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Post-Devstream (Railjack, etc.) feedback post (The original thread closed before I could post this)


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(I'll change the tag as soon as I see something more accurate!)
I meant to post my thoughts on this much sooner, but a few things came up on my end that have been pretty high-priority (Good things though, just couldn't be helped otherwise) over the last month or so. I've been working on this post for about 2 weeks off and on, but when I finally finished it, the Post-Devstream feedback thread was closed that afternoon unexpectedly before I could re-type it on here.

  • (I'm not complaining about the 2-week part, I'm just mentioning that for context. I didn't want to lose track of a post this long!)

On the bright side, that's given me much more time to think about various aspects of Empyrean and the Railjack itself ( ← Before PC'S Update 29.10!). The brief bug sections or other highly important things will be written in red, and I'll provide whatever information I have that's necessary.

  • Some new ideas may be listed in green to help them stand out from the rest!
  • There's a lot of things to read here, but in case it helps a TL;DR may be:
    • Thoughts on the Orphix Venom missions in Empyrean (Orphix Spawns have potential for more player info)
      • Re-using Archwing space tilesets & assets, and thoughts on an Archwing Spy mission in space
      • Also touching on Empyrean-izing more missions in the Railjack-way (Namely "Core Warframe" things)
    • Incorporating Empyrean Invasions
      • Also some in-depth thoughts on Scarlet Spear
    • A few new mission types I thought of
      • Outlast & Escort
      • A possible way to handle Void Storm Fissures, and how multiple relics could work
    • Empyrean-related suggestions from a thread I made in the past
    • Bugs that I'm aware of in Empyrean (Some may or may not be fixed as of this writing)
      • Intangible Grineer missile platform turrets (Any proxima region), Gyre / Exo Roller sentries are non-existent, and some Codex issues, etc.
      • As mentioned in that section of this post, I'm planning on making a separate bug report for each of the bugs.
        • (I'm wondering, are you allowed to post multiple reports in the same post on the megathreads, or do you need to make a bunch of posts individually?)
    • Lack of Empyrean codex entries / names
      • This includes both enemies & objects (As well as a Debug sort of object?)
    • Suggestions to improve the Railjack itself
      • Also includes a small thought on the Railjack's boost gauge being removed, and the Necramech Haste intrinsic.
      • One more brief thought regarding showing others when you're on the Tactical Menu / Pause menu.
    • Rebalancing Intrinsic point requirements per rank, & possible new bonuses
      • This was from before the Command Intrinsic line was revealed, as well as the new actual bonuses for the other 4 classes.
        • This basically includes the ideas I thought of if certain things were removed from the original Intrinsic bonuses, and the max rank went up to 15 per class; & some new math that handles the point requirements (Assuming 512 would be the highest amount) up to the new ranks.
    • What I would do with the Command intrinsic bonuses (I found a way to streamline that class, I think!)
      • This still includes everything it currently has, but it still leads into whatever is in the works for Command rank 10 most likely.
    • Bugs I'm aware of outside of Empyrean
      • Odonata Prime texture bug, when your Necramech is killed in the presence of an Acolyte, and various K-Drive bugs (In and out of missions), etc.
        • Ideally, I'd like to post all the bugs I'm listing into one bug report if I can, on the correct / current bug-reporting megathread (That's another thing I'm wondering; Where should I post them, considering these have been around since before the current update, and don't relate to Corpus Railjack?)
    • Thoughts on Corpus Queenpins and their things
      • Some questions about their motives / number of personalities, etc., the Briefcase weapon, and new Ephemera ideas!
        • Also an idea starting from that, "Weapon Emotes"?
    • Closing Remarks :)


Some of what I have actually comes from posts I've made in the past (I've built onward from them), but I believe they still hold merit even going into Update 30; I'll link the original posts where relevant as well, and keep things in organized categories so that everyone reading this can look into a specific topic & see what I've got for it. Without further ado, let's dive in:


About new / existing game modes being added:

Regarding the Orphix Venom and Volatile missions in the PC update, I think those are some interesting ideas to implement. However for OV (Reference: Orphix (Mission) | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom), there are some improvements to be made.

  • Ideally, I think that the UI and player information should take a look at how Ground missions went during Scarlet Spear, namely;
    • Every upcoming Condrix has their next location marked on the map before you get there, and the target lands the moment you enter the area. I'm guessing the Orphix spawn no matter where you are in order to maintain Sentient Control, which is understandable.
      • I think at least having Father tell you where the next Orphix is heading would be a good way to plan a step or two ahead of the Orphix you're fighting at a given moment. Even that would be great, considering during the OV event people had to guess and figure out where the 5th Orphix spawns, which wasn't easy for some I imagine (I didn't have an easy time with the patterns at first, at least).
    • I've also been checking around online (Factoring in how the event missions went too) about the speed of Orphix spawns, and at higher levels it may not be easy to keep up after the first full rotation.

      To make that a bit easier for general (Reasonably prepared; Built / modded Necramechs & guns) squads / Solo players, maybe one way to help is to slightly slow down the rate that upcoming Orphix spawn, while another one is still alive. Halfway between the event's Orphix speed and the speed now?
      • That's just an option though; If the spawn speed shouldn't be changed at the moment, then maybe come up with a stats graph showing how many layers have been finishing Orphix runs in Railjack vs just leaving after one rotation, and gather feedback as to why that is (Not saying it hasn't happened, but this is good advice).
        • (When it comes to Stat graphs like in Devstreams, interpreting the data will glean a lot of insight on why something happened, so it can be resolved. Instead of just witnessing the mere fact that something happened, and acting with that).

          But also keep in mind how many players are in those runs (Solo vs other amounts of players per squad), and if they have built Mechs or are borrowing the ones from Father.
    • One last thing I recommend for Father for Orphix runs; is there a way he can tell you an ETA on when the next Orphix will spawn? This will let players know how much time they have between Orphix, and combined with a waypoint marker showing the next one, they should have all the information (When and where) they need to proceed through the mission!
  • Since I have yet to try the Volatile missions, I don't have as much else to say on it other than I'm looking forward to trying them :)

When it comes to integrating "Core Warframe" into Railjack / Empyrean, I can see why some people may not have expected literal standard Warframe missions to be within Railjack nodes. That said, as long as it doesn't just stay as-is, I think it will be fine.


What I mean is, don't forget about the Archwing space tilesets and assets. As far as I know, we still don't have Spy missions integrated quite yet. I've heard and read some people say that it wouldn't make sense with the flow of an Empyrean mission, for instance; The logical fact that if you have a Railjack outside of a Corpus capital ship, and the enemy knows you're after their data, why would they not start deleting everything instead of allowing the Tenno to board their ship and take it?

During The War Within quest, there's a segment where you need to fly around an enemy ship to avoid scanners and alerting the enemy. That sort of thing would be perfect for accessing Archwing spy rooms! Or, going within a huge Corpus Fleet, and trying to infiltrate a Captain's room to steal their data directly, except you can only access it from outside the ship. You'd find a small vent or something, and get inside there.

  • In a sense, one option for a random Archwing Spy run could involve a Death Star-esque trench run consisting of scanners. Towards the end there's a small hole you can go into leading to the data room, and you exit Archwing once there to Parazon it (Unless Parazonning was added to AW?). Maybe not quite as long of a trench run though :)


Keeping that in mind, I believe it'll be worth the time to create Railjack-oriented versions of some existing modes, namely ones that people most feel interrupt the general flow of Empyrean. Regular Star chart's Defense, Rescue (Perhaps), and others. Ideas for this have been out there on the internet for a long time now, but you could also keep at least one node of each "Core Warframe" mission to have the best of both worlds.


Going through some brief examples:               (Some of which may already be out there on the internet)

  • Defense: A friendly vessel is flying through space from one side of the map to the other, but enemy fighters soon appear in the distance to destroy it. The Railjack will need to shoot down the fighters and distract them until the coast is clear. When a certain number of fighters are gone, the friendly vessel takes off, and Cy detects another on the radar. He gives you the option of leaving, or staying the protect the next one.
    • If you opt-out, the vessel technically would just go away, and you'd be free to explore side objectives and head onto another node somewhere. The Railjack-Defense could rely on waves, but if it does, at least show the number of enemy fighters per wave. As soon as all on-screen enemies are gone, the next ones should appear right away, since you'll otherwise be left waiting for more fighters (Thus slowing the flow).
      • There could just be a new amount of fighters determined after you opt-in to the next friendly vessel, after every set number of waves.
  • Rescue: Rescuing Solaris, Tenno operatives, or other Syndicate VIPs aboard a special Crewship (Maybe twice as big as all other Crewships!) before it reaches a Grineer Galleon or Corpus Capital ship. Shooting the Crewship may start an execution timer, so the AW slingshot would be a good way to get right inside the ship as soon as it's defenses are down! After getting them out safely, you can steal the ship and check out the surrounding optional objectives.
    • If you fail to get them before the Crewship arrives, you may need to dive into an AW tileset entrance near the main faction ship and sneak aboard, which I suppose turns it into a regular Rescue mission (Except you can find the prisoner(s) outside of a holding cell, since they're being taken to one).
    • I've also read some ideas where any rescued individuals you find during these missions could be candidates for adding to your Crew! I think that would be a great way for them to thank you for helping them out.

One more example, to keep this section shorter;

  • Capture: once the Railjack enters the mission, Cy lets you know of an important VIP that needs to be brought in for questioning. once they are alerted to your presence, they will try to escape the Galleon / Capital ship very quickly, soon getting into an escape pod of some sort. If they get too far away, they'll go into an AW section, where you can chase them there (Similar to the AW rush missions!).
    • If they still cannot be caught, they might get away at that point. it's a work-in-progress, but not impossible to Empyrean-ize.


Incorporating Invasions:

(A post I made with some details on Empyrean missions in the past)
☆ Railjack Feedback in hopes of giving the update it's best chance of making RJ more mainstream.


First, a unique invasion:

During Devstream 153, Rebecca mentioned some things with Scarlet Spear, and you said you'd like to bring it back @[DE]ScottP (Would this be an ideal way to do it? I'd really like to know). I was glad to hear about that, since it was an innovative way to use the Railjack in tandem with others, for one reason. Plus, it seems like a lot of people enjoyed it! Bringing it back and ironing out any bugs from it would be pretty neat in my opinion.

That being said, I think it's too good to let it be a one-off event. Orphix Venom was added as an actual mission type now, so it's not unrealistic for a similar place for SS; In this case, Empyrean Invasions. As we're building up to the next major point in The New War, Sentients are usually trying to invade the Origin System. Scarlet Spear can ground that in reality by introducing newer Tenno to it, and people wouldn't miss out on the rewards in the form of an invasion. People need some things to spend those Scarlet creds on!


How it could work:

  • During the last week of every month (Or the last 10-14 days of every two months; February, April, June, etc.), one of the relays may be chosen by the Sentients as a new invasion target, mainly focusing on the planet it's orbiting rather than the relay itself (So we don't need to think about Sentients destroying a relay!).
  • During this time, Little Duck could be working with Father (In a hologram form!) in order to coordinate new squads of Tenno to various ground missions across the planet's tileset (Not just Earth, but Corpus planets could be chose as well!), just like in the original event.
    • Space missions can be conducted within the respective Proxima region of the relay's planet, so therefore Murex would be found in Proxima regions other than the Veil, as they've technically had so much time to prepare since the first SS campaign.
  • Very significant UI addition: For every instance of a relay, there should be a counter showing how many players are at the relay vs how many the relay can handle, not just how many squads there are. When this limit is reached, Tenno will likely need to go to a new instance of the relay if they don't have a full squad and need one.
    • I recall during the Operation back then, that I tried to invite another player to join my squad for a ground or space run, and I was met with the message: Cannot invite player. The player limit for this Flotilla has been reached. I remember checking the relay's UI in the center, and there was no indication anywhere about an individual player-limit. As in the below image, it could display that as well:


      • Without that specific info, it didn't help with finding groups, and I wouldn't be surprised if other squads ran into that issue too. But I hope the example helps!
  • Just like in the original event, players would coordinate to gather codes to upload into a satellite that Space squads bring to the Murex, only now it would happen in places other than Veil proxima (To liven things up, and show that the past event had an impact on the Sentients' strategy in a way).
    • Enemy levels may / may not scale based on the proxima, but this could use the levels from the first Scarlet Spear.


