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Optimal way to use umbral forma



Hello guys, i am not near to get one but ill get it sooner or later. For melee mods i dont think it is worth using.  I have 2 main frames whichs are ash and nidus. I like them both but like nidus slightly more. Is it sensible to use on nidus for 3 umbral mod bonus? Something like this? https://overframe.gg/build/90363/ 
Or ash https://overframe.gg/build/89340/ash-prime/fantasy-umbral-duration-ninja-build/ ?

And btw steelcharge or corrosive projection? 

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Nidus prime is predicted to be released some time next year (maybe summer 2021).  As you can see on that Ash build, you can use 1 umbral forma for all 3 umbral mods to fit. Steel Charge also gets you 4 more slots than Corrosive Projection. Probably needed for umbral build.

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4 minutes ago, Ymoraa said:

Are you guys sure about nidus prime?

DE follows release order (mostly) for when a frame gets a prime version. As well as a 2 Male, 2 Female pattern.

We just now had Inaros Prime, Next one will be Nezha Prime. So after that we will have 2 Female frames, almost certainly gonna be Octavia and then Gara, since those are the 2 oldest female frames without a prime variant, and after that we will have 2 male frames. Nidus prime should be in that cycle.

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Same, i don't use EHP mods on Ash, Nidus is not a prime so it's out of the question.

I would spend them on Mesa P., Valkyr P., Chroma P., Trinity P. (if you think the armor increase is worth it), maybe Oberon P., Saryn P., Rhino P. or Frost P..

I would spend on one melee you really like using, personally i spent one on Sancti Magistar.

I also spent one on Banshee Prime, because duck the meta, it still gave some increase with just Umbral Intensify. (still hope they add other Umbral mods for more variety to complete the sets with 3/3 bonuses with off-meta frames and glass cannons)

Or wait for Khora P., Wisp P., Nidus P., Gara P. and Nezha P., you don't even have to wait much for Nezha at this point.

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