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What you'd love to see in Warframe by December 2021


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I think having a thread for this was a pretty smart idea! I've got a good number of things I'd like to see in the game someday, so maybe 2021 can cross a few off the list. I'll try to keep what I have reasonably organized :)


Various things I'd like to see from 2021 (& beyond):


Color palettes:

  • Color picker palettes that represent all the Prime Warframes thus far. Baro Ki’teer could bring this, since he has a dedicated taste for them.
    • I think it would be a nice idea if Excalibur Umbra’s colors were included within one of these palettes, but as for Excalibur Prime, I’d leave his scheme’s inclusion up to DE.
  • I think with all this, it would be an interesting option if you can see the name of the “Warframe - Color slot” when you mouse / move the cursor over a color from one of the Tenno Palettes / Prime frame palettes.
    • Basically, say you wanted to find Mirage Prime’s secondary energy color, you could go into one of the Prime Color palettes and hover over each one until a small UI thing says that particular slot (Mirage Prime - Secondary Energy), then this could be toggled on or off.
      • (Personally, I’ve narrowed that color down to the very bottom-left of the Emissive palette!)
    • In the reverse (This would also be a good toggle), perhaps if you hover over a frame’s color in their appearance section, it can tell you what color palette a given color is from (Tenno II - Column #, Row #)!
      • For frames, etc. with their default colors, this would have to work with uncustomized color slots as well, just to cover all the bases.


Fashion QoL:

  • For quite a long time I’ve been thinking, what if there was a way to invert the emissive / energy primary and secondary color slots, so you don’t have to spend tens of minutes trying to figure out which color should go where?

    Well, recently I thought of something much better: The ability to hold and drag colors to other spots! Pretty straightforward, all you need to do is hold the color that you want, and move the cursor to where you want it to go. When you drop it there, something pops up on-screen asking you if you want to swap the colors, place your color there, or cancel it.
    • Swapping the colors will just move the two around accordingly (Effectively you could invert the primary / secondary color slots by doing this too!).
    • Placing the color there is a copy & paste of it. And canceling the action will help in case of a near-mistake, etc.
  • Regarding front and back sigils, I think it would be very useful if you could have an option to copy your Warframe / Necramech’s emissive or energy color slots (Since Sigils use two colors!). This can help when trying to color-coordinate certain things for your loadouts.
  • Operators and animal companions could probably make good use of this as well!



  • Melee default wielding animations would be an interesting thing to see! Specifically, when your frame is holding a weapon in a certain way regardless of a stance mod in the arsenal (Like a single sword or polearm), those seem to me like a default sort of thing. But I’ve had a few ideas for some new ways to hold your various melee weapons both in the Arsenal & in the field.

    I’ll add a few pictures to this part when I can to show what I mean. It may take a day or two :)
    • For Polearms, I think a possible option would be to borrow from how certain frames hold a fishing rod!

      (Image(s) here)
    • For single swords, perhaps your frame can hold a sword back over their shoulder, and have the other hand on their hip.

      (Image here!)
    • Still thinking about other melee types, but it's not a priority, all things considered.
  • Speaking of default wielding animations, perhaps there could be some for various types of guns? James Bond came to mind, but I haven’t put as much thought into this yet.
  • That said, I think there could be some potential for how Operators hold their amps someday. This’ll certainly need more thought. (I recall there’s a different standing animation for each focus school, but I don’t know if each school has their own weapon stance)
    • A few possible ways the Operator could shoot a void beam would be taken from Iron Man, DBZ (Vegeta standing sideways to fire his Big Bang Attack), and things such as that!


Minor issues / bugs to resolve

Railjack Codex Entries:

  • With the Corpus Railjack update on the horizon, there are a few things throughout the Grineer missions that can either be highlighted in the scanner, have target names, etc. or just don’t even have collision or Codex Entries still. Not a complaint, but just the only issue I’ve had with Railjack so far. Here are some images of what I’ve seen so far:
    • Top turret of missile platform:

    • Side turret of missile platform:

      • Not sure if the different Proxima locations would have their own turret variants to scan, but it wouldn’t surprise me (More to scan :) )
      • That said, I have a feeling that one reason why the above turrets are unscannable, is because they can be flown through (No hitbox!). The scanner probably sees straight through them.
    • As for some more unscannable things, there’s still no sightings of Gyre & Exo roller sentries (To the best of my knowledge), so that would be a couple of gaps to fill in. As far as I’ve seen, only the Kosma Roller sentry is aboard Grineer ships.
    • (I'll have to double-check this) Last but not least, there is a core labeled “DESTROY” in certain Grineer objectives, which implies to me it might be scannable normally, but if you try to scan it, it doesn’t work. Granted, it’s not highlighted on the scanner (& it's behind a layer of glass / invisible wall). But some scannable objects aren’t either such as the pipes in Grineer sabotage missions (Unless I'm mistaken). It just seems rather strange to me when I see that.
    • There may be some Sentient things in Anomaly missions that don’t have entries either, but I’ll have to look into that when I can (I recall scanning some glowing objects during Scarlet Spear, but I haven’t seen those things in the Codex at all since then).


