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Cross Platform Play IS LIVE!


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6 hours ago, YunciTTT said:

The associated account was not successful ,IOS will log out. The two account names are inconsistent.

Your account name remains what it was on each platform.


5 hours ago, (PSN)Iryo-nin said:

Hi ps5 user here I’m playing with another who has merged their pc and ps5 account we have attempted to trade with cross platform enabled on both sides but it will not allow us to at all.

The other person is a cross save player. They can only trade with PC and cross save players. You are a PS player, so they can't trade with you.

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2024/2/26 PM5点29分 , --N-- 说:

Your account name remains what it was on each platform.


The other person is a cross save player. They can only trade with PC and cross save players. You are a PS player, so they can't trade with you.

Thank you for your answer, but I don't seem to understand how to solve it yet. What should I do to play games on iOS.  The name of iOS is different from that of PC.  Kicked out of the server in one minute on IOS. what should I do?Changing the PC name to unify the names of various platforms?

Edited by YunciTTT
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50 minutes ago, YunciTTT said:

Thank you for your answer, but I don't seem to understand how to solve it yet. What should I do to play games on iOS.  The name of iOS is different from that of PC.  Kicked out of the server in one minute on IOS. what should I do?Changing the PC name to unify the names of various platforms?

The name is not important.

You getting kicked out is a different problem. Make sure the game is up to date. If you're still getting kicked out constantly, you can get the logs from the launcher and submit them to support: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1385887-mob-whispers-in-the-walls-update-351-hotfix-5/#comment-12979581


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5 hours ago, TurkZ108 said:

I no longer have an Xbox and only a PC currently. What can I do in this situation to merge my xbox account with my PC account. 

The clan I made is completely dead and no one uses it. I'm fine with getting it deleted by the way. 


Thanks you. 


I was able to link my xbox account without physically having an Xbox anymore, it let me keep all my stuff. You just sign in to xbox on the link accounts page and it should do the rest.

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Hello lost here. Also known as A_LOST_GOD. I’ve been trying to link my psn account to my iOS. I couldn’t figure it out so I went to online tutorials. I’ve since made a pc account that I’ve linked to and now it won’t even let me lick on the option to connect my iOS since I apparently have too many account linked. I’ve seen some people with the Xbox. Psn. Pc. And switch all connected and they are connecting the iOS in the video. I  obviously need help so if someone would be so kind as to do so that would be very much so appreciated 

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En 29/9/2022 a las 12:02, [DE]Dudley dijo:

Hola Tenno,

El equipo ha alcanzado otro hito en el desarrollo del juego multiplataforma con las últimas actualizaciones y revisiones. Con el lanzamiento de la actualización Lua's Prey, ahora tenemos Cross Platform Play LIVE para todas las plataformas. Esta publicación tiene como objetivo informarle sobre lo que puede esperar y ser el lugar dedicado donde pueda brindarnos sus comentarios o inquietudes sobre sus experiencias, lo cual es muy importante para nosotros.

Juego multiplataforma Los 
jugadores pueden ver aparecer una nueva opción en su configuración llamada "Juego multiplataforma". 

Opción de juego cruzado V2.png

Puedes alternar la configuración "Juego multiplataforma", lo que permite a los Tenno de ambas plataformas unirse a los escuadrones de cada uno y completar misiones juntos. Habrá algunas limitaciones en algunas funciones durante esta prueba:

  • Sin soporte de amigos
  • No se permiten intercambios ni regalos de artículos en diferentes plataformas
  • No hay soporte para chat de voz


¿Cuáles son estos íconos que estoy viendo?
Mientras el juego multiplataforma esté habilitado, verás un ícono junto a los alias de los jugadores (incluido el tuyo) para indicar la plataforma desde la que juega un jugador. Todos los jugadores que estén en la misma plataforma que tú tendrán el ícono específico de la plataforma. Cualquier jugador que esté en una plataforma diferente tendrá el ícono de Juego multiplataforma :juego cruzado:. ¿Cuáles son estos números que veo al lado de mi alias? Para ayudar a identificar a los jugadores que tienen el mismo nombre en diferentes plataformas, a todos se les ha asignado un sufijo numérico. Este sufijo solo es necesario cuando buscas invitar a alguien a tu equipo o chatear con jugadores que tienen el mismo nombre. Siempre puedes encontrar tu sufijo visitando tu perfil en el menú del juego. Si no hay jugadores con el mismo nombre, puedes invitar y chatear como lo harías normalmente.  ¿Cómo les susurro a mis amigos con espacios en sus nombres? Los Console Tenno tienen la capacidad de tener espacios en sus alias, lo que significa que susurrarlos requiere un pequeño paso adicional. Si desea susurrarle un susurro a su amigo que tiene un espacio en su nombre, utilice comillas para capturar su nombre completo. 


