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Give ability to favorite relics in kiosk and fissure missions


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Relic list are getting long and I'm sure players are building up quite a selection. If we can favorite relics and keep favorite relics on top of list, we can select them easier. I think a lot of people would appreciate this quality of life update. 🙂

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Gonna bump this, it's been asked quite a few times and it's one of those quality of life things that would 900% improve targeted relic running... Just being able to favorite all the relics you need to run and have them on top of your list when you have like 15 seconds to choose and refine a relic between waves is... A lifesaver.

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I would go a step further here and not just mark relics, but directly the parts you need.

Relics standard view (Warframe default):


Active Filter (Warframe default):


Relic infos and parts included (Warframe default):


Here we need a way to mark/favorite the individual parts. This could look like this, for example. Alternatively a symbol like a star:


 Afterwards, this marker would be displayed in the standard view, like in the relic overview or the selection for a mission:


Also the sorting should be extended, so that one finds the relics in the relic overview and mission selection better:


And here would be the overview of the mission reward:


Since there are already other flexible values in the interface, such as "x6" or "4 Owned", adding another field should not be an issue.

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Impressive how much support this topic gets. May be due to the fact that I make up with my MR 25 according to Steam only 2.2% of players who have reached this level. That is, most players, have no problem with new items to craften to level. But once you get to the end level, it's hard to see what you're missing. I write myself some lists for this, but in my opinion it would be easy to implement this. We are talking about a simple extension of the database and a bit of interface. Unfortunately, the only comfort DE condescends to is that you have to randomize your colors in Warframe (Dev Stream 161). I guess I'll keep writing my lists then.

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