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The Lengths Some May Not Go To...


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I have done 50 missions for the Grineer in the Dilema event. This has taken me a while, yes, but for mathmatic fact, I got curious of how much time it would take total to get the end-reward hand cannons. So let's say you are the most amazing team, with the highest dps guns credits, money, or time can buy you, and you can eliminate 150 Corpus (or Grineer ) in an insanely fast five minutes. Over, and over, and over. Never stopping. You would think it wouldn't take too long right? Well, even at this pace, you would need to play for about 8.3 hours straight. I stopped as of today trying for the pistols, as like some people, my time is limited. I am not complaining about it saying that they should change it last minute, or that my opinion is better than all of your opinions. I am just asking : how many others only have enough time to obtain only the machete or badge? And how many are there compared to this that actually have spent the over 8 hours to get the pistol everyone wants? I know I want it, no doubt. I just.... can't. I would really like to have the pistol, but with only a weekend and the few bits of time on weekdays, 8.3 of farming is too much. The deadline is fine, but farming should not be necessary. Some,yes. This much? No.



Edit- Very sorry for the incorrect statistics, total farm time re-done. Point still made, with edit to real time constraints.

Re-edit: Never mind. This is what happens when I don't listen to my own logic and the calculator in front of me.

Edited by Baconweaver
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Over the first few days of the event I had enough time to squeeze out my 100 runs easily enough and my game time really is limited to just between finishing dinner and going to bed. I just powered through 25 each time maybe 30 if I was feeling like I could manage the following morning


I think your math may be a bit off though, I was a speed-running nuke-o-matic nova my average run time was 3-4 minutes. Which over all my runs added up to saving me a fair chunk of time regardless of who was with me

Edited by Santaphrax
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Being on for 7 days, 2 of which were weekends, I think it was more than enough time to complete the 100 needed for T3 rewards.


I think most events in games, however, can usually be completed under in an hour, but those are usually holiday events.

Edited by TheWestmark
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Yes its about 8.3 hours.
But that is spread over 7 days.
Further there have been around 20 different invasion missions.
If you had *only* done the bare minimum in each one to get your battle pay you should be at or just around 100.  With time to spare.
So I dont think its too out there to be able to get 100 missions done.

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I have done 50 missions for the Grineer in the Dilema event. This has taken me a while, yes, but for mathmatic fact, I got curious of how much time it would take total to get the end-reward hand cannons. So let's say you are the most amazing team, with the highest dps guns credits, money, or time can buy you, and you can eliminate 150 Corpus (or Grineer ) in an insanely fast five minutes. Over, and over, and over. Never stopping. You would think it wouldn't take too long right? Well, even at this pace, you would need to play for about 8.3 hours straight. I stopped as of today trying for the pistols, as like some people, my time is limited. I am not complaining about it saying that they should change it last minute, or that my opinion is better than all of your opinions. I am just asking : how many others only have enough time to obtain only the machete or badge? And how many are there compared to this that actually have spent the over 8 hours to get the pistol everyone wants? I know I want it, no doubt. I just.... can't.

eum.....according to your post you say each missions takes 5 minutes...meaning you do 30 missions an hour (5*30 = 60) And last i checked 100/30 = 3+1/3 meaning 3h20 so eum.....i'm curious to know how you got 8.3 hours

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If you are doing 1 mission in 5 minutes that means you are doing 12 missions in 1 hour (60/5 = 12).
5*30 = 150 BTW, so I dont know where that math of yours came from...
But to do 100 missions, if it takes you 5 minutes each, will take you 500 minutes.  500/60 = 8.33.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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8,3h at best indeed but you got 7 days for it. This makes it:

8,3 / 24 * 7 = 0,049 => ~5%

Around 5% of time you received.

Not to mention that top tier rewards are ment for dedicated players. Casual ones need to do with commemorative badge or second tier at best. Not like I did my 100 already.