Por ejemplo: /w “Los Tenno son increíbles” ¡Hola amigo!
Esto envía el mensaje "¡Hola amigo!" al jugador cuyo nombre es Tenno Are Amazing.

Todos los jugadores tendrán que hacer esto para susurrarle a otro jugador con un espacio en su nombre. ¿Cómo funcionan los dojos y los relevos durante el juego multiplataforma? Si tienes habilitado el “Juego multiplataforma”, podrás conocer e interactuar con jugadores de diferentes plataformas en Relevos y también podrás visitar Dojos. Actualmente, somos conscientes de un problema que impedirá la entrada a los escuadrones multiplataforma que se forman antes de ingresar a un Dojo. Para evitar que te encuentres con este problema, verás un mensaje de error que explica que primero debes ingresar al Dojo y luego invitar a miembros del equipo de una plataforma diferente. A pesar de tener acceso al Dojo y a los Relevos, los jugadores no podrán comerciar entre diferentes plataformas.

Para nuestro Switch Tenno, es posible que experimentes algunos problemas de rendimiento al visitar Relays ocupados. Te recomendamos que desactives el juego multiplataforma mientras realizas tus negocios allí y que lo vuelvas a activar para volver a unirte a escuadrones en diferentes plataformas cuando realices misiones. Seguimos trabajando para mejorar la experiencia, por lo que apreciamos su paciencia y comentarios. Si también nota algunos problemas de rendimiento en otras plataformas cuando se encuentra en retransmisiones ocupadas, le recomendamos que haga lo mismo.
¿Qué pasa con el guardado cruzado?
El juego multiplataforma será nuestra primera dirección para que todos los Tenno jueguen juntos, y anunciaremos detalles sobre Cross Save en un anuncio futuro.
¿Qué comentarios son más beneficiosos para Warframe?
Para los jugadores que participan, nos encantaría saber de ustedes, y hay un par de cosas que pueden hacer y que serían muy apreciadas. Al enviar sus comentarios, por favor:

  • Incluye la plataforma en la que estás jugando
  • Agregue capturas de pantalla/vídeos de cualquier problema encontrado durante la prueba.
  • Para PC, envíe su EE.log, que se puede encontrar haciendo clic en la opción "Obtener registros" en la sección Diagnóstico de Configuración en el iniciador.
    • Adjunte EE. Inicie sesión en un ticket de soporte con el título “ERROR DE JUEGO MULTIPLATAFORMA” 
  • Para PC, detalla lo que sucedió antes de que ocurriera cualquier falla al enviar un ticket usando la herramienta de informe de fallas de Warframe (generará un número WAR)

Estamos emocionados de tener este juego multiplataforma en vivo para que podamos continuar conectando a Tenno en todas las plataformas. ¡Con tu ayuda, podemos solucionar problemas importantes y hacer que Cross Platform Play sea una experiencia más fluida para todos!

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UPDATE: Cross Platform Play Initial Test is Over
Thank you for participating in our initial Cross Platform Play test for Xbox and PC users. The test is now closed but we are still accepting feedback from participants. This information will help us further develop Cross Platform Play and we look forward to sharing more information about the feature in the future.

UPDATE: Cross Platform Play Test #2 is Live
We want to repeat our thanks to those of you who were able to participate in our initial Cross Platform Play Test. Our second public Cross Platform Play test between Xbox and PC users is live. It’s possible that this test could close/end abruptly like the last one did, but we will update this thread if that occurs. We also updated our note on Trading to clarify what to expect during the test.
Please continue to report bugs and feedback to us in this thread!

UPDATE: December 1st, 2022 - Switch & PlayStation Addition to Cross Platform Play Test
Today marks another milestone in Cross Platform Play development! Nintendo Switch and PlayStation Tenno can now join their PC and Xbox peers in playing missions together across the Origin System. The same restrictions apply from the current PC and Xbox test but now all players can join in the fun.


Mi nick de xbox y mi nick de PC son diferentes.. Existe alguna manera de que sean el mismo?

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On 2022-09-29 at 1:02 PM, [DE]Dudley said:

Hello Tenno,

The team has reached another milestone in the development of Cross Platform Play with the latest Updates/Hotfixes. With the launch of Lua’s Prey Update, we now have a Cross Platform Play LIVE for all platforms. This post aims to inform you about what you can expect and be the dedicated place where you can provide us with your feedback or issues about your experiences, which is very important to us.

Cross Platform Play 
Players may see a new option appearing in their settings called “Cross Platform Play.” 

