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Confession Thread


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when i use vauban i transform myself into a Troll, putting bounce on friendship doors, people rage over me and i just trolololol and laugh like a maniac...

then they left the game, leaving me... alone ;A;


and dont regret nothing, because i cant control myself... T-T

Edited by Toppien
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Here's a little story I'm told that is "confession" worthy which involves the codex and Stalker scans.


Basically I was helping a teammate out in the void when the Stalker flickering lights on him and he's like **** and when the stalker finally spawned, I just stood there as he tried to survive. Basically to me the codex scans comes first, since I'd like to get that out of the way and so I was just standing there getting that second scan. Once I got it then I help the guy out by using the not yet nerfed Brakk and killed stalker, then he got mad at me after I explained what I did.


I regret nothing :3

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-If I join a mobile defense in progress and notice that the datamass is conveniently sitting right where I spawned in because someone is too lazy to carry it, I'll just abandon the mission.


-If within the first few minutes of a survival I notice that that everyone acts like everyone else has cooties and refuses to stay even remotely close to each other, I'll just abandon the mission.


-I will purposely let halfway heroes die during mobile defense missions regardless of whether or not I can easily get to them. The moment you step outside that room for more than 10 seconds, you are dead to me.


-Whenever I notice I have to compete for kills during an extermination, I'll leave my team behind and run on ahead just so I can @(*()$ shoot something.

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- sold my ogris and penta at rank 25 because i cant bear them


-i have 6 forma on my supra


-i have 4 forma on my Valkyr


-i spend most of my plat in orokin catalists (i place 1 on almost all my waepons)


-i hate boltor prime


-my favorite primary is supra


-my favorite secondary is dex furis with max fire rate


-my favorite melee is scoliac


-my favorite warframe is Valkyr



deal with it

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- I find most of the playerbase to be highly annoying for one reason or another.


- I have the most fun playing solo because the game gets super easy with multiple people.


- I haven't been able to kill the Stalker myself since he was given the absorb ability. Doesn't help that every time he shows up, I am trying to level up some gear I don't want, purely for mastery.


- I honestly don't know why I would bother continuing to play once I finish up leveling things for mastery. The game is fun, but not fun enough to play without any goals other than completing the mission at hand. I need something like hunting for a specific item or leveling stuff up to keep me going.


- I really miss fighting Flameblade Vor. The most fun I have had with Warframe was fighting Vor when he was a flameblade, and my friends and I all had severely underleveled gear.

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-If I join a mobile defense in progress and notice that the datamass is conveniently sitting right where I spawned in because someone is too lazy to carry it, I'll just abandon the mission.

-If within the first few minutes of a survival I notice that that everyone acts like everyone else has cooties and refuses to stay even remotely close to each other, I'll just abandon the mission.

-I will purposely let halfway heroes die during mobile defense missions regardless of whether or not I can easily get to them. The moment you step outside that room for more than 10 seconds, you are dead to me.

-Whenever I notice I have to compete for kills during an extermination, I'll leave my team behind and run on ahead just so I can @(*()$ shoot something.

I have different ways of handling the John Wayne's and door whòres, but I like what I read! All aboard the ChooChoo train! Edited by (PS4)kcarpe2007
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-I secretly suspect that I got Valkyr not just for her abilities but also for what many forum-goers refer to as "dat a$$".


-I like the dread not only because of it's damage and punch-through, but also because of it's walking animation which goes well with the above (I'm a horrible person, I blame being a teenager).


-I spent the starting plat plus the PSN+ plat on a dethcube, immortal skin and potato for Excalibur (which I sold to make room for Valkyr).


-I can't use any melee weapon other than the Obex without it feeling inferior.


-I potatoed and then sold my Seer.


-I really don't like using forma on weapons instead of my frames.

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- I consistently have the best score in all categories as a melee only Excalibur. I rub it in peoples faces that try too hard or use OP frames.


- I use superjump more than blind.


- The other 2 abilities are only used at extraction to make noise.


- I consider elemental mods useless and do not use them.

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I like this guy, be my friend in game. <3

the guy would be likable if, and only if one occasion that they would revive a player for running out of exp range is if they are searching for Shockwave Moa. Gotta get your Moa on!

