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The Scarecrow themed Warframe


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Corax; The Wondering Scarecrow


Supposedly, Corax was nothing more then a myth, started by the Ostron, about a Warframe created by them, made of straw and wood, and placed in the fields outside one of their villages, to deter the Grineer, it worked at first, but they grew wiser and marched into the village during the day and slaughtered them before taking their supplies.

But as night fell that day, as the Grineer moved through the corn field, they began to hear movement from something else, foot steps to light and too quick to be one of their own, and one by one, it picked them off, and the next dawn, as they returned to continue their raid, they gazed on in horror, as their units were strung up like scarecrows, stuffed with straw; they haven't returned to that village since.


Corax is designed to have high shields and focus on ability casting; he's obtained by completing the new mission, The Scarecrow, added to Cetus and Plains of Eidolon


Corax is not built like other warframes, to build him, you require:

4 Lumber, obtained by cutting down new plant life that appears within the Plains of Eidolon
20 Plant Matter, which is obtained by scanning any plant that appears in any tile set
2 Cloth, which is purchased from Ostron for a total of 1000 Standing
& a Warframe Core, which is obtained by sacrificing Any Warframe to Onkko in Cetus

Afterwards, it will take 24 Hours for construction of Corax to be completed




Health: 100 (200 At level 30)
Shields: 500 (2000 At level 30)
Armor:  70
Energy: 200 (400 At level 30)
Sprint Speed: 0.9

When Corax kills an enemy, he spawns a crow that increases the Strength of his next ability by 5%

After casting an ability, the crows are lost and swarm the area for 30 seconds (Increased by Ability Duration)

  • Crows have a 20% chance to apply the Puncture debuff for 6 seconds each time they damage an enemy

Damage: 100 Puncture P/Crow P/Second

1 - Reap & Sow


Throw out a cluster of seeds that latch onto enemies and begin growing over 10 seconds

  • These seeds attract crows created from Corax's passive, causing them to attack the target and reduce the seeds grow time by 1 second for each crow that attacks them


Send out a wave of dark energy that damages enemies in it's path

If that enemy has a seed on them, Reap will cut it down, dealing 10% increased damage for each second it's been growing

  • The plant will then drop either a Health Pickup, or an Energy Pickup that restore 50 health to Corax and his allies' shields, and increase Corax's maximum Shields by 50, up to 500

Cost: 25 Energy
Range (Seeds): 10M / 15M / 20M / 25M
Range (Dark Wind): 15M / 25M / 35M / 45M
Damage (Dark Wind) 150 / 250 / 350 / 450 Slashing

Range - Altered by Ability Range
Damage - Altered by Ability Strength

2 - Strung Up
String a targeted enemy up on a post

While hung, they will attract crows, causing them to flock around them and damage all other enemies

  • Crows in this flock will not disperse

If the Hung target dies, they'll drop a Universal Pickup that restores 50 Energy and Health

Cost: 50 Energy
Cast Range: 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 M
Flock Size: 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 M
Duration: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 Seconds
Flock Damage: 150 / 150 / 200 / 300 Puncture P/Second P/Crow

Cast Range & Flock Size - Increased by Ability Range
Duration - Increased by Ability Duration
Flock Damage - Increased by Ability Strength

3 - Murderous Flock
Corax suspends himself from a post, reducing all incoming damage as he takes control of a Murder of Crows, controlling ones created by this ability and the ones spawned from his passive

The Murder deals Corax's passive to enemies with in it each second, when it kills an enemy, it increases it's damage by 15% and Energy drain by an additional 5, up to 50

  • Crows will not disperse while Murderous Flock is active, and any that are already summoned will join the flock

Cost: 75 Energy
Drain: 10 P/Second
Speed: 2.0 / 2.5 / 3.0 / 3.5
Crows Spawned: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20

Drain - Altered By Ability Duration
Speed - Altered By Ability Range
Crows Spawned - Altered By Ability Efficiency

4 - Bountiful Harvest
Summon a field of Maize that camouflages Corax and his allies, preventing enemies from targeting them while either are within it

