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Hotfix 10.7.1: Double Resource Weekend!


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  But the power of the stalker is to IGNORE your Warframe powers. That is his ultimate, and having snowglobe stopping him cold really gave a leg up for Frost players. The Stalker is supposed to make you do a "DANG!!! NOT NOW!!" moment. If he is ignoring ALL warframe powers then that is fine cause that makes people actually think, about how to deal with him....Now once he understands elevation and how to jump on boxes? We are all screwed :(



Just yeah.

Stalker Essence: 99% Accuracy, Perfect Mobility, Immunue (also debuffs your protective skills staggering you long enough to bring you to the brink of death) to any and all Skills, Decent HP, Very High Dmg Output.

Deal with it, not like u are left with "kill it before it kills you" without a single utility (are there even invicibility frames during evasive rolls?) to handle Stalker with. So in short, if you dont have 9999 Forma'd Acrid or stuff it's GG.

After you gain  your 9999 +1 Forma'd Acrid he's a cakewalk, ofcourse.


No. I don't whine, I am able to manage somehow the Stalker at times (solo, at Gradivus Stalker indeed was laughable due to bugs and team of 4 geared up people waiting for his spawn protection to wear off) but I don't like the way the things are with him. I really am just waiting to see DE giving him some "Ultimate" 1-shot ability that only users who farmed the living S#&$ out of their gear can withstand for 0.0001s at 1% chance.


I'd love a bit more mechanic to the Stalker, that is all.


As previously mentioned, I've detailed what I mean by my post here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/79196-concepts-of-mine-consumables-merchant-gambler-and-void-cause-i-like-that/?view=findpost&p=863293


But let me summarize it so you only need to check the linked topic if you want to read a lot :) -

- Stalker feels like a cheater for me right now.

- If he can ignore our abilities that create freezing cold for example, how is it he doesn't ignore cold damage from weapons? Or all other damage actually?

- Same efficiency could be achived by a dispel ability instead of flat out ignoring our abilities.

- Some other abilities and skills could make/keep him very formidable yet lore-wise and technically acceptable - and more fun actually. I mean slash'n'dash is fine but he could really use some unique abilities that are obviously specialized to fight against Tenno.

- If dispel is on cooldown, yet he gets stunned or otherwise hindered, he can just teleport out of range and shoot you from outside your aoe(or just disappear for a while to reappear later during mission, preferably fast and unannounced - a single strobe of lightning and pop! he is on your a*se).


- q86d.png -


A dispel ability could be explained with disruptor nanites or emp, etc. while him ignoring our stuff... well, Stalker is flat out cheating right now.

Like an adult around children playing "cops and robbers"... the child aims at the guy "Poof, you are dead!" and the adult just walks along, ignoring the kid. That's how it feels when we throw everything at the Stalker, all our CC spells and he just moves along... it makes me plain hate him. Instead of either looking forward to fight him or being scared of him or whatever. He breaks the immersion by saying "I don't care about your skills, they don't work on me, bleeee!".

Edited by K_Shiro
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Honestly, I can't think of any time in recent history where anyone on my team used Snowglobe on the Stalker.  Once he shows up, everyone usually starts blasting away and he's gone before he has much chance to do anything.  I can't say it's been much of an issue for me one way or another.  Maybe this is more of an issue during solo missions?

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- Stalker has practiced against Frost’s Snowglobe and is no longer affected.


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Hotfix 10.7.1


Weekend Special: Double Resource Weekend!





- Changed ‘remaining enemy’ minimap-marker to be red dot and no longer the player waypoint icon.

- Stalker has practiced against Frost’s Snowglobe and is no longer affected.

- Affinity Orb amounts no longer appear in HUD log as they are on screen already, rendering double-note redundant.




- Fixed credits not being saved at the end of Survival missions if someone in squad goes to extraction before anyone else had a chance.

- Fixed players being short a data terminal if a host migration happens during a Spy mission.

- Fixed crash if disconnected while using continuous fire weapon.

- Fixed only 1 copy of mission reward showing up in inventory when acquiring multiples in missions.

- Fixed Orokin Derelict Vault being lootable if the door is not unlocked.

- Fixed Torid and Nyx’s Absorb causing a game hang.

- Fixed Nova’s Worm Hole not being accessible at all angles.

- Fixed corrupted mods not accounting for Conclave Values.

- Fixed mouse input on friends and chat overlay clicking through to star chart.

- Fixed Fog levels in Orokin Derelict Tunnels.

- Fixed Banshee’s Sonar leaving mini-map icons for dead enemies.

- Fixed issues with distribution of enemy spawning in Exterminate mission types.

- Fixed lingering old Grineer audio being used for Corpus enemies.  

- Various Crash fixes.


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Eh, what?


Before: Had no problems whatsoever with any fog

Now: The superdangerous tunnels in the Orokin Derelicts (those with the almost-insta-kill-lightnings) are now so insanely dense with fog you can't even see past your feet.... (Not exaggerating here, I'm serious!)


EDIT: Well, i found a solution though, disabling "Depth of Field" removes the fog completely for me, so that's a temporary fix at least :)


Confirmed at same location on Win 7/64 with NVidia, DX11 (no Multicore Rendering), screenshots:


(impenetrable fog, DoF on)



(fog vanishes with DoF off)


First ever time in a Derelict and I didn't even know what killed me XD

Edited by randolfambrose
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I have been unable to update my launcher from the day this update was launched, it continues to say Update Failed Download Data Corrupted. i am so frustrated with this, Does anyone know a fix for this? because im about to just uninstall the whole thing and re-install it. but i doubt that would fix it.

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