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Confession Thread


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- 300 hours playing this game, don't have all the frames in game (keeping challenges for later).

- Never played any mission in Ceres...

- I don't really like Acrid.

- I became a founder on November 1st.

- I play with a X360 controller.

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I hold doors for people (Specially the large doors in Corpus planets that take awhile to open/close)

I jumped the Soma + Galatine train and do not regret it

I wanted to side with Grineer but really wanted to have the Corpus weapons.

When I play as Trinity and I see my teammates kill my well of energy vamped enemy, I don't use blessing and stay as far away as possible so when they die "I was too far".

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- I used to find soma/acrid/galatine fun.

- If you abandon the terminal in MD then I will make a concerted effort to not revive you.

- Should anyone else be overcome by kindness and attempt to revive you I will remind them of their mistake by switch teleporting them away from you.

- I spam desecrate and often forget to mention the mods/rare materials that spawn to people that have rushed ahead.

- Whenever I cast shadows of the dead and find myself surrounded by an army of napalms/toxics/ospreys I develop a god complex that becomes more severe with each cast.

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-I'm mastery rank 6 and am nowhere near completing the star chart.

-I will never build the Acrid. Ever.

-I don't sell weapons or frames
-I like going to low level planets and recruiting newbies for the clan because they actually contribute to building this.

-I actually proffered the look of the Brakk to the Detron.

-I use Ash for defense all the time. Come at me.

-When trading comes out, I'm gonna trade new players puncture and tell them it's amazing. 

-I kill myself with the Ogris at least once a mission.

-I think the PS3 controller works really well with the game.

Edited by Mrr.Bond
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- Despite how much forma i have stocked, i never had formed an item to challenge myself, to make fights more interesting and somewhat tactical.


- I have always used stamina mods and when the stamina update came. It was not really of a big deal.


- I try using all kind of mod combinations for the sake of fun.


- Rarely play with anyone else than myself.


- Try always communicating with everyone, even they are randoms on online missions.


- If i am the host, i will always ask you about if there is any kind of lag going on the mission. And try to fix if there is one.


- I use volt more often on online missions, because i like both support and slaughtering with melee in high speeds.


- I have usually huge numbers with melee and low with other gun fire weapons because i had got used to it on closed beta stage.


- I remember the card system from closed beta and my biggest surprise when i returned to warframe, was how the missions were selected.


- My first mission on warframe was an defense one on solo mode, because i thought online mode was pvp. I got used to melee with a loki because of those defense missions.


- If i am rushing, i usually try do make stylish kills and constant wall running.


- I am usually tempted to open any storage crate.

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- When I first started The Hidden Redcoat, I thought I would get like... 10 subs, tops.

- When I first started playing Warframe, I thought it would last a month or so.

- I was once a part of Warbros. (Scandal!)

- I left Warbros because of my undying admiration for Princess Yuikami.

- I only built the Acrid because I had tons of Mutagen Masses left over from the last event.

- Before, I was an Ash man... Now I am Nekros 'till death.

- I have a thing for redheads, but M-Megan-Sempai is too lewd. Uguu...

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-When it lags or people starts spawncamping, i watch cat videos on youtube without helpin my squad

-When i see Loki's i automatically think they'll die when they rush to grineer gunners with silly umbrellas

-When my teammates die, i pretend to be resurrecting them, then lef them die

-I @(*()$ hate acrid and people who use it

-I hate seer.

-I hate Salad V and his fanboys

-I hate ponies and people who use "kawaii" on forums or RL.

-I hate people who things loki's third skill makes them a Troll overlord

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-I spend most of my time on region chat and known to be a big troll there 

-I have about 100 people ignoring me on region chat (its a real tough thing to track this btw)

-I use team heals

-I never revive people because they slow down my rushing.

-I tend to annoy people with my Loki

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- I hate Supra.

- I sold Galatine.

- I sold Soma.

- I sold Frost Prime.

- I will get myself a MK1-Braton, Lato, and Skana for the mastery... (PS: I'm rank 9)

- I haven't used Brakk yet, yes not even once.

- I only keep clan and prime weapons.

- I really enjoy playing Mag.

- I hate Ash. (My starter was Loki)

- I build Loki again, so I can use it as my main. (After I reach rank 13... One day)

Edited by SixxxAla
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- my most used weapon is the braton

-i dislike most of the melee weapons

-i hate people who use pure black on their warframes

-i think the broncos should have at least 6 shots per magazine and less damage

-i've broken the world more times than i have fingers

-i spent more than 2 hours just looking around one void level

-i will use void keys solo if i know i can handle it

-i potatoed my starter warframe (volt) and then sold it.

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