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Why The Grineer?


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I find your lack of common sense disturbing


Why? Because I did not pick your side? The weaker side? The side that is on the verge of killing our fellow Tenno?


Corpus - We will deffo slice those Tenno up.

Grineer - Save your buddies, we just want the colonies.


Balance? We fought the Grineer in the Fomorian event.


Supporting Corpus is fighting for Corpus supremacy, imbalance and forsaking your fellow Tenno. Sorry if that's not cool with me.

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Why? Because I did not pick your side? The weaker side? The side that is on the verge of killing our fellow Tenno?


Corpus - We will deffo slice those Tenno up.

Grineer - Save your buddies, we just want the colonies.


Balance? We fought the Grineer in the Fomorian event.


Supporting Corpus is fighting for Corpus supremacy, imbalance and forsaking your fellow Tenno. Sorry if that's not cool with me.

Are you realy that naive to believe that the grineer will let the the tenno go?

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Are you realy that naive to believe that the grineer will let the the tenno go?


I have the knowledge that your side wants to cut them up. Definite. Not a chance of salvation.

I also have the knowledge that my side gives me a chance to save them.


That is all I need to make my decision.


And you are still fighting for imbalance, supporting the party in the Solar System that has the best outlook overall. You are not just giving up on the Tenno, you are also making the Solar System a worse place by strengthening the Corpus. Luckily, the majority sees the fault in that. All battles are going for the Grineer.

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And you are still fighting for imbalance, supporting the party in the Solar System that has the best outlook overall.

Huh? Corpus are weak as F***. They have the less maps in the system, their troops suck, their heavies suck, Grineer or even Infested mobs at the same level rickroll them easily. Any frame with a room-cleaning atomic fart ability can rush them up to very high levels even solo.


Grineer on the other hand... You are afraid of fire, admit it.


You are not just giving up on the Tenno, you are also making the Solar System a worse place by strengthening the Corpus.

Lol, in this war there are two possible outcomes:


-grineer win and take corpus maps

-corpus win and keep maps they had already, while suffering significant damage and paying a ridicolous price to mercenary tennos.


Neither strengthens the Corpus man.


Wtf are you talking about?

Edited by bobafetthotmail
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1) Remember it was Corpus that broke the truce. They must've known what Grineer would do, Grineer are nothing if not predictable, so Corpus willingly sacrificed those colonies (Corpus supporters like to talk about so much). Tenno on this side are essentially reduced to cleanup crew for Alad. Alad causes this mess, sacrifices his people and then turns to Tenno to "help" his people while he experiments on their brothers and sisters. So we are sacrificing out own for a man that sacrificed HIS own to increase his profit and power... since when are Tenno Corpus' little *@##$es? The best part is if Alad wins he gets what he wants... Corpus still suffers heavy casualities, we lose our own.. and Alad V? He gets to finish his little project and use it against us and to further his position.


2) Tenno were always painted as close knit militant group looking out for its interest. They have their code, but Tenno come first. Tenno don't hesitate use their technological superiority to strike first, assassinate and kill if they feel even slightly threatened. Where does the space police angle come into this? That is very recent view and idealized at that. Alone and amidst enemies this is how society evolves. I would compare Tenno to Izrael.. alas much more pronounced.


3) Grineer are evil.. sure. But they are very predictable evil. Grineer are straightforward kinda monster. Corpus are cunning and unknowable... much more in the shadows. And predictable, easy to spot evil is easier to subdue. So supporting Grineer rather than Corpus with their shady agenda makes more sense to me. Also, Grineer actually have their own twisted sense of honor, even though it applies mostly to them not others, Corpus are driven by profit alone.