New / worthwhile rewards!

Theoretically speaking, considering that this returning Scarlet Spear event would not be an "event" (Operation) per say, it likely wouldn't have all the Arcanes again (Though having Arcanes / currently unvaulted relics in the drop tables would be a temporary alternative to OV / Eidolons!). However, that doesn't mean it couldn't still offer something special;

Found in space from The Old War, MK4 Railjack wreckage!

Since Father actually used to be on a Railjack himself back in the day, I imagine he could be the perfect guy to offer Tenno busted up ship parts in return for Scarlet creds (Or Phasic Cells if they have any from OV?)The reason why these would be the wreckage as opposed to rebuilt parts is so that you can Valence-Fuse them into your existing ship parts!

  • Father will need the same amount of Scarlet Creds for any given MK4 wreckage, regardless of the house or category (Engines, Plating, etc.). The exact price for any MK4 wreckage isn't important at this time, but you would be able to quickly identify the wreckage and see what stats and trait it has, or (If you already have a maxed-out MK4 part) scrap the MK4 part for 300 Endo (As an example?).


I figure each MK4 part can come with roughly an extra +25% - 45% max total stats (Either additive or multiplicative) compared to the MK3 version of any given part (Reference: Railjack/Components | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom), so that it won't totally outclass the parts you've worked hard to get before the invasion, but still seem worthwhile to buy. But, Father's parts can also come with unique traits unlike the MK3 components you've found!

  • Considering how many different traits there are per house, I'll just list these three ideas!)

House Lavan MK4: Tenno gain +50% armor for 5 - 10s after being launched from the slingshot. 

  • This is another version of the other slingshot traits, so it may help you survive when you first enter the enemy's area! 10 seconds instead of 5 would be to help that further, since enemies may not see you or shoot immediately.

House Vidar MK4: -10% intruders' shields.

  • A different effect than the armor-reducing version, for dealing with Corpus boarding parties!

House Zetki MK4: Convert 40% of damage dealt to Railjack's Hull to Warframe energy for all Tenno onboard.

  • This acts separately from any mods your Warframe has equipped, such as Rage or Hunter Adrenaline. All Tenno gain the same amount of energy simultaneously.
    • I'm not sure if it'd matter where the damage comes from.
  • The MK4 wreckage could either come with the minimal base stats, or maybe a random range of stats? Either way, it will allow you to increase it up to a certain max amount via Valence Fusion.


As for what type of ship components come with these traits, I'll leave that up to DE. But this way you can take your MK3 parts, and upgrade them into MK4 versions. But you can either choose to keep your MK3's traits, or opt-in for the MK4 part's new aspect!

  • MK4 weapons would be an interesting avenue to be explored in the future, if MK4 components were implemented! At the moment I'd only assume the total base damage of every weapon to be +25% - 35% stronger than the MK3 version of a given weapon; Multiplicatively speaking, and the same goes for munitions, etc.
    • That said, I'm not sure if the MK4 weapons would have new unique traits as well, or if any traits would go above 60% for inherited MK3 weapon traits, but this is some food for thought.

In addition to those, Scarlet Spear would be a great time for Father to bring back the newer Necramech mods! In a way, this would be similar to how the Exodia Arcanes are from Plaque Star, or how some mods are only in Ghoul Purge bounties (Temporary-mission rewards).

On the other side, Little Duck could bring back the Ballroom Simulacrum, and some other rewards players can choose from could be:

  • Oplink
    • This is needed for the event, of course!
  • Ceti Lacera Blueprint
  • Basmu Blueprint
  • 15,000 Kuva
    • More Kuva than a regular weekly vendor (Like Syndicates / Teshin), considering Scarlet Spear wouldn't run all the time, but might be cheaper than Nightwave's price? Depends on NW series cred vs Scarlet cred acquisition rates?
  • Stance Forma
  • Phased / Glyphed / Gilded Clan Sigils
  • Phased / Glyphed / Gilded Clan Emblems
    • If there could be different versions of a clan's design as Sigils, why not complete the look with Emblem variations?
  • Exilus Weapon Adapter (Or Warframe Adapter!)
    • Either one would be useful, I think. But it's not every day you get a Warframe Adapter.
  • Earth Console Decoration
  • Murex Console decoration
  • (Most recently released frame here) In Action Glyph
  • Voidrig / Bonewidow In Action Glyph
    • (Whichever one wasn't released yet, unless both have been!)
    • If both have been released by the time SS returns, why not have her offer both Mech glyphs?
  • Bruntspar In Action Glyph
    • I know it's merely a Necramech skin right now, but I'd love to see that become an actual mech at some point. if it did, Father could introduce parts for it via Scarlet Spear as an alternative Mech for some Tenno! Loid could offer it's blueprints afterwards on Deimos.
  • Cryptonaut In Action Glyph?
    • We only have it's helmet right now, but I feel the same way about this as I do the Bruntspar; It's an open idea for a Necramech to be explored!
  • Scarlet Spear Flotilla captura scene?
    • I don't see any reason why this couldn't be a thing :)
  • Unique Amp / Kitgun / Zaw parts meant for dealing with Sentients
    • This is an idea I thought of recently in case Scarlet Spear is a recurring event; An invasion-version of it like this would be a perfect place to have weapon components made for fighting Sentients, if any were made!
      • One interesting modular weapon passive would be something that changes it's base damage type whenever it's target has a strong resistance to it! triggered after testing the foe once, and adapting on the next strike. that would be a very Anti-Sentient weapon!
        • One possible way to balance this against enemies in general, would be for the weapon to not always chance to the enemy's weakness immediately. It could hypothetically just adapt around their resistances, and may coincidentally change to what they're weak against (Just a thought I had as I finished writing this post).
      • In this case, the weapon would always default to whatever mod elements it has, and change to something else upon adapting to a target. However, attacking different types of enemies (Grineer armor + Corpus shields) in the same attack would be the main problem I see with it.
  • Arcanes? (Existing ones or new ones; Just an option)
    • If you want to put some Arcanes in with Little Duck (Or entirely new ones), this would be a great sink for excess Scarlet creds. but keeping Arcanes tied to events only is another route to take.
    • Some options for new Arcanes could be for modular Archguns / Archwings (When those comes around), or even K-Drives (If those ever get updated with their own abilities / passives).

Edit (05-19-2021: (New idea from a post I made below!)


Speaking of having weapons made for fighting against the Sentients, that could be another trait obtained for MK3-4 weaponry;

  • "+60% Damage to Sentients"; Of course the actual number would be randomized, with a maximum of 60%.


That being said, since your wreckage's actual aspects is only determined after identifying it, I think this could be a trait from weapon wreckage obtained during Space missions, dropped occasionally from Sentient Fighters.

  • I'm not sure whether or not it would be favorable for MK4 weapon wreckage bought from Father to have a faction-damage bonus, but that is an option, ultimately. If so, then I imagine it would be determined at random alongside the other aspects of your new wreckage.
    • The main reason why I thought it might not be favorable is in case you just want to have the other new MK4 traits I suggested, or any other new ones if DE thought of more :)
  • It would also provide another new reward to shoot for during Space runs, especially if Sentient Fighters were to show up during Anomalies in Veil Proxima (Both during and in-between Scarlet Spear Invasion-events!).



Considering how much better the Phasic Cell : Reward ratio was in Orphix Venom, I think that sort of ratio should be brought back for this. I'm not sure how to price some of the things from father & Little Duck, but giving them both a solid purpose and reasons to come back will help the scarlet Spear invasions be worth people's time quite a lot. Not that pricing is the most important part to me; I just enjoyed the event itself! But speaking of Scarlet creds...

I'm sure numerous people who were in the original event remembered how Murex Missions didn't earn as many creds as Ground missions, not to mention the amount of enemies & average time spent for each run. There's some posts on reddit with screenshots of this like that, as one place to look back on. In any case, for the missions themselves;

  • It will be very important to make sure the same amount of creds are offered on a full run for both Ground and Space. This way, it will not influence what missions squads will be inclined to do, and they have more reason to just help out whichever side needs more Tenno and codes.

    Case in point:


    I grabbed this screenshot myself at the time. That UI display is even cutting down through the floor, due to so many Ground squads. I doubt this would be intended for when SS comes back.

    • Maybe it would also help to have a display in the Flotilla UI showing how many scanned codes are ready to be transmitted vs how many are needed at a moment's notice? This might help players gauge how much progress the Flotilla needs to get all the Murex.
  • I also recall how there's the Flotilla chat, so that players from the same relay instance can communicate with each other; I think that definitely needs to stay as part of Scarlet Spear, since it's a very useful feature!
  • The bonus creds that everyone earns based on how many points they had is useful as well! Although I'm not sure if that was a factor in how high the Arcane cred costs were back then, come to think of it.
  • Possible bug: At some point during the original event, I ended up with a duplicate emblem.


    • But rather than remove the idea of that, I think the amount of points you earn that become different ranks of the Ground / Space insignia can instead be converted into even more Scarlet creds! Well, after you own said cosmetic that is. This is actually very similar to NW's duplicate protection, but for Scarlet Spear currency. It would be rather pointless to just keep getting extra inbox emblems you can't do anything with.

      Possible insignia ratios:

      Rank 1 becomes 100 Scarlet creds
      Rank 2 becomes 200 Scarlet creds
      Rank 3 becomes 300 Scarlet creds

As far as longevity / ease-of-access goes, with there already being a Railjack console there, players who get MK4 wreckage from Father will be able to quickly upgrade their ships and prepare for the next Space run for their Flotilla.

The fact that both Space and Ground runs would have an equal amount of points in the end also helps toward evening out the ratio of Ground : Space squads, and with Father / Little Duck having worthwhile rewards I imagine a lot of people would work towards getting what they need, and if they know ahead-of-time that they can’t participate in the rest of a Scarlet Spear invasion, that’s ok! They can then save their Scarlet Creds for the next time it returns in another Proxima region. Hopefully that’ll coincidentally ease any concerns about “fighting for points”.

  • That said, by “fighting for points” I just mean with a set limit on Murex per Flotilla within the same timeframe, if one person takes out a Murex, that’s one less Murex for others. Perhaps the Murex could be unlimited?

    • However many Murex are defeated, everyone that participated in a Flotilla’s run could be eligible for bonus points (Scarlet Creds). As an example;

      Every 25 Murex that are defeated earns everyone another 2,500 Scarlet creds. If 100 are defeated before the next wave, they all get 10,000 Scarlet Creds in addition to the emblems, etc.; I think that would simplify how bonus points are earned, and wouldn’t force an entire 100+ Murex wave to be defeated in order to earn bonus points. People can fight at their own pace instead of completely racing against the clock.

    • To be eligible for bonus points, you’d have to take out either 3 Murex or 3 Condrix (Or however many you think is best). Basically, help out in a Ground or Space run!

      • Doing this across multiple Flotillas probably wouldn’t be too ideal, since you’d be wasting some time checking to see which ones are nearing 50 or 75 Murex, etc., as well as Murex waves only ending based on how much time goes by, not by the number defeated; So you could just as easily keep fighting in your own Flotilla.

That’s all I can think of for now regarding Scarlet Spear returning. But outside of that, there’s still room for other invasions.

Other Empyrean Invasions:

Empyrean invasions in general can also consist of large battles between Grineer Galleons and Corpus capital ships, allowing for Skirmishes, Volatile mission runs, and others!

  • Rewards for these could be similar to the regular star chart invasions, but maybe offering some unique Railjack weaponry with passives that deal up to +60% more damage to Grinner (From the Corpus) / towards Corpus (From Grineer)! It would be similar to some weapon mods that do stuff like that.
    • Plus, these faction-damage traits can then be Valence-fused into hypothetical MK4 weapons!
    • Integrated faction-damage mods such as Sentient ScalpelGranum's Nemesis, and Worm's Torment may stack additively with the faction-damage traits your Railjack's weaponry may have, going up to +87% damage (Weapon's +60% faction damage trait + your modded faction damage) vs a particular enemy.

      • Your Gunner crewmates would theoretically use that sort of formula as well, since they use a copy of your Plexus mods.


