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  1. @bitbucketprobaly best is to contact support mayb? and ask nicely if they can revert this for u, since u hard stuck
  2. how i tested it was via glaive & zarr witch also deals blast
  3. the secret variant, where u collect 60 eyes in steelpath, drops all 3 curses also x2 the only downside that fight is double the time than normal steelapath one. curse of seeing i had same issue, i just bite the bullet since i got a solo clan (ghost) which mean 10 runs of the 60eyes variant
  4. i jsut hope whe not meant todo the 60 eyes version in steelpath ( it drops all 3 x2)
  5. whe end as whe began (dont knwo where i got this from) and what i have so far:
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