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The 'which Side?' Megathread. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


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I don't think it really is a typo. Alad V currently holds those Tenno hostage. If we fight for him, we stay on his good side and he probably won't harm those captured cryopods yet, giving us a chance to find out where he's keeping them and rescue them later. If we fight for the Grineer, there is a very high possibility that Alad will destroy those cryopods in revenge, especially since neither the Grineer nor the Lotus know where he's keeping those cryopods. As such, if we fight for the Grineer, in a way we do leave these Tenno at the mercy of Alad.


I'm still fighting for the Corpus. The Grineer are just simple-minded war-mongers anyway. May as well keep the Corpus alive, considering they actually have a constructive purpose in the solar system, managing the Solar Rails transport system as well as local trade. Plus, the Grineers made Rollers, Scorches and Napalms. They must die for that.

Edited by Madotsuki
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It does make sense if you think about it really hard

Read it again without the fanboy goggles on.

Thematically it makes no sense, first the Lotus says they can't in good conscience tell you who to pick before only listing positives for one side and negatives for the other.

It's plain bad writing, almost to the point of being a three card trick with one card missing.

Also we already know exactly what is happening to those captured Tenno, they're going to end up being diced up as part of U11 so the playerbase's choice has even less bearing on meaning anything to the lore/story/whatever.

Edited by waaaaaaaals
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Read it again without the fanboy goggles on.

Thematically it makes no sense, first the Lotus says they can't in good conscience tell you who to pick before only listing positives for one side and negatives for the other.

It's plain bad writing, almost to the point of being a three card trick with one card missing.

Also we already know exactly what is happening to those captured Tenno, they're going to end up being diced up as part of U11 so the playerbase's choice has even less bearing on meaning anything to the lore/story/whatever.

Really, Maybe you need take of your Fanboy goggles off, Its been 3 hours since the original post if DE wanted to fix they would of already done so. Those Tenno are going to get capture no matter what happens there already a part of the Berserk project.

Edited by Gravefire
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This event seems to completely break lore, do you have to pick a side?


Why not give us a 3rd option to join neither and go rogue? What's the point in joining two factions that we kill on a daily basis that also want to kill us on a daily basis?


Is this why the Stalker is who he is?

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Really, Maybe you need take of you Fanboy goggles off, Its been 3 hours since the original post if DE wanted to fix they would of already done so. Those Tenno are going to get capture no matter what happens there already a part of the Berserk project.


All the more reason to slaughter both sides indiscriminately.

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Well if you join the Corpus you save the Tenno and stave off the Grineer expansion. It's the most lore friendly choice.


There's actually some sort of typo/misinformation on the Lotus post I believe.


Siding with the Corpus means you stop the Grineer from gaining more power, but you leave the cryostasis Tenno at the mercy of Alad V.


Siding with the Grineer means you stop Alad V. from using those Tenno, but it also means allowing the Grineer to gain more power than they already have.

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Really, Maybe you need take of your Fanboy goggles off, Its been 3 hours since the original post if DE wanted to fix they would of already done so. Those Tenno are going to get capture no matter what happens there already a part of the Berserk project.

DE spent over a week with forma droprates at 0.67% and several months with some seriously wonky rates on heated charge for defense missions.

They don't fix thing quickly even when it's pointed out to them.

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Well, you could flip-flop between factions, which is probably the closest to "killing everyone" as this event seems to get.  However, doing so will most likely void your possibility of getting whatever rewards the "War Heroes" get.


(Or just, not participate at all like others said, but that's a boring answer.)


As for the Stalker, well we'll just have to wait until we can probe him thoroughly for a solid answer.

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Don't have the choice in the matter. Personal I want both sides to have a reward each having better appeal to work for.


You do depending on how far you want to take it. If there is not a legit third option i'm leaning towards playing something else over the course of this event. As much as i love this game i will not be pidgin-holed

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Well, I think that in a Corpus vs Grineer war, the main point would be the economy and the strategy.


Grineer's units are patched up clones. They look cheaper, at least for the light units. Their weapons don't require too much ressources, except for the Ogris and the Ignis. We could think that making clones would be expensive and take time, but obviously they are not that complex.


Corpus' units are carrying Clan tech weapons, and those cost a lot of ressources. But the Corpus control the market and can get enough ressources to maintain a high production pace. However, their empire is less expanded than the Grineer's.


We can think that Corpus could just cut off the exchange market, but Grineer's Empire is wide enough to be self-sufficient. But being wide is maybe a weakness too as in a total war they could have to defend themselves on many fronts. The Corpus could then take some settlements down and avoid the Grineers to exploit their current resources.


Why I think the Grineer might win, is more about a motivation reason. This Empire is obviously totalitarian, based on tyranny and dictatorship. High ranked commanders such as Ruk or Vor can motivate their troops like no one else, being blindly idolized. Grineers also have a huge experience in resistance tactics.

Indeed they have a reason to fight but robots don't need a reason to fight hek they feel no pain that can give them an edge.


Stalker is the Didact

I know and Lotus is the librarian


OP while ur descriptions are nice you missing many units on both sides... especially Grineers. Let's have a comparison:


Grineer will be red while Corpus will be green


Melee Units Comparison:


Sawman - Powerfist - Flameblade - Scorpion - Eviscerator




Prod Crewman



Grineers clearly win, Scorpions and Flameblades alone could erase every single Prod Crewman from a ship without the help of the rest.


Standard Units Comparison:


Trooper - Lancer - Elite Lancer - Shield Lancer - Seeker - Ballista - Scorch




Crewman - Sniper Crewman - MOA



Once again Grineers clearly win, while MOAs are nice DPS they simply cant compete with Scorches and, if happens that the Scorch is behind a Shield Lancer well... gg & no re.


Heavy Units Comparison:


Heavy Gunner - Napalm - Bombard - Commander - Hellion




Elite Crewman - Corpus Tech - Shockwave MOA - Railgun MOA - Fusion MOA - Drone



I would say this is a Tie, both factions have great units, Techs are slightly stronger than Heavy Gunners and Bombards and can self-deploy Shield Ospreys, Drones are quite strong too... but on the other side we've the fearsome Napalms and the extremely high AoE DPS Hellion. Tie.


Support Units Comparison:


Latcher - Roller - Informer




Shield Osprey - Mine Osprey - Leech Osprey



Another Tie, both of the factions have different types of Support Units... Grineers are focus on disabling and CC'ing the enemy while Corpus's ones are focused on defense... they are equally important so it's a Tie again.

I will add them all in soon enough with great detail until then though this is all I got :) Yours is a very good one though thanks!

Edited by alphex
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DE spent over a week with forma droprates at 0.67% and several months with some seriously wonky rates on heated charge for defense missions.

They don't fix thing quickly even when it's pointed out to them.

That's in game crap not forum information. Take your hot headiness else where.

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In the end, I think the Grineer would win due to them having so much more AoE damage at their disposal. Especially with Scorchers being so overpowered after the Ignis buff.

But think about a full scale war here. Would they real stand a chance against a hyena squad and some Jackals?

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That's in game crap not forum information. Take your hot headiness else where.

This is a pretty picture with words on it, they probably have two people who have access to the assets and neither know what they're supposed to change it to.

I'm fine here by the way, thanks for the concern.

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