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The 'which Side?' Megathread. With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies?


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Hopefully DE will realize their mistake in making siding with the grineer the only morally acceptable choice. This transmission changed the event from "just choose what you feel like choosing and use one of your ennemies to inflict massive damage on the other" to "SAVE YOUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS! JOIN GRINEER!"


Eh, I guess at least Yuikami is being delighted right now.

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I don't care about the other tenno, we have to balance the solarsystem, even if it means to sacrifice our brothers and sisters!


I'll quote myself, striking out the one non-applicable part.


So, we do have an issue here. With you. Your behaviour.


You seem to think that picking any side is a matter of loyalty, and that siding with the Corpus means being against the Grineer. I have a pretty condensed message for you: They are both our enemies. We hate both of them. Both of them hunt us, kill us, steal our Cryopods, perform experiments, cut us up, try to steal our technology, despise us and will do anything to destroy us. The only reason why we side with one party in this conflict is riding on their waves, to drive in the dagger deeper, and twist the blade in the flesh.


We are not allying with Grinner or Corpus. They are our enemies.


The only allies we have are the fellow Tenno, the very beings AladV wants to slice and dice for his research. Siding with Corpus is treason to the Tenno cause. We need to save those Tenno, even if that helps the Grineer. It has nothing to do with being a fanboy, but with a cold, logical decisions to execute a mission by standing strategical parameters.


PS: Corpus are also the only party in the Solar system that can be a long-lasting, sustained enemy. Any damage we deal to the Corpus helps the Tenno cause in the long run.


Live up to your German heritage and show some strategical thinking.

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Imagine you wake up after a long cryonap only to see Alad's face leering at you, with all sorts of corpus surgical implements and mechadendrites quivering at the opportunity to dissect a live Tenno.

Nope.jpg. Grineer4evar.

that.... that.... that sounds terribly exciting *-*~~

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In this message the Lotus tell us to fight for what ever side we want to,




and that we have the power as a whole to chose what side we want to win. but instead of the Lotus choosing what side that will help us most or just telling us to stay out of this war she chooses to cause division and conflict among the Tenno witch could lead to the fall of the Tenno, or even a civil war. If a civil war happens within the tenno then it will lead to all out war between all of the factions and cripple if not destroy the Tenno or even everything in the solar system. 


If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

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I'd really like devs to explain themselves here.

Also if tenno seek balance, aren't we supposed to stop wars instead of contributing to them and causing more and more causalities?

more and more casualties? sound like a decent way to stop a war.

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And why did you do that? I wanted mine to stand alone.


Because it was redundant. If it has to do with Corpus vs. Grineer in this upcoming event, it gets merged to this megathread. This is the place to discuss which side people will choose, what the messages from each side (and the lotus) means.

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Because it was redundant. If it has to do with Corpus vs. Grineer in this upcoming event, it gets merged to this megathread. This is the place to discuss which side people will choose, what the messages from each side (and the lotus) means.

I was trying to make a point not talk about what side to chose or what the messages mean. I was trying to see what people think about what I was saying not get merged! I only put the Corups Vs Grineer in the title so people could tell by the title that it was about the event. well never mind if you think it should be merged I guess it's ok but I would still rather it not be.

Edited by Bobobknight11
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"Lotus Transmission Correction:

The Lotus received conflicting intel yesterday. Here is the correct intel:

“If you choose to fight with the Grineer for Sargas Ruk, you can save the sleeping Tenno but the Grineer will grow even stronger. Fight for the Corpus and weaken Grineer supremacy however, our comrades fall to the mercy of Alad V.” "



Edited by Alohoe
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Because it was redundant. If it has to do with Corpus vs. Grineer in this upcoming event, it gets merged to this megathread. This is the place to discuss which side people will choose, what the messages from each side (and the lotus) means.

I beg to differ. Unless the devs read carefully the thread, which I bet they doesn't, the only thing they MIGHT see from the title is people discussing which faction to side with.

It isn't. Not anymore. We now want DE to understand that the choice appears skewed, the basics of the event badly, badly done.


We, as tennos, should join the war only to ensure that BOTH the grineer and the corpus LOSE. By maximizing the casualties and balancing the war so as for it to last longer. We want BOTH OF THEM to be weaker at the end of the event, and the cryopods to be in our hands. TL;DR We win, everyone else lose.

Meanwhile, DE is saying that we HAVE to make one side WIN.



And this thread, failing a huge derail, isn't about that. If only by the title.


We need a "Why can't we fight for TENNO side?" thread.

Edited by Kaian-a-coel
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