  • Brief thoughts on infested Railjack Invasions / Liches:   (Thinking for future stuff)


    • When we eventually reach Infested Railjack missions, Invasions against them can offer Railjack weapons with traits for more infested-damage as well.
      • That being said, I think one interesting idea for Infested Liches would be to draw from the Jordas Precept questline; Where he warns that there are others like himself. These could be the Infested Liches, or one version of them (Depends on how we go about obtaining an Infested Lich; It could be like downloading a manifest on Eris alerts a random infested Cephalon / physical Infested creature to you, making itself known as a Lich). Some could be Cephalons, others physical offshoots of the hivemind?



A few new mission types I thought of:

In the same thread I linked above, I also thought of a few new mission types that blend concepts from the existing Empyrean missions with a different take on Railjack missions. Some of it is re-typed here.

  • Outlast: This is similar to a Survival mission, however you are the Lone Tenno Operative(s)! In the Railjack, players travel to an unmanned missile platform, and once the Tenno taking part inside activate a console, Cy will send out a signal to Ostrons / Solaris (Or any other friendly faction) that the platform is ready for use. The Grineer / Corpus are alerted as well however, and they attempt to reclaim the base of operations. You need to outlast the swarm of enemies while the Railjack shoots down reinforcements outside the base! After enough enemies are killed / time goes by, the Ostrons or Solaris, etc. arrive to claim the base.
    • What stands out here is that enemies can cause various boarding party-type threats!
      • Explosive devices, larger fires and ice or electrical hazards which jam doors and other areas.
    • If too many enemies show up, they’ll have to be routed soon, or you’ll have to extract early (Not losing much, probably; Similar to when Orphix Venom missions reach 100% Sentient control). Other than that, as usual if the Railjack falls, you’ll automatically extract with your things.
      • That said, perhaps you can get rewards for the longer you hold it down, up to a certain extent?
      • Allies coming to help can send the rewards to you (3 per base?), in the form of “care packages”; It’s one way to explain it. Relics, a good amount of Endo, things like that. Once you get something, you should be able to keep it, most likely.
        • This can become an endless mission if you can exit the base and travel to a different missile platform in the same Railjack map, rather than leaving the whole node and returning.
    • Outlast is somewhat a combination of Survival and Defense, since you’re the main target. The base cannot be destroyed, but sooner or later the allies will arrive. If the radiators are exposed and destroyed, that’ll make it harder for you to safely move throughout the base! But you could hack the controls to pull the radiators back inside, perhaps.
  • Escort: This is actually a lot like my idea for Empyrean Defense, but essentially having smaller, faster ships being brought through a danger zone (It could be anything from Grineer / Corpus ship blasts, the Railjack tanking a Shipkiller platform, or other natural space disturbances!).
    • This would be an endless mission, where you can stop after 3-5 ships depending on which Proxima region you’re at, or keep going for more rewards. Once you decide to stop, the friendly ships will let other vessels know not to travel there, and you’re free to explore side objectives or leave the node.

(As of this writing, I've yet to see the full patch notes for Update 30, now that it's out! I will update this a bit if it turns out this way of doing VSF was already implemented)

  • Void Storm Fissures: I would imagine that Void storms themselves wouldn’t be solely based on the nodes at random, but rather like a massive hurricane. Indiscriminately swathing over a group of nodes in one or more proxima regions (Multiple Void Storms in that case), it would enable Void fissure versions of the existing nodes, like regular fissures do.
    • Although, I think it would go by much smoother than otherwise if the fighter-craft were corrupted (Specifically the pilots). When the fighter-craft is blown up, reactant is dropped for the Railjack (Or Archwings) to pick up.
    • Regarding the use of multiple relics per mission run: I saw this being talked about a little during the Devstream, but I think something that some people are / have been trying to get across is that Void Storms are much larger than mere fissures. As a result, they should logically be able to open at least 2-3 relics at a time, and gameplay-wise considering the time spent throughout a whole RJ mission, it would be worth the time spent.
      • If you do choose to open more than one relic per person however (With everyone choosing any number of relics individually, up to the set limit), you’ll need a bit more reactant to open them understandably.

        Assuming you open the first relic, then your 2nd, then your 3rd, and once all relics are open (To ensure people don’t miss the window), you choose any of the various prime parts that are revealed. If you open 2 relics, you have any 2 choices, if you open 3, you get 3 choices. You get +5 void traces for every part of yours that is chosen per player, and you give others +5 traces per each of your choices, similar to regular fissures.

        • The thing I'll leave up to DE is, if you open multiple relics at once, what about the relics that you don’t choose? Would those be thrown away, basically? It would be a sad thing, in a way.

A few more Empyrean-related suggestions from my own thread:

It’s been quite some time since I last updated this thread with new ideas (Reference: A (rather big) varied, organized collection of ideas for DE), but there's a nice variety so far on it. These are some of the Empyrean-related things:


  • Archmelee Stance mods: Functioning like a regular melee stance mod (In terms of attacks and mod capacity), I think that these would be a good thing to introduce (Modular Archmelee to go with Archguns / AW at some point?). I’ve even had an idea for an Archmelee sword moveset:
    • Neutral (No movement input): After a back and forth attack (The first two hits of a Veritux), you can spin in the returning direction to slash two more times, then re-orienting yourself.
    • Moving forward while attacking could be a vertical spin forward, slashing like a giant saw blade. Or lancing forward at an enemy.
    • Heavy Attack: You hold the blade at full arm’s length, then use your Archwing’s thrusters (Or other propulsion) to spin around in various directions to hit everything around you, like an advanced version of the Neutral attacks above. As a result, you’ll need a bit more time to adjust back to normal.
  • Empyrean Scanning: At this point I’ve scanned largely everything the scanner can detect throughout Earth, Saturn & Veil Proxima, but once Corpus Railjack things arrive, it’ll be a whole new world of scanning! The hardest things to scan more than anything else are enemy Fighter-craft. So why not have Cephalon Simaris sell a Scanning Avionic / Ordnance for standing?

    • I’m not sure on the name or how much standing it would be worth (Or energy to use per cast). But when used, it could shoot out to latch onto an enemy fighter, and after a few seconds it can perform the scan for you! The only thing you need to do is get it in your sights, and silently fire it off.

  • Helios Window precept?: Tied with how hard it is to scan fast-moving enemies in Empyrean missions, I think it would be very useful if Helios had the ability to target and scan enemies through Glass, as long as Helios has a potential line-of-sight on the enemy to be scanned!

    • I’m not the first to think of Helios scanning through Railjack windows, but I just wanted to bring more awareness to the idea.

    • Ergo, this includes the windows around your Railjack (For Tenno staying onboard to protect / maintain the ship), and all windows throughout the tilesets of the game (Unless Helios is looking through more unique forms of glass like a Mirror, but then it could scan itself).

      • In theory, this could help a lot of people finish their Empyrean scans in a welcome way. It could even simply be an upgrade to the existing Scanning precept for Helios.

All the bugs I'm aware of in Empyrean (Some may / may not be fixed as of this writing):

As of “Octavia Prime: Hotfix #2” (Couldn’t find the Console’s actual update number) on the Switch, there are still noticeable bugs in Empyrean to iron out. I wouldn’t rule out the other consoles having these issues either until proven otherwise.

Some of what I discovered involves Empyrean codex entries (As far as easy-to-check stuff goes), but there are some more... hands-on bugs, so to speak as well. I will make a bug report post explaining all the bugs listed in this post for more organized detail.

  • The missing Empyrean entries themselves are listed in the next section below, to focus more on the fact that things are bugged here.


  1. Whenever a missile platform objective comes in a mission, the turrets on the top and mid-bottom section of the station glow red-orange on the scanner, indicating that they can be scanned! However, when you do attempt to scan them, you can’t. From what I can tell, this is largely because they don’t have any collision / hitboxes for the scanner to see. The Railjack even has small targeting icons for them, on another note.

    • Spoiler

      Top Turret:


      Bottom Turret:




    • As a result, not even the Astral Autopsy mod would work on them, because you can move right through the turrets just like NPCs in relays (I dunno if they're intended like that, but it’s just an example). It doesn’t matter if you’re in Earth, Saturn or Veil Proxima; All missile platform turrets are intangible.

  2. For some reason, whenever I board a Gyre or Exo Crewship, there is never a Gyre or Exo roller sentry, only the Earth proxima-variant is ever seen; The Kosma roller sentry. Of course, it is still leveled up, but considering it’s the only Kosma enemy in Saturn / Veil proxima regions, it seems so out of place that it must be a bug.

    • Anywhere else that roller sentries appear (Such as missile platforms?) also only spawn Kosma sentries.

  3. More Codex-related, but the Cannon Battery, Elite Exo Ramsleds, Elite Gokstad Crewship, and Exo Skold Crewship do not have entries when searching for them, despite having finished scanning them.

    Small collage of Finished scans:



    There's a chance the Radiator on some Grineer POIs does not have an entry either. I imagine they would hypothetically fall under the "Objects" category in the Codex.


  4. Similar to the above codex issues, various scannable objects aboard the Murex do not appear in the codex either.




    Alphabetically, the Sentient Immunode would be right around where the cursor is.


  5. I have yet to encounter that “Locked Door” within the Pulse Turbine objective, but if / when I encounter it, I’ll take note of the details.


Lack of some Empyrean codex entries / names:

These are all of the Empyrean codex entries that I’m aware of which do not seem to exist in the codex (Some physically cannot be scanned due to aforementioned bugs, so those may have entries after all?), despite my having finished scanning some of them!

  • Small edit, before I finish posting this; None of the following enemies / objects have Codex Entries still post-Update 30.


  • Elite Exo Ramsled
  • Elite Gokstad Crewship
    • Finished scanning it, logged out and back in, but still no entry.
  • Exo Skold Crewship
    • Also lacks an entry, probably related to the above crewship's issue!
  • Top missile platform Turret
    • Doesn’t have a name, but that’s basically my nickname for it.
  • Bottom Missile platform Turret
    • Also no name, but as mentioned above, these turrets are the same collision-less situation in any Grineer proxima.
      • That said, I do wonder if there’s 3 different entries for them from each proxima.
  • Gyre Roller Sentry
  • Exo Roller Sentry
    • Considering that these two sentries don’t spawn, there’s no way to directly search their names in the codex (To where it would surely pull them up). Although I didn’t see a blank space for them when searching “Gyre” or “Exo”, if that’s relevant.
  • Cannon Battery
    • I only learned this enemy has no entry until I was nearly done writing this whole post! It shows up on small asteroids in every Grineer Proxima region, but it seems to share scans everywhere you find it, at least.


  • Immunode
    • This object (Aboard Murex) can only be scanned with the Helios Sentinel, and even after I got it finished it still didn’t appear in the Codex. For those who’re wondering, this is the thing that makes Sentients invulnerable when they’re near it.
      • If you try to scan it normally, there isn’t any scannable part of the sphere that’ll register. I even tried standing on top of the node, but aiming down the north pole didn’t work either.
  • Sentient Murex Container
    • As there’s no entry for this either, I’m just giving it a name.
    • I finished scanning the regular objects on the Murex back during Scarlet Spear, but no entry was found ever since. I can only assume that the uncommon, rare, and reinforced variants don’t have entries either.
  • Various Mimic disguises
    • The Sentient Mimic enemy was scanned by my Helios Sentinel a few times during my Murex runs, and whenever I actually stopped far enough away to look at it, it’s object-form actually did glow bright red-orange, implying it could / should have some kind of entry somewhere (Or at least a different variation to swipe to in the Mimic’s personal entry?).
    • The odd thing is, I've already finished scanning the Mimic as far as I know. Yet helios still scanned it.
  • Debug Sphere?

    • In front of an Abandoned Derelict Entrance, I noticed a small round thing that you can just keep shooting at, even after the Derelict itself opens up! I even hit it with the Railjack’s artillery, dealing a large amount of Red crit damage. It makes for a perfect target to test weapons on :)

    • Spoiler


      I'm not sure if this neat little thing is still around in Update 30, but I'll keep an eye out for it! This image doubles as another example of a Non-Empyrean bug I've listed in a below section too (The Odonata Prime Texture bug);

      By "Non-Empyrean" I mean something that can happen outside of Empyrean, or at least not be specifically related to Empyrean. Granted, a bug like this could certainly still happen on Empyrean nodes, as far as that goes.


    • If it’s not too much to ask, I actually don’t want to see this go away entirely! Can this be implemented into the Simulacrum as a test target, so that we can set various weaknesses and resistances to (Including Steel path modifiers)? One of the big reasons for that is, most enemies will merely die off after taking so much damage; Whereas this round sphere just keeps taking shot after shot, making it perfect for testing purposes!

