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Chat Block



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13 минут назад, Leyvonne сказал:

1. Wrong language.
2. Up to 7 days if it was your first time, if not it can be longer.

7 days for wrong language without any bad words?? mmmmmm. nice job DE. So, if I meet a DE worker on the street, he will be Canadian, but I say hello to him in French - he has the right to break my nose and send me to jail? charmingly

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3 minutes ago, AdvisorZ said:

7 days for wrong language without any bad words?? mmmmmm. nice job DE. So, if I meet a DE worker on the street, he will be Canadian, but I say hello to him in French - he has the right to break my nose and send me to jail? charmingly

wow overreaction much bro?

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4 минуты назад, baldy117 сказал:

wow overreaction much bro?

I think this is a normal reaction to such an unfair absurdity. Dont you? The difference between the situations is that the game has 7 days of blocking for a greeting in another language. and on the street - a nose and a prison, for the same reason. With such a policy, then "Why not?"
UPD: Also
I do not see anything "Safeguarding" in such measures. This is *acism.

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1 минуту назад, baldy117 сказал:

first of? why are you in spanish chat using Ruskie speak and not spanish?

1) Is this your business? 2) Am I forbidden to enter the country and greet it in my language? Do you want to forbid me or someone else? Try it.

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I would take the hint if the chat block was only in this region and only for a few minutes/hour. Like "Here. You MUST say" Hello "in the language of the region". But 7 days in whole Regions? Heh. I don't think so. This is already open *acism and disrespect for your neighbors.
In addition, I have never seen people banned in the Russian region for speaking another language.

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