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Nova vs higher level enemies


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Hey all. I'm no Nova expert, but I've found something that maybe you guys and girls have an answer to. I play Nova with full strength build and infused Breach Surge onto her for some hillarious explosive action. Vs enemies that have low armor this build murder everything, with Breach Surge able to pop enemies for millions of damage if done right. At higher levels with higher armor values the damage completely dimishes to nothing. Steel Path Grineer for instance.

Is there anything to be done about this? Or is this just the way it is?

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I assume you are using her molecular prime too, but that does not give much damage at high levels.

IMO nova shines when talking about crowd control and mobility, while the enemies are MPd you can just shoot them on the head and erase them easily.

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Nova main here. Yeah, priming enemies is one of the better strategies for steel path, I'd even say it's mandatory during certain missions. That being said, you can't just treat it as a nuke frame past a certain point and have to get original. Antimatter drop is pretty good for clearing out higher level enemies, but you need a shotgun or a glaive to first charge it up. I like to use the kuva chukhurr to get headshots which destroy anything even above level 160-180, it also clears up the trash mobs through AOE damage. Even after the nukor nerf the name of the game is to prime your enemies with elemental effects in order to either melee them or strip their armor. As of late, I got really into heat and corrosive weapons for that reason. 

Also, I just use the default teleporter ability for nova to create shields when fighting larger crowds of enemies. I just shoot an antimatter drop though the shield and charge it up with an explosive, which works quite well in tight spaces. That and you can use it to get out of trouble or close up certain entrances. 

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Thanks for the answers. Default tactic for me is to use Molecular Prime, then follow up with Breach Surge and watch the sparks fly as I pop one enemy with a heavy hitting gun.

I do use animater drop, which is pretty potent, but in the end the cascading explosions don't do much damage the higher you go in terms of levels and resistances.

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