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Ambassador fire modes


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With Gyre about to come out, it's a good time for the ambassador to see some love (it's electric). Why on god's earth does it have that long animation when switching first modes? Any other gun would just shoot the alternate fire instead of sllllooooowwwwllly going into charge mode and back. Maybe you want to differentiate it from the Stahlta? There must be a way that better preserves the usefulness.

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I actually like the concept and don't want it changed to a standard altfire.   My main--I guess I'll call it "mechanical"--criticism is that the base reload should be faster.  Not only would this make the weapon smoother to use in the usual way, but reload length is also the length of the animation for the mode switch.    It would also deeply benefit from some punch through on the auto-fire.  PT really helps it in that mode, but is largely counterproductive in charge mode.   

The general idea with both of these is that we shouldn't be discouraged from switching modes when the transition is what makes this weapon cool.

There's other stuff like just a bit more crit chance I'd like too.  But more than anything else, they really need to fix multishot not working on its AoE.

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I feel like the Long Mode Switch defeats the usefullness of Ambassador

I can just Equip an Opticor Vandal, plus a Twin Grakatas

and I'll have basically the same concept

except I can swap between them Faster than Ambassador's Mode Swap

I get to mod them separately instead of making weird compromises

and I get Holster Reloading....


In every way, superior to the Ambassador


If the Ambassador, as a dual-modal weapon is going to Compete with Simply Equipping two Weapons

it needs to be Smooth to Swap Modes.

-the entire point of doing an underbarrel grenade launcher on a rifle vs just carrying a separate launcher is that it's supposedly more convenient!

Ambassador seems to forget this key point

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