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-I potato and forma everything regardless of how crappy it actually is


- I buy Primes with plat


-I like the grind


- I have a colour scheme so everything in my arsenal matches


-I have built, potato'd, forma'd and cuztomized every single female frame in the game because I love the booty.


- I have given every single frame I own a bio.


- I refuse to play a with a frame until I have pimped it out with cosmetics.


- I like Braton.


I could go on and on but some things must remain secret.

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-I used to have my Rhino as my main but now I main Volt


-I avoid and hate weapons like Penta, Ogris or Angstrum 


-I leveled up Penta only for mastery and I hate it with passion


-I find majority of Rhino players noobs because they only use Iron Skin and Rhino Stomp


-Fragor with Crushing Ruin is my favourite melee weapon


-I hate alternate Rhino helmets because of how horrible they look


-I'm using Bo


-I will never use Nova


-Died to Stalker because on Orokin Derelict Exterminate because I had a bleeding dragon key


-I'm not interested in Boltor Prime


-I always paint my frames and weapons Black-Red


-I find frames like Frost, Volt, Loki, Nyx and Nekros really powerful



Not a single regret given

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-I get bored of warframe after i forma 5 times the new weapons we get, then i go play V.Novels most of the nights


-even after confession one i still play 1-2 hours of warframe religiously everyday


-Fragor and Bo are my Fav melee weps


-i main burston prime with heavy caliber and punch tru


-As many others, my Fav frames are Ash/Loki/Volt


-i hate the word " Booben"


-i like to fight stalker/g3/harvester on equal terms 


-i don't revive people who main rhino and think its the best frame ever


-i still don't revive rhino even if they don't think its the best frame


-I cursed when we got rhino prime instead of Loki prime


-i was spamming council and clan chats months ago about the next melee prime being Bo....they all think i'm a magician now


-i got tired of typing thi....

Edited by AngelGuardcc
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- I made and leveled up a Rhino Prime only for mastery and collection purposes.


- I listen to The Black Library ebooks while leveling up weapons and frames.


- I use Chaos to watch the enemies fight each other without interfering and try to guess which ones will win.


- I think Nyx is the best looking frame in the game.

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1. When I started playing Warframe, I ran past downed teammates because I did not knew of the concept of revival. I actually stood beside one thinking "what is the red thing" (think it was marked differently and not so obviously as the current game state) until the guy died. sorry to whoever you were!

2. After I got Rhino and Hek, I used then exclusively. I stopped using Hek when it was nerfed. Then I stopped using Rhino when Iron Skin got nerfed. I admit that if they weren't nerfed, I may never moved on... (maybe this one of the reasons behind nerfs?)

3. I always think equipping Ankryos/Prime makes the equiped primary/secondary weapon looks more sci-fi/hi-tech (by visualizing the Ankryos as part of the gun). I swapped primary/secondary weapons just to see how they look with Ankryos.

4. I think many people, among players and even the staff, have a shallow and stereotyped idea of what is a "ninja", and by extension, any forum argument that gets the form "ninjas do/don't this/that".

4a. "Ninjas must parkour". "Ninjas are stealthy". "Ninjas don't use rockets/guns". "Ninjas need scarves". "Ninja-like".  If you believe in one of this, I think you belong to the group mentioned earlier. (no offense, just a confession)

5. I dislike Syandana in general (see pt 3), even if they slap a "cool-sounding" sanskrit name to it. I "secretly" hoped that one day, phsyx will be advanced enough that they can get caught in closing doors/elevators.

6. I think some Sugatra feels like they are made out of infested parts, others are "overcompensating", and in general makes the decorated weapon looks like some cheap, tasteles toy. I bought the whole pack, tried it out with many weapons and combination of style and colors, then took everything off and pretended I have never bought them.

7. I never liked the catch-phrase "ninjas play free" (sorry DE). Every time it was mentioned in promo videos or interviews, my heart bleeds for DE (really). It's like watching your favorite actor tells a bad joke to a big audience.  Then again, maybe the audience is different enough from me to accept it well?


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