      • But I digress; I was able to scan it as well, interestingly enough (Next time I see it, I'll re-confirm if it can be scanned). As this is like a Developer-object sort of thing, I can understand if it shouldn’t or cannot be added to the Codex (As much as I'd love to see it happen).


    This is the core that you destroy during (Ship killer?) objectives. When you mouse over it though, it clearly has that name. If it weren’t for the glass around it, I imagine it might have an entry.

    • That being said, I’m not planning on trying to glitch into that little area just to try scanning it. But I thought it might be another example of a possible missing entry or scan-opportunity.

  • Grineer Mine

    • These sometimes can be found around Grineer Ship-killer platforms and the like. A cropped screenshot of this is included in the Scan collage in the previous section.

Suggestions to improve the Railjack itself, etc.:

Since the Railjack’s interior has been updated since I started writing this post, there’s not a lot I can think of to improve the ship itself. But I do have some small thoughts on it, if they haven’t been addressed already in-game:

  • Someone early on in the original feedback thread mentioned some various boxes in the forge area hadn’t been stored somewhere out of the way, which made sense to me too. Functionally speaking, it does get in the way of running to the forge (Or at least it used to).
    • Maybe it provides cover for enemies or for us, but I think a way to move those boxes around (Crew delegation?) while at a Dry Dock would be useful, or to just take them off the ship altogether. At least that way you can make your ship neat & tidy for a mission.
  • I was surprised to hear the boost gauge was removed altogether, since that also involved other movement mechanics (Like launching the ship at the end of a boost), but technically it acted as a Stamina gauge of sorts, so I can see why it happened. If that ever happened for Necramechs, I actually would be surprised, since they’re Old War technology; not as advanced as Frames are.

    The Necramech Haste bonus (Now in Piloting → Rank 7) could simply also reduce the movement drain of the gauge a bit, and it likely would help just as well.

This pertains to the Tactical menu / Pause menu across the game:

I saw this suggested earlier in that feedback thread (If not elsewhere), but I think it would help the awareness of other players to show them when you’re accessing the Tactical Menu or on the Pause Menu. This would be to show them you aren’t merely AFK-ing.

  • I was thinking that your Operator or Warframe could pull up a holographic display from the other players’ perspective, indicating that you’re checking something. I have one or two examples from another game, if it helps inspire a unique display for others to see:

    (Images here come from Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, another game on my Switch system)

    One-person example:


    This would just be a close-up compared to the second example. I'm guessing this would be the "client's perspective", in Warframe's case.


    Multiple-person example:


    I haven't seen this sort of thing brought up much at all since I last saw it, but I think this would be a good idea to look into.

    It could even re-use the old hacking animation with the user typing on the display! If that animation still exists somewhere in the game, why not put it to use?
    (Reference: FrenchPhysicalAmoeba-max-1mb.gif)

    Of course in non-Empyrean missions, that could apply to the pause menu as well. If nothing else, perhaps a small “Status” could be indicated on the player’s UI saying what their ally is doing (Next to that person’s name?), be it the “Tactical Menu”, “Pause Menu” or “Accessing Settings”, whenever they’re in a menu. That alone might help!

Rebalancing Intrinsic point requirements per rank, & possible new bonuses:

(Original post)
☆ Railjack Feedback in hopes of giving the update it's best chance of making RJ more mainstream.

To try limiting how long the post is, I’ll keep this part short. It was thought of before the Intrinsics for Command were revealed, so it tackles the other 4 classes. I just wanted to think of a way to make it easier to get early intrinsic bonuses for most players, and allow room for bringing back various features via the Intrinsics system. Some ideas did mention terms like Flux energy and Avionics (Some of which aren’t a thing now), so keep that in mind.

I highly recommend looking at the post for greater detail on the bonuses, but I do have a picture here to sum up the math-portion of it, leading up to 512 Intrinsics between the last & second-to-last ranks.


  • This is assuming the final bonuses will still need 512 points.


Aside from that, some features I thought of via Intrinsics were:  (There’s a lot more good ones on the post besides these)

Two hypothetical Tactical bonuses:

  • Archwing Tactical Freedom: This adds the 6 degrees of freedom as a toggleable option in the options menu. You can barrel roll & loop-de-loop to your heart’s content once again!
  • Archwing Protection: Increases the invulnerability duration by x2 or x3 (Up to DE) whenever you exit the Railjack or other places (& when summoning the AW in open world missions, if that doesn’t happen already); Archwing’s shield gating lasts for a bit longer, increased by the same amount.

One of the hypothetical Engineering bonuses:

  • Revolite Residue: Repairing the same type of hazard more than once in a row will require less revolite on subsequent repairs (Starting on the second repair), up to 10% less revolite by the same person. Resets to the base revolite requirement when you repair a different hazard.

It would still be a grind in and of itself, but at least with more ranks there might be more things to earn while doing it, in case players will be playing a lot of Railjack in the process over time. That being said, I don’t feel as strongly about this section as I do the rest of the post. So ultimately, I’m fine with Intrinsic requirements / rank totals as they are now if it meant rebalancing like ^ this will need so many intrinsic points later on.


Regarding the Command Intrinsic and it’s bonuses:

After having thought about the above Intrinsic bonuses, and seeing what there is for Command so far, I believe it does need a lookover as well. It’s nothing that can’t be handled though! So here’s what I recommend for Command;

Intrinsic rank bonuses:

  1. 1st Crew Member:
    • Unlocks the first Crew member slot, and the ability to hire them from Ticker.
  2. Competency Gain:
    • Allows you to give 3 competency points to your Crew members.
      • This is the first change; It creates room for the next rank bonuses!
      • Three points is also a well-rounded amount to begin with.
  3. 2nd Crew Member:
    • Unlocks the second Crew member.
  4. 3rd Crew Member:
    • Unlocks the 3rd Crew member.
      • This gets right to the point of forming your crew, having more members one after the next!
        • Originally Rank 5.
  5. Competency Retraining:
    • Allows you to redistribute previously assigned competency points.
      • Having a re-adjusting sort of intrinsic bonus like this at the halfway point feels like a safe spot honestly, similar to how most game settings start at the halfway (Middle) mark!
        • Originally Rank 7.
  6. Necramech Autopilot:
    • When you deploy your Necramech, pressing (Whichever button here) tells it to move on it’s own, following you throughout the mission. This can be toggled in the options.
      • To be specific, by default this setting will be OFF, so you need to manually walk up to the Mech and press whichever button you use for hacking, etc. like a specter or ally VIP. The Mech will then follow and attack anything it sees as a threat.

        If you turn this setting ON in options, then the moment you deploy your Mech, it can just start following / teleporting to you immediately, until you tell it to stop. Basically reverses what it starts out doing!

        Transference into the Mech will always override the Autopilot, and Autopilot will resume afterwards if it was on. If the mech dies, it will start out with the setting you have in options again.

        While your Mech is on Autopilot, a small UI will display on the bottom-right (Like Wukong’s twin!) showing you how much HP / Shields the Mech has. It may or may not consume energy via abilities without Transference.

      • Besides, this way you’ll be commanding your Necramech!
  7. Delegation:
    • You can now use the Tactical menu to change the roles of your Crew members on the fly during missions. Walking up to them and talking with them directly will also allow this.
      • I’m not sure if this is already implemented with the Crew, but I think the ability to tell other Crew NPCs to change their roles mid-mission would be good too. Especially if anyone dies, someone may need to fill the role.

        This will not change their competency points.

      • If this is already a thing, consider this idea for Command Rank 7 a blank slate!
  8. Unusual Crewmates:
    • Converted Liches become available as Crew members.
      • I’m looking forward to seeing when they can do more than defend things!
  9. On Call:
    • One of your Crew members can be designated as being “On Call”, and can be summoned to aid you in non-Railjack missions.
  10. Whatever’s being planned for Command Rank 10:
    • It would be a good heads-up to expect feedback about this as well, when it’s released. I don’t doubt it will need some tweaking, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be a bad thing to do. It’s just in the goal of being better than before!

Do you have any thoughts on this @[DE]Rebecca? Any input would help, I’m sure.


Non-Empyrean-specific bugs:

Similar to the Empyrean bug-section above, there’s a few non-Empyrean bugs I thought I should mention. These have all been in-game since the Deimos Arcana update (At least on Switch: Specifically Update 29.5.5, hotfix #4) on console. If any of these have been fixed since then, by all means let me know. I’ll make a separate bug report asap for these things, with greater detail.

  • Would the Trello board be updated with anything like these @[DE]Danielle? Couldn’t hurt to ask :)
    • Small edit, before I finish posting this; I'm still testing some of these bugs when I can, so I'll make a note of what's been fixed or not, etc. post-Update 30.


  1. Odonata Prime textures are cut in half along the top & bottom, usually anywhere Archwing can be summoned. Exact cause(s?) undetermined. I haven’t tested this with other Archwings yet.

    I have yet to see this bug happen post-Update 30. I can neither confirm nor deny if it's still around!

    I have a few different viewpoints of this!

    Normal texture for comparison:



    The following texture glitch images were taken in Captura, but as mentioned below, it can happen basically anywhere you use an Archwing.

    Side view of the texture glitch:



    Top view of the texture glitch:



    Back view of the texture glitch:


    Has anyone else seen this sort of thing with the Odonata Prime, or other Archwings?

    • Actually, now that I look at it it seems the Secondary color is being swapped with the Accent color (I wasn't sure which ones were changed). But there are still some gold bits here and there, as well as filled-patches of purple by the forward-tips of the wings.

      If other Archwings are being affected, maybe they have the same color types being swapped?
    • Here’s what I do know, in short; Once this bug occurs, there is no way to resolve it mid-mission, not even dying & reviving. I’m guessing the affected areas are affected as a group (Such as all of the primary color being swapped with the tertiary) across the top half; This can occur in Captura and in missions after an unknown amount of time passes.
      • Thankfully it doesn’t affect your stats as far as I know, and the energy colors aren’t affected either!
      • But there is one suggestion I want to throw in here; Maybe have the trails from your Archwing include the secondary energy color? Instead of just a flat blue, etc.!


        As a matter of fact, this would be just like how K-Drive energy trails now use both energy colors!

  2. Sunpoint Plasma Drill’s UI cuts off after aiming with it.
    Still occurs post-Update 30.

    I've got a before & after example!




    After aiming for any amount of time:



    There's a chance this may also happen by merely equipping the drill, but it's certainly reproducible by aiming it. I'll look into it. Exact cause(s?) undetermined.

    • If you aim with the drill while the UI bars have already been cut off, then they'll get cut off even further, equally. These may be two bugs that are interconnected somehow.
    • Most of the time, when you first equip the drill the UI is just fine, after arriving in a mission area (Usually Free Roam; haven't tested this elsewhere). But as soon as you aim it once, the top / bottom of the UI bars on either side get cut off by a certain amount, but always matching either side.
      • I think I’ve seen the bars get cut off by a varying amount sometimes, but I don’t know what (If anything) determines the cutoff length.
    • Dying and reviving, falling out of bounds and respawning, etc. don't appear to help it. Thankfully, the left-hand counter showing you nearby mining veins isn’t affected, nor is the mining UI.
    • I have not tested this with any other drills. But the bug only lasts while you aim with it, as the bars quickly refill themselves.
  3. On the Steel Path, when your Necramech is killed while an Acolyte is spawned in, they count that as a win, even though you weren’t actually “downed”.
    • I don’t see any way that this could be intended, so might this be a bug as well? I’ve never seen anything in the Patch notes on PC updates mentioning this (Not even since update 30, after reading those things).
    • It is 100% replicable, simply get into a Mech in any Steel Path open world, and have it be killed by anything once an Acolyte appears. You won’t be downed, but they still leave.
      • This bug still occurs post-Update 30. Acolytes probably see you have 0 HP and try to escape before you obliterate them :)
  4. K-Drive look links haven’t been working still.
    (This has been fixed post-Update 30)

    A quick example:

    Built board, in the arsenal:



    The same board, viewed in a look link:


    It seems like it keeps the Nose component, but that's about it. Of course K-Drives can't display Sigils anyway, as far as the tool tip goes.

