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The 'which Side?' Megathread. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


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This topic makes no sense. OP wants a third option to go rogue and fight both factions.

He doesnt realize thats what he do all the time everytime he receives missions from Lotus or run around meteors to farm resources. 



no S#&$, he wants to keep doing that, what part of that don't you understand?

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Remember, if you side with the Corpus, you side with the people who want to experiment and dissect your fellow Tenno. The Grineer, for the most part, want to give the Tenno an honorable death in battle. 

If you side with the Corpus, you're siding with the people who supply the Grineer with Tenno technology.


If you side with the Corpus, you're siding with the people who go into the Void and other Orokin areas to steal Orokin technology, making more powerful enemies like the Fusion MOAs. 

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Nothing wrong with what you've said. They're all valid points.


However, giving out Strun Wraith equivalents each time you have an event is going to backfire in the long run.

Seems par for the course, given how DE wants to introduce weapon tiers. Of course, I might miss out on the event depending on when it starts and ends.

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Because DE missed old Dark Sector so much they wanted to remake it again.


In an article awhile back when DE was interviewed about the history of the game they said in Unpublished original old Dark Sector that players were mercenaries that could work for either side sort of like Armored Core series.


Proof that this is following the path of Dark Sector?


Behold exhibit A

"Along the dark coast of Sedna"


Where is Sedna? near the edge of the solar system.


Dark Coast? You mean the same "coast line" the Tenno were sleeping along before they burst forth? Dark Coast as in Dark Sector? So that means there are hundreds if not thousands of Tenno sleeping in this... "Dark Sector" Or the "dark coast of Sedna"



Were going to Dark Sector to save our fellow Tenno.... soon....

Edited by Arlayn
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I'm guessing you didn't watch the livestream.

Not that I like the idea of watching those long and often pointless streams, but provide me with a quick recap on that topic. I couldn't have seen the livestream anyway since my computer died recently.

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If we side with Grineer: Grineer Empire gains more power, ruthlessly subjugates innocent colonies, gets it's hands on some Corpus tech. Frozen Tenno are given to us.


If we side with Corpus: frozen Tenno remain in Alad V's hands, but the colonies are safe from the Twin Sisters' merciless rule.


At least that's how I'm reading this.

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I don't know of a time when not playing in an event was not rewarding in some way... There's supposed to be different rewards for each faction you choose to support... I guess we'll find out tomorrow!


DE, please! Please, do not make us wait until 6PM for the event to go live... I mean, waiting that long for the Vaults was dreadful.


The last two events and update 10 all came out around 6pm EST, I'm pretty sure +/- half an hour.  I think DE decided on this model to simply get as much polish on the content/update before the main people call it a day to go home.  I'm not saying it is the best practice (or that it isn't), that just seems to be what they do.  They do seem aware that this is a concern for the community, but I think a lot of it is brushed off because of people's posts coming across as impatient.


I sort of wish they'd leave the star map contested so we'd have something to do that is not farming.  Perhaps tie consequences to the area relating to who owns it beyond what enemies you fight there?  


Gawd, I've been begging for something like this in several games I've played.  I know similar systems exist in other games, I just never got into them.  Something like a a few contested nodes representing ongoing conflict - Grineer encroaching on the Mars salvage sites, Corpus push back on Phobos, both factions fighting Infested outbreaks stemming off of wherever...keep track of the "x team wins" "y team wins" and at the end of the month announce which nodes have changed over and which held out.  I'm totally down for making this idea into it's own thread, but since I've seen you bring it first I'll give you dibs and throw my full support behind it if you do start a thread.  PM me the link if you do, in case I miss it.


@OP - it's especially hard for DE to cater to all playstyles, but a lot of things DE Scott and Steve were saying in the last livestream should be encouraging.  Things like making alternate playstyles more rewarding (mentioned stealth specifically, but let's us know they are aware of the reward imbalance) as well as spawn rates catered to player numbers (indicating again they are aware content should have similar balance) were both mentioned.  In regards to the "exclusives" debate, I choose not to go near that with anything less than a 10ft pole.

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Remember, if you side with the Corpus, you side with the people who want to experiment and dissect your fellow Tenno. The Grineer, for the most part, want to give the Tenno an honorable death in battle. 

If you side with the Corpus, you're siding with the people who supply the Grineer with Tenno technology.


If you side with the Corpus, you're siding with the people who go into the Void and other Orokin areas to steal Orokin technology, making more powerful enemies like the Fusion MOAs. 

and if you side with the grineer you support totalitarism and dictatorship


If you side with the grineer you support the extermination of political adversaries.


if you side with the grineer you support mass murders by the government.

Edited by MurasameFsey
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