Now reasons to NOT side with the Grineer


1) They are evil. That's what the argument boils down to on Corpus' side. Guess what? Corpus are evil too... we estabilished long time ago that both sides are bad... gotta try harder than that.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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3) Grineer are evil.. sure. But they are very predictable evil. Grineer are straightforward kinda monster. Corpus are cunning and unknowable... much more in the shadows. And predictable, easy to spot evil is easier to subdue. So supporting Grineer rather than Corpus with their shady agenda makes more sense to me. Also, Grineer actually have their own twisted sense of honor, even though it applies mostly to them not others, still Corpus are driven by profit alone.


Huh? Alad V only did moronic things afaik (pissing off grineers AND tenno at the same time is NOT a smart choice and it shows).


The only way he is unpredictable is in what will be his next dumb choice. There is no limit to stupidity.

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Huh? Alad V only did moronic things afaik (&!$$ing off grineers AND tenno at the same time is NOT a smart choice and it shows).


The only way he is unpredictable is in what will be his next dumb choice. There is no limit to stupidity.


The point is he's still little rat while Grineer are more like "You pissed me off, now me STOMP STOMP STOMP."

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Well, if you look at it from a standpoint of bloodshed:


Side with Grineer:

- Civilians die and get enslaved.


Side with Corpus:

- Tenno get "captured". Not killed. We can always save them later. After protecting the colonies from slaughter.

The Corpus are far weaker than the Grineer in terms of actual gameplay. What exists Corpus-side that can compete with a Torch unit, or an Eviscerator-unit? The toughest things the Corpus got is Jackal and Raptor. Gimme a break...

Going for the Corpus first when you have Grineer coming, is like going to overthrow the U.S. Federal Government when you have an Asteroid on its way.
Total misalignment of priorities.
You can undo the damage of the first threat, you can't undo the damage of the second one.

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i wonder how many Nazis said that to justify genocide?

By the power of Law of Godwin - your argument is invalid.


We. Are. Ninjas.


Guerrilla fighters, or terrorists in US-speak.

We are soldiers - remnants of the ancient war. Times may have changed but not old habits.


Then you acepted it already that the grineer will destroy the pods ?

Pods are in Corpus possession. After loss Corpus will be weakened and there is quite a chance to retrieve pods. On the leaving them in Corpus hands leave those Tenno no chances at all.



Well, if you look at it from a standpoint of bloodshed:


Side with Grineer:

- Civilians die and get enslaved.


Side with Corpus:

- Tenno get "captured". Not killed. We can always save them later. After protecting the colonies from slaughter.

Let's take a closer look here: Mars is basically in Corpus possession - it means that colonies are also Corpus property, inhabited by Corpus civilians. Civilians that some day will probably be incorporated into Corpus troops.

Oh, and by the way it's quite troublesome to save someone who had been dissected.

Edited by xGryphus
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Are you realy that naive to believe that the grineer will let the the tenno go?

They will. Dont forget that the Corpus went after them, not the Grineer. After what we did to them in the Formorian Event, it would be unwise to start another conflict even when defeat has weakened them and will weaken them again.

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Oh looks like we have some CMs that dont like to hear some criticism about the faction they choosed

or did Ced23Ric telltaled  because he cant find any facts?

or why did my posts here got deleted?


If your posts got deleted, then you did more than just speak your opinion. Insulting others just because of their choices is far more childish than anything Ced has said or stated so far in this thread (and so far, he hasn't been either. He stated his stand on things and gave viable input; even "RPed" his opinions without raging and insulting others who don't share it). If you want to be heard and listened to, don't attack people. Reason with them, or simply tell them your stand on things without trying to put them down in the process.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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cause people are dumb and dont read lore on Grineer.

I read the lore on the Grineer. I understood the lore on the Grineer. Did you read the lore on the Corpus? Did you understand it? Hmm? As has been said before, the Grineer are a lot more of an 'honest' foe to fight, if that makes any sense.