Cross Play Option V2.png

You can toggle the “Cross Platform Play” setting, allowing Tenno from both platforms to join each other’s squads and complete missions together. There will be a few limitations on some features during this test:

  • No Friend support
  • No Trading or Gifting of items across different platforms
  • No Voice Chat support


What are these icons that I am seeing?
While Cross Platform Play is enabled you will see an icon next to player aliases (including your own) to denote the platform a player is playing from. All players who are on the same platform as you will have the platform-specific icon. Any player who is on a different platform will have the Cross Platform Play icon:crossplay:.
What are these numbers that I see next to my alias?

To help identify players who have the same name across different platforms, everyone has been assigned a numeric suffix. This suffix is only necessary when you are looking to invite someone into your squad or chatting with players who have the same name. You can always find your suffix by visiting your Profile in the game menu. If there are no players with the same name, then you can invite and chat as you normally would. 
How do I whisper my friends with spaces in their names?

Console Tenno have the ability to have spaces in their aliases which means whispering them requires a small extra step. Should you wish to whisper your friend who has a space in their name, then use quotation marks to capture their full name. 

For example: /w “Tenno Are Amazing” Hi friend!
This sends the message “Hi friend!” to the player whose name is Tenno Are Amazing.

All players will have to do this to whisper another player with a space in their name.
How do Dojos and Relays work during Cross Platform Play?

If you have “Cross Platform Play” enabled you will be able to meet and interact with players from different platforms in Relays and also be able to visit Dojos! Currently, we are aware of an issue that will prevent Cross Platform squads that form before entering a Dojo from entering. To prevent you from running into this issue, you will see an error message explaining that you must load into the Dojo first and then invite squad members from a different platform. Despite having access to the Dojo and Relays, players will not be able to trade across different platforms.

For our Switch Tenno, you may experience some performance issues when visiting busy Relays. We encourage you to disable Cross Platform Play while you conduct your business there and to turn it back on to rejoin squads across different platforms when doing missions. We are continuing to work on improving the experience so we appreciate your patience and feedback. If you also notice some performance issues on other platforms when in busy Relays we encourage you to do the same.
What about Cross Save?
Cross Platform Play will be our first direction in getting all Tenno to play together, and we will announce details around Cross Save in a future announcement.
What feedback is most beneficial to Warframe?
For players who participate, we would love to hear from you, and there are a couple of things you can do that would be greatly appreciated. When submitting your feedback, please:

  • Include the platform you are playing on
  • Add screenshots/videos of any issues encountered during the test
  • For PC, send your EE.log, which can be found by clicking on the “Get Logs” option under the Diagnostics section of the Settings in the launcher
    • Please attach EE.Log in a Support Ticket with the title “CROSS PLATFORM PLAY BUG” 
  • For PC, detail what happened before any crash occurred when submitting a ticket using Warframe’s crash report tool (it will generate a WAR number)

We are excited to have this Cross Platform Play live so that we can continue to connect Tenno across all platforms. With your help, we can iron out major issues and make Cross Platform Play a smoother experience for everyone!

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UPDATE: Cross Platform Play Initial Test is Over
Thank you for participating in our initial Cross Platform Play test for Xbox and PC users. The test is now closed but we are still accepting feedback from participants. This information will help us further develop Cross Platform Play and we look forward to sharing more information about the feature in the future.

UPDATE: Cross Platform Play Test #2 is Live
We want to repeat our thanks to those of you who were able to participate in our initial Cross Platform Play Test. Our second public Cross Platform Play test between Xbox and PC users is live. It’s possible that this test could close/end abruptly like the last one did, but we will update this thread if that occurs. We also updated our note on Trading to clarify what to expect during the test.
Please continue to report bugs and feedback to us in this thread!

UPDATE: December 1st, 2022 - Switch & PlayStation Addition to Cross Platform Play Test
Today marks another milestone in Cross Platform Play development! Nintendo Switch and PlayStation Tenno can now join their PC and Xbox peers in playing missions together across the Origin System. The same restrictions apply from the current PC and Xbox test but now all players can join in the fun.


What do you do when both players cross platform is activated but still can't trade due to mismacthing?

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4 hours ago, (PSN)SSJx_Demeanor said:

What do you do when both players cross platform is activated but still can't trade due to mismacthing?

Both players need to have a cross platform account or a PC account. Enabling cross play is not enough.

Console/mobile players must link a PC account to convert their account into a cross platform account. Then they have to enable 2FA on warframe.com/user. 

Note that if you convert your console account into a cross platform account, you will lose the ability to trade with people on your console who have not done that.