    • Although it would be cool if they had small projectors on either side to display an Emblem, sort of like actual racing vehicles have numbers, etc. on either side of them (Thinks back to F-Zero GX).
    • Beyond that, I think that these look links could also mention the name of the board, and names of the parts used in constructing it, just like when you select the board in the Arsenal. Look links as they are, don't provide much info (Which the "tool tip" could be used for!).
    • The colors are kept in the link, but only the Bondi hoverboard is seen.
      • I only have 2 K-Drives built currently, so I can’t test every combination right away. But it’s safe to say this needs checking at some point, since others have mentioned this on the forums before.
  5. There is an orange trail from the center of the K-Drive board, and energy trails are misplaced in the board’s jets.
    Both are still in-game, post-Update 30.

    To be fair, I suppose these are two different bugs in a way. But they are similar when you think about it.

    The following images were taken in-mission, in the most recent Switch update before Update 30.


    First up, the orange trail:


    If you look closely enough, you could probably see it from the center of any board, including the starting Bondi K-Drive; I vaguely recall seeing it back when I used to have that board as well.

    I do have one example of a pair of misplaced jet trails:



    • This can happen when you’re just moving around or boosting, and the energy’s lights appear to be in the center of some jets as well, which doesn’t make sense for those (The semicircle Jets (Fatboys) however looks nice with it!).
      (One other reference: A reddit post with a close-up of other misplaced jet trails (From Sept. 2019))
    • The orange trail from the center of the board may indeed be related to the original Bondi K-Drive, since it matches that Bondi’s trail color (I think that had the center-bug as well?). As these are visual bugs, at least it doesn’t affect the board’s performance whatsoever.
  6. When viewing your K-Drive in the Arsenal, the board is upside-down.
    Still in-game, post-Update 30.


    This bug is also shown in the other image for bug #4, actually.

    The K-Drive in-arsenal:


    Perhaps it was just given a 180° change at some point in development? Not sure. But it's not a huge issue :)


    The same board, as it was from the Ventkids:


    The next time Fortuna is updated (Around the 3rd Orb Mother?), hopefully K-Drives will have these issues resolved by then.

    • I'm actually a little curious, would there be a way to tie the 3rd Orb fight with K-Drives? If you need to chase it around the Vallis / Underground somewhere that Archwings can't be used? Perhaps it could be an option; Just a random thought.


    • It should be pretty quick to test this (At least on Console, if it hasn’t been fixed by now), and much more self-explanatory than the other bugs above!
  7. Warframe’s upper body becomes a “Wacky Waving inflatable Arm-flailing Tubeman” (I kid you not, lack of a better term).

    A video I took myself, of the issue:
    (Since Switch video captures aren't supported on Warframe, let alone them being merely 30 seconds)
    K-Drive upper body glitch
    • Soo… Yeah. This bug may have always been a thing actually, at least near the time of Deimos. If you get on a K-Drive anywhere that your Warframe appears to stand on nothing (Such as on the Spaceport Tower shown in the Orb Vallis), then the K-Drive will drop to slightly below where your feet were (Angled slightly), and your frame will raise their arms like they’re falling down.
    • You cannot move very fast, and the double jump mod (Poppin’ Vert) only works once, implying the K-Drive thinks it’s in the air. This bug can be performed in Captura or mid-mission, and just keeps looping you around infinitely, with the upper body stretching / growing flatly (While the head stays the same) until you somehow get off the board.
      • After further testing post-Update 30, the bug is still there. I discovered you can also undo the glitch by (Slowly) riding off of the surface you're "falling" on and onto actual ground, where the K-Drive operates normally.

        You can apparently do a single jump from regular ground (Don't do a trick mid-air! It may not trigger the glitch) onto an eligible surface, and then the glitch can begin that way as well. Which makes sense considering the board acts like it's falling either way.

    • Performing a spin trick immediately resets the upper body bug (The upper body will be (Mostly) unable to move), but you can restart the bug by getting back on the board in such places.

Thoughts on upcoming Corpus Liches & their things:

What you'd love to see in Warframe by December 2021
(Part of this original post ^ is relevant in this section, but I’ll need to update it still)

  • That ^ also mentions some of the issues I've already mentioned in this feedback post, since I'd love to see them resolved!


There are a few things I’ve been wondering about regarding Corpus Queenpins as well, namely;

  • What are their motivations against the Tenno?
    • One thought that crossed my mind is if they’re basically Debt collectors hired by the Corpus, after you take out a certain Corpus VIP, or perhaps Lawyers.
  • Will they have more than the 2-4 personalities that Grineer Liches started out with?
    • I was taken aback somewhat when a new Lich I started talked in the same manner as a previous Lich I vanquished.
    • Since we have yet to dive into Update 30+, I’m not sure what the Queenpins will sound like yet, but I’m looking forward to it!
  • Can you have a Grineer Lich and a Corpus Queenpin at the same time?
    • I don’t think I’ve ever seen this question on the forums!
    • If you could, then it would be interesting if they were to fight each other over who gets to kill you first. Lich Crossfire missions?

Aside from the Liches themselves, one thing I’m also looking forward to are their weapons! Especially the new Briefcase class (It sounded like a new type of weapon at least). I’ve got one question regarding that:

  • Can it be used as a melee to smack people with the case, and then press the weapon swap button, etc. to convert it into a gun & shoot them, and vice versa?
  • One thing I’d REALLY like to see with the Briefcase weapon:

    (Possible loud sound warning; At least to my ears)



    • To be honest, I think there’s potential to have even more kinds of “Weapon emotes”, based on each class of weapon! If you have a polearm in your loadout during a mission, and you have the Polearm emote, maybe you can do some acrobatics with the polearm? There’s a lot of ideas to be had with that!


Before the new Ephemera were revealed for Corpus Queenpins (Reference: https://twitter.com/PlayWarframe/status/1339243821444575243), I actually thought of ideas for nearly every other element besides what we have for the Grineer Liches. Some examples from that post, with short descriptions:

(Reference: Corpus Queenpin and Railjack: What is everyone looking forward to?)

  • Puncture:
    • Small points of space around the wearer could implode, Basically warped areas of bent light appearing & then closing.
  • Slash:
    • This could consist of sharpened air currents circulating the Warframe / Companion, etc. (Could look nice on Gauss or K-Drives!), where the blades of air follow behind your trajectory. Any direction you’re moving in, you’ll see the air going behind you!
  • Blast:
    • Small pops appear around the wearer, like tiny explosions from certain AOE weapons. Coincidentally the opposite of the Puncture Ephemera.

Are there any chances / plans that ephemera like these could be added to Liches (Grineer / Corpus), if not saving them for Infested liches? It’s something to explore, I’d imagine. Although the current progenitor frames would have to be divided up amongst the new elements.


In closing,

Thanks for bearing with me through the post. I wanted to get this done because I still want to see Warframe (Or any game really) continue to become better than it has been previously. All of this feedback I have is in support of that goal. Since it touches on so many aspects (In and outside of Empyrean), that’s one reason why I’m posting all of this together, as it was originally written / intended as such.

  • When I’m able to, I’ll look into posting certain parts of this in the feedback megathreads listed at the end of the original Post-Devstream feedback thread, but for now this is what I’ve got.

For everyone who saw something that stuck out to them, any thoughts on it? & to the staff at DE I’ve mentioned, I hope this caught you at an ok time of the day. I know that Update 30 will be underway in the near future here, but I’m thinking that this will still help improve things. I’m looking forward to hearing back about this, if you have a chance. Be safe :)

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Firstly great post thanks for the effort !  

I started to cut and paste parts of your post to respond to as I saw great suggestions in them, but there was to many great suggestions and I'd just end up copying most of your post :) I really like a lot of what you've put here especially what an RJ defense should be in a RJ ! And the SS suggestions I think are fantastic.  (I liked SS a lot when it was running even with its issues)

Anyway really good stuff and well done ! 

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39 minutes ago, -AncientWarrior- said:

Firstly great post thanks for the effort !  

I started to cut and paste parts of your post to respond to as I saw great suggestions in them, but there was to many great suggestions and I'd just end up copying most of your post :) I really like a lot of what you've put here especially what an RJ defense should be in a RJ ! And the SS suggestions I think are fantastic.  (I liked SS a lot when it was running even with its issues)

Anyway really good stuff and well done ! 

Thanks, I appreciate it!

I still need to properly report the bugs asap (I was told one can include multiple bugs in the same post, as long as there's some spacing in-between), so that's my next goal.


I'm not sure if the bugs also occur on PC, but after checking more of the notes (The PC or Switch hotfixes, etc.), I still haven't seen any mention of these in particular. But hopefully this'll raise some awareness that they can happen (Especially Acolytes running away if the Mech dies)

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I checked with the two K-Drives I have, and it appears that the look links for them do work properly post-Update 30!

  • It has the proper colors and components for both; I would like to think other K-Drive combinations now turn out right as well.

Although it would be nice if the tool tip, etc. displayed more information about them instead of saying Look links cannot apply Sigils. The name of your K-drive would be pretty good to display in the top of the link when you view it, on that note.

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After some runs in the Grineer Proxima regions with crewmates, I discovered a few more things. I'm still in the process of writing up that bug report with all the things aside from K-Drive Look Links, but it's taking some time (A bit of college work as well, but so far so good).


So, new Empyrean Bugs which may / may not be on PC as well:      (It would help to know if it's only console issues or not)

  1. Offensive Avionics such as Particle Ram cannot be activated.
    • A workaround for this has been to reset Railjack’s controls to default. However, after doing this Gunnery Intrinsic 9 (Flush Heat Sinks) no longer functions as far as I can tell.
      • The button I used to press for it (Before re-saving my control settings) was the reload / context action button (The Y button on Switch), but even though my controls were actually the same, something caused that intrinsic action to no longer work.

        The feels:


        ( Paint.net's useful sometimes :) )

      • I read some feedback relating to this, and it was said that if you have context action to reload set, perhaps that’s preventing the Intrinsic from working? Is there a way to fix that for those using a controller? I only ask because every other Railjack button option is taken by default, so I’d rather not sacrifice one of the ship’s basic capabilities, etc. if there’s a better route.

        A reddit post asking about this as well, from a few days back;
        How do I flush heat sinks? : Warframe
        • Without that action to set to your Railjack bindings, it may be impossible until it's addressed on a hotfix, etc.; Why not add a “Flush Heat Sinks” action to the controller settings through unlocking Gunnery Rank 9?
  2. Particle Ram itself is visually bugged
    • I was surprised to see this, but even if / when you do get Offensive Avionics working again, Particle Ram appears dimmed like it was before the update. However, it's always dimmed.

      When travelling forward in the Railjack:


      Normally, the whole Ram would be as visible as that effect on the surroundings, but you can barely see the lines of it around the center of the image. It does ram into things just fine, at least.

      • In this state, if the Railjack does not move forward it'll become nigh-invisible altogether while you're in the ship, like it's even more inactive.
        • On the outside, it appears to be visually normal (I don't think I tested the outside of the Ram while a Crewmate is piloting).



          • Not a bad example of the Odonata's texture bug, coincidentally. I did notice that bug may extend to the underside of the Archwing as well:

            • Not sure if this ^ part is new to update 30 or not.
          • To be honest, I'm glad to have all the base actions available again (That just happens to include Particle Ram). But I hope flushing heat sinks can be done again sooner rather than later!
  3. Possible bug: Gunner Crew kills do not provide affinity on-screen (At least not to the Plexus?)
    • I’d note that this is probably due to a brief mention during a Devstream, etc. where your crew is eventually going to be earning their own affinity as well. That could mean the Gunners are “earning affinity” now, but there’s nowhere to apply it.
      • That's kind of why I'm not sure if this is really a bug or not. But it did seem strange nonetheless when I watched a Gunner shoot down ships for a bit while I was in / out of the pilot seat.
      • Off the top of my head, I'm not sure which Devstream that was mentioned (Wasn't too far back I don't think), but it may have been right when Crewmates were shown in-dev.
  4. Exo / Elite Exo Gokstad / Exo Skold Crewships all have a shiny, glossy interior post-Update 30
    • If the floor is shiny (Almost reflective) when you board one of these Crewships, most of the ship will be affected as well. Your Warframe, weapons, and even your Necramech will have a noticeable sheen to them. For some reason, the front of the Crewship (Where the pilot is) is not affected by this shiny issue.
      • Spoiler


        I was in a bit of a rush to get screenshots at the time, so this is best example I have at the moment. That shiny effect could almost become a new Ephemera, probably.

