jaw Sword, Pangolin Sword... they are very boring tools to rank up in mastery, nothing else.


What about the bugs around grouping up? At the moment it is really frustrating to invite people.


Are you even considering an alternative to RNG? RNG is fun and satisfying, but it would be cool if you would earn additional currency to buy the stuff after 100s of desperate runs - Blaze, I am looking at you.

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How are the longsword type weapons going to be balanced in the new damage system? I read through the chart posted on the Design Council and was wondering if they would be getting extra damage as a whole, or be reliant on bleed DoTs where applicable?

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The Dojo "On the Grid" Phase 1 in U9.5 set up the grid system and introduced the slick new tileset, but left some tiles unchanged (like elevators).


What can we expect in "Phase 2"? When can we expect it?




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