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Update 11 Next Week?


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Whether we want U11 early or not doesn't matter, it's coming out next week. Check out the Alad V trailer ("The Profit"), at the end it says "Continues on Day 1 of the PS4," or whatever. So they're more than likely releasing it then.


... Either that, or Alad V's gas planet is coming out before U11. Either way, I hope they focus more on refining the update before releasing it.

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So you had to make two posts about the same topic with different texts, why?

If you read through this thread you'd notice many at the start didn't bother reading much more than the title which resulted in many "Soons, or not yet" Replys about when U11 is coming, that and someone felt the need to act like a Update Guru and say that the way DE does there updates is wrong... so quite a few replys have been on how the updates work.


As for the Update Order, that conversation is done please keep it on topic!

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I'm not sure, but I'd imagine there's some sort of conversion process to make Warframe from the PC version compatible with the PlayStation 4 version.

Actually, the PS4 (and Xbone for that matter) hardware basically is a PC. And way back when the PS4 version was first announced, Steve said the game worked on the PS4 with practically no porting needed. So a Wednesday release would let us find the inevitable major bugs in time for Friday's PS4 debut. Assuming Sony QA is willing to okay the hotfixes.

As for the fears of rushing... Eh, honestly, two days was enough for DE to fix the most major gamebreaking bugs in both U9 and U10. Once I got over the initial "zomg keygrind" issue, it really wasn't that bad as far as bugs went.

The main thing is that they have a very strong incentive to have U11 ready for PS4 release - they don't want to confuse the PS4 players by literally changing the entire damage system the week after launch.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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What I think will happen:


Armor 2.0(Since it was mentioned in the recent AMA)

The codex(want in game drop list and descriptions about the enemies Ys style).


What I hope comes out:


Double drop platinum items (Since the weekend double was really nice and wouldn't mind paying for a booster like the credits one)

Steam Achievements(Something to mix up my hours of grinding random things and they said it is being worked on)

More story. Alad V is a start, but I would like story missions or random wars popping up around the galaxy.


Just my thoughts :)

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I do think U11 will be next week or at least a big update include the new mod 2.0/armor 2.0 or otherwise those new PS4 player will need to learn the new system again in the near future.


What and the new/current pc players are not going to have to learn everything all over again?, statements like this really make me wonder about peoples reasoning sometimes, if anything it would be harder for the pc crowd to get used to a new system given that we have been using what we have currently (in my case 8 months) for the last year or so, using something for a couple of weeks and then having it changed is not a big deal imo.


On topic though I suspect U11 within the next 3 weeks at the most, however we might see it this week, but most likely next week.

Edited by SchrodingersKitteh
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I would guess that U11 will most likely come out next week, as the op said. Even if it doesn't, I'd expect within November.


Either way, mostly just waiting for Armor 2.0, and somewhat the new Ruk (the video on the livestream didn't make the fight look promising, unfortunately) and Alad V. Couldn't care less about new frames or new weapons (unless these weapons are actually UNIQUE and FUN for a change instead of just power-creeped generic guns and melee).


I'm just hoping to see a turning point in the game that will motivate me to actually play the game again.

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Its certainly possible, but last I checked, ETA for U11 hasn't been announced yet, and we usually get some sort of a hint before a huge update. Wednesday update won't be the WORST that can happen, giving DE 2 days to fix everything before going public on PS4, but they better have lots of coffee ready.


^This. And honestly, I still want them to take their time on U11. They've projected A LOT of content for U11 - a lot of content that could break the game immensely if not implemented safely. I'd much rather it take longer to get it out than them to rush it and something go horribly wrong.

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What and the new/current pc players are not going to have to learn everything all over again?, statements like this really make me wonder about peoples reasoning sometimes, if anything it would be harder for the pc crowd to get used to a new system given that we have been using what we have currently (in my case 8 months) for the last year or so, using something for a couple of weeks and then having it changed is not a big deal imo.


On topic though I suspect U11 within the next 3 weeks at the most, however we might see it this week, but most likely next week.

You have to think of this way.


PS4 will be a new console and a lot of player on that platform are new to warframe. (although there will have PC player move their account to PS4)


Indeed both PC and PS4 player need to learn the new system but you will have to understand that PC already have a large player base and a big community to support (either here or the wiki). We can pick up and get used with the new system much more easier than PS4 new beginner.


PS4 is a new platform. They may not know where to get help with when they are having problem. Look at the PC version tutorial. It didnt explain the game much, we have to spent time on asking people (vet) to know how to do things such as wall run. So the bottom line is they will implement their new tutorialinto PS4.


Now, we all know the new system is coming just matter of time. If PS4 player need to relearn the system in a few weeks then those player will think "oh, why bother this game now. We have to restart all over again in a few weeks anyway."  You have to understand that a bad reputation at launch can kill the game or make the game unpopular unless there have something really good to win the player back. There have a lot of new title coming and there have one have a very similar concept to warframe (not going to name it here but I assume you already know it. In case you dont know, the game is develop by the Halo team) If DE screw the PS4 lanuch than they will have to spend a lot of resourse to make the game popular in PS4.


This may not sound fair but this is the real world we are talking about...beside, the way we think the new system is coming this week is just human nature. We know there have a new system coming and we know this game will release on the next gen console this week. So release the new system this week with the launch of next gen its all link up perfectly imo.

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They're probably gonna miss the 15th deadline, hopefully they will get it in time for the extra-american release on the 29th.


Which is a pity: they're gonna lose a lot of US players because of bad first impressions (bad tutorial, bugs, matchmaking issues...), who probably won't come back when those issues are alleviated at U11.

And even if they did, they would have to relearn the game from scratch. And then leave again out of confusion. 

The game will also suffer from bad critics from the console gaming press. Possibly even worse than now (70 metacritic is not good ><).

Beta or not, it's a big release.


They could have postponed the release till U11 is ready. 

Look at Planetside 2: they're waiting for Q1 2014 for a ps4 release, and it's a Sony game.


But now it's too late. Pity. 

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I wouldn't be surprised if they push Update 11 after the PS4 release. I would think they need to focus on the launch on a new platform to make it as problem free as possible. 

not too sure now as they just post 2 pictures on the Twitter saying preparing for the PS4 launch. You can see ember prime (i assume it is ember prime based on her colour) in one the picture...so I have a feeling that U11 will be here this week...



Edited by ExorcistEX
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not too sure now as they just post 2 pictures on the Twitter saying preparing for the PS4 launch. You can see ember prime (i assume it is ember prime based on her colour) in one the picture...so I have a feeling that U11 will be here this week...



that link leads to the standard version of ember. thats not even a prime model, remotely.

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Their official Twitter account said that Update 11 would come after North America PS4 launch and before the European launch.

That means it will come between the 15th of November and the 29th.


I place my bet on the 20th of November.


No Update 11 for PS4 launch :(



Ok, that's more descriptive.

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Their official Twitter account said that Update 11 would come after North America PS4 launch and before the European launch.

That means it will come between the 15th of November and the 29th.


I place my bet on the 20th of November.


No Update 11 for PS4 launch :(



Well, that's good. Disappointing, but at least they are taking more time on it. I hope to Cthulhu that they've redone the tutorial on the PS4 build though, because that will drive a lot of players away.

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