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Many players are concerned about the viability for certain Warframe powers including Volt’s Electric Shield (which lacks synergy), Mag’s Crush (since the armor update and Pull changes), Banshee’s Silence (especially with U10’s silencing mods), etc. and feel like their criticisms have been ignored in favor of “fixing what isn’t broken”- coming to a head with, among others, Ember’s Overheat change in 9.8. These concerns were heightened by the retention of Nekros’ Desecrate in spite of overwhelmingly negative feedback to Search the Dead, which was even acknowledged in the Sept 5th CHT. How do you weigh such concerns against other aspects of development?


With the Dual Zoren, you introduced a weapon with a significant impact on a Warframe’s mobility (ie the “Zorencopter”). Can we expect to see other mobility-augmenting melee weapons in the future, perhaps with the ability to grab higher ledges, swing, etc?


Would you ever consider adding the original helmets and/or color maps from base Warframes as alternate helms or skins for Primes, for those who prefer the looks of the original ‘frames?

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Q1:Why you guys forgot the awesome warframe Loki? why there's no loki prime and is there any choice to buff loki?

Q2:We need a new design for loki's helmet?

Q3:We need a better pvp system it's boring when you have done everything in game and there's no challenge,can we have a new pvp system like,there's a teleport stuff you click on it and it teleporting you into the pvp zone everybody having war against each other and getting some points something like that.

Q4:Nova needs nerf,she's too strong enough.

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I posted this in gameplay feedback and another player suggested I put it here.


Void/Derelict Public Missions:


This suggestion is in lieu of the strict nat issues that plague a substantial number of players, myself included. I am able to join public games by hovering over mission nodes but joining specific sessions through invites is extremely frustrating due to the nuances inherent to the P2P client/host system employed by Warframe. In the same way, I am unable to host sessions.
Now, I wish to suggest that DE create public games for the void/derelict missions. One way to do this would be to create two additional planets or whatever it is that could best represent the void/derelict. When you click on the derelict planet, it will open a node interface similar to what we have for the regular planets. In this, there would be nodes for each of the void mission types such as extermination, survival etc. And like regular mission nodes, a player can select the node but it will not let you proceed to the mission lobby unless you have a key for that specific mission type.
If you do, you are placed in the lobby and can join others who are already there or they can join you later using the same steps you have gone through. When you click play, the game should ask which one in your party wishes to expend their key and the player that presses the button will have their key expended. 
When the mission is completed, the party is not broken up. Like regular missions, the players have the option to keep doing missions until keys run out or they quit. 
I hope the above isn't too long-winded and forgive my English. It isn't my first language. Please feel free to make comments or shoot the entire post down if you wish but please offer other more suitable suggestions in the process. I hope DE at least pays some modicum of interest to this suggestion as I truly believe it would solve at least a small number of the matchmaking issues currently in the game. 
I contemplated quitting the game numerous times before due to the matchmaking issues but I keep coming back because I love this game so much. Therefore, in all humbleness, please implement this or at least improve matchmaking with better mechanics so I and numerous others like me can continue to enjoy the game.
Thank you.
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Q1: Will we be able enter extremely difficult missions with more than 4 people ? and maybe limit the frame types ? (ex: max 8 player only 1 nova. Or 10 players with at least 2 excalibur. etc. )

Q2: similar to first one, will we be able to join a mission with 2x 4 players. I mean 8 people joins and at some point we have to seperate into 2 groups. Maybe it is a race or to see which squad will finish first ? (Even more maybe add some checkpoints so all the squad members have to play as a team, etc..)


Q3: About the frame Nekros, will we able to see its parts on Alert missions ? or is it still gonna drop just from the orokin derelict ?


Q4: At the market you guys made like exchange platinum to credits right ? How about making the opposite ?I think, currently it is like 30 platinium to get 9000 credits right ? I know it's your right to earn real money but how about exchange 1 million credits to get 10 platinium ? or even more credits. Because after some point, credits are not useful as much as the beginnig of the game.

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Why does Steve always wear a hat?