        • I looked a bit closer at the enemies, and they were all affected by the glossiness as well.
      • I went down to the area below the reactor, and narrowed the issue down to a possible lighting problem? The closer I got to one corner near the bottom gunner seat in any of the Veil Crewships, the more my Frame / weapons became shiny. If this is where the issue is, that might explain why the Pilot’s area is not as shiny.
      • Checked over multiple Veil runs with each Crewship; It does not matter if you board a non-damaged Crewship or shoot it to 0 HP first, they all have a sheen to them on the inside.
      • I am curious though; Do Corpus Crewships have this same issue? I haven’t started CotT yet since I’ve focused on getting a good crew and bug-hunting, so I haven’t done a Corpus Empyrean run yet. I'm planning on it today though :)
  5. Exo Skold Crewships now have “Kosma” enemies?
    • I’m not sure how this happened, but it’s clearly not intended, I’m sure! At first it was just the Kosma Roller sentries (Which are still in Saturn & Veil proxima for some reason), but now a whole Crewship of out-of-place enemies can be found. I came across them while testing for the shiny bug mentioned above.

      Unless this is related to an issue of Corpus ships or enemies being named the wrong things, in which case this must be the Grineer's version!

      Various examples:





      • Another example ^ of that shininess!




      • Hopefully the Gyre and Exo Roller sentries will be added in alongside fixing this, but that might be a small pipe dream.

  6. The model of a Derelict Orokin Tower replaces far-rendered, smaller Derelict (Not sure how to word that)

    • I wasn't able to get screenshots just yet, but in those Veil runs I saw the golden end of a Derelict tower (Not the one you can visit) off in the distance. When I flew in for a closer look the whole model changed to a smaller, busted-up version. I’m not exactly sure how to describe it, but I tested it by moving forward and backward at a certain distance (Both in RJ / AW), and the model swaps occur consistently.

    • It's not a game-breaking issue as far as I know, but at least on the Switch this would be hard to miss in the Veil Proxima. It seems to happen whether or not there's a Sentient Anomaly present as well.


On the bright side, I did find the debug sphere again! I got a few images of it as well:


Turns out it can be scanned!

debug_sphere_can_be_scanned.jpg?width=69 Before


debug_sphere_scanned.jpg?width=692&heigh When scanned!


It can definitely take some punishment. Apparently it's hitbox is waaay beyond the Derelict's entrance:


Looking at where the numbers are ^ that is. The sphere itself is that tiny little thing by the bright light.





Perhaps that's the full unmodded damage of forward Artillery (No enemy weaknesses or resistances involved)?

This is a great example of why it should be added to the Simulacrum, I think. Of course fixing the bugs comes first, but I would like to see this be a feature more than a "bug".

  • (Railjack Simulacrum expansion someday? It could even be modeled after the Dry dock, with a path going off to one direction where it takes you to an open space area, away from the normal Simulacrum)


As far as other bugs such as the Codex Entries being missing, I still haven't seen those yet. I checked during my runs, and Grineer Ramsleds and Crewships all show they're fully scanned post-Update 30. No Gyre or Exo Roller sentry entries have appeared, so that implies these are true Kosma enemies, at the moment.


I'll try to get that report submitted this week; Hope it helps :)

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I nearly have the bug report post finished, with 18-19 total bugs (10 Empyrean & 8 Non-Empyrean) to list! Although unfortunately, I was finishing up my formatting on the 11th bug when I needed to head out; I don't have 24 / 7 access to the computer I started that post from, and apparently the forums save your draft to a specific computer, so I can't work on the last few parts of it until next Monday.

That being said, I did have some thoughts. I might have something figured out for Command Rank 7 (Originally I thought it could be Crew Delegation mid-mission, but that was already a thing unbeknownst to me), but I also wanted to ask PC Tenno a question:


To help make sure the next update is a bit better for all platforms, can anyone on PC confirm if they have encountered the following bugs or not?  I think it would help the people working on fixing the bugs to know ahead-of-time if it can happen on PC as well.

  • Some of the details on these bugs are already in the thread, but I'll provide some images / details for anything newer.


Listed in the order of the bug-report-in-progress:


  1. The upper and lower turrets on Grineer Missile Platforms cannot be touched in any way, and by extension not scannable.
    • They usually glow orange-red on the scanner though.
  2. The Blackout Pulse Avionic can deal damage to something in Missile Platform objectives
    • A few images as an example:

      First example; Note the various gray 0s, and 200+ damage in the center of the platform:




      I don't know if there's another Debug Sphere within that POI, but I'm surprised it took damage at all. Seeing as the missile platform turrets are intangible, it kinda makes sense they're invulnerable to it, I suppose. But this is strange nonetheless.

  3. Gyre and Exo Roller sentries still do not spawn in Grineer Crewships throughout Saturn / Veil Proxima; All of them are Kosma Roller sentries.
  4. Specific Codex Entries are still missing for fully-scanned targets.
    • There's a lot listed in the thread, but a few new outliers I found include:
      • The Radiators from various Grineer points-of-interest.
    • These have some images!
      • The Security nodes on Corpus Capital ships.
        • Spoiler


          There is a way to scan this; Apparently you need to destroy it first (The model will remain afterwards). It's unlike most other objects in the game in that regard!

          • For some reason, when you scan one of them, you cannot scan the other nodes; Might be a separate bug in and of itself.
          • I'm not sure how many total scans it'll need.


      • That "DESTROY" shipkiller platform object.
        • Spoiler


          I really wish Helios could scan through glass surfaces.

      • All / any members of your Railjack Crew.
        • Spoiler

          Several examples from the same mission:




          Just to cover all the bases, when already scanned:

          Kinda makes me wonder if each Syndicate's crew member has their own entry?

          • Not counting the specific names or details of course; That' a bit too much work per entry.

      • The Pilot of your Railjack (Whenever you have a Crewmate piloting, you can scan them there!)
        • Spoiler

          Doesn't matter which Crewmate you have as a pilot either:


          Apparently if you switch them off to have a different crewmate piloting, it won't let you scan the "Pilot" again. So you'd have to do separate runs to finish that scan target.

  5. Particle Ram is visually bugged when activated (post-Update 30).
    • If your ship stays still, it'll look almost entirely invisible from the inside. I haven't tested what it looks like while your Crew pilots the ship with Particle Ram on though.
  6. Gunnery Intrinsic Rank 9 "Flush Heat Sinks" does not function after setting your Railjack controls to default.
    • I did work on something in Paint.net earlier today to help show a solution to that problem though:

      The gist of this could apply to the other console platforms as well, I'd hope:


      I thought it would help to put a gray area behind some of that text, but it became blurry after it was saved. It basically says to rename that action from "Reload" to "Flush Heat Sinks".


  7. Sigils do not appear the same on the Crew Management screen as they do outside it.

    • To be more specific:


      In the Railjack, at the Dry Dock:



      Here's that same member / Sigil in the management screen:


      I haven't seen this with all the Sigils I have, but some do seem to be affected. Such as the Buried Debts Sigil and various Syndicate Sigils like that Red Veil one. Hostile Mergers' Sigil could be another, off the top of my head.

      • Sigils also seem to take some time to load, appearing as a darkened square (Noticeable on the right-side Crewmate). This may be a console issue for all I know, but it's another reason for asking.


  8. Grineer Crewships in the Veil may have bugged lighting / shininess on the inside.

    • I'm not sure what triggered it exactly, but in the post before this one I included several screenshots of a very shiny interior that also affects yourself (Your Frame, weapons, Companion, and the Necramech). To my knowledge, I had default display settings, but none of them sound like they'd trigger that bug.

    • I did do another run for a bit of bug-hunting (For screenshots), and it did not happen then, which means that it's not 100% likely to occur.

  9. Exo Skold Crewships have all-Kosma enemies.

    • Pretty self-explanatory; Every time I've encountered them post-Update 30 this has been the case.

  10. The model of a small derelict is replaced by a larger derelict depending on how far away you are (A very big size difference!)

    • The viewing distance swap-border seems to be roughly between 7100 - 7200 meters.

    • I finally managed to grab some screenshots of that:


      The small derelict, within that distance:



      The bigger version:



      Some close-ups of the smaller one:



      You can also see that a different, actual Derelict is marked near the top of the screenshot coincidentally, showing that the big derelict was not the same kind.


      Both versions from another angle:



      The waypoint vanished by the time I took those last screenshots, but I stayed roughly at the swapping distance. Apparently if you're right on that borderline, you can see the swapping happen by getting in / out of the pilot's seat.


  11. There is a small "Debug Sphere" in front of visitable Derelict entrances.

    • Thankfully I was able to get some screenshots of that recently! They're in the post above this one. If it's on the Switch, I wouldn't be too surprised to see it on PC as well.


  1. The Odonata Prime has a texture glitch that occurs anywhere Archwings can be used.

    • Most of the Empyrean bug images I listed double as examples of the bug. I'm guessing it's the Secondary color swapping with the tertiary / accents? In any case, there are bits of gold still trying to escape purple areas in some of them.

    • I haven't confirmed if this happens with any other Archwings however, so I couldn't say for sure if only the Odonata p suffers from this bug.

      • Although I did discover this in one of my last runs:


        Edit: I accidentally forgot to mention this when it was originally posted!

        Mirage Prime got a texture bug (Where the white / blue areas resemble that of the Odonata's glitched pattern):


        I've only ever had this happen once, and I'm not exactly sure what caused it (Boarding the Crewship as it's turning upwards / to the left?). This bug lasted while I was in the Crewship, and in the rest of the Crewships I boarded, it didn't happen again.

        • I just noticed the similarities between this and the Odonata Prime's pattern, so I thought I'd share it.



  2. The Sunpoint Plasma drill UI bars cut off equally on either side, after aiming with the drill for even a moment.

    • I haven't seen this occur in Empyrean Grineer Crewships for some reason.

    • The UI bars on either side may get cut off by merely equipping the drill, in which case if you do am with it, both sides will shorten even further, equally. I don't think the number of displayed nearby mining spots is affected at least.

  3. After an Acolyte spawns in Open world areas, if your Necramech dies from any source of damage, the Acolyte will leave as if you've still been "downed". 

    • If this bug is not patched by the time Mechs come to all missions, I would imagine it could happen then as well.

  4. There is a small orange trail coming from the center of K-Drive boards (The Bondi K-Drive had this bug as well I think).

    • It would be hard to discern at times, but if you make medium-speed movements in a circle while facing in one direction, you could see it. There's an image or two above in the thread showing that trail.

  5. The small lights of energy and energy trails from from the center of all K-Drive jets rather than the more realistic areas.

    • One example of a more realistic place would be the tips of a pair of jets, or perhaps the sides of the Step Tens. The semicircle jets are likely fine, since it could work with their design :)

    • This is very noticeable if you move sideways on your K-Drive.

  6. When looking at your K-Drives in the Arsenal, the board is upside-down compared to when you made / bought it at the Ventkids.

    • Essentially, it looks like the model of the board was given a 180° flip.

  7. When summoning your K-Drive on certain surfaces, your Frame's upper body will become loose. The video I took a couple of weeks back says it all.

  8. TennoCon 2021 shoulder Armor misplaced on Mirage Prime

    • I discovered this last night, but apparently similar to how Volt Prime had / may still have an issue with the Itzal Armor, now Mirage Prime has a misplaced right shoulder piece!

      • I have tested the Armor on Limbo Prime, Mesa Prime, Frost Prime, Excalibur Umbra, and normal Mirage. They all showed no TennoCon Armor issues. Can anyone else with other Warframes test this on PC to confirm who has this same issue?

        • I do have more frames to test it with, but there are some I don't own yet. Excalibur Prime of course I cannot test, but he's still a possible candidate for the TennoCon 2021 armor issue until proven to be issue-free.

      • I did test various skins with Mirage Prime equipped, and only her Prime (Default for her I suppose) skin suffers from this issue. This implies to me that whenever an issue like this occurs for Volt Prime or Mirage Prime now, it lies with a specific skin(s) rather than the frame you have equipped.

    • I have several images:

      • Spoiler

        Exhibit A:



        Emblem Projectors (Is that what they're called?) are also misplaced it seems, unless that's an intended design choice. I would've expected the Emblems to be placed / projected from the surface of the shoulders themselves rather than hovering off of them like the right-shoulder Armor piece does.

