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The Prime Access Discussion and Feedback Megathread


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This time, we can only buy things that are purely cosmetic or difficult to obtain, but the content available is up for grabs in the void. The cosmetics are nice, but if you can't afford them then you can't have it (so what? It's just a scarf.) The extractor prime means nothing because the current drone system is broken.



The founders pack was completely exclusive, and its prime items could never be gotten anywhere else, anytime. There's a difference here. I feel slightly cheated, but in the end it isn't all that bad. 

Edited by Trainer772
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Although it's a bit bitter, this is what I want. Exclusives. That way, we're guaranteed ours, and they're guaranteed theirs. And if DE breaks that promise to one of us (founders or new players), they'll have BOTH groups on them, because the other would feel that their exclusives would also be in danger. 


Bitter. But sweet. I wanna say it's wrong, but I also know it's not, because I have exclusives that new players will NEVER get. And that's how I want it. Because they're exclusives. Let the new players have theirs. And let us have ours. 

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i see A LOT of ppl crying about basically the same thing

and every single one of them is wrong on the same premise

yer premise is that DE is required to provide you with every little thing, this is just not true

DE is perfectly capable of designing content that not everyone will buy or can afford, hell GGG with PoE have support packs upto $10k

im not buying the prime access packs myself, but im also not complaining all over the boards (because i dont have a problem with not obtaining them, no epenis worries, no jimmies rustled, etc)

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Although it's a bit bitter, this is what I want. Exclusives. That way, we're guaranteed ours, and they're guaranteed theirs. And if DE breaks that promise to one of us (founders or new players), they'll have BOTH groups on them, because the other would feel that their exclusives would also be in danger. 


Bitter. But sweet. I wanna say it's wrong, but I also know it's not, because I have exclusives that new players will NEVER get. And that's how I want it. Because they're exclusives. Let the new players have theirs. And let us have ours. 


Makes sense, didn't think of it that way. thanks

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So every future deal that DE make will make you feel cheated? You were knowing what are you buying when you bought Founders pack and other platinum packs, you cannot expect that DE will make bundles in the future that will be available for you if you bought older pack.


You are Founder, you got your Founding stuff. You arent entitled to other promotions just because of that.

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So every future deal that DE make will make you feel cheated? You were knowing what are you buying when you bought Founders pack and other platinum packs, you cannot expect that DE will make bundles in the future that will be available for you if you bought older pack.


You are Founder, you got your Founding stuff. You arent entitled to other promotions just because of that.


Not saying that I should get it, but give me another option to buy it in a different way. But i get what people are saying and i didn't think of it that way.

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Personally, as far as a price point is concerned, I think 40 dollars is about fair if you included the primes, or maybe 30 for just the "exclusives". Why?


The platinum itself costs 200 dollars. This is known. With a 50% discount, you get it for 100. This EXACT amount of platinum. Effectively, this is a 50% platinum deal and some stuff thrown in for 40 bucks. Now, I have no clue what the actual dollar amounts for all of the items are, ranging from the affinity boosters, to the frames and weapons, etc, but I know the price of the platinum (because I checked yesterday looking around at things).


40 bucks, to me, is fair. 

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They need money to survive its quite simple, yeah its odd how they don't discount for founders but its their game & their choices :P.

I would assume most of them are justified in their way and eventually they probably will find a way to benefit old time founders like us :3.

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Just skimmed over some posts, but for me I think the Prime access is a reaally stupid decision. I think we should have the options of getting the small cosmetic exclusives without the platinum through other means.

It depends on how you look at it. For new members it's a great deal but for older members like founders it's a slap in the face to us by locking something behind such a high pay out. I've always believed DE was pretty unreasonable with their prices but that's just me. I still supported them though and I'm proud of that but I feel like I've given plenty to DE. You have to think about it this way. millions of people play warframe now. it's not small anymore and yet their prices still reflect the same prices they had when almost no one was playing. Kind of ridiculous if you ask me...

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Personally, as far as a price point is concerned, I think 40 dollars is about fair if you included the primes, or maybe 30 for just the "exclusives". Why?


The platinum itself costs 200 dollars. This is known. With a 50% discount, you get it for 100. This EXACT amount of platinum. Effectively, this is a 50% platinum deal and some stuff thrown in for 40 bucks. Now, I have no clue what the actual dollar amounts for all of the items are, ranging from the affinity boosters, to the frames and weapons, etc, but I know the price of the platinum (because I checked yesterday looking around at things).


40 bucks, to me, is fair. 

40 for everything but the platinum. 20-30 for the exclusives. That sounds reasonable to me.(none of this including the prime stuff)

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They need money to survive its quite simple, yeah its odd how they don't discount for founders but its their game & their choices :P.

I would assume most of them are justified in their way and eventually they probably will find a way to benefit old time founders like us :3.


