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A Chance To Make It Right


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Remember that "Whatever they are paying you, I'll double it!" situation? Yeah, combine that with a free Detron and we have a deal. And put away the knife, way too predictable.

Oh, and add half the sleeping Tenno you found.

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Just you wait... One the last day of the event the Infested will crash the party making the Corpus and Grinner put aside this battle to protect themselves for a galaxy divided cannot stand. As the Grineer and Corpus fight with each other they will be distracted, always looking over their shoulder. Waiting. Waiting for the other faction's betrayal. As they cautiously fight together, we the true defenders of the galaxy, the ones who make the sacrifice with a  heavy heart to protect the colonists of Mars, the ones who have skillfully laid plans will take back our brothers and sisters from both the Corpus and Grineer. The Tenno who wish to take sides, and sell themselves out are the fodder for this grand plan. Though I shall also warn you, there will be heretics. Those who will join the Infested side. There will also be manslayers. Those who take the Corpus and Grineer side so after the Infested are pushed back they can have the war resume. It is time we make our pressence known. To make known who are the real Tenno. I await seeing you in are glorious moment. Until then Godspeed my fellow Tennos.

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Honestly I don't care for either side. Even the Lotus seems suspicious at best (seriously, what's her appeal to the tenno? If she really wanted to help us she would give us more info about who and what we are fighting and WHY we are fighting. "Lets go destroy this mining equipment because if we don't the enemy might develop wepons that another enemy already has which doesn't seem to make them more of a threat anyway." and "Break into this ship and slaughter everyone" - then afterward - "Oh did I forget to mention their helmets reflect bullets and that their security cameras track you for turrets and cause doorways to zap you with green lasers?"). Are we supposed to blindly trust a woman who we haven't even met, who tells us nothing of herself or her intentions, who knows who and what we are but fills us in on none of it because well all somehow have amnesia, and sends us on suicide missions WITHOUT EVEN PAYING US? "Hey thanks your doing all my dirty work, I hoped you scavenged some nice supplies, because your not getting anything from me." Not that there's anything on the market worth spending credits on - once you have all the major stuff, credits seem pretty useless. In fact I would be relieved to find out that Lotus is just ising us to gather powerful Orokin artifacts - then at least I would know why I'm fighting and be more certain of my own future.


So assuming I'm already being used by Lotus (come on seriously, you think she's just helping us from the good of her heart?), why would I want to be used by the Corpus too? The Grineer may be xenophonic, genetically failing totalitarians, but at least their goals are clear and simple. They want to fight anyone who opposes them, and fighting is something I can do as a Tenno. Worst case scenario they win and turn against me, but at least I can fight them as I've been doing before this whole argument started. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing that can beat Tenno is Orokin tech, and the grineer's xenophobia and self-pride seem to quash any major intent to seek out and utilize Orokin tech, something the Corpus actively do.


Of course if any side actually divulges true and believable information about the Tenno, the Lotus, or anything to convice me to fight or not to fight, my stance might change. But seriously, someone has to know something, and it seems the Tenno are being kept out of the loop, which doesn't lend any side much credit.


All in all, there is the potential of getting a new warframe if I side with the grineer, so why would I choose otherwise?

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Oh and by the way, why do the corpus sound like they some sort of gargling mole beast? Even the grineer language sounds more human, and they are severely genitically damaged. Is it those weird helmets? And what's the deal with everyone taking damage when the reinforced glass is broken? We are all wearing full body suits, and the robots should be immune anyway. Add this to the fact that when we get into the little Tenno shaped mold and leave, the ship exposes us to the vaccum of space before closing the doors... do they just not care? And why would the ships we are boarding have such ports in the first place? Does everyone exit in such a fashion? Even so, why would the enemy ship allow us to just come right up and dock our ships? The whole thing just seems weird. And what's with your MOAs? wouldn't it be more efficient to mass produce flying sentries? They would certainly be more mobile and present a smaller target to be shot at, not to mention they could fly out of melee range.


Lastly "corpus". I mean, are you supposed to be a sign of the second incarnation of the Nerevarine? Because that would SO be me.

^Bonus points if my refrence is nostalgic for you

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Greedy creeps. You think this is funny? You ain't runnin' no experients on my fellow Tenno, V.


Bro we just confirmed the Grineer do the exact same thing. So yeah rethink about the Grineer.

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Honestly I don't care for either side. Even the Lotus seems suspicious at best (seriously, what's her appeal to the tenno? If she really wanted to help us she would give us more info about who and what we are fighting and WHY we are fighting. "Lets go destroy this mining equipment because if we don't the enemy might develop wepons that another enemy already has which doesn't seem to make them more of a threat anyway." and "Break into this ship and slaughter everyone" - then afterward - "Oh did I forget to mention their helmets reflect bullets and that their security cameras track you for turrets and cause doorways to zap you with green lasers?"). Are we supposed to blindly trust a woman who we haven't even met, who tells us nothing of herself or her intentions, who knows who and what we are but fills us in on none of it because well all somehow have amnesia, and sends us on suicide missions WITHOUT EVEN PAYING US? "Hey thanks your doing all my dirty work, I hoped you scavenged some nice supplies, because your not getting anything from me." Not that there's anything on the market worth spending credits on - once you have all the major stuff, credits seem pretty useless. In fact I would be relieved to find out that Lotus is just ising us to gather powerful Orokin artifacts - then at least I would know why I'm fighting and be more certain of my own future.


So assuming I'm already being used by Lotus (come on seriously, you think she's just helping us from the good of her heart?), why would I want to be used by the Corpus too? The Grineer may be xenophonic, genetically failing totalitarians, but at least their goals are clear and simple. They want to fight anyone who opposes them, and fighting is something I can do as a Tenno. Worst case scenario they win and turn against me, but at least I can fight them as I've been doing before this whole argument started. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing that can beat Tenno is Orokin tech, and the grineer's xenophobia and self-pride seem to quash any major intent to seek out and utilize Orokin tech, something the Corpus actively do.


Of course if any side actually divulges true and believable information about the Tenno, the Lotus, or anything to convice me to fight or not to fight, my stance might change. But seriously, someone has to know something, and it seems the Tenno are being kept out of the loop, which doesn't lend any side much credit.


All in all, there is the potential of getting a new warframe if I side with the grineer, so why would I choose otherwise?

He knows too much.

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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!

You're holding some of our fellow Tennos hostage and now You dare to try making a deal with us?

We will crush Your armies, Your plans and Your entire existence.

You've offended the honor of the Tenno and now our blades are eager to taste Your "blood".


Prepare Yourself, Alad V...

Edited by Zeriphon
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I don't quite understand why anybody would willingly serve the degenerate hordes of the Grineer. Why strive for stagnation when you can strive for the future, together with what is left of humanity.

But by all means, continue to aid the Grineer. I'll be there to enjoy the sight of your battered corpse after the good general whom you serve stabs you in the back. Saves me the effort of having to do it myself.

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I like this event...I just wish you could back out of the choose your side screen, if your just trying to look at rewards, and if you can, how do you do so?

Hit Esc. Alternatively, hit the blue button and pick online, or solo or whatever its NOT on as default, then it should back out from mission even if countdown started. GL!

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General Sargas Ruk is a space nazi who hates anyone who is not Grineer. Who in their right mind wants to support such a #$&(%? What do you think will happen to the innocent civilians who suddenly find themselves under the rule of a "man" who thinks flesh is a flaw?


If we need to sacrifice a few of us to save thousands of helpless colonists then so be it, atleast I'm not aiding a space nazi.


P.S. I'll kick you in the nuts later Alad.

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