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Invisibility slider for warframes


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Can you please add this feature DE?  This has been suggested before but I wanted to do it once more. Letting warframes like Ash, Ivara, Loki be still visible during their invis abilty would incentivise skin purchases for these frames...Many would like to appreciate their fashion in missions aswell, but cant since their warframe is visually reduced to a blur . So it would be a win-win!

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1 hour ago, Uhkretor said:

... Players willingly choosing to shackle themselves to Invisibility for reasons other than pure necessity doesn't make it DE's fault.

They can enjoy their fashion perfectly by doing what they don't want to do.

Maybe I'm just sleep deprived but I've read this several times and it still makes no sense. Nobody said it was DE's fault, just how this could be an improvement for both sales and aesthetics (and fix the Wisp inconsistency, fwiw). And "people enjoying fashion by doing what they don't want to do"...like, you mean play an invis-focused Warframes without using invis? Using a noninvis-focused Warframe? And "pure necessity"...you mean Warframes needing to use invisibility to survive? Or players potentially suffering from a heart attack from seeing the sheer badonkadonk of non-invis Warframes? What necessity?

I have so many questions...

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I would like a Visibility slider too

this would be useful In General, not just for invisible frames

for example sometimes my Warframe blocks my view, and It'd be nice to make them say, 50% Opacity so I don't have that blind spot.

(of course a 1st person mode would be nice too... but DE has a firm stance on that, so see thru 3rd person would be a the next best thing)

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