Will we be receiving Platinum for a Christmas gift?

Can we have Corrupted mod slots for our weapons and Warframes? They'll be like Aura slots, where you can only equip Aura mods into them.


Will using alternate helmets on Prime Warframes ever stop looking so awful? For example, the Pendragon Excalibur helmet on the Excalibur Prime looks horrible.


When will there be nunchuks?


Will current Founder's continue to receive special rewards and/or promotions moving on, past the November 1st deadline?


What have you done to Nova?


Do you guys test your updates to work out as many kinks as you can before pushing them through?

Edited by Zachles
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Q : Is it possible to allow future missions rewarded rare pieces of orokin

Q : Is it possible to see the fees Ember to fix the problems relating to the Status of Higher her shoulder and place emblem

Q : Necros has no charisma does not believe him when terrify enemies and flee from him, especially with skills is useful skill desecrate

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Have you ever though of a prime color pack? I love the prime paint jobs on the prime warframes and i really want those rich gold and pearl white on some other frames. I understand you want prime frames to look a single way to distinguish  them. You could make it a requirement to have a prime frame before you can buy them. Just a though i had well playing today. LOVE the game keep up the awesome work!!!!

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What new warframes are you thinking of creating and how will they turn the tide in the battle against the faction?


Will you plan on making a void assassination?


Are there any plans on whether you will make a new kind of key for us to use like for example there is the void and now derelict so what new key will you make?

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1) since this is a beta , shouldn't you focus more on fixing bugs and less on more stuff for people to grind?


2) what about a tutorial for beginners? the basic tutorial is not sufficient, many do not know about many ingame features like wall running.


please be more beginner friendly as a game like this thrives on a large gaming community. ( FTP games with a cash shop requires a very very large base community so even if only <10% are paying customers, the finance department will be happy to hire more help to grow the game)

if the game turns the new players off right at the beginning With that load of UI bugs and that that steep learning curve, its going to be hard to continue this game even if the vets in this game swears to god and everyone that its a good game.

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Question:  Is it possible to have our mastery rank add on to modification points to all weapons and warframe?  For example a Rank 10 tenno would have 10 mod points on an unranked weapon.  Since mastery rank is meant to show mastery over a variety weapons shouldn't it allow higher ranked tenno to have more points and start out with a few points.  

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Excuse me.

English is not perfect coz it is Jap, but pls read...

its not question.

I just wanna bring my Ideas.


So first thing...should create its like a Community Space coz enyone doesnt use World chat system.

its like create something pieces lobby of 30 people maximum, it is possible to add a friend or invitation clan and also comunication, that will help beginners.


Second thing...I hope add the four seasons of Japan to clan room.

for example Spring is Cherry brossom of Sakura, Summer is Japanese summer festival or something like that,Autumn is Autumn leaves of Maple, Winter is Snow.

The clan is gonna be fun if its added.


Sorry for long text.

Pls make sure for any ideas.


Thank you.

Edited by kosumic
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Question: It's currently somewhat annoying to fully colorize a gun/sword as some of the customizable areas will either be in places that are hard to see, or completely obscured (such as on the handle), during the selection process. Often times the only way to fully take a look at the colors you have selected is when an entirely different weapon is active. Could DE possibly add the ability to look at just the weapon - minus the Warframe - during the colorization process, so as to greatly simplify things?

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I am sure many on my list has already been brought up, but I shall repeat them anyways


1- Is the PS4 release the exact same as the PC release? Are there any differences between the two? How about the cross platform play?


2- StrictNAT- Whats the progress on this? How will this play out with the PS4 release if this is classified as a "router issue" and suffers the same issues as PC players?


3- Where is the lore and story that was supposed to be comming? What is our motivation for doing what we do? Vor's Prize?


4- Are you going to remove the Warframe and Sentinel ability mods from the drop pool to help undilute it?



5- Please touch on your reasoning for encrypting the drop data, and when we can expect ingame info for where stuff drops from?


6- When are we going to get ingame votekick options?


7- When are we going to get the option to host missions or join missions?