Totally understandable.  They might make more money if they gave founders or people since update X another option to buy certain things

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It depends on how you look at it. For new members it's a great deal but for older members like founders it's a slap in the face to us by locking something behind such a high pay out. I've always believed DE was pretty unreasonable with their prices but that's just me. I still supported them though and I'm proud of that but I feel like I've given plenty to DE. You have to think about it this way. millions of people play warframe now. it's not small anymore and yet their prices still reflect the same prices they had when almost no one was playing. Kind of ridiculous if you ask me...

I feel like I've like I've payed a fortune and i still payed $150 less USD than you. . I do agree with you in everything you've said. Thats also a very good point that now there's much more players but they still bring out deals that act like its still April

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I can see both sides, so I'm not really sure what I feel.


Part of me feels I got what I paid for.  I got my prime stuff, my plat, my solar landmark, and design council access.  It never said and future discounts or goodies.  I do think I remember someone saying something about this in one of the livestreams, but in the end, I got what I paid to get.


On the other hand, it would have been nice if DE recognized us past the launch date.  I agree I don't need 4000 plat every few months.  I have plenty of it left over, and I enjoy farming for stuff that I can farm for.  I would never pay for early access stuff.  I felt dirty enough trading for Hammer Shot and not continuing my 2 week long daily farming for it. 


In the end, the founders got what they paid for.  I got my exclusive 3 piece prime set no one will ever be able to get again.  I got my solar landmark in Jupiter that no one will ever be able to get again.  I have access to the design council which no one will ever get into again.


....but, it woulda been nice to feel like they still appreciated our large contributions past the release date through some sort of veterans program. 

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While I do feel a bit of angst when I can't get the exclusive items (aesthetically) unless I dish out another $140, there is some validity in providing very strong incentives for new players to pick those packs.


What I will argue for is that I believe DE is missing out on another potential source of income if they just repackage their bundles. I would have no problem if they would even bundle up all the Founder 'primes' and sold that given that there is a market there for people who are completionists. As a Founder, you chose to support DE and they reciprocated with a mountain of plat, unique badges, and a constant reminder you contributed into making Warframe what it is today. I think this should be enough of a reminder of why you chose to support DE, rather than that shiny Excal, Lato or Skana (this is negligible in comparison and hence I believe this can be rebundled in the future).


Besides that, I just feel like some cost calculations are off track:


I find it funny how the basis for some of the pricing comes from just taking away the cost of plat and I will just do a quick calculation to show how absurd it is following that logic. If anything you need to consider the "discount' you put on plat (which was 50%), so really the cost of everything (prime parts and exclusive stuff) in that case would be 40 x 2 = $80. So let's do some more backwards calculation then we have lets say at current market pricing for the boosters (being conservative we take the highest price being 40 plat for 3 days), it would cost you 1200 plat ~= $65. This would make all the primes and the exclusive titan and scarf be valued at just $15 (which I think is absurdly low, considering the time taken to get all the prime parts). --------


Well you might say the boosters will have move value as you increase the time period, given that 7 days cost 80 plat. So lets try extrapolate a reasonable savings. 30 days 300 plat. 90 days = 800 plat. still going to cost you around $45. Again the price of remaining items only total to $35 which again I believe is a tad low but close to what I would expect it to cost ($60ish).


If anything I would price the two exclusives at $20 and you want all the prime parts at $15 for the sicarus/glaive and $25 for the ember. (bundle the prime parts for $45). Hell even provide an option to buy a 90 day booster for $45 or 800 plat.

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I don't feel cheated either.  So you get this prime drone; that still won't be as good as farming for yourself.  So you get this scarf; it is purely cosmetic.


Let's not disregard the $200 worth of platinum you get with this $140 package.


Please tell me more of how these 2 near insignificant items in this package cheat you while you save $60 on platinum and get instant access to all new prime content.

Edited by Penthos
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I'm more concerned over the fact that they've brought in hundreds of thousands of dollars in founders packs alone and the still throw up these pay walls that ruin my experience because; how am I supposed to have fun on this big new event where we hunt for alad v to save the berserker when the first matchmade game I play I get a guy that bought her with plat and is playing her. Alongside his friend who bought the prime pack. Gee wiz, great immersion there. Really feel like I'm hunting down these rare frames.

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Snipped calculations and whatnot. 

Personally, I only want the non-farmable items. The avatars (somewhat, they look good, but I like my current icon), the Titan Prime and the Prime scarf. I don't -NEED- 3 months of boosters. Sure, they'd be nice, but I don't need them. And I don't need Ember, Glaive, or Sicarus Prime for purchase. I do kind of want to farm them in my own time, just for the hell of it. 


I also have to wonder if the Titan and Syandana Prime will be the same for future packs or if those will be changed as well. 

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Add another vote for the separate cosmetics. Most of us founders don't need no more plat, and I'd rather farm for farmable stuff myself, because farming void is basically the end-game in WF. Come on, DE, do us a solid, let us get the scarf without spending all of our money.

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