Edited by xGryphus
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I agree with the OP.  People that don't have that much time to play are heavily penalized in this event.  I didn't have enough time to start playing until this weekend, and now, I have until Wednesday noon to finish 60 missions.  I'll try, but man I'll be shocked if I succeed.  People who say 8.3 hours over 7 days is fine must have a LOT of time on their hands because it doesn't seem that reasonable to me when you have work / family / personal responsibilities.

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eum.....according to your post you say each missions takes 5 minutes...meaning you do 30 missions an hour (5*30 = 60) And last i checked 100/30 = 3+1/3 meaning 3h20 so eum.....i'm curious to know how you got 8.3 hours

Simple math: Does 5 multiplied by 30 equal 60? NO!

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If one started from the start, doing 5 missions on each of the nodes, then it only takes 20 nodes at doing 5 here, 5 there.


It really isn't as long as you think.


Now if you try to do all 100 on the same node, or you waited until the last couple days and procrastinated, then yeah. It takes awhile.

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Also, if you started on Day 1 and spread the missions out evenly, then you'd only have to do 14 missions per day (15 on at least one of those days) which would take you ~1:15 to do per day.


You're trying to say you cannot devote 1:15 to Warframe per day? You don't even have to do it all at once, either. You could do two spurts of 45 minutes each and have time to spare.




Then I guess you don't get a pistol.

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Most grindbased event since...




There was no such grindly event in the past, even the Fomorian...


But that's true, that taking Rhino or Nova will make you finish those runs in less than five minutes.

BTW: I've finished my 98th run today, not so long before. I thought it is just another weekend event and I've managed to do this in like five days, playing ocasionally. Seven days is long enouugh to do those 100 required runs.

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Also, if you started on Day 1 and spread the missions out evenly, then you'd only have to do 14 missions per day (15 on at least one of those days) which would take you ~1:15 to do per day.


You're trying to say you cannot devote 1:15 to Warframe per day? You don't even have to do it all at once, either. You could do two spurts of 45 minutes each and have time to spare.




Then I guess you don't get a pistol.

Noy everyone who plays this game has every day open. People with jobs, people with tests, people like me.

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honestly, the 8.3 hours of total time, is about an hour 15m each day. that's not a massive time investment. 

but, everyone's schedule is different.


so, if 3 days is 'not long enough', 5 days is 'not long enough', and 7 days is 'not long enough':

how long is long enough? two months? i mean, really, comeon. this event was for a full 7 days. to give you the 3 weekends you're asking for, the event would need to run for 3 weeks. 


the time investment only sounds daunting stacked up at once. if you spend 20 or 30 minutes on weekdays, and a few hours for each day on the weekend, you can reach that 8.3hr average mark with time to spare. 


if you're totally strapped for time, there isn't really anything a Video Game developer can really do to help you. 

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Noy everyone who plays this game has every day open. People with jobs, people with tests, people like me.


You're trying to say you can't find one of the 24 hours in one day to put towards Warframe?


Okay, how about 30 minutes one day, 90 minutes the next? If you can't even do that....then I'm really not sure what to even tell you. Did you do the Fomorian Event? You know, where you had to do 250 points to get all the mutators? If you were doing PUGs, that took an ungodly long time. Or how about Arid Fear? Getting 100 points took my clan about 6 hours in one day to do. That's pretty close to the 8.3 hours stated above. And that was with us sporting Zoren and bumrushing the objectives, passing up enemies on the way.


And let's not forget, Fomorian was a 3 day event, not a 7 day one IIRC. Ditto for Arid Fear.


Oh, and btw... a 4 person group can wipe out 90 mobs in 2-3 minutes, not 5. All you need is 1 Rhino and 1 Nova and everything just dies in seconds, esp if they're packing Somas. You don't even need Forma on those Somas.

Edited by Xylia
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I see no one here played Grand Chase and the like.

The event is fine. And I bet both the grineer AND corpus gun are gonna wind up in the market eventually anyway.

The event exclusive items are the T1 and T2 ones, which can be gotten in 3 hours along a week.

If you don't have THAT much free time, bad for you.

