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The 'which Side?' Megathread. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


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I don't see how one weapon exclusive, Or anything else equates to a 'DLC'.


It's just life. Limited edition car? They only make so many. And thus it's called limited edition. It's not, Not fair. It's just how it is. Or any other thing besides a car, For that matter. It gives a special feeling for those who have it, And those who don't need to just deal with it. There's many things in life I don't have, Probably will never have. Solution: Come to terms. Deal with it. If everyone has something, It loses all it's value and feel, And is no longer exclusive. Thus, Why even make it a reward for the event. When you could get it any time later, And on your own timeline.

Not sure if thats defending my point or against it but your opinion is valued. I wouldn't say deal with it as DE want this game balanced in a way so that it works for everyone. But I think maybe event rewards can carry on as drops in the next event then no more. That way everyone has two chances to get them and everybody wins except for the ones who refuse to do it.

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Only things that should be exclusive are Unique skin/emblems.

Or early access to said mod would be ok.

I suppose that would work so long as the mod is early access instead of obtainable almost immediately after. :P

Weapons should be event only still though :P

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Its not that the game was made for Co-op its just that solo play does work. Its kinda like MMO games today... at the start some levels can be played solo, some cannot... later on when your stronger, superior gear, better player with more skill you could easily go back to those levels you couldn't beat solo, and finally beat them solo. Everything in the game can be beaten alone.

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Well I showed up a bit late but meh.


I'm going Corpus because I hate MOA's and the shield drones, so I'd rather have them on my side then have to fight them.




Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer (I guess?).

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Not sure if thats defending my point or against it but your opinion is valued. I wouldn't say deal with it as DE want this game balanced in a way so that it works for everyone. But I think maybe event rewards can carry on as drops in the next event then no more. That way everyone has two chances to get them and everybody wins except for the ones who refuse to do it.


Editted for clarity, But generally on your side about event exclusives should stay event exclusives.

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That would kill the game not me. I'm A REAL PERSON NOT A PROGRAM!

Are you sure ? Have you had these strange feelings to assimilate with a computer lately ? If so you may actual be a computer and time is running short. Speak with Derf Anyo to be saved!

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Its not that the game was made for Co-op its just that solo play does work. Its kinda like MMO games today... at the start some levels can be played solo, some cannot... later on when your stronger, superior gear, better player with more skill you could easily go back to those levels you couldn't beat solo, and finally beat them solo. Everything in the game can be beaten alone.

Yeah, I like that but in events they make it exceptionally hard for those who play single player whether it's preference or connection and it gives them three decisions. 1: don't do it. 2: Do the event even though it is harder and longer on solo when it should be balanced or 3: Play online to get it over with faster but have less fun due to connection issues or just plain not getting on with others.

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4: My last and final point

More rewarding feeling. The strun wraith for the survival event was a good reward, but for most of these events we were awarded mods that could be gained afterwards anyway by most of the players. If an event is going to award us, the reward should be limited to only the event.

Rule #1, exclusives in all games are always a bad thing no matter what ever.

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Rule #1, exclusives in all games are always a bad thing no matter what ever.

they wouldn't be known as "Exclusives" I'm just meaning they would be limited only to the said event and possibly some after. I don't want event rewards to be a regular thing you can find whenever you want. Maybe if the event rewards were in other events as well (as drops) I wouldn't mind as much.

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Think about it:

If other players have more, do you have less automatically?



If your coop teammates decimate the enemy because they have good mods and weapons, is this a good or a bad thing?


Think about it:

If other players have more, do you have less automatically?



If your coop teammates decimate the enemy because they have good mods and weapons, is this a good or a bad thing?

it is a good thing if you're someone who likes playing the game without any effort at all. I prefer killing enemies, not relying on others to do so for me. I much prefer solo play.

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To side with the Corpus and make the Grineer Empire weaken, also possibly creating brainwashed Corpus-Tenno hybrids...


Or to side with the Grineer to stop the Corpus, but also to possibly allow the Tenno to die...


The choice is yours...




I think I'll side with the Grineer. Better dead than brainwashed to fight your own, but to each their own, I guess.

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I'm siding with the Grineer.

All they've really done to us is send Informers to try and monitor Tenno. And that went so well for them.

Corpus, on the other hand, created Fusion Moa specifically to murder Tenno. Do I really want to ally with someone who did that?

Oh, let's not forget that they'd rather send the coordinates of the Grineer Settlements into the Void before giving it to us; what makes you think they'd give back the sleeping Tenno? (EDIT: Or what they might do to these Tenno before giving them back..)


So yeah, Grineer all the way.

Edited by Nealybealy
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Well in the Livestream it seemed like they do want to Reward people for taking the stealth way in Solo with better rewards. So I hope that happens at least. I know that doesnt really help what your talking about but that does show that they have there eye on solo a bit.

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