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So About That "daring Comeback"...


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Pretty sure the devs didn't truly understand the full force of mountain and moon clans all working together to achieve full victory. If scoring were more lenient and didn't make players go negative for choosing the other factions, maybe the comeback would've had a chance.

Edited by NukaKV
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Pretty sure the devs didn't truly understand the full force of mountain and moon clans all working together to achieve full victory. If scoring were more lenient and didn't make players go negative for choosing the other factions, maybe the comeback would've had a chance.

They should at least give us our Detron and Prova Vandal blueprints for their screw up.


I could at least know that my 100+ runs were not in vain.

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The event was rigged. DE Took a wizz on us corpus supporters.

Hahahahahaha.  Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Grineer offers 3 Mutagens vs Corpus's 200k Credits and wins handily.  Grineer offers 5 Felderon vs Corpus 100k and the node disappears in an instant.  Flip it around and have Grineer offering 100k Credits vs Corpus 5 Felderons and Grineer just about takes it (though there is a re-surge in the Corpus Spear front because of the Flux Rifle incentivising Felderon).  And you think things are being manipulated in Grineer's favor when Grineer win both sides of the same coin?  No.  Grineer's victory is undeniable.

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These events are about bringing cool stuff out, but also to test new game types and improve them.  If it were me running the experiment, changing the hypothesis mid-run would make my results garbage.  There are some clear improvements to be made out of this for sure... but does any player really care whether the bots or the clones 'win'?  I think the team psychology effect is getting in the way of the mission type, causing corpus players to entrench, but either way they are enemy factions and we are all gonna gleefully stomp them both after we finish profiting from their conflict.


The best thing to do is just to find (or start) a calm, constructive criticism thread and write clearly what worked and what did not.  Pretty sure that DE sees clearly that the player base prefers to have rewards de-coupled from win/loss of supported faction.

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DE doesn't care. You'll be getting your tumor turd pistol which you didn't want so you have no right to complain.

"Don't like the rewards? Then don't play the event."


These events are about bringing cool stuff out, but also to test new game types and improve them.  If it were me running the experiment, changing the hypothesis mid-run would make my results garbage.  There are some clear improvements to be made out of this for sure... but does any player really care whether the bots or the clones 'win'?  I think the team psychology effect is getting in the way of the mission type, causing corpus players to entrench, but either way they are enemy factions and we are all gonna gleefully stomp them both after we finish profiting from their conflict.


The best thing to do is just to find (or start) a calm, constructive criticism thread and write clearly what worked and what did not.  Pretty sure that DE sees clearly that the player base prefers to have rewards de-coupled from win/loss of supported faction.

We've made plenty of well thought out threads only to not get any acknowledgement.


At this point its best to stop trying.


After all, the only ones whining are Corpus supporters right?


Safe to say no one cares.

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The reason no one expected this is because the way the system works.


Maybe if you do 5 points for grineer, you have 5 Grineer Gravidus points and 5 Corpus points. False.


Because the scoring of 5 points on one side actually means -5 on the other, the initial reaction of the community with the Mutagen Samples, Potatoes, and Fieldrons compared to credits made a large population join Grineer.


Mixed alongside with the need to run 100 missions, most choose the easier side. Corpus are easier to battle, and Grineer can handle them in most cases on their own, whereas Corpus supporters deal with Napalms, Heavy Gunners, and Scorchers. And the chance of MOAs blocking the exit and Rollers jumping off the map.


Now add that with the fact the majority already is looking forward to getting our Tenno captives back,  and with the fact that Sargas Ruk treats us respectfully, whereas everything down to the payment message from the Corpus is a snark and rude comment "I wish we didn't have to pay you Betrayers, but..", then maybe the community might have gone otherwise.


Now let's top it all off with the fact the winning side gets the same weapon the losing side, but pre built with a slot and a potato, so why not go with the bandwagon?



Honestly, I feel this forum community is widely Corpus because it is too logical to be Grineer. Why wouldn't you join Grineer?



So sad, DE had a chance to make the Corpus look like greedy traders who didn't realize how bad the situation was, and instead made the cloned degenerates of mass genocide seem like the true bros.

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Hahahahahaha.  Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Grineer offers 3 Mutagens vs Corpus's 200k Credits and wins handily.  Grineer offers 5 Felderon vs Corpus 100k and the node disappears in an instant.  Flip it around and have Grineer offering 100k Credits vs Corpus 5 Felderons and Grineer just about takes it (though there is a re-surge in the Corpus Spear front because of the Flux Rifle incentivising Felderon).  And you think things are being manipulated in Grineer's favor when Grineer win both sides of the same coin?  No.  Grineer's victory is undeniable.

Funny. What about the Corpus victories? Suddenly Corpus offered Reactors and they won the nodes. And what about the first Corpus victory on Ultor? What if Grineer would have offered a Catalyst instead of 3 Morphics? Don't be a fool and act like the battle pay rewards didn't affect the battles. Steve himself even admitted the rigging:


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Where is it?


It's been 5 out of 7 days of Corpus getting stomped.


Where's this "daring comeback" that Steve spoke of?


Or was his plan to have Corpus get stomped in with no hope of winning?


Maybe, just maybe, the Corpus don't have the support they need to win? I mean, even when the corpus gave a potato and Ruk gave credits, that mission took more than a day to resolve.

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Maybe, just maybe, the Corpus don't have the support they need to win? I mean, even when the corpus gave a potato and Ruk gave credits, that mission took more than a day to resolve.

Yet even tho they had the backing of Warbros and Broframe they still lost it. Tells you how much "want" are in the true greedy.

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DE doesn't care. You'll be getting your tumor turd pistol which you didn't want so you have no right to complain.

"Don't like the rewards? Then don't play the event."

These events are optional. We understand that some people may not like the events or how the rewards are distributed. Those players have the option to not participate in the event.

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