        • All the Frames I tested showed normal Armor placement, but the emblems were not placed onto the shoulders at all; Which makes me wonder if that part is actually intended or a bug.


        With normal Mirage:


        The right shoulder is properly placed, but the Emblem Projectors are clearly not on her shoulders.


        Some profile angles, as another example:




        The left shoulder Armor and the rest of the set itself looks properly placed at least!


        A couple of viewpoints from the Arsenal:



        At the time I thought that would be another way to show the hovering projector.


        And last but not least, an image with the Shedu (Speaking of the Arsenal!):


        I thought of it last-second, and apparently this is the result! It almost works, but it still clips a bit. I haven't crafted the Bubonico yet, but I imagine the same could happen.



Those are all the ones I've encountered; I still haven't found the locked door in the Pulse Turbine POI, so I don't have my own details to add with that. But these 18 or so bugs I have found solo. I would appreciate it if Tenno on PC could test out these bugs and see if they still occur in the most recnet PC update(s)!

I can then note that in my bug report before I finalize it on the other computer, which will hopefully save the staff at DE some time with fixing it (Less testing they need to do). If it wouldn't be out of your way of course.


Aside from the bugs, here's what I thought of for Command Rank 7:


I didn't want to get too off-topic, so i put this in a little spoiler-thing!

So considering that you can already swap Crewmates' roles in the Tactical Menu...

Command Rank 7;

Enhanced Delegation (Name is a WIP):

  • When selecting roles for the Crew via the Tactical menu, hovering over them will now open up more specific actions above the job's UI icon based on the main type of role:
    • Engineer: They can use the forge to craft Dome charges for the Forward Artillery or other needs! What they craft may be based on certain factors (Namely the size of the UI space!):
      • If there is not enough space to directly show small Forge icons (For direct forge-delegation), then these are some hypothetical circumstances:
        • If you're out of charges while sitting in the FA, they'll realize you need more ammo and craft that first.
        • If the ship is nearing a Hull Breach, they'll run to craft Hull restores.
        • If you're running low on Revolite, they'll craft that if no other things are needed.
        • If you need Munitions and nothing else is troubling the ship, they will be able to craft those.
        • They could craft Warframe energy if you have less than 25 energy (Or however much your abilities need to cast at minimum).
    • Pilot: You can waypoint an enemy fighter while aiming one of the Railjack's turrets at them (As opposed to just waypointing through the glass anywhere in the ship; Hopefully this could be possible). Your crewmate will follow that target until they are destroyed. Alternatively, while in the Archwing Slingshot, you can guide the Pilot's direction by adjusting your projected flight-path!
      • This is a 2-in-1 bonus:
        • Regarding waypointing, the ship can be piloted directly to wherever you've set a waypoint on the map, and the Railjack will stop once it gets within 100 or so meters of the destination, at which time the ship may just turn in different directions based on the needs of your Gunner crew.
        • If you open the Tactical menu while in the Archwing slingshot, your Pilot can move the Railjack forward automatically, and will steer the ship in any direction based on where your flight angle is. The sharper the angle, the faster the turning.
      • If you try to do both at once (A waypoint and the slingshot-steering), the pilot will follow your slingshot-steering first and foremost. When you're launched, they'll go back towards the waypoint.
        • This is a pretty straightforward addition to the Piloting role, so I don't think there's anything to balance with it.
    • Gunner: If you're in the Pilot's seat, you can tell your Gunner Crewmate to hop into the Forward Artillery to finish off a Crewship you've damaged!
      • The exact target could be identified by waypointing them while aiming the Pilot's turrets, for quicker action.
        • Of course, that depends on how / if waypointing is updated from Inside the Railjack - Outside the Railjack.
      • They will let you know if they need more Dome Charges, and will wait to proceed until they can charge one up. Otherwise, you can have them go back to other duties should the need arise.
        • Like the addition to Piloting above, this is also rather straightforward (Nothing that needs balancing). Forward Artillery is meant to take down Crewships anyway, so the increase in accuracy would help them fill their role.
        • Since FA charges up rather than building heat accretion, competency points in gunnery don't accelerate it.
    • Defender: Based on the Syndicate your Crewmate Defender is from, they can trigger an Empyrean Radial Effect to help deal with groups of intruders. These effects would be separate from the weapons you've given them, and charge up over time to be activated on your Command.
      • Names are all WIPs:
        • Steel Meridian's Empyrean Justice: The Defender unleashes a powerful shockwave around them to lift up all enemies standing in range.
          • This shockwave is stronger than those used by Heavy Gunners, MOAs, and Eximus auras, which is how it lifts enemies up rather than causing mere brief knockdowns.
          • Lift duration is 5s minimum, adding +2s for every point they have in Combat (Up to 15s). Shockwave range has a 15 meter radius at max points!
            • To balance this, your SM Defender will need a few seconds to recover themselves (Punching the ground with both fists together takes a bit out of you!); The shockwave will deal no damage either. Upon recovering they can fire their weapons.
            • With all affected enemies lifted, you / your crew can deal all the damage needed!
        • Red Veil's Empyrean Blight: The Defender targets whichever enemy on the ship has the highest amount of HP, and dashes over to grapple them, and holds them around the neck. This causes all other enemies to target that enemy, dealing damage to them as they try to hurt the Defender (Who redirects 75% - 90% of the damage taken to their target (Exact % amount not important)).
          • If / when the target is killed, the RV Defender will pull out their weapon and attack as normal. Until then, they'll be facing wherever the enemies are gathered, slowly backing away from them.
          • To balance this kind of enemy distraction, the Defender will only fire their weapon when enemies get within a few meters of them and their hostage. There will still be a blind spot behind them, but the damage redirection helps with any damage taken by the Defender.
        • Cephalon Suda's Empyrean Entropy: The Defender will scramble enemy comms both onboard and for fighters nearby the Railjack. Affected enemies will have the faint sound of Octavia's Anthem playing from them, as they hold their heads (Taking a certain amount of damage per second), while fighters slow down and stop firing for the same amount of time after coming in range of the Railjack.
          • Damage per second at max Combat points could be 500 (100 per point), while the duration could be up to 15s at max points. Fighter craft will not take the damage-over-time, but stop shooting and slow down when within 150 meters of the Railjack (+30 meters of outside-range per point).
          • This will also help with scanning certain fighter-craft, if you're quick enough! Simaris would be grateful.
            • Considering it's a ship-wide effect, this will need to be balanced by your CS Defender staying still to maintain the scrambling (Perhaps Suda herself could be the one providing the Anthem?).

              They cannot fire their weapons while it is in effect, and on subsequent activation against the same enemies, it will deal half the amount of damage per second as the first playback did. But the duration / outside-range will be the same, and fighter-craft will still cease fire. Crewships and Ramsleds might not be affected by this.

        • The Perrin Sequence's Empyrean Sequence: The Defender emits a shockwave that disables firing mechanisms for enemies in range, causing them all to resort to melee combat for a time. As soon as the first shockwave ends, a larger one is sent out to allies, giving players and other Crewmates increased fire rate to their weapons.
          • Assuming max combat points:
            • The first (Disarming) shockwave would have a radius of 15 meters, and affected enemies cannot fire weapons for 15s.

              The second (Brief) shockwave could have a radius of 25 meters, lasting for 25s (Starting individually for an ally when they're within range), giving them +50% fire rate to Primary, Secondary, and Heavy Archgun weapons. Sentinel weapons benefit as well! Necramechs might not, however (To help balance this).

              • This buff is additive after all other fire rate buffs. It will remain after any of them run out, since it's a separate one.
            • This would be further balanced by the fact that your PS Defender's buffing shockwave has a short window to get in range, and they cannot fire their own weapons right away; They'll try to move out of the way in the meantime, letting everyone else handle the violence.
        • Arbiters of Hexis' Empyrean Truth: The Defender sends out multiple streams of energy to allies (Whoever's in range), buffing them with increased Armor / Shields for a time, based on your frame's needs. Crewmates receive the effect from a greater distance.
          • Assuming max Combat points;
            • The duration of the buff could be 20s (+4s per point), starting from when the Defender activates it.

              The range could be 10-15 meters (Exact range not important; Perhaps +5 more meters of radius for Crewmates?), giving +20% Shields / +20% Armor to your Warframe & companions additively. If you have no shields, it'll provide you with the Armor bonus until the duration ends, allowing you to survive better if / while your shields return.

              • The bonus takes your mods into account, adding onto the final results; Necramechs may / may not be affected.
            • This would mainly be balanced by the relatively small increase to shields / armor, and the short range (Referencing how enemies group up around Arbitration drones). It does help that it counts your mod results, at least. Plus, considering all the options Tenno have at their disposal, it might make a bit more sense for Crewmates to get a little extra something out of it.
        • New Loka's Empyrean Purity: The Defender begins to emit a healing field for all allies within range for a time, while slowing down the movement of enemies. The Railjack recovers Hull during this effect as well.
          • Assuming max Combat points:
            • Healing radius could be 15 meters, and lasts for 25s. Scaling with the ally's max HP,  heals 2% max HP per second (1% max HP per second for defense targets (When on-call)). Enemies within range (Other than Status-immune bosses) are slowed down by 25% (Exact amount not important). The Defender will be healed by 2% max HP per second as well.
            • Necramechs and Companions within range can also heal from the field! This will help with Sentinel and Mech survivability, and for various Kubrow / Kavats.
              • This would mainly be balanced by having the field heal various kinds of defense objectives at a slower rate than non-defense objectives. The fire rate of enemy weapons might not be slowed.

                The rate at which enemies themselves are slowed down is meant to act in such a way that enemies will still be able to move at a slow, but hopefully fair pace (Like if you have a high-strength Creeping Terrify build with Nekros, or other slowing abilities). It may simply bring the total slowing effect up to the overall slowest amount possible.

      • Some overall factors to consider with all 6 types of buffs:
        • Sentients can also be affected by them, and may / may not be able to adapt to the hindering effects.
        • Airborne enemies will simply be pushed back by any of the shockwave effects, rather than knocked down / lifted.
          • Speaking of which, boss enemies likely wouldn't be affected by shockwaves either (Maybe aside from The Sergeant?).
        • To help balance the effects among one another all have an equal cooldown / charge up time of 3-5 minutes between uses!
          • There is no way to speed up the charge rate (At least in Empyrean missions, since your Crew is always present), as it simply builds up over time, resetting after the effect is used.
        • In case your Railjack doesn't need more Defenders, you can briefly switch a Crewmate to the Defender role, activate their buff, and switch them back to their main job after the effect ends!
        • Only one of your Crewmates' effects can be used at a time! You'll have to wait until the spotlight's off of one before letting another member shine.
        • These can be used with "On Call" Crewmates in Non-Empyrean missions as well, I imagine. They don't need a Defender role during this.
          • The effect cooldown's recharge time would likely differ based on the On Call gear's cooldown. It could be sped-up so that you can use it up to 2 times per summon.
          • To make up for it, I would think it would come fully-charged from the start each time you summon them, since they don't stay for long. That way it'll have enough time to charge up once more.
            • You could see their gauge just above your ability UI, so you know how long they need to re-charge their effect.
          • To trigger it, perhaps you could activate the On Call gear item while they're already summoned?
          • For multiple Tenno calling down their On Call Crewmates, that may / may not be the only time you could stack Crewmate Empyrean Radial Effects.

            The reason being that Crewmates don't stay for very long as it is, so limiting their usefulness while another On Call Crewmate was unknowingly summoned by others would be a waste of someone's On Call gear item.

        • Some of these effects might be sustainable while the Defender is in bleedout, to make it safer to revive them.
          • Empyrean Purity might not have a reviving effect on players / Crewmates / NPCs in bleedout, including the Defender themselves.
        •  Grineer Liches & Corpus Queenpins aren't from Syndicates, so they'd work differently as far as I know.
          • They'll be eligible for other Crew roles eventually, at least.


I'm a bit surprised I hadn't thought of this before tonight! I'm planning on including this in some feedback for the Command Intrinsic as well, when possible.

I think including this in the Command Intrinsic line would really make the commanding nature of it much more solid, and gives even more depth to your Crew's actions, while expanding the uses of the Tactical Menu. Different effects like the above would likely give a reason to try each one, or perhaps strategize  based on where you're planning on going.



