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The 'which Side?' Megathread. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


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 The Grineer heavies are more brutal then the Corpus ones.


 Bombard, Heavy Gunner, Napalm > Tech and Fusion Moa.


 Especially the Napalm. Their damage scaled up is crazy.

Thus why taking them out early instead of later is a good idea. Instead of having to worry about Grineer later.

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 The Grineer heavies are more brutal then the Corpus ones.


 Bombard, Heavy Gunner, Napalm > Tech and Fusion Moa.


 Especially the Napalm. Their damage scaled up is crazy.


Very reason why I wanna be with them as opposed to against them. Although if it goes good for them and they cap all nodes, feels like it'd be less fun to play after event. Meh, guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

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Saryn was my third guess. 


She is surprisingly sturdy...


 With maxed health and armor mods she gets better returns then either Rhino or Frost from what I've read in the past. She has the highest health pool in the game, meaning the greatest possible returns from Health mods. Her armor isn't too shabby either,

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 With maxed health and armor mods she gets better returns then either Rhino or Frost from what I've read in the past. She has the highest health pool in the game, meaning the greatest possible returns from Health mods. Her armor isn't too shabby either,

I actually run her with Rage and Rejuvenation, with a mainly melee build. It works pretty well too.


Andd 150 health with 75(?) armour will max out a lot higher than 100 with 150, giving you the highest total defensive strength in the game. (Disregarding Rhino-skin) 


I'd do the math, but I'm busy studying more complicated math.

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Actually, you only need 1 reason to join Corpus. 



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Top 5 reasons to side with Corpus vs grineer


1. Corpus have elevators.


2. Grineer have stupid faces.


3. Grineer have rollerballs.


4. Grineer have Shield Lancers with stupid faces.


5. Grineer have stupid faces that are begging to get mowed down wave after wave.

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I wonder if there is a thread that talks about the factions' lore/ attention towards the Tenno as well being:


Grineer : Eliminate Tenno/Dominate!!


Corpus: Salvage Tenno for parts/ money money MON-NEY!!




or the factions' mental states from their fighting or something... i don't know.



I'm thinking more on "well, what happens to me/ my fellow Tenno if side a/b/c(yes, c. Infesteds count too, lol) wins?"


Grineer: Will they kill my Tenno at the drop of a dime?(Remember: their DNA is a cluster-wreck of defects and are xenophobic)I better not see a barrel ever in a Tenno's general direction and ALL Tenno better be in the know of EVERYTHING for almost 0% chance of coups and ambushes.


Corpus: Will they capture my Tenno for parts?(Remember: Profit numbs the pain(possible pain of the Tenno's past of once being humans and can be seen as betrayers to the corpus))I vanish fast and go rouge to choke supply points, wipe big-wigs out on my hit-list and sabotage manufacturing facilities, killing their money until they break that nasty cult mentality and act like a human beings that they are/were, civil!


Infested: Will they make me assimiliate into their infested, Tenno-fleshly, t-cell legion and be like them or something whatever they keep preaching?(Remember: they did come from failed Tenno experiments and can be that hate fuel for corpus and grineer)"KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!"... then find some Tenno babes, because its pretty much Adam and Eve... and Mary and Anna and Delilah and etc./ Adam and Joseph and  Michael and etc. and Eve(you get the picture, I hope. It's only Tenno and Corrupteds left after that, which is kind of scary, personally).


All and all, can't wait for the event an see players PoV in action.

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