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Gyre parts not dropping?


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20 часов назад, JaggedBird сказал:


I've been at this thing for the last 4 weekends of grinding that've had off and NO systems which I've been spending up to 5 hours of those days farming it. 
DE claimed to have fixed the drop issue, but no. ITS STILL HAPPENING.


i did some zariman bounties today and got the systems without any problems.

Edited by Merrcenary
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Just adding a data point, I've done 100  of the T2 bounties, and have not seen a chassis drop. However, I have had 1 Neuroptics, 1 Systems, and 3 Gyre BPs drop at what I feel are at expected drop ratesm given the singular reward at the end of the bounty. Whilst it is nice having near 90k of Endo up my sleeve, I'd rather the chassis. The wiki advertises it at 10%, however if it is dropping for folks, it feels as though it must be around a 1% drop.



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On 2022-04-28 at 5:59 PM, The__Texan said:

Gyre parts not dropping?

No They are Dropping....

Atleast now they are.....

On 2022-06-22 at 12:06 AM, Kuzowen said:

Me and my friend also have this problems, we've done more than 50/100 missions, but we haven't dropped the systems once. I think it needs to be checked.

The Possibility that some People are Simply not getting Drops is Actually intended.... 

Remember... This is a Free To Play game.... There's a Reason why the Option to Buy her with Platinum exists....

The bounty screwing over Certain players is by Design....

1 hour ago, Scruffodian said:

Just adding a data point, I've done 100  of the T2 bounties, and have not seen a chassis drop. However, I have had 1 Neuroptics, 1 Systems, and 3 Gyre BPs drop at what I feel are at expected drop ratesm given the singular reward at the end of the bounty. Whilst it is nice having near 90k of Endo up my sleeve, I'd rather the chassis. The wiki advertises it at 10%, however if it is dropping for folks, it feels as though it must be around a 1% drop.

I believe you can fully upgrade 2 Primed Mods with that Amount Of Endo....

That Should be Enough to buy her Straight From The Market depending on the Mod....


Possibly 👀....

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Me after 300 runs trying to get Neuroptics.

Though I guess in the past it took me 3 months to get Limbo systems a few years ago.

Edit: Did it with a friend, got the whole Gyre so fast, 4 times for neuroptics, 1 for chassis and bp, around 7 for sys.  I know it's just rng being rng but it still makes me laugh that this happens.

Edited by Bobveela
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I did some of the bounties when Zariman first came out, but went on break as the idea of another Syndicate grind (especially one like Entrati) bored me to no end, recently though: 

2 T5 Bounties - Gyre BP

2 T4 Bounties - Gyre Systems

15 T1 Bounties so far - No Neuroptics


Typical BS Bounty RNG being typical BS Bounty RNG - all I keep getting is the absolutely garbage Endo and Credit Caches, which shouldn't even be in those drop-tables. It's not like we need these stupid bounty grinds to be even more padded out with crap, especially so when the Zariman is only accessible to players who are not going to care about 400 Endo or 25K credits by the time they get to even unlock the Zariman.

I just hope that Gyre doesn't become my new Nidus, which took me about 70 Rot. C runs of Infested Salvage (so around 20+ hours), to the point I had something like 25 Neuro BPs and 19 Chassis BPs before I got a single Systems BP. 


Update: It took me about another 6 T1 Bounties to get a Neuroptics drop (so 20-25 T1 bounties total) and then about another 15-20 (I lost count) T2 Bounties for the Chassis.

They do drop, it's just, as I said, BS Bounty RNG being BS Bounty RNG. 

Edited by Els236
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  • 5 months later...

this is 1/31/2024 and this is still an issue, 80+ runs on the first bounty, got tons of lanthorns, not a single neuroptics

i have more lanthorns than i have harrow chassis blueprints ...

interestingly, rewards are:

30k creds

750 endo


gyre neuroptics

i have gotten all the above multiple times BUT the neuroptics, which makes no sense 

Edited by Niketik
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1 hour ago, Niketik said:

this is 1/31/2024 and this is still an issue, 80+ runs on the first bounty, got tons of lanthorns, not a single neuroptics

i have more lanthorns than i have harrow chassis blueprints ...

interestingly, rewards are:

30k creds

750 endo


gyre neuroptics

i have gotten all the above multiple times BUT the neuroptics, which makes no sense 

Funny thing, I’ve been getting neuroptics but not the systems. Must be just bad RNG on our part. 

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