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Gas status effect and gas damage need a buff / rework / revert.


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It has been more then a few months since status rework / changes.

Many of the "useless" status effects got a buff or a quality of life change (example : magnetic deals more damage to shields and forces a delay on enemy shield recharge).

But GAS went from decent to unusable, it only scales of BASE DAMAGE MODS (example: serration, conditional overload, hornet strike etc.) and of FACTION MODS. Compared to before where it used to scale off toxin element mods (the toxin tick damage that proc), base damage mods and faction mods. (every other elemental damage status effect scales of its own elemental mod, for example heat,electric,toxin).
Take the newest video of an unnamed youtuber that posted about a "broken" GAS build for example (the video is missleading and clickbait btw :D ), where he struggles to even kill Steel Path grineer (that are primed, aka sprayed,  with viral using a kuva nukor) enemies with gas that are around lvl 120 to 150 (that is still considered low level, since lvl 300 enemies should have double the HP and Armor).
Also GAS is either neutral or does less damage agains faction that are actualy "tanky". It does have a damage bonus agains some infested, but lets be honest .... you can kill infested with pretty much anything .....

So i'm hoping, that with Zakti Prime coming out soon DE could buff /  rework / revert changes on GAS. I'm also hoping for the unnamed youtuber to either start making better videos or stop making clickbait / missleading videos.

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Oh, you're referring to this Youtube video

Like you said, gas is currently useless in terms of damage, shown evidently in the video where viral affected enemies (by Kuva Nukor) are barely damaged from gas. It's not meta. Even though it's Steel Path, other status would deal significantly more damage, such as slash.

In the stream a week ago, Scott (one of DE developers) mentioned they would make critical chance and status changes. Notably, in his twitter account he mentioned he would leave the good stuff untouched and buff the weak stuff (hopefully gas).


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That's DE for you. They change status effects, supposedly after much deliberation. A random player tries Gas damage for 5 minutes, and finds it to be absolutely broken, possibly due to a bug.

No worries, it's not like you just broke a part of your game that didn't need fixing. It's not like the results of your actions should have been 100% obvious to you from a single look at the changes, and that it wasn't totally doesn't betray a concerning lack of understanding. It's all good, you might take another look at the broken mess you made in 5 years.

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4 hours ago, PikachuUsedPhantomForce said:

It has been more then a few months since status rework / changes.

Many of the "useless" status effects got a buff or a quality of life change (example : magnetic deals more damage to shields and forces a delay on enemy shield recharge).

But GAS went from decent to unusable, it only scales of BASE DAMAGE MODS (example: serration, conditional overload, hornet strike etc.) and of FACTION MODS. Compared to before where it used to scale off toxin element mods (the toxin tick damage that proc), base damage mods and faction mods. (every other elemental damage status effect scales of its own elemental mod, for example heat,electric,toxin).
Take the newest video of an unnamed youtuber that posted about a "broken" GAS build for example (the video is missleading and clickbait btw :D ), where he struggles to even kill Steel Path grineer (that are primed, aka sprayed,  with viral using a kuva nukor) enemies with gas that are around lvl 120 to 150 (that is still considered low level, since lvl 300 enemies should have double the HP and Armor).
Also GAS is either neutral or does less damage agains faction that are actualy "tanky". It does have a damage bonus agains some infested, but lets be honest .... you can kill infested with pretty much anything .....

So i'm hoping, that with Zakti Prime coming out soon DE could buff /  rework / revert changes on GAS. I'm also hoping for the unnamed youtuber to either start making better videos or stop making clickbait / missleading videos.

A) i feel like the status rework didnt solve the problem that most elements arent worth using and would like DE to take a second look at buffing some of the weaker ones, including gas.

B) i'm not a fan of clickbait. Im especially not a fan of when certain people post video after video with THE MOST BUSTED OP AWESOME $&*^ EXPLODING THING EVER as the title every single time.


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2 hours ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

A) i feel like the status rework didnt solve the problem that most elements arent worth using and would like DE to take a second look at buffing some of the weaker ones, including gas.

B) i'm not a fan of clickbait. Im especially not a fan of when certain people post video after video with THE MOST BUSTED OP AWESOME $&*^ EXPLODING THING EVER as the title every single time.


The only good thing about the status changes was the removal of 4xIPS proc weighting, but that's more about how Puncture and Impact have lackluster procs that dilute the pool away from useful ones. 

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Honestly, as long as armor scales the way it does, will keep running into the same problem. Toxin against Corpus. Bleeds against armor, with viral, fire and/or corrosive in the mix. Radiation for bosses.

Without capping armor scaling, reworking status will yield the same result, as it did before.

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