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If We Have No Eyes...


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tenno see but not with a physical eye like we do, it would not have the performance required to match their speed and reflexes, they see with their so called minds eye with feeds from the frames optic sensors


the tennos mind is human but the best of humanity albeit 

their physical being however, is not human, but case in point their physical state is not who they are it is just the container they exist in, to say plainly - an actual tenno is pure consciousness, pure mind 


the power of the tenno is when this consciousness is fused with the warframe - a hybrid of exoskeleton machinery and technocyte augmented organic material - that is the technology both the corpus and grineer yearn and lust for but its secrets are long lost to the Orokin era, the infested being the outcome of it gone horribly wrong

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tenno see but not with a physical eye like we do, it would not have the performance required to match their speed and reflexes, they see with their so called minds eye with feeds from the frames optic sensors
the tennos mind is human but the best of humanity albeit 
their physical being however, is not human, but case in point their physical state is not who they are it is just the container they exist in, to say plainly - an actual tenno is pure consciousness, pure mind 
the power of the tenno is when this consciousness is fused with the warframe - a hybrid of exoskeleton machinery and technocyte augmented organic material - that is the technology both the corpus and grineer yearn and lust for but its secrets are long lost to the Orokin era, the infested being the outcome of it gone horribly wrong


...Then how come we rescue naked tenno in cryopods and rescue missions, if we have no physical form?


Sorry to burst your bubble.

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''Sensor'' ''Controlling Augmentations'' Do I have to put it in Bold Capital letters?

Well, I was agreeing with you, but I guess I was rather long winded in my afterthoughts.


I too, think their suits have "optic sensors", I just don't pretend to understand how it works...

Edited by Temphis
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...Then how come we rescue naked tenno in cryopods and rescue missions, if we have no physical form?


Sorry to burst your bubble.

bubble still intact 


it is not plausible at all, regardless of the games suggestion that the humanoids inside might be true tenno, because if u analyze many of the warframes their physical proportions and lengths of their various limbs it is impossible for them to be actual humans

;ie their necks, forelimbs, pelvis, headsize etc are impossibly small or large regardless of the frames innate design


it is shown and suggested in other parts of the game, like vor fight cinematic and the recent event, the actual warframes of tenno are in the cryopods instead of the stoic humanoids found in defense mission cryopods, even the cryopods are a different design with the warframe ones looking more advanced


we dont have any offical lore but its is more plausible their body is a technocyte fusion of organic tissue and nanites in a humanoid form that closely resembles a human that can be specifically integrated with a actual warframe but their physical body is not infact human like us, although i believe their minds are human 

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It is metaphorical, he is telling us we are blind. 


Hell even Shakespear did that in Othello


"Look to her More, If thou hast eyes to see, She has deceived her father, and may thee"



Plus it is a continuation of a previous taunt where he referred to our Lady Lotus as "eyeless slag" as well as referencing some feedback stuff about how people didn't like the artstyle with Warframes not having eyeholes.


References + Metaphors + Continuation, not fact.

I accidentally upvoted this, so I feel the need to clarify otherwise. Odd that you use Shakespeare as an example, because a dissection of Alad's words seems to suggest otherwise.


Alad says that "We don't always see eye to eye...well, you don't have eyes."


There is supposed to a rough, terse humour to this line. That humour is derived from the sudden shift in register from the formal to the informal - i.e. from the metaphorical aspect of the sentence, to its more literal truth.


"We don't always see eye to eye" (metaphorical) --> "well, you don't have eyes." (literal). 

Edited by Darayas
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I accidentally upvoted this, so I feel the need to clarify otherwise. Odd that you use Shakespeare as an example, because a dissection of Alad's words seems to suggest otherwise.


Alad says that "We don't always see eye to eye...well, you don't have eyes."


There is supposed to a rough, terse humour to this line. That humour is derived from the sudden shift in register from the formal to the informal - i.e. from the metaphorical aspect of the sentence, to its more literal truth.


"We don't always see eye to eye" (metaphorical) --> "well, you don't have eyes." (literal). 



Then again, if you take it another way, perhaps his mention of "not meeting eye to eye" then saying "well, you don't have eyes" might actually mean "We have different visions of what the solar system should be... or rather, you don't have one and we do" as a form if veiled insult.

