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The Prime Access Discussion and Feedback Megathread


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Well, I like this game because of "your money or your time" monetization system. My salary isn't high and I can't afford buying Prime packs, so it's void hunting time for me. New Prime weapons and Ember Prime isn't exclusive and this is good

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Is Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime and Skana prime part of Prime access?  No, they remain EXCLUSIVE to founders.



Actually, we can say that with exception of the platinum, anything in the founder's program is available in the prime acces. No exc,lato,skana prime. No solar landmarks or badges. No design council.


And ofc. Ember, claive and sicarus prime are all obtainable by orokin void/tower runs. And avatars and misa prime are just cosmetic and boosters are not that impressive. (titan reactor prime is still really funny though you can't show off with it)

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So i finally shelled out for the extra's cause i cant see this being resolved before the next prime pack hit's, and even thou it's a little bit pricey i kinda hope DE don't take use all for granted Founders / Prime Access / Long time plat payers.

We shouldn't really be fighting over who gets what from this access depending on the title from the past , what we should be looking for here is some extra way that long term players can support the game without having to spend hand over fist every time. In most FTP games this normally comes in ways to speed up the game (cutting out grind) and cosmetic items. Now DE has done a great job on the cutting the grind out, however they have fallen short (if your not a sentinel) in the cosmetic area. On top of this platinum after the market place is only used on trading and if your not huge into trading then this is a resource that just stacks up.

This then brings up the problem with a user wondering what the hell to do with there platinum ?? let's take me, I had the Grand master and i've used it to buy potatoes, some forma , and all the cosmetics items this still left with me a huge amount that didn't move till a friend said look it's not going any were just blow it on keys and mods (which took a long time to do btw). Platinum just has so little use to most that making a 4th option for people to buy without it just seems like the right move no matter what your current status is in the game :D

(Damn Chat box.. colour is spelt with a U a U i tells you it's not a spelling mistake!!!)


Well, I won't be falling into the same trap. Even though I could afford the pack I have no interest in acquiring the Prime gear this way nor do I have any use for more platinum right now, my only interest in the pack is the Syandana and with that in mind the price is way too steep. And really, I'm pretty damn sure I'm not the only one that sees things this way (*far* from it)


On top of that I feel rather betrayed, I consider this a very shady business practice and it almost makes me regret supporting them earlier. I will be quite interested what they have to say for themselves about this.

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Dont feel betrayed dont feel intitled dont feel anything but knowing those are incentives to make people buy the stuff even more. Just keep bringing up ideas and refine the concept that has been made and that is a 4th tier a Platinum Tier that contains no platinum only those Exclusives for around $50. What we should be discussing is if the price should be $50 and who should be allowed to buy it with consideration to the devs as we dont want to undermine their income as it is a F2P game meaning Packs like this is one of their main sources for income to improve the quality of the game. We can even discuss the subscription idea back meaning for X amount of money it lasts X amount of time that allows us to buy what ever exclusives we want from the current/future Prime Access deal and maybe every month you earn some small amount of platinum. Maybe the Subscription would allow another access to the 4th tier "Platinum" that would be maybe $10-20 bucks. 

Edited by AllanIncubi
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Hey would you look at that! it's a solution! Just put the scarf in ALL TIERS! That way whoever is willing to spend or already spent $140 got what they paid for and whoever spent $50 got what they paid for and everyone is happy and DE makes their money!  I don't see how DE or the community can disagree with this when its just that simple. 

Edited by Magnagar88
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I don't see why people are complaining about this - simply stating 'it would be nice to get the scarf and extractor seperately instead of having to shell out over $100 for them would be nice, DE' is sufficient.  Believe me, if you get enough people saying it politely DE will listen - I'm sure they'd rather have 200 people dropping $25 on those exclusives + some plat than just the 1 or 2 people out of that group dropping the $140 on the same.  But perhaps not - who can say?


The nice thing is that the meat of these deals are actually *not* exclusive, and you can get them with some effort.  My warframe group hasn't had much of a chance to play, but we've got plans to farm the hell out of Ember Prime and the rest soon, so the Prime Access packs aren't as appealing.


...still, can always use more Plat...

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Thanks RuneGrey its why I am trying to be nice and have mentioned to now use the words entitles or deserve also to not argue because its true if we agree and are not separated/arguing the Dev would be more inclined to listen and understand us to consider our proposal. Just wish more people would agree on the two large topics and that is have a 4th tier or put the Syandana in every tier.

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Hey would you look at that! it's a solution! Just put the scarf in ALL TIERS! That way whoever is willing to spend or already spent $140 got what they paid for and whoever spent $50 got what they paid for and everyone is happy and DE makes their money!  I don't see how DE or the community can disagree with this when its just that simple. 


Looking at that image makes me wish so hard that it is true...

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Yeah a few people but we needs at least 200 people Founders or not. Im just waiting for U11 Chaos to cool down before sending messages to every DE. 

Indeed, This problem isn't going to get solved till the next prime pack. With the huge over haul of U11 they should work the bugs out of that first :D.

What has been nice to see is that the general chain of through is that this is great for new comers and those that misses the Founders train but we would all like another option to chip in and carry on are support whatever that 4th option is :D.Good for us guys we've actually been a community that's sat down through and chatted over the topic without getting into fire fights and flaming :D, 



+1 for the community!! :D

Edited by Huffshee
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I would buy tier 1 if it included the syndana. I like the way it looks and I want it. I won't pay a hundred bucks or whatever for it. That's just a stupid waste of money. I don't want to buy ember prime or the weapons.


