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Confession Thread


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I stare at my Waifuframes in interest of their... parts.

I potato and forma Braton then bring to Void and excel just to piss people off that my Braton can be that good (well not T4 not tested yet)
I once refused to revive someone for 45 mins because I brought Mag Prime, Braton, Sicarus and Skana to T3 Sur and he called me a noob for using that gear.

Whenever people purposely don't revive me, become A******s to them. *AH NO MEOWTEZU GET ME OUT OF THIS LEPHANTIS ROOM HE'S EATING ME-* SHUT UP
I watch anime and MLP while playing Warframe, which explains my cheeriness while playing. And sometimes I get mistaken for drunk.
I have once cursed DE and everyone I know playing Warframe because I got Wyrm Prime Cerebrum instead of Mag Prime helmet after farming for months.

I once never slept for 1 and 3/4 days because I was doing event.

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i built a valkyr, put a potato on her and maxed , and then sold her

i build grakata and disliked it so much i didnt even bother to level max it

i still dont know how to play nyx

i dont like rhino.at all

i use soma

i like to play with mag and zephyr

built nova and sold her at lvl 9 beacuse i didnt like her

i like to rush,especielly with zephyr

ive never,ever, formaed any weapon or warframe

i use up my formas to build weapons

i still kill mercury Vor from time to time, despite i need no parts or resources from him

the fact that my first 50 plat went to buying revives and resources (was around 1,5 year ago)

i tend to build alot of weapons just beacuse i can

warframe is my favorite 3rd person shooter


i can probably come up with more but not for the moment

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- I'm saving platinum to purtchase the Wrecking Rhino Pack just so I can unlock  the Boar, level it, and throw it away.


- I built Wyrm Prime just for the Prime Laser Rifle, I use it with my Carrier.


- I bought the Excalibur Immortal Skin JUST so I can make him 100% pink so I could annoy my friends for 1 mission...


- I bought 4 Cryo sets from players and maxed them so I could resell them in a few months for 600p each.


- I earn all my plat in game, I've only purchaced a total of 70.

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-tortures you seriously- 




Ok, ok, put away the feather duster and gerbils.


-I like using Pull to troll melee only users.

-I only use weapons or Warframes that I deem "neat" and ignore standard builds.

-I have spent far too much money on this game.

-I do not copter

-I once solo'd a T4 survival while playing three other Warfrmes.  At the same time.

-I may or may not be lying about some things on this list.

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- I buy, level, and keep EVERYTHING. Both standard versions and prime versions)

- There are potatos on every Warframe I own.

- I'm still sad that my old Braton "rainbow gun" is no longer viable.

- I will never like the Dual Ichor or Soma. Ever.

- I hate Frost Prime's head, and always use his original frame's head instead.

- I love Banshee to death, but refuse to use her because of her ugly feet and strange shoulder pad.

- I tend to sell stuff at lower prices than normal. My "2-plat Attack" has been pushing nightmare mods and prime parts for as long as I could.

- I always tell people, "If you don't like my prices" (because I'm undercutting them) "you're more than welcome to pay me more than I'm asking"

- I will turn down a more lucrative sale if it means honoring someone that replied first.

- If I'm doing a bunch of runs with a group and no one talks, I'm less likely to help them. They haven't tried to act like people...

- I never type WTS, LF, LFT, WTB - I always spell out the words. (This post doesn't count D:)

- I will almost always run taxis for people, even if the mission is in Mercury or something

- I still miss head-shotting people with my skana prime D:

Edited by Eerekai
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- I customize all my warframes and weapons with only 4 colors (that I find "realistic") : Beige, White, Black and Amaranth, all of them low saturated...

- I'm so cheap that, even having over 25 built Catalysts I refrain to use them on weapons that I like...

- Similar to above, now that I like Kubrows over sentinels, I refrain from using a Reactor on her having over 20 of them.

- Never bought a single item from trading, only traded for other things.

- Bought all the Syandanas but I only use Asa and Yamako. (this a bit counters what I said above)

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- I always use Oberon

- I never bought plat

- My favourite rifle is the Burston Prime

- I prefer doges.. I mean Kubrows to sentinels

- I hate the Penta

- I hate Mirage

- I hate Rhino/prime

- Volt looks like an old man

- I hate really low ballers

- I love Boltor Prime



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Here we go.


- Despite having a fuckton of Forma, I've only Forma'd one thing, my Vectis.

-I sold my Broberan at rank 6 because I couldn't go through the pain of leveling him. He is the only frame I've ever sold before reaching level 30.

-I've only sold two frames. Broberan and Ash. Ash was only sold to make room for Loki.

-I don't troll with Loki... much.

-My internet/PC/something is too bad for me to play with others unless I host. As a result, I made it all the way to Neptune by myself with an Excalibur and Paris before I built Ash.

-I like Banshee quite a lot and use Silence more than Sonic Boom in open combat. Dat CC stun.

-I stare at all the frames' butts. All of them. Except Rhino

- I spend more time in my Liset chatting with people than I do running missions.

-I hate Rhino and Frost with a passion.

-I like the Sybaris more than the Latron.

-The Latron's lack of a unique reload &!$$es me off.

-The Latron sounds stupid to me. Thank you Latron Wraith

-I think Volt's got a better codpiece than Rhino

-If you expect me not to make a sex joke every time someone sets themselves up for one, be prepared because I WILL make a sex joke.

-If I see someone with a Rhino/Prime and a Boltor Prime/Soma in their loadout, I'm going to assume they are a noob and I'll be

seeing a lot of stomping.

-Despite her rage-filled, homicidal, fear provoking nature, I find Valkyr adorable.