I any case, thanks for hearing me out on those things. Any help regarding the listed bugs would be great, but no pressure.

Be safe :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

(Some of the original text from the Scarlet Spear section)

On 2021-04-15 at 2:00 PM, (NSW)Gamer-Steve said:

Found in space from The Old War, MK4 Railjack wreckage!

Since Father actually used to be on a Railjack himself back in the day, I imagine he could be the perfect guy to offer Tenno busted up ship parts in return for Scarlet creds (Or Phasic Cells if they have any from OV?)The reason why these would be the wreckage as opposed to rebuilt parts is so that you can Valence-Fuse them into your existing ship parts!

(New text will go here)

I figure each MK4 part can come with roughly an extra +25% - 45% max total stats (Either additive or Multiplicative) compared to the MK3 version of any given part (Reference: Railjack/Components | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom), so that it won't totally outclass the parts you've worked hard to get before the invasion, but still seem worthwhile to buy. But, Father's parts can also come with unique traits unlike the MK3 components you've found!

  • Considering how many different traits there are per house, I'll just list these three ideas!)

House Lavan MK4: Tenno gain +50% armor for 5 - 10s after being launched from the slingshot. 

  • This is another version of the other slingshot traits, so it may help you survive when you first enter the enemy's area! 10 seconds instead of 5 would be to help that further, since enemies may not see you or shoot immediately.

House Vidar MK4: -10% intruders' shields.

  • A different effect than the armor-reducing version, for dealing with Corpus boarding parties!

House Zetki MK4: Convert 40% of damage dealt to Railjack's Hull to Warframe energy for all Tenno onboard.

  • This acts separately from any mods your Warframe has equipped, such as Rage or Hunter Adrenaline. All Tenno gain the same amount of energy simultaneously.
    • I'm not sure if it'd matter where the damage comes from.
  • The MK4 wreckage could either come with the minimal base stats, or maybe a random range of stats? Either way, it will allow you to increase it up to a certain max amount via Valence Fusion.



Other Empyrean Invasions:

Empyrean invasions in general can also consist of large battles between Grineer Galleons and Corpus capital ships, allowing for Skirmishes, Volatile mission runs, and others!

  • Rewards for these could be similar to the regular star chart invasions, but maybe offering some unique Railjack weaponry with passives that deal up to +60% more damage to Grinner (From the Corpus) / towards Corpus (From Grineer)! It would be similar to some weapon mods that do stuff like that.
    • Plus, these faction-damage traits can then be Valence-fused into hypothetical MK4 weapons!
    • (New text here too!)



With the QoL changes for wreckage introduced in PC Update 30.2.0, I wanted to apply that here as well, and amend the explanation in the Scarlet Spear / Empyrean Invasions section;

(If I understood how it works of course)

Father will need the same amount of Scarlet Creds for any given MK4 wreckage, regardless of the house or category (Engines, Plating, etc.). The exact price for any MK4 wreckage isn't important at this time, but you would be able to quickly identify the wreckage and see what stats and trait it has, or (If you already have a maxed-out MK4 part) scrap the MK4 part for 300 Endo (As an example?).


(Regarding the new bullet point on Other Empyrean Invasions)

Integrated faction-damage mods such as Sentient ScalpelGranum's Nemesis, and Worm's Torment may stack additively with the faction-damage traits your Railjack's weaponry may have, going up to +87% damage (Weapon's +60% faction damage trait + your modded faction damage) vs a particular enemy.

  • Your Gunner crewmates would theoretically use that sort of formula as well, since they use a copy of your Plexus mods.



There is one final idea I thought of a little while ago, after reading back through Little Duck's rewards in the main post:

(The last thing I had in her list)

On 2021-04-15 at 2:00 PM, (NSW)Gamer-Steve said:

Unique Amp / Kitgun / Zaw parts meant for dealing with Sentients

  • This is an idea I thought of recently in case Scarlet Spear is a recurring event; An invasion-version of it like this would be a perfect place to have weapon components made for fighting Sentients, if any were made!
    • One interesting modular weapon passive would be something that changes it's base damage type whenever it's target has a strong resistance to it! triggered after testing the foe once, and adapting on the next strike. that would be a very Anti-Sentient weapon!
      • One possible way to balance this against enemies in general, would be for the weapon to not always chance to the enemy's weakness immediately. It could hypothetically just adapt around their resistances, and may coincidentally change to what they're weak against (Just a thought I had as I finished writing this post).
    • In this case, the weapon would always default to whatever mod elements it has, and change to something else upon adapting to a target. However, attacking different types of enemies (Grineer armor + Corpus shields) in the same attack would be the main problem I see with it.


Speaking of having weapons made for fighting against the Sentients, that could be another trait obtained for MK3-4 weaponry;

  • "+60% Damage to Sentients"; Of course the actual number would be randomized, with a maximum of 60%.


That being said, since your wreckage's actual aspects is only determined after identifying it, I think this could be a trait from weapon wreckage obtained during Space missions, dropped occasionally from Sentient Fighters.

  • I'm not sure whether or not it would be favorable for MK4 weapon wreckage bought from Father to have a faction-damage bonus, but that is an option, ultimately. If so, then I imagine it would be determined at random alongside the other aspects of your new wreckage.
    • The main reason why I thought it might not be favorable is in case you just want to have the other new MK4 traits I suggested, or any other new ones if DE thought of more :)
  • It would also provide another new reward to shoot for during Space runs, especially if Sentient Fighters were to show up during Anomalies in Veil Proxima (Both during and in-between Scarlet Spear Invasion-events!).


I've updated the main post with this. Thanks for hearing me out on it! Any thoughts?

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I've no idea if this is the thread I should be posting in. I've grown weary of reading the multiples of Railjack posts.

Bugs. So many bugs.

Getting stuck on the ship after COMPLETION of mission, stuck in the purgatory of the screen showing you going through warp only to be left in that screen with no way to get out. No completion screen comes up. 4 crew members stand around discussing what things we can poke at to get to the "completion screen" to collect our rewards. Poking everything including foundry does nothing. Despair finally kicks in and force quit is the only way to end mission. NO REWARDS FOR YOU! This has happened 4 out of the 6 missions I have done since yesterday. 

Painful. So much painful.

Worse yet, completing the mission only to have no ability to press or poke at anything. The members icons become question marks. Again, standing around hoping the loading screen is just being finicky ...but alas, this is not the case. Just painful purgatory; I assume this is what it feels like to be brain boxed on Venus, only we already paid for our parts.

Bugs, so many bugs. Killing all the things and having a failed mission pop up. Crew members being so discouraged and bewildered as to why. No explanation. No rewards. Again, no rewards. Railjack is soul defeating because of the bugs.

Joining "any crew" sends you into loading screens for minutes then kicks you out back to your home ship. Or you join on one that says it has members only to be thrown into a member-less session. Bugs. Painful soul sucking bugs. 

It feels like all the resources going into ship building is an epic waste. 



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4 hours ago, SublimeAvenger said:

I've no idea if this is the thread I should be posting in. I've grown weary of reading the multiples of Railjack posts.

Bugs. So many bugs.

Getting stuck on the ship after COMPLETION of mission, stuck in the purgatory of the screen showing you going through warp only to be left in that screen with no way to get out. No completion screen comes up. 4 crew members stand around discussing what things we can poke at to get to the "completion screen" to collect our rewards. Poking everything including foundry does nothing. Despair finally kicks in and force quit is the only way to end mission. NO REWARDS FOR YOU! This has happened 4 out of the 6 missions I have done since yesterday. 

Painful. So much painful.

Worse yet, completing the mission only to have no ability to press or poke at anything. The members icons become question marks. Again, standing around hoping the loading screen is just being finicky ...but alas, this is not the case. Just painful purgatory; I assume this is what it feels like to be brain boxed on Venus, only we already paid for our parts.

Bugs, so many bugs. Killing all the things and having a failed mission pop up. Crew members being so discouraged and bewildered as to why. No explanation. No rewards. Again, no rewards. Railjack is soul defeating because of the bugs.

Joining "any crew" sends you into loading screens for minutes then kicks you out back to your home ship. Or you join on one that says it has members only to be thrown into a member-less session. Bugs. Painful soul sucking bugs. 

It feels like all the resources going into ship building is an epic waste. 



Dang, that's unfortunate. I wish I knew how I could help with those.


Although this isn't specifically the original feedback thread. I had discovered that thread was closed the same day I finished typing the huge main post, so I named this thread with the intention of clarifying where / why I would've posted it otherwise.


I have a TL;DR of my own feedback from multiple Devstreams near the top of my post, if you haven't seen it. Plenty of suggestions and ideas to improve several things, in and out of the Railjack, etc.

  • I've also listed several lesser-known (Or at least previously-undocumented) bugs, which have since been reported officially; I'm still waiting to see when they'll be fixed in the patch notes of various updates.


That being said, there's also some things covered outside of Empyrean. But in any case, I hope your next few runs go better :)

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2 hours ago, SublimeAvenger said:

ADDITIONAL BUG: Only credits are showing after completed mission, not accumulated whatnots/mods/etc collected from missions.

Come on DE fix this!!!!!!!!

Wait, do you mean after you finish all the node's main objectives (Before doing side objectives, or at least before you move onto the next node), after doing one or more other nodes?

  • Basically:
    1. Do all the objectives in the first mission (Both main and all side objectives), thus receiving rewards from the node's drop table
    2. Go to another Empyrean node (Anywhere else), and check your accumulated stuff the moment you arrive in the next area, before doing more objectives
    3. Finish the objectives in that area, then receive rewards from that nodes drop tables as well

    4. Check your accumulated stuff so far, only to discover you have credits.
  • Might that ^ be it, pretty much? Or did you do even more missions before checking what you've gotten? Any more details would be great for stuff like this; It's why I went so in-depth with my reports lately.


I'll have to test this myself too. Did this happen in Solo mode or a different matchmaking mode (Invite Only, Public, etc.)? I usually run Solo on Railjack lately (Mainly because I'm trying to complete the Empyrean Codex entries, and don't want to slow down other squads with that), so I can't recall if I had that happened to me.

  • Then again the current update on Switch isn't quite the same as the current PC update, unless I'm mistaken.


Maybe we can gather more details on those bugs you came across by trying the same things on both platforms? Food for thought.

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31 minutes ago, (NSW)Gamer-Steve said:

Wait, do you mean after you finish all the node's main objectives (Before doing side objectives, or at least before you move onto the next node), after doing one or more other nodes?

  • Basically:
    1. Do all the objectives in the first mission (Both main and all side objectives), thus receiving rewards from the node's drop table
    2. Go to another Empyrean node (Anywhere else), and check your accumulated stuff the moment you arrive in the next area, before doing more objectives
    3. Finish the objectives in that area, then receive rewards from that nodes drop tables as well

    4. Check your accumulated stuff so far, only to discover you have credits.
  • Might that ^ be it, pretty much? Or did you do even more missions before checking what you've gotten? Any more details would be great for stuff like this; It's why I went so in-depth with my reports lately.


I'll have to test this myself too. Did this happen in Solo mode or a different matchmaking mode (Invite Only, Public, etc.)? I usually run Solo on Railjack lately (Mainly because I'm trying to complete the Empyrean Codex entries, and don't want to slow down other squads with that), so I can't recall if I had that happened to me.

  • Then again the current update on Switch isn't quite the same as the current PC update, unless I'm mistaken.


Maybe we can gather more details on those bugs you came across by trying the same things on both platforms? Food for thought.

Yes, did ALL the things, collected many items, at the end only CREDITS showed. 😒

The amount of bugs and hang-ups after missions is rendering Railjack unplayable.

I am not surprised at all why there is never anyone there. 😠

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2 minutes ago, SublimeAvenger said:

Yes, did ALL the things, collected many items, at the end only CREDITS showed. 😒

The amount of bugs and hang-ups after missions is rendering Railjack unplayable.

I am not surprised at all why there is never anyone there. 😠

It's unfortunate. I'll try to test that in Solo, and then in Public if / when I can.

  • Not to go off-topic from the thread's purpose too much, of course.


The bugs I've been finding aren't quite as game-breaking, as far as that goes. On a brighter note, do you have any thoughts on what I've written on the main post? I've been wanting to figure out some ways to add to / improve some things (Especially Scarlet Spear), but it's been awhile since I've heard anything directly about it.

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