Various bugs I’ve found:

  • Just some short descriptions of things I’ve found that need fixing! These are still happening as of Deimos Arcana, so I'm not sure if they were fixed on PC.
    • Taking aim with the Sunpoint Plasma Drill in a mission or Open World area seems to cut off the bars on either side of the UI. Getting killed & reviving, falling out of the map & respawning etc. doesn’t work to fix it. However, the two side bars only stay cut off while you aren’t aiming.
      • This visual bug doesn’t occur until after you take aim the first time, and thankfully doesn’t affect how many mineral veins show up on the left-hand radar. I’m not aware if any other drills suffer from this issue.
    • K-Drive look links are broken, where it will show the Bondi K-Drive using your board’s color scheme, and it includes the nose. It doesn’t seem to include any other info (Needs confirmation) on-screen when you view it either.
    • Rather inconsistently, Necramechs may occasionally not pick up an Energy orb until after exiting / re-entering them. It may be hard to see this bug first-hand if you’re in the middle of a crowded room (I noticed this during T3 Arcana bounty missions occasionally, likely not the only location it can happen).
    • (Just happened a few hours ago as of this writing) This might be a bug, not sure. Acolytes spawned in Open world missions who take down your Necramech (If you happen to be using it at the time) treat that as a victory, and even though you didn’t actually get downed / needing a revival, the Acolyte still leaves. As far as I know, they only leave when you get downed, as taking out the Operator only sends you back to the Warframe.
      • I was wanting to scan Malice’s Nemes in the Orb Vallis earlier tonight, but this very thing happened to me. Thankfully, I had Helios right there just off to one side of Fortuna, so he snagged the last scan for me before I knew it! Malice leaving with his Steel Essence is one thing, but losing a chance to finish scanning an enemy is another issue sometimes.


More things from threads I've started!

These are a few more kinds of things I've been wanting to see happen someday (Which is why I'd expect all this in the post to take longer than 2021, considering what DE is already working on).

    • I thought of a lot of ideas, but they were unrelated here and there to one another. So I wanted to make a thread to keep them organized!
      • Actually, I need to update it in the near future with some recent things I thought of :)

    • I made this thread after thinking on it for a long time (& I had only posted about it beforehand in Upcoming Devstream threads), in order to increase the variability for all Operators across the game. I linked this thread with the "Varied Ideas" thread above it in order to save webpage scrolling, etc.
      • Operators still cannot wear Warframe Armor or Syandanas, but I believe that it will make them much better for it. The main issues I can think of to make it a reality, would be size scaling / clipping adjustments as they come (As well as creating any combinations of things such as a library, perhaps).

    • I made this thread some time ago, not long after Orphix Venom started on PC. I'm hoping that someday (Preferably before the Operation ends on PC) Voidrig and Bonewidow can be updated in a manner similar to what I've worked up to on the thread so that it could help current and future Tenno with significant situations like what Orphix Venom entails.
      • Plus, outside of major Operation events, the Voidrig now would have a way to sustainably heal itself and Necramech allies, as well as buffing non-Necramech users. Bonewidow has similar things in her updated kit too. I think everyone who uses Necramechs (& their squads) will benefit greatly from this, so I shared each Mech's info on relevant feedback threads a bit earlier tonight!


I hope it wasn't too long of a list, but I've been thinking of a lot of stuff like this in my time playing Warframe, so I'm looking forward to see what 2021 has to bring to the table!


(P.S.: If the images are too large, I'll downsize them asap tomorrow afternoon! Getting ready for bed as soon as I post this, at the moment)

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First and foremost, I want the new war. The intriguing story is the reason I decided to keep playing warframe after initially struggling with its convoluted gameplay and progression mechanics back in early 2018, and the fact that we have had so little story progression since then has made continuing with the game a struggle as well.

It has now been over 3 years since the Lotus left us. It has been two and a half years since the last main story quest. It has been over a year since the date we were originally told would bring the new war. And it has been 9 months since we’ve had any movement on their new idea for what the new war will be.

It’s getting downright ridiculous at this point. I know covid really threw a monkey wrench into their machine, and i know the studio can’t get back up to full speed, but come on. I don’t think Canada is in a total lockdown state. Surely a few people can go in and do some socially distanced motion capture. I could be wrong but I just have a hard time believing that it’s still completely impossible to make progress on tnw.

And no, a two minute long cut scene every 6 to 10 months isn’t going to cut it anymore.

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