-I give names, faces, and personalities to my frames.

-I occasionally roleplay with them

-Yuikami's art makes a bad day good.

-I will never make a Frost or a Rhino. I hate feeling slow and heavy.

-I main Nyx and will use her or Nova for any given defense mission.

-I spend more time building new weapons/frames than I spend leveling the ones I have.

-I haven't been able to get 5 Orokin Ciphers to get Mirage, despite trying since U14's release.

-I hate Vault runs with a passion.

-I like Extermination missions more than survival/defense.

-The rescue target annoys me greatly.

-I just realized that onehanded abilities (ie Fireball, Smite, Shock) can be cast while reloading/firing a weapon. I'm Mastery rank 8

-I will not deny that female rescue targets have nice butts.

-I'm still waiting for Stealth 2.0 with baited breath

-I like stealth, even if Warframe has little stealth support.

-I think Nyx and Mirage have the best butts.

-I look at my frames' butts a little too often.

-I refer to Excalibur as Excalibutt, Excalibro, and Hot Mario.

-I think Excalibur's shoulders are orgasmic eye candy and so is his Excalibooty.

-Stalker is my senpai even though he beats me regularly.

Edited by LevitatingNarwhal
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I got the Hate as my first drop from the stalker when it was made available

I'm extremely perverted when things can even slightly lewd in chat 

I am not a serious person at all when in game

Whenever I see a Booben or a Loki, I just think "god these guys suck"


I did not forma my ash for a about 4 months and this is why I'm still MR8 even though I've been here since closed beta.

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I like organizing the cargo in tilesets(in my mind).
I prefers Mag's superior shield powers and crush over any other Warframe, although she has poor health.
My Shade sucks in combat, so he only cloaks me.
I use Lato as my secondary.
I wasted over 10 catalysts, 15 Forma and 3 Reactors on weapons, sentinels and warframes I sold later on.
I hate that I have so much useless Alloy Plate, Salvage and Nanospores that I dont use.
I like how [DE]Rebecca did the Grineer Female voices.
I sold Mirage's parts after I completed the last mission, so evrytime I return to my ship, Lotus tells me to 'build this Warframe in honor of these memories'.
I like to make sure that, in case of an Invasion, nobody, and i mean NOBODY survives(exept me). I will try to get as much of my allies killed. I even search out the Grineer in their Boarding Torpedoes and the Corpus stowed in the Grineer quarters.
I like trying to mimic Grineer and Corpus speak while I go about my daily business.
Did anyone else notice how Female Grineer wear high heels?
I always want to steal all the faction's loot as I raid them, hoping they are set-back.
I occasionally enjoy the GIFs posted on A Horrible Place on Tumblr.

Edited by Institute-Marksman
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-uses female waframes 99% of the time


-prefers not to join online co-op


-buys every prime access pack that comes out


-always loots everything


-likes to explore the tilesets


-would rather buy plat than trading mods for it 


-gives away spare prime parts when actually trading


-considers leveling up male warframes to be a pain in the &#!


It feels like I'm some weird tenno for doing all of this

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- I only bought plat once when my friend got a discount coupon and we agreed to split the bill.


- I like selling stuff and earning plat rather than playing missions.


- When I don't like the way lower mastery rank tenno speak to me i let them die and then teabag them.


- I still like the game but I might switch to my previous MMO and uninstall WF for a while because i don't have enough disk space.


Please don't judge. i have my reasons.

Edited by H.Katsura_999
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- My favorite thing to main is Speed Rhino.

- If there are two Speed Rhinos, I make it my main goal in life to beat the other to extraction.

- Volt is in my top five because his spam 1 is too good.

- I do not, under any circumstance, forma anything that is not a prime because DE will make everything a prime eventually.

- I have never bought platinum.

- I hate Nyx. So much. Like, you don't even understand.

- I keep every weapon from research.

- If I do not feel like playing, I sit in trade while watching Netflix.

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I teabag my teammates until the revive is at 2 seconds, then I spam click revive until I feel like I might screw up and actually let them die.


I wormhole my teammates.


I pull my teammates.


I ripline my teammates.


I play power efficiency Frost to spam snowglobes and blind my teammates.


I love my teammates.

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I feel like people are using this thread to brag ("i've never touched rhino blah blah blah") rather than being true to themselves.Confessions are dirty secrets people, not prideful bragging.


Don't worry, I'll show you how its done. TRUE CONFESSIONS:


1) I've unfortunately fallen to the point of judging players before gameplay due to MR, builds, and chat. It's lead me to develop feelings that appear to be true about 90% of the time:


                 MR 0 -4 ---> I enjoy these guys. A lot of them are new and open to tips and hints. Almost every person on my friends list was added at this stage due to friendliness and openness.


                 MR 5 - 11 ---> Most rude, troll-heavy, and annoying group of players. Most are at the point where they think they're the $#!+ but definitely have A LOT to learn. They're also at that point I guess where they feel the grind and decide to take out their frustration by trolling people in-game.


                 MR 12 - 17 ---> Like the first group, I enjoy a good amount of these guys. They're at the point where theyre more relaxed and chill and get how the game works. You can hold a casual conversation talking about whatever, even as you get to later waves/mins in defense/survival missions without worrying about someone going down, trolling, etc.


2) I've let teammates die on occasion, and not by accident. If you're gonna troll me with loki swap or hydroid tentacles or vauban bounce, dont be surprised wheen i stand over your downed body as your rez time ticks away. I consider my teammates just that-- a team. If you dont wanna be a team player, thats cool, ill help the other 2 guys instead :P


Well there you go people--- real confessions. None of that braggy talk flooding this thread. Things just got real.

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