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Update 10.8.0


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Update 10.8.0



Fixed Mission session slot permanently being eaten by client who fails to properly connect or is rejected by host.

Fixed Mission session slot permanently being eaten by client who fails to properly connect or is rejected by host.

Fixed Mission session slot permanently being eaten by client who fails to properly connect or is rejected by host.

Fixed Mission session slot permanently being eaten by client who fails to properly connect or is rejected by host.

Fixed Mission session slot permanently being eaten by client who fails to properly connect or is rejected by host.

WOO HOO! Finally! A step in the right direction, regarding connectivity :D

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...vaubans vortex doesnt affect players (utility gets removed and the drawback for an unfair power)


Just what are you complaining about here? They removed the affects on players because A: was glitchy, B: WE ASKED FOR IT TO BE REMOVED, C: It was used for trolling, and D: it heavily interfered with reviving players.


...high lvl enemys- like vor on nightmare - get nerved(nightmare removed from mercury alltogether)


Mercury is the beginning area. There's no need for Nightmare to be there, and no reason for Vor to be a Nightmare boss. The first area is already agonizingly hard for newer players. Stop thinking of yourself and your 4x forma'd gear. Hell, why are you going to Mercury for a challenge in the first place? Oh, I get it... Mercury = lowest level area. Which means Nightmare mode there would be the lowest level as well. Heh, guess you don't want a challenge. No - you just wanted a place to easily farm Nightmare mods and you're angry DE removed it. Typical.


... you cant die from the vampirism effect in nightmare anymore(but get tons of hp from every enemy)


Once again - think outside your 4x forma'd box.


,,, helmets are statless (no taktical equipping, no suffering for good looks)


This has been argued both within DE and the forums, and the majority won. People were tired of wanting to look a certain way but were being punished for wanting it. "Suffering" for good looks? I don't want to know what you're smoking, because it sounds like it kills brain cells.



...fog from derelicts get removed


.......Why are you complaining about this?



...invincibility on revives



Okay I definitely don't want anything you're smoking. Even Borderlands has a small bit of invincibility after being revived. Payday 2 gives you a second of invincibility. Many games that have reviving give you a small amount of invulnerability. Look - next time you're stuck under an Ancient or a Napalm Heavy is stalking you, and you get revived...If the split second after you get up, you get exploded but survive thanks to the invulnerability, how about you just walk on up to that ancient/napalm and let yourself die. I mean, that's what you want right? Get stunlocked/killed the split second you're revived, right?


i really like warframe, but everything that has a drawback or makes the game challenging in anyway gets nerved or removed.

it would be quite sad if this game continues its current course which is heading towards a childrens playground in my opinion.


There's a thin line between difficult and unfair. The current things that have been looked into are either borderlining it or stepped right on over the edge. If you're going to sit there and cry about the game becoming a tiny bit more accessible to a wider audience, then go right ahead and stay in your T3's with all the other elitists.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Shut up with the google translate i doubt you ever speak  any of those languages. Besids english,

So much butthurt. Let the man do his thing, it's not hurting you.


IMO, Nova's new helm looks a lot like the old one, a bit too much. It's like it put on a hat or something. 

I do hope that the other helmets are going to be changed to match the non-stat effects sometime soon, if they haven't already.


I don't really care about the sentinel stuff, so whatever. It does look cool though.


I assume that since we're on 10.8.0, 11 will be dropping in the foreseeable future?

Edited by Exo594
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...vaubans vortex doesnt affect players (utility gets removed and the drawback for an unfair power)

...high lvl enemys- like vor on nightmare - get nerved(nightmare removed from mercury alltogether)

... you cant die from the vampirism effect in nightmare anymore(but get tons of hp from every enemy)

,,, helmets are statless (no taktical equipping, no suffering for good looks)

...fog from derelicts get removed

...invincibility on revives


-whats next? do enemys pad us on the back and we get rewards for loosing?


i really like warframe, but everything that has a drawback or makes the game challenging in anyway gets nerved or removed.

it would be quite sad if this game continues its current course which is heading towards a childrens playground in my opinion.


So many things wrong with your post......

The first thing that really bugs me.... STOP SAYING "NERVED". The word is Nerfed, as in to soften, like a Nerf object (ball, dart, etc...)


1- What utility did Vortex offer by sucking players in? It was removed because it was a glitchy side effect and pissed everyone off.

2- Nightmare mode was to offer a difficulty bump, but the affects werent thoroughly tested. Leading to MANY scenarios where a mission would be unpassable. This was rectified and vamp not taking you below 1hp is part of that fix

3- I got nothing. Frankly I couldnt care less about stats on helmets and cosmetics dont jingle my jimmie

4- I never encountered an issue with fog, so I cant comment

5- Was needed if you ever ran a high level mission with enemies with 100% accuracy



Get off your soap box. The game wont head to a "childrens playground". Things are getting fine tuned. Stay out of mercury and head to outer terminus for a much needed reality check

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