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I made a mini Saryn build guide


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For self healing I went entirely to magus repair and elevate. It always felt like regen molt just didnt heal enough. For a Spore build range is obviously good but that's not all Saryn is able to do. Between venom dose and toxic lash you have very powerful self buffs. If you just go for a self buffing build (for example in disruption) replacing miasma is not a bad idea in those situations.

I am not convinced about replacing toxic lash ever because of how much it helps spreading spores and the damage increase. On my spore build i replaced molt with radial blind (mainly an ESO build) and on my self buffing build i replaced miasma with eclipse. Both work quite well even with my low efficiency.

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1 hour ago, Signs said:


2/10. I was slightly amused.

In my opinion there are 4 ways to build Saryn:

  1. Low level caster - needs more efficiency and range.
  2. ESO - the closest to your build, but you have too much defense, not enough range.
  3. Brute force - needs Venom Dose, kill with weapons.
  4. Steel Path - Spores just debuff, kill with Toxic Lash.
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3 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

2/10. I was slightly amused.

In my opinion there are 4 ways to build Saryn:

  1. Low level caster - needs more efficiency and range.
  2. ESO - the closest to your build, but you have too much defense, not enough range.
  3. Brute force - needs Venom Dose, kill with weapons.
  4. Steel Path - Spores just debuff, kill with Toxic Lash.

I used this build to comfortably get through steel path as Saryn. Believe it or not, with this much defense, it's still possible to die in steel path if you're not careful enough just due to the sheer amount of enemies in the steel path. I felt like dropping any defense would just make my run-through steel path just way more work on my end having to keep going in and out of operator, etc.

I just wanted to make a general Saryn build. For low levels I have a high eff high range build mostly focused for miasma to just nuke basically all of the starchart. 

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10/10 for effort, presentation looks good.

The build, however, lacks focus and some of the (almost) mandatory mods, like range an GP.

Empower and roar, I'd only take on a melee build, which yours might be, but you have overextended for some reason.

You should also add the rest of the mods for the build, being a guide and all.

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7 hours ago, Signs said:


Enemy Radar: personal preference, even with the Vulpaphylas
Primed Sure Footed: To never die while lying on the floor
Stretch+Overextended: Range mods to nuke obviously and better CC coverage
Umbral Intensify+Transient Fortitude+Blind Rage: To not only get to minimum of 100% corrosive proc chance, but also increase the rate that spores have its damage ramps up. More shield from Condemn, More damage from her 3, etc.
Primed Continuity: Since investing into too much duration isn't a thing for Saryn, neither does dumping it since to make her 3 and 4 be usable.
Rolling Guard+Natural Talent: the former is a good alternative since I dump Molt for more upfront shield gating refresh (meaningful tradeoff) and the latter is just attack speed for casters and it feel nice to unload ability rotations fast as possible.

Arcanes: Arcane Strike and Arcane Energize

Zenurik, Magus Lockdown, and Magus Elevate

This build I show just be unkillable vs non-toxin while retains full glass cannon nuke.

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