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Why The Grineer?


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Why are people siding with the scum of the galaxy? They are going to kill everyone in that sector, is it that because it does not effect anyone in game? Scarifce is something Tenno must understand, I mean we are basically cyber samurais. Think about their honour and code? Do we not up hold those values and beliefs?

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Why are people siding with the scum of the galaxy? They are going to kill everyone in that sector, is it that because it does not effect anyone in game? Scarifce is something Tenno must understand, I mean we are basically cyber samurais. Think about their honour and code? Do we not up hold those values and beliefs?

The corpus would just indoctrinate anyone if they could. Why would we side with either side? You should ask that not why we side with Grineer. I mean I would rather save my allies now and defeat the Grineer with what help we get.

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Siding with the Grineer saves our comrades. The Grineer get more territory, but since when has that mattered to us? The Grineer are going to be a lot easier to turn around and betray than the Corpus will, and are less likely to have an effective counter-strategy.

On the flipside...

Siding with the Corpus sacrifices our comrades, for nothing. The Corpus retain territory, but are still basically our enemies anyways. They get to go ahead with the "Zanuka Project" which, *gasp* is in all likelihood a weapons project that will make them as strong if not stronger than the Grineer. So that means we'd be sandwiched between two gigantic military forces - the ones that just want to kill us, and the ones that see us as a source of profit before they kill us. Great.

I'm not even thinking about rewards, either. I decided on Grineer the moment I saw the setup for the event, based entirely on the provided lore. Just looking at the practical side of things, Grineer is the best choice (well, neutral aside, but then why have an event?) by far. /logic

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Really man are you a straight retard? I could not care less if the Grineer kill Corpus civilians because it will never effect us and is in a GAME. Stop referring to Nazis and WWII when discussing the Grineer it is so irritating they are @(*()$ virtual beings not real hence do not require sympathy. Loyalty is the essential duty of the soldier regardless of the side. Do you think the Nazis thought they were doing something wrong? They lost so we are taught they where. Without loyalty we are nothing.


i wonder how many Nazis said that to justify genocide?

Edited by PrototypeIV
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if I cmopetly msis sepll teh wrod od yuo sitll udnresatnd me? I love how you guys are baggering me about my spelling, instead of answering the question.(Thanks for everyone who answered) Typical #$&(% bagness ^

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Really man are you a straight retard? I could not care less if the Grineer kill Corpus civilians because it will never effect us and is in a GAME. Stop referring to Nazis and WWII when discussing the Grineer it is so irritating they are @(*()$ virtual beings not real hence do not require sympathy. Loyalty is the essential duty of the soldier regardless of the side. Do you think the Nazis thought they were doing something wrong? They lost so we are taught they where. Without loyalty we are nothing.

yeah, let's pull the "it's a game" card to justify acting like asses, then try to claim we should be "loyal" because that is good. Disconnect much?


Also, we are ninjas. not soldiers. Guerrilla fighters, terrorists in US-speak.

Edited by bobafetthotmail
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I side with the Grineer for two reasons, one in-game and the other out-of:


1 ) Our Tenno comrades. Alad V can talk all he wants about the Tenno being made Sargas Ruk's slaves afterward, but he's doing, or intends to do, something to the Tenno he's found - it's unlikely to be good for anybody involved; best to save our comrades from the horrors he has planned.

As for the Grineer capturing the Tenno...I've killed plenty of Grineer, and I'll kill plenty more.

Besides which, there would likely be an opportunity, during the changeover, to retrieve the currently-captured, and reconceal the whereabouts of others with well-placed deceptions, buying time to retrieve the others.


2 ) I'd much rather fight the Grineer than the Corpus, and if the Corpus win, they'll be the next foe to confront. I'd sooner take on ten Heavy Gunners than ten Elite Crewmen - at least the Heavy Gunners reward you accordingly.

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Really man are you a straight retard? I could not care less if the Grineer kill Corpus civilians because it will never effect us and is in a GAME. Stop referring to Nazis and WWII when discussing the Grineer it is so irritating they are @(*()$ virtual beings not real hence do not require sympathy. Loyalty is the essential duty of the soldier regardless of the side. Do you think the Nazis thought they were doing something wrong? They lost so we are taught they where. Without loyalty we are nothing.

heh, i used the reference because it was perfect for the quote.


blind loyalty, blind faith etc. only thing to come out of those is FANATICS, not soldiers. so dont talk to me about a soldiers duty. having actually been in the military, one of the things that is tought is the concept of an "illegal order" and things like morality, the fact that if and when that which you are supposed to be loyal to becomes the enemy, it is your duty as a soldier to disregard any notions of loyalty and fight against it.


i used the Nazi reference, because alot of Nazis justified their actions simply as "hey, i was just following orders, just as a soldier should be, i was loyal, i did nothing wrong".


over all, this whole thing was a philosofical point of view aimed at the notion of "loyalty" when it comes to choosing Grineer in this event.

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1. The Zanuka project is almost ready and Alad V said that he is going to use it against us "the system must be ridden of your hypocrisy"

2. The corpus have our brothers and they have a clear intention to transform those into weapons/robots/etc (stealing our technology to strengthen their own)

3. For most of the noobs the Corpus were a lot easier to kill

4. Better rewards (usually) if you help Grineer

5. Sargas Ruk is nicely proposing us to join him when Alad V is threatening us with his Zanuka project.

6. Corpus truly hate us and the lotus (they're insulting us: traitors and eyeless slag)...

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Why are people siding with the scum of the galaxy? They are going to kill everyone in that sector, is it that because it does not effect anyone in game? Scarifce is something Tenno must understand, I mean we are basically cyber samurais. Think about their honour and code? Do we not up hold those values and beliefs?

I do understand sacrifice. That's why I'm sacrificing colonists to enslavement, all so I can save my fellow tenno. 1 Tenno>50 colonists, easily. Its for the greater good of more than just my wallet.

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Then you acepted it already that the grineer will destroy the pods ?


Cease your deception, dissident. You have been found out. We know you work for your own gains, and we have told you, with thousands of voices: "No! Never!"


Keep your lies to yourself. It is the man who holds your leash in the left who is holding the knife in the right, to vivisect our brothers and sisters. You have forsaken them, because of your greed - accuse us not of your own follies. The courtroom is the Solar System, the judge is the result of this war, and you should prepare to hear the verdict.



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I think it's simply because the grineer look more badass in their battle scarred cyborg armor. I guess that's how most gamers think *shrug*


I support the corpus - okay, they might captivate the Tenno afterwards, but.... srsly? They can't capture us tennos.  We will break free in no time.


While helping the grineer will affect lots of innocent people. They'll make everyone their slaves D:



And last but not least, it looks like the grineer are winning, and people want to be on their side when they win... for a free weapon slot.

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