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Friendly Lich "Beacons"


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I've got a converted Lich buddy that I'd like to hang out with a bit more often. It seems like the only way to get him to occasionally spawn is by dying once. Can't we get a "Lich Beacon" consumable gear item of sorts to acquire, build, and use? I think a decent cost for a friendly x5 Lich beacon BP could be 9k Ferrite, 5 Gallium, 15k Nano Spores, and 1,000 Kuva along with some credit cost. It could function the same way as regular Lich spawning in goes, but with a longer 8-10 minute timer for assistance or even no timer at all.


What's the point of converting a Lich if you never get to have them in action with you? (I know selling, but that's a different topic.)

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The Kuva cost needs to go, Liches are really just novelties, so making consumable gear summons cost an notable resource like that makes it not worth making for most, even for me and I personally love summons and AI allies.

I'd personally love to be able to summon Liches on command, but I think DE's locked in this mindset that Liches are supposed to be "saviors at your moments of desperation that turn the tide of battle in your favor". Y'know. Instead of just the bloke that comes in and makes a lot noise randomly after you die.

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That's a fair point. I considered the elevated resource cost initially since Liches appear to be rather powerful units (depending on how the enemy levels compare), but having kuva as part of the resource cost is a bit too much.

Good analogy at the end though as all they currently do in-game is exactly that, whenever they do decide to show up.

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1 hour ago, gavkguid said:

I've got a converted Lich buddy that I'd like to hang out with a bit more often. It seems like the only way to get him to occasionally spawn is by dying once. Can't we get a "Lich Beacon" consumable gear item of sorts to acquire, build, and use? I think a decent cost for a friendly x5 Lich beacon BP could be 9k Ferrite, 5 Gallium, 15k Nano Spores, and 1,000 Kuva along with some credit cost. It could function the same way as regular Lich spawning in goes, but with a longer 8-10 minute timer for assistance or even no timer at all.


What's the point of converting a Lich if you never get to have them in action with you? (I know selling, but that's a different topic.)

I hate to say it and your going hate it, I read your thing your suggestion but I have to kindly declined this idea because we had moments of making whole bunch of friendly lich buddies and making huge army of them is basically just pretty much.  As we got specters actually do huge amount jobs during mission time and they are really powerful if anyone forgot that specters balance during mission and this vid is very old one too.



we had spewing load of specters during this time and they were super great even by it's own even the extra specter frames which Atlas/Prime did really super good job making tons more minions as wukong can summon free specter gunning down enemies or blowing them up which bringing in another trouble summoning free kuva liches friends will just create more fire wood for the fire that is burning out of control hot.  This is why I have to denied, to this reason we been saving lots specters and trust me we had a lot even now and unleashing more the force your tapping unspeakable power for we the player do not like nerf on specters so this is why I have to declined your idea but I cannot stop other who may attend like the idea or not because it is their own will to act on this thread.


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I would rather we make them stay in the mission and never run off. 


Kk maybe if they lose 2/3 of max hp, or have a click x to send them away on them. 

Could also just make it so liches can spawn more then once a mission. If you have 40 why can’t a few pop up. Not at the same time, but after the 1st has left.

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  • 3 months later...
On 2020-09-29 at 2:54 AM, gavkguid said:

I've got a converted Lich buddy that I'd like to hang out with a bit more often. It seems like the only way to get him to occasionally spawn is by dying once. Can't we get a "Lich Beacon" consumable gear item of sorts to acquire, build, and use? I think a decent cost for a friendly x5 Lich beacon BP could be 9k Ferrite, 5 Gallium, 15k Nano Spores, and 1,000 Kuva along with some credit cost. It could function the same way as regular Lich spawning in goes, but with a longer 8-10 minute timer for assistance or even no timer at all.


What's the point of converting a Lich if you never get to have them in action with you? (I know selling, but that's a different topic.)

Glad to see somone thinks they shold give the Converted kuva lich a bit more attansion i agree really wish they could add a function that makes you summon the lich's you converted rather let them wait til you die i think it would be more fun i mean i like to summon and ai friend to help me i really agree with your opnion on kuva lich well exept the part of using res to summon that would be a little brutal honstly XD.


I also have posted some of the idea on my comment i sent out on the forums Its called (Kuva lich that i wished had on the game) feel free to look and see and please feel free to tell me your honest opinion if want to not gona force anyone. :)

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On 2020-09-29 at 2:54 AM, gavkguid said:

I've got a converted Lich buddy that I'd like to hang out with a bit more often. It seems like the only way to get him to occasionally spawn is by dying once. Can't we get a "Lich Beacon" consumable gear item of sorts to acquire, build, and use? I think a decent cost for a friendly x5 Lich beacon BP could be 9k Ferrite, 5 Gallium, 15k Nano Spores, and 1,000 Kuva along with some credit cost. It could function the same way as regular Lich spawning in goes, but with a longer 8-10 minute timer for assistance or even no timer at all.


What's the point of converting a Lich if you never get to have them in action with you? (I know selling, but that's a different topic.)

i would say best solution would be to have kuva lich as companion instead of other companions with some new set of kuva mods (guess what would be used instead of endo to rank up that mods)

some balancing should be done but other than that it would make most sense

but even so how to balance it out so it would not be game breaking? but i think it would be possible

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I honestly hate beacons and would like the normal way to stay, but with a little change.

1st don’t limit missions to 1 lich spawn. 2 don’t limit each player to 1 lich spawn. so each player should be able to trigger a lich every time an event that spawns one happens. Once per converted lich.


so if you converted 1 lich once you trigger it it won’t spawn again. If you have 20 you can trigger a new lich 20 times so long as you don’t have an active  allied one.

What they have now the single trigger in a mission of anyone’s lich is lame.

Sorry edit

K remember the NPC that spawned from Nigjtwave that would spawn in and revive us. Ya let’s give the liches that coding.

K also

When we get a Railjack crew a new gear that should be free could be made that fills empty player slots with crew. When your crew dies replace that slot with an converted lich.

Click the gear to activate and deactivate NPC party.

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