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honestly, the 8.3 hours of total time, is about an hour 15m each day. that's not a massive time investment. 

but, everyone's schedule is different.


so, if 3 days is 'not long enough', 5 days is 'not long enough', and 7 days is 'not long enough':

how long is long enough? two months? i mean, really, comeon. this event was for a full 7 days. to give you the 3 weekends you're asking for, the event would need to run for 3 weeks. 


the time investment only sounds daunting stacked up at once. if you spend 20 or 30 minutes on weekdays, and a few hours for each day on the weekend, you can reach that 8.3hr average mark with time to spare. 


if you're totally strapped for time, there isn't really anything a Video Game developer can really do to help you. 

This is not a complaint of the time required, but an interogatory statement asking of the general time allowances for people of a similar predicament to my own. I am not saying they should change deadlines. I am only saying that farming should not be involved in events rewarding weapons or other exclusives as an objective.

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This is not a complaint of the time required, but an interogatory statement asking of the general time allowances for people of a similar predicament to my own. I am not saying they should change deadlines. I am only saying that farming should not be involved in events rewarding weapons or other exclusives as an objective.




What exactly is the definition of "farming"?


They obviously want you to PARTICIPATE in the War.


How do you participate in a war? Well... you... fight in the battles?


Did you honestly think the Corpus or Grineer should hand you a weapon after doing a couple battles? lol. 100 battles over the course of 7 days is not too much to ask to be given a weapon.

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Add 20 seconds to 1 minute for every mission you do. That lobby-time between missions still counts. Some might even want to change up their setup to keep things varied, so there goes another 2-5, 5-10 minutes. 


The math so far is correct only on paper. In practice it's a whole different matter. Unless you find reliable people with reliable setups who agrees to sit down with you for 8.3 hours to do 100 missions. I am almost certain someone needs to go take a piss, or grab a meal in the middle of that time-frame. 


Math is fun though. 

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7 days/100missions=14.28 = about 15 missions a day, that's only obtaining 3 battle rewards per day = not that hard.


but hey if it is settle for the machete or ultra prova....


if you WANT to do 100 then you get a second weapon too.....


nobody is making you, and you get a nice shiny melee one just for completing 25...

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You can not sleep.

That's what I did.


I was bleeding from my arse literally and still didn't stop playing.
Until today I was rolling for 72-hours without sleep...


Or maybe it should be that I wouldn't need to go through all of that stuff just to get the 100 missions?


Either way I'm at 150 now, and I have to admit, It's pretty boring doing 10+ hours of exterminate with only two different tilesets.

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Id like to point something out.

DE made this event about a conscious Choice, hoping to see some cool developments.

They made the error imo, in adding 2 rewards. Now its a ALL about the end reward, not the Lore.

I am a Lore junkie. I have tried supporting Corpus even tho its clear they will lose.

As for time, sure everyone can loose sleep and skip school whatever.

Not me tho, kids abd real life you know.

Oh, and the math is off. You say, OP frames rushing and roomclearing power-spam= easy.

Well duh, kind of obvious. The rest will quit from being killed by elites, explore for loot, look at tje scenery ai behavior etc.

I quit many times from being overwhelmed, meaning time lost.

if i had a potatoed formad frame, i might think like you do.

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If you spent 2 hours each day, say from 7-9 after dinner, you'd get 14 hours of time with which to complete the event. That's not much time invested at all really and will give you plenty of wiggle room to complete the event 100%. Sure, 8 1/2 hours looks like a lot, if you planned to complete the event in one day, which you'd be mad to attempt anyay.

So, with 14 hours over the week, you need to complete missions in 8.4 minutes including time spent in lobbies. I count average mission length being 7 minutes (in general, I didn't bother timing the event missions) which is perfectly reasonable if you play online or have decent weapons and 'frames. Decent, not super awesome 4x forma'd weapons, just decent. I've been running them pretty quickly solo using an Ash with Burston, Bolto(single) and whatever melee weapon I need to level up, all unforma'd. You don't need Rhino/Soma/Acrid/Galatine to succeed.

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