I am not alone.


DE loses sales by not making the exclusive available at a sane price.


We love DE and want to give them money for things that don't matter because we like the shinies. But we can't give them stupid amounts of money because we don't want the other stuff. So we don't give them any money and we miss out on the shinies. How does anyone benefit from this situation?

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I would buy tier 1 if it included the syndana. I like the way it looks and I want it. I won't pay a hundred bucks or whatever for it. That's just a stupid waste of money. I don't want to buy ember prime or the weapons.


I am not alone.


DE loses sales by not making the exclusive available at a sane price.


We love DE and want to give them money for things that don't matter because we like the shinies. But we can't give them stupid amounts of money because we don't want the other stuff. So we don't give them any money and we miss out on the shinies. How does anyone benefit from this situation?


.Ya they won't benefit this way, but paying $50 for prime weapons plat and a scarf is a way they would profit.  If you sell something for $0.99 and a million people buy it........Thats a million dollars! So ultimately DE would be making a ton of money if $50 for scarf weapons and plat were the case.



The game is free to play. Cosmetics are not.


No one is saying Cosmetics aren't.

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I think the titan extractor prime and the Misa Syandana prime can only be availible on the market for ALL founder.

Misa Syandana Prime :

100 plat for basic pack

75 for Hunter

50 for master

25 for great master

Titan extractor prime :

75 for basic pack

50 for Hunter

25 for master

Free for great master

Please DE.Megan do anything i like your game but you can't sell à pack and switch to an other pack at $150

You sold the Founder program, now he's ended, you can make a gesture to founders...

( sorry for grammar, i'm not an english )

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I just don't understand why people are piss-in-your-coffee uptight about an exclusive cosmetic item that doesn't change your gameplay at all. 


People being upset about Primed Chamber's exclusivity, I can understand, but... a scarf? 


C'mon guys. Let's not waste our breath on something so meager.

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Actually, we can say that with exception of the platinum, anything in the founder's program is available in the prime acces. No exc,lato,skana prime. No solar landmarks or badges. No design council.


And ofc. Ember, claive and sicarus prime are all obtainable by orokin void/tower runs. And avatars and misa prime are just cosmetic and boosters are not that impressive. (titan reactor prime is still really funny though you can't show off with it)

It is stated that Prime Access offers the latest Prime gear. Any Primes already in the game right now will never be offered, supposedly.

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Just to put this out there, I would be happy to simply pay $5-10 just for the prime scarf, or the prime extractor, so that's $10-20 for both.  And I'm not talking platinum here, just flat out money.  (I still have tons of platinum but simply saying, I would pay money and not use the platinum currency for this.) You can keep the prime weapons and frame, I'll get it on my own in a few months, maybe; but that scarf, I'd just flat out pay money for it.  And no trying to make it cheaper with login discount coupons either, just straight cash.  I'm just not willing to spend over $100 bucks on this, no matter how much platinum comes with it (since I still have a lot of that to use).

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I just don't understand why people are &!$$-in-your-coffee uptight about an exclusive cosmetic item that doesn't change your gameplay at all. 


People being upset about Primed Chamber's exclusivity, I can understand, but... a scarf? 


C'mon guys. Let's not waste our breath on something so meager.


No Grandarex your opinion doesn't help. Whether you agree or not, cosmetics plays a significant part in gameplay because half the time people are changing helms, scarfs, sentinel pieces and colors for all frames and pets....  Its desirable and people want something cool, even if its just a shiny look. I mean half the time I do the same.  Thats what keeps me playing warframe...because running around as rhino with the same ole scarf the whole time gets BORING. So its time to change it up for the replay value. As its been said many times before a scarf behind a $140 pay-wall saddens a lot of people because they either can't afford to pay it or its OP for something like this that shouldn't be. So Letting this go or blowing it over would mean great disappointment to many when DE can simply change it and put the scarf for ALL TIERS and make money at the same time.

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It's a scarf. A cosmetic. They need to do SOMETHING to entice people to pay money. With plat trading, if they made the scarf available via plat, people would just sell mods for plat and then buy the scarf.


Same thing with the extractor. Another thing on that, by the way. The fact that it doubles resource gain doesn't change the fact extractors:

Are practically useless, with the Titan Prime Extractor bringing in a whopping 3000 NANO SPORES *GASP* EVERY 4 HOURS! What about plastids? Well, you better hold onto your seat, because the extractor brings 200-300 plastids *more gasps* every 4 hours! And the best part? You don't even get to choose which resource you get from a planet! Completely random! You want Ferrite? Too bad! Enjoy your polymer bundles!


Take a step back, realize the quality of the object you're pointlessly fighting for, and settle down.


As for the primes, they can be obtained ingame (assuming DE fixes some of the drop rates like they did during the initial release of the void items). As mentioned earlier, plat can be obtained via trading.


What does this leave? The avatars, and your e-go. They're both equally worthless.




Edit: Fixed grammatical errors, and added a little more sarcasm. Also changed to Ember Prime avatar so evoke claims of hypocrisy.

Edited by Nitresco
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