8- When are we going to get a ingame hud redesign so we can see the data better? (teammates shield/hp/energy/class/aura, sentinel info, lotus reposition, text box reposition, 2ndary objective, icon on mobile defense data carrier, ping, icon on host)


9- Armor 2.0/Damage 2.0, did you guys finally figure out how this is going to be done and what is going to happen? How will this affect existing weapons that have already been forma'ed? ETA on it?


10- Burst Weapon DPS (burston, hind, kraken), what is the status on the framerate/DPS issue? (i would love to use my hind again)


11- Is there going to be a clear weapon progression route to help newer players?


12- Tutorial, will this be reworked to be more user friendly? For both new and old players alike?


13- Mastery Ranks, where are the rewards that were talked about? Are these tests also going to be reworked?


14- Stealth play, where is this on your priority list?


15- Nekros' Desecrate , how will this be re-worked to make it a more viable option against corpse decay/instant vaporize deaths? Is it going to be replaced?


16- I have not seen it listed, but the sentinels going afk after 1 minute of no moving. What about standing still but still firing? I couldve sworn they still go AFK (i like to fire from a perch)


17- Nova's 2nd helm that was supposed to be released with u10, where is it?


18- Trading, hows that going? What is going to be able to be traded? Who can you trade with? ETA?


19- Cancel option for building in foundry with material refund?


20- What is your priority list right now? What is #1-#10?


21- Do you have a definitive date for an official release? Not many companies can pull the "it will be done when its done" card and get away with it with little backlash from their community.


22- How are you going to improve your transparency with your community after the last few fiasco's?


23- Is there going to be an increase in reward frequency for blue and gold potatoes?


24- Melee damage, is this going to be addressed in armor/damage 2.0 to make melee a more viable option for damage?


25- Option to change style, size, color of weapon reticle? (i cant tell you how many times I lose sight of it in a pack of enemies with all the effects going off)


26- Are we going to get much needed fixes before more content?


27- Carrier sentinel, tell it not to pick up energy orbs when currently "disrupted" by a disrupter. Annoying as hell when you get hit and lose all your energy and all the energy around you because he doesnt know when NOT to suck (in a good way)


28- Steel Fiber..... y'know...for sentinels. Why do we have a mod that doesnt affect anything? All sentinels have 0 armor. Steel Fiber increases armor per level. Quick math lesson: 0 armor plus 10% armor = 0 armor, 0 armor plus 60% armor = 0 Armor

Any % of 0 is still 0.


I think thats it.

And I would REALLY appreciate it if you guys can keep on topic with as little shenanegans as possible. Its not happy hour at the local pub, its a professional webcast directed at your core supporters that have plenty of questions and really need answers.

Edited by AbsolutTalent
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(this is just an idea)


you should make an event in wich there is a level with all boses or at least that in any asesinate mision you have the probabylity to find 2 bosses just loke in phobos but with the boss of the planet and a random one or if you like with both bosses random

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Will there be a BIG game update that only addresses balancing and bugfixing instead of adding new content?



Why are there no critical hits for warframe abilities?



When can we finally expect alternative skills for warframes, is there anything in the works, or will this never happen?



Are there any news/ changes of opinion about the Warframe gender swap?



Have stealth players been forgotten?

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I'm a master rank founder, and I've put even more money into this game via other platinum purchases. I chose to do this because I trusted that this game would head in the direction of a higher quality of life than other F2P games. Unfortunately, something that most people see as minor is actually a huge problem: the drop tables. Why can't we have access to them? I know datamining is not ok and account security is the most important thing, but throw us a bone here. I want to farm for some mods, but right now you're leaving us flailing in the dark with no way to orient ourselves. 

Any plans to give us access to this kind of information?

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Hello ^^ I'm From Argentina, i love Warframe! is a epic game! full of power!!!! :D And strategy.


i have only 1 Question. 


Q: How do you create all of warframes characters , i mean, they are so epic! all of them have an epic appearance. All of that are from you or inspired by others games ,etc?


Thank you so much for create a epic game!! :D i love all of you.



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