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1 hour ago, UmbraLich0.01 said:

For some reason I get a message when I try to buy, the message says: I must enable progression between platforms but it is already enabled and the message still appears, for everything else, it is perfect.

Are you trying to trade with another player?

The message is a bit confusing, but it doesn't say you must enable cross progression, it says both players need to enable it. You are already a PC or cross save player (your forum profile says you're a PC member, which includes cross save players). The other player needs to enable cross save.

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4 hours ago, Valtiel. said:

won’t let me trade with my friend he is also on playstation

You have a cross save account, so you can only trade with PC and cross save accounts. You cannot trade with non cross save console accounts. Your friend probably doesn't have a cross save account.

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I just linked my PS5 (primary) to my PC account both which were created before the deadline. My accounts however DID NOT MERGE in that none of the PC things were passed over to my PS5 account. Is this a bug/error or is this planned?


As per DE:
"Eligible accounts will automatically undergo the One-Time Account Merge instead of Linking when you connect your Warframe accounts."

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5 hours ago, TootyPooty said:

I just linked my PS5 (primary) to my PC account both which were created before the deadline. My accounts however DID NOT MERGE in that none of the PC things were passed over to my PS5 account. Is this a bug/error or is this planned?


As per DE:
"Eligible accounts will automatically undergo the One-Time Account Merge instead of Linking when you connect your Warframe accounts."

What did the website tell you when you were connecting accounts? Linking is not the same as merging. Linking means you will not merge.

Did you clone your PC account to Switch back in 2019?

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21 minutes ago, --N-- said:

What did the website tell you when you were connecting accounts? Linking is not the same as merging. Linking means you will not merge.

Did you clone your PC account to Switch back in 2019?

I only got the option to link Ps5 to PC didn't see anything for merging, hence assumed it was the same thing after reading what DE said. No I didn't clone PC to Switch


I had verified with my ps5 account before via tickets that it was not created via pc-to-console migration as well but now if I try to add a switch account to it it says that one of the accounts WAS used in the pc-to-console migration process. So I'm not sure what to believe. And of course the ticket no longer exists since sole ps5 account is not linked...........

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11 minutes ago, TootyPooty said:

I only got the option to link Ps5 to PC didn't see anything for merging, hence assumed it was the same thing after reading what DE said. No I didn't clone PC to Switch


I had verified with my ps5 account before via tickets that it was not created via pc-to-console migration as well but now if I try to add a switch account to it it says that one of the accounts WAS used in the pc-to-console migration process. So I'm not sure what to believe. And of course the ticket no longer exists since sole ps5 account is not linked...........

According to your forum profile, your PC account was created July 8, 2018. You could not have transferred from PC to PS, because that was in 2014.

You probably transferred from PC to Switch in 2018/2019, and that made your PC account ineligible.

Here's what merging looks like: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/18ofzox/cross_save_quick_start_guide/. It clearly says if you're eligible for merging, and it also tells you that inventory and currencies will be merged.


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18 minutes ago, --N-- said:

According to your forum profile, your PC account was created July 8, 2018. You could not have transferred from PC to PS, because that was in 2014.

You probably transferred from PC to Switch in 2018/2019, and that made your PC account ineligible.

Here's what merging looks like: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/18ofzox/cross_save_quick_start_guide/. It clearly says if you're eligible for merging, and it also tells you that inventory and currencies will be merged.



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Hey I linked my Xbox to a pc account and now I can’t trade with Xbox players, I did this to get twitch drops but I still didn’t get those, I don’t even play on pc i don’t know what to do and scared to unlink pc, I don’t wanna lose my progress

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14 hours ago, Shurgur said:

Hey I linked my Xbox to a pc account and now I can’t trade with Xbox players, I did this to get twitch drops but I still didn’t get those, I don’t even play on pc i don’t know what to do and scared to unlink pc, I don’t wanna lose my progress

You are now effectively a PC player. You can trade with PC players and cross save players. You cannot trade with non cross save Xbox players.

You didn't need to do that to get twitch drops. To get twitch drops, you need to link your account to twitch.

You cannot unlink. Maybe support can unlink your accounts, but that means losing all your progress between linking and unlinking.

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7 hours ago, (NSW)chi16_ said:

I play on switch and I can't trade with any other platform even if cross-platform is on

Cross platform play is not enough to trade across platforms. Only PC and cross save players can trade with each other, but cross save players cannot trade with non cross save players, even on the same platform. And Switch platinum cannot leave the Switch platform.

So in order to trade with other platforms, you would need to activate cross save (which is permanent and irreversible), but then you would be unable to trade with Switch players who have not done that. And you cannot trade platinum to other platforms.

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