Edited by Wiegraf
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Then again, if you take it another way, perhaps his mention of "not meeting eye to eye" then saying "well, you don't have eyes" might actually mean "We have different visions of what the solar system should be... or rather, you don't have one and we do" as a form if veiled insult.

Also possible, but that reading would operate on the same metaphorical level (taking 'eyes' to mean visions for the solar system), without taking into account the tonal shift in register. 

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Also possible, but that reading would operate on the same metaphorical level (taking 'eyes' to mean visions for the solar system), without taking into account the tonal shift in register. 


It's why Alad's comment about not having eyes is so hard to pin down : either he's being metaphorical about it or he's actually seen an unsuited Tenno lacking any sort of eyes.


Maybe he's just, like I mentionned, trying to sound smart by making a veiled insult towards the Tenno even if they were helping him.

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It's why Alad's comment about not having eyes is so hard to pin down : either he's being metaphorical about it or he's actually seen an unsuited Tenno lacking any sort of eyes.


Maybe he's just, like I mentionned, trying to sound smart by making a veiled insult towards the Tenno even if they were helping him.

Yes, I agree - although Alad probably has a good idea given the vivisections he has performed on numerous captured Tenno, we ourselves don't even know what's in the suit.


We're still no closer to discovering what the Tenno are, and the theories range from transhumans inside second-skin exoskeletons, to disembodied consciousnesses possessing comatose, blind warrior-monk Warframes. 

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You can't just explain it on the basis of "veiled insult" without more. The insult is still either literal or metaphorical. Darayas has pointed out why the metaphorical reading is a strained one. I quite agree.


Plus, if it was meant literally, it wouldn't be a "veiled insult" at all. If Tenno didn't have eyes, they'd jolly well know it, making the insult totally obvious. Only we, the IRL players, are kept in mystery.

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I'm still convinced that Alad V was talking about our being unable to "see the big picture". He was possibly alluding to the Lotus having ulterior motives or possibly the Zanuka project bringing more good than harm. Then again he could be literal but we still have examples of the Tenno being able to see from the various trailers. For instance: In The Call trailer, we see Nyx look over at the crowd of Grineer and then dive amongst them while using absorb. We see Frost throwing Excalibur a Skana so he can deflect the Nervos that Vor throws. There is a ton of examples of the Tenno being able to see. 


Also to quote Alad V: "May our ledgers becomes oceans, our power see Centauri. In the name of profit, I commit thee to the void!" 


So who knows what he's talking about. He's just some paranoid robot obsessed nutbag!

Edited by Anunymau5
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how about ultra sound/sonar, "the force" or "olfact-o-vision" :P ?

or a simple hud, iron man style...


actually it is not important how they see...it's the very far future. come up with any technological/magical explanation you like...

the real question is, if tenno actually don't have eyes or if it's just the suit having no direct vision "interface" (aka: eye slots)?

have the eyes been surgically removed, genetically engineered to not develop as some form of ritual. reasoning being to not be deceived by what they see?

Edited by gorg_graggel
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You can't just explain it on the basis of "veiled insult" without more. The insult is still either literal or metaphorical. Darayas has pointed out why the metaphorical reading is a strained one. I quite agree.


Plus, if it was meant literally, it wouldn't be a "veiled insult" at all. If Tenno didn't have eyes, they'd jolly well know it, making the insult totally obvious. Only we, the IRL players, are kept in mystery.


The veiled insult would have been Alad saying "We have a vision of the future; you do not", not "We have eyes; you do not"


Simply because the Corpus consider themselves superior intellectually due to their mastery of trading, you'd also expect Alad to be an egoist and unable to not let the Tenno know at every opportunity he can have that he's better than them.

Edited by Wiegraf
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Why would they wear eye protection without the warframe then? Obviously they are so heavily mutated, and advanced that their eye balls were replaced with some highly advanced version of vision that works all the time, and is never affected by pressure, sound, fire, ice. It could be sonar, infrared, could be they have no eyes at all and their seeing system works off various senses. Maybe it creates images via sound, smell, or even light, hence terrible flashlight in rooms that aren't even dark. Meaning they need an extensive amount of light to see. The eye protection they wear without the warframe could have a light system built in illuminating the area allowing their brains to construct the environment for them. Light also creates color based on the surface, and its electrons. This could get pretty heavy to be honest... Also notice if they did have normal human eyes they would suffer the same fate of astronauts in space where their eyes squish up against the back of their head, or go blind.

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