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Confession Thread


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  • 2 months later...

-I give new players advice, if they go down, I revive. If they still continue to do what I warned them not to, I don't bother reviving them so they may learn from their mistakes and rebellious, pre-teen behavior


-It took me 1 whole month to learn Melee 2.0 was a thing


-The Grineer Shipyard Tileset scares me


-I don't have any female frames


-I Speed-Loki-Invis-rush through some missions


-Occasionally in any Void Capture mission, I may Switch Teleport with the target to let him escape a different route when a team mate begins nearing him. Yes, even T4. Yes, for the lulz


-I am Rank 9, and SUPER CLOSE to Rank 10, and I still have not fought Vay Hek


-I'm not as excited for Archwing as the rest of the community. Seems a little dull to me, nothing really new.*


-*To add on to that, I'm equally unexcited for the Focus system


-When I was new, I sold my Crimson Dervish for a Tranquil Cleave. RNGezuz knows I'd regret that later

Edited by LazerSkink
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I stared at Nova's butt. It's SO SHINY!

i thought i was the only one, that glorious butt, high five man.

ahem, yeah, that's my confession too, i play mostly as nova not to kill thing faster but to stare at her shiny butt

Edit: my god, just check the date on this thread, it is ancient.

Edited by Hieulelam
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-I sell away weapons when i get their primes.


-I immediately potato prime warframes immediately.


-I rush, and find warframe more fun being a racing game.


-I considered getting the Excalibur avatar picture but holding back on 30 plats for it.

-I like cosmetic items but not a collector of all of them.

-I'm Seriously considering to make a second AMPREX to forma (didn't like it at first, but now i see how good it is with 5 forma)

Edited by sorq
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I let rushers die.


I specially built a Rhino because i was fed up with high rank ppl rushing trough low level bosses/content for lewts leaving me strolling towards the exits with 2 % damagd one, and ofc the ezmode solar map exploration. Yes, i stomp spammed then. I was a proper rhinoob.


I hate people with the same setup, everytime, all the time. Seriously, it gets really boring really fast when all you see is boltor's  soma's and dragon nikana's/ortho's prime's


Did i say i hate rushers? I do. I also hate people doing the exacte opposite. I'm mostly the one waiting for other players when inside a lift but i have my limits.

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- I like to take photos, especially using the codex to take those of enemies.... Ash also takes the photos.


- I imagine Zephyr as a bird of crystal Ice.


- I play Ember(prime) as Mustang in FMA Brotherhood, the burn with fireball is amazing!


- Valkyr is like someone i know and greatly appreciate for knowing. Love that person so much <3.


- I go into games playing as the holy knight oberon talking about "Holy Light" and when i cast Reckoning i would usually type "May the Light Compel you!"


- Braton Prime is my favourite weapon, it rocks everything else especially with the holy hand cannon(Nukor).


- I try to revive people, I also like to kill steal other people first =P


- I rush without waiting, Zephyr is also the road runner.


- I like to tail-wind to the ceiling of a map and dive bomb down with heavy impact, awesome sound =3


- When I originally built the dragon nikana i modded it to have a high rate of attack, to roleplay as King Bradley, (Also From FMA Brotherhood).


- Iron Skin kinda reminds me of Greed's skin hardening..... but i sold rhino away because not my style.


- I have tried but never successful coloured a royal nekros.... still want the plat to buy the proper palettes!


- I truly envy the artistic talent in the forums, they are damn good!


- I keep trying to tell myself to focus on life, but warframe holds me back D:

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- i finnd the sound that regular latron makes when shooting orgasmic. I love it.

-loki has been my main since closed beta.

- vectis is my best weapon and my S#&amp;&#036; got serious weapon.

Back in time when beta opened i maxed out excalibur and sold it to have one more slot...i havent played excalibro ever since.

I get so many 75%offs that i feel bad for my clan mates that need them more than i do

I love the new UI

I love ordis and greatly respext all voice actors of this game

Edited by Domaik
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-3 Forma'ed Soma built at MR6 used once in the last 5 MR levels.


-Potatoed a Deca because I love the pew pew.  Everytime I need space for another weapon, instead of selling it I spend more money on plat for more weapon slots.


-Attica is life.


-I hate Ember, but will use in a mission when rest of PUGs are Rhinos bragging about how OP they are, just to out damage the team 3:1.


-I sold my Paris Prime because of the annoying draw back sound.  Dread for cooler anyway.


-Loki, Ash, & Loki P are sitting in my inventory unranked because Nyx is more fun to play.


-When asked to join as a 'speed nova', I make the team wait 10 mins so I can reconfigure my build because standing in the middle of ODD pressing 4 is boring.


-My Nekros will bring one weapon to a fight.  Dragon Nikana, Deal with it.


-If someone rides the elevator around of the rest of team without waiting, I will spam the down button and ride it back down hopefully with the player who pressed up.


-To everyone who runs out of XP range of the Defense, MD or Survival group. Let me say thanks! http://www.experientialacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Hero-Header.jpg

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I hate when other people play a nova when I'm a group, while on my nova or not because I think other people are stupid when it comes to that frame.


I don't play the hallway hero.


I put five formas on my excalibur and spam radial javelin for top damage just to show up rhino primes.


I S#&amp;&#036;post on the steam forums as often as I give advice/input on things.


I have over 2000 platinum worth of items/mods and can't stand to look at trade chat to sell them because it gives me autism.

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I had an IAH Games tatered Braton, and I sold it for an un-tatered Braton. *facepalms*



You know that it's a skin, right, not an actual weapon?


Skins can't be sold or deleted and they are not specific to a weapon you might sell. It'll work on all bratons...

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