But let's bring up something that hasn't been brought up yet - the actual details of the Fomorian event. What happened there? The Corpus pissed off the Grineer, and the Grineer came to kick their butts. The Tenno saved their butts. COMPLETELY. And what did the Corpus do next? Find a bunch of our sleeping buddies, and instead of giving them to us saying "Hey Tenno, we found a bunch of your comrades. By the way, those Grineer jerks are kinda powerful, huh? Yeah, sucks to be under their thumb. How about helping us out, yeah?" they decide to fail at keeping their discovery a secret and plan on experimenting on them for the sake of improving weapons technology.

They obviously don't see us as potential allies. Just like the lore says, they see us as resources to be exploited, for profit. The Zanuka Project is supposed to make them powerful enough to take on the Grineer. Don't make the mistake of believing for a second that the Tenno wouldn't be in their sights as well. To top things off, we would have been the ones who handed them their figurative big stick.

Instead, I'll gladly settle for more of the same 'ol Grineer threat... and the same 'ol Corpus submission. That puts us Tenno in a much better position to pressure the Corpus into doing what we want. "Hey Corpus, sucks to be dominated by the Grineer, huh? How about you shoot some of them resources our way and we'll help you hurt them? Sound good? Yeah?" It is much better to have one militarily formidable enemy in the solar system than it is to have two formidable enemies. The Corpus don't need to be any stronger.

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Look, all these interpretation are fun but DE laid it out in black and white terms.

Side with the Grineer:

Save the captured Tenno

Grineer gain control of Mars and enslave populace, gaining more power

Side with the Corpus:

Tenno get disected by Alad V

Balance of power is maintained

Any extra reading between the lines or speculation about whether the Tenno can be retreived from Alad V, or whether the Grineer can be trusted to give them to us is irrelevant. The consequences have been made clear, I'm tired of reading posts about imaginary grey areas.

If you are going to argue or reason for one side or the other, please don't twist the fact to support some theory that flies in the face of what DE has said.

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Look, all these interpretation are fun but DE laid it out in black and white terms.

Side with the Grineer:

Save the captured Tenno

Grineer gain control of Mars and enslave populace, gaining more power

Side with the Corpus:

Tenno get disected by Alad V

Balance of power is maintained

Any extra reading between the lines or speculation about whether the Tenno can be retreived from Alad V, or whether the Grineer can be trusted to give them to us is irrelevant. The consequences have been made clear, I'm tired of reading posts about imaginary grey areas.

If you are going to argue or reason for one side or the other, please don't twist the fact to support some theory that flies in the face of what DE has said.


Okay, no theory. Just fact.

You can't save the hypothetical populace of Mars, if you side with the Grineer. They will be lost. (Fact)

However, Alad V will never get enough Tenno to become a threat. Regardless of whatever project he will come up with, and regardless of how many Tenno he dissects. (Opinion based on Fact)


Simple: New Players = New Tenno (Fact)


Tenno will always be. Their existence is an irrevocable fact of the game. (Fact)

The hypothetical Mars colonists however, will be irretrievably lost. Boo-hoo.*sniff sniff* (Fact)

Logically, then. It makes sense to prioritize defeating the Grineer. (Opinion based on Fact)

The hypothetical loss of Tenno sleepers is irrelevant, since our ranks suffer no real loss, and new players will always come, regardless of lore. (Opinion based on Fact)

The hypothetical loss of civilians is only irrelevant if one is.... a jerk (Opinion for opinion sake), The civies suffer "real" hypothetical losses, and "new players" does NOT translate to "new civilians". (Fact)

That's heavy use of the word hypothetical for stating facts.


- Lore-wise Tenno are being lost, but it has no significance, since Tenno are conceptually infinitely replaceable (with literally new players). Making the "sacrifice" irrelevant.

- Lore-wise civilians being lost, are forever lost. There is no outside force that actually replaces them. Therefore, their lost could actually be considered tragic, and should therefore be avoided.  [/sarcasm]


EDIT: Sarcasm brackets added for the dim-witted.

Edited by Jathniel
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