The field deals slash damage to enemies within it each time they move and attracts crows, causing them to swarm the field and deal Corax's Passive each second

  • Corax can cast Reap on the field to cut down the stalks, creating a Universal Pickup that restores 50 Health and Energy for each stalk cut down

Cost: 100 Energy
Range: 10M / 20M / 30M / 40M
Stalks: 40 / 55 / 70 / 85
Duration: 20 / 30 / 40 / 50 Seconds
Damage: 250 / 500 / 750 / 1000 Slashing

Range - Increase by Ability Range
Stalks - Increase by Ability Efficiency
Duration - Increased by Ability Duration
Damage - Increased by Ability Strength




Last Made: 12/17/2021


Added the build requirements to construct Corax




Increased shields at rank 0 to 500 from 400
Shields now increase by 300% at rank 30
Health now increase by 100% at Rank 30


Crows from his passive and other abilities now have a chance to apply the Puncture Debuff


Reap & Sow:
Health and energy pick ups now restore shields to Both Corax and his allies

  • They also increase Corax's shields for the rest of the mission by 50, up to a maximum of 500
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4 hours ago, (PSN)chris1pat8twins said:

Energy is only 1.5x at max rank. So if 200 at rank 0, then it would be 300 at max rank. 

While that applies for most Warframes, that's not a set in stone rule; Garuda gains 125% energy at max rank, and if she can gain that much, then Corax can gain 100% at max rank

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2 minutes ago, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

But why the name scarecrow? Their mere existence was only to serve as being an enemy to crows. Why is it friends with them? Lol

Assuming you actually mean, His name Is Scarecrow; His name is Corax, which is Latin for Raven, I would have used the word Corvus, which means Crow, but it was too close to Corpus


Assuming you meant "Why does a Scarecrow use Crows for his attacks", because he's a scarecrow, you can't have a scarecrow without crows,

and Scaregrineer doesn't have all that good of a ring to it

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1 hour ago, LegOmniverse said:

Assuming you actually mean, His name Is Scarecrow; His name is Corax, which is Latin for Raven, I would have used the word Corvus, which means Crow, but it was too close to Corpus


Assuming you meant "Why does a Scarecrow use Crows for his attacks", because he's a scarecrow, you can't have a scarecrow without crows,

and Scaregrineer doesn't have all that good of a ring to it

Yes 2nd part, I get the whole "you can't have darkness without light" reference but if darkness is the frames theme I mean, you know?

Will stop being that guy now, it is still a nice and interesting concept to say the least

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I like it, but had one thought..

If you swapped slash for puncture, that could become a damage reduction on enemy kind of frame.. which is a niche we don't really have explored yet. (Piercing Roar being the closest, but it doesn't really serve to reduce enemy dmg through the procs, so much as the knocking them down.)

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28 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

I like it, but had one thought..

If you swapped slash for puncture, that could become a damage reduction on enemy kind of frame.. which is a niche we don't really have explored yet. (Piercing Roar being the closest, but it doesn't really serve to reduce enemy dmg through the procs, so much as the knocking them down.)

Maybe, I'll consider It but I added slash damage since leaves on corn are Sharp, and as someone who works with produce, I can confirm this and that I've cut my self on one.

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Just now, LegOmniverse said:

Maybe, I'll consider It but I added slash damage since leaves on corn are Sharp, and as someone who works with produce, I can confirm this and that I've cut my self on one.

Oh! Gotchya. Could have the crows deal their damage with a lengthened puncture proc, tied to duration.

Since it's a shield based frame, the first puncture proc (-30% dealt damage) means you'd effectively have around 50% DR, due to the base DR of 25% on shields. Not sure exactly what that would work out to, since the shields would be reducing an amount of the reduced amount.. and I don't math. lol

Whether that's the right way to go is up to you.

I know I would use this frame, because I ALWAYS have the most abilities used.

Btw, even if the ult only dropped health orbs, Equilibrium and Synth Fiber would mean you'd have basically infinite energy.. which is the kind of set up I demand on my frames. Stacking up long term benefits, especially if I can give them to the party (either standard or through augments) is something I appreciate in a playstyle. Nice concepts for sure!

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