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The Prime Access Discussion and Feedback Megathread


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I have no problem with it. Not to mention that I am dumbfounded that people think they need to purchase it every time something new comes out.

No-one thinks they need to purchase it, I beieve most people are concerned with the exclusives being in the highest tier. I really doubt anyone here is concerned about the new prime stuff being in there, you can just farm all of that and extend the enjoyment of the game.

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My concern is the fact that they expect us to monthly shell out $140. This I do not agree with.


Also we don't know if the next prime pack will be bigger and better than this one, or what will be in it.


They're not expecting that.


You know, all freemium have between 5 and 10% of their user base spending large amount of money in their games (we're talking here about one thousand or more). The most expensive Prime Access is clearly adressed to those players.

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The problem with these suggestions is that $50 is still too much just for a scarf and titan extractor. If they were offered in game like other items they wouldn't exceed 50 plat each. And I'm all for founders having access to a new package with just the extractor and scarf for a MAXIMUM of $15-20. Any more than that would be kind of ridiculous and even that $15-20 is being generous.

EDIT: It also adds insult to injury that this exclusive syndana makes the ones offered in game look like a steaming pile of dead seagulls.

I hear you, but I strongly disagree with founders having additional benefits or discounts on anything.  It just wasn't in the scope of what we bought into.

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Copy-pasted from another thread I posted this on. This is primarily aimed at anyone complaining about the exclusivity of these items:


It's a scarf. A cosmetic. They need to do SOMETHING to entice people to pay money. With plat trading, if they made the scarf available via plat, people would just sell mods for plat and then buy the scarf.


Same thing with the extractor. Another thing on that, by the way. The fact that it doubles resource gain doesn't change the fact extractors:

Are practically useless, with the Titan Prime Extractor bringing in a whopping 3000 NANO SPORES *GASP* EVERY 4 HOURS! What about plastids? Well, you better hold onto your seat, because the extractor brings 200-300 plastids *more gasps* every 4 hours! And the best part? You don't even get to choose which resource you get from a planet! Completely random! You want Ferrite? Too bad! Enjoy your polymer bundles!


Take a step back, realize the quality of the object you're pointlessly fighting for, and settle down.


As for the primes, they can be obtained ingame (assuming DE fixes some of the drop rates like they did during the initial release of the void items). As mentioned earlier, plat can be obtained via trading.


What does this leave? The avatars, and your e-go. They're both equally worthless.




Edit: Fixed grammatical errors, and added a little more sarcasm. Also changed to Ember Prime avatar to evoke claims of hypocrisy.

Edited by Nitresco
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It's a scarf. A cosmetic. They need to do SOMETHING to entice people to pay money. With plat trading, if they made the scarf available via plat, people would just sell mods for plat and then buy the scarf.


Same thing with the extractor. Another thing on that, by the way. The fact that it doubles resource gain doesn't change the fact extractors:

Are practically useless, with the Titan Prime Extractor bringing in a whopping 3000 NANO SPORES *GASP* EVERY 4 HOURS! What about plastids? Well, you better hold onto your seat, because the extractor brings 200-300 plastids *more gasps* every 4 hours! And the best part? You don't even get to choose which resource you get from a planet! Completely random! You want Ferrite? Too bad! Enjoy your polymer bundles!


Take a step back, realize the quality of the object you're pointlessly fighting for, and settle down.


As for the primes, they can be obtained ingame (assuming DE fixes some of the drop rates like they did during the initial release of the void items). As mentioned earlier, plat can be obtained via trading.


What does this leave? The avatars, and your e-go. They're both equally worthless.




Edit: Fixed grammatical errors, and added a little more sarcasm. Also changed to Ember Prime avatar so evoke claims of hypocrisy.

Taking all that into account, it seems like they're almost ripping off consumers.

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The problem with these suggestions is that $50 is still too much just for a scarf and titan extractor. If they were offered in game like other items they wouldn't exceed 50 plat each. And I'm all for founders having access to a new package with just the extractor and scarf for a MAXIMUM of $15-20. Any more than that would be kind of ridiculous and even that $15-20 is being generous.

EDIT: It also adds insult to injury that this exclusive syndana makes the ones offered in game look like a steaming pile of dead seagulls.


To be fair to DE, IF the Misa Prime is available in the market for plats, you can be sure it will be more than 50 plats. The normal Syandana we have currently already cost that, and this is a Prime we are talking about. I actually think it would make more sense to cost 200-300 plats. That would make it a costly proposition in terms of plats, but for those whom have supported the game with a decent sum of money would have something to ponder. And that would actually remove plats from the game and make people buy more. It's a winner for both sides.


They're not expecting that.


You know, all freemium have between 5 and 10% of their user base spending large amount of money in their games (we're talking here about one thousand or more). The most expensive Prime Access is clearly adressed to those players.


Well, they can still pay top dollars even with the fourth tier with only the exclusive (Misa and Titan) being implemented. Those people are still walking away with boat load of plats and 3 months of credit and affinity booster. I actually think its better if they were to put the Ember Prime Profile limited to tier 3 only. After all, this Prime Access pack is about Ember Prime, the star of the show. You will then have a forum and in-game Profile to show for.

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way overpriced. but i'm sure some idiot will buy it.


If someone is that stupid, I don't care, let him spend even $500 on one scarf if that will make him feel like he's on top of the world.

It's the same level of stupidity like seeing newbies that spent 50 platinum on scarf instead of buying weapon or warframe slots.

BTW, I saw one today, another brainwashed victim of consumerism, that's all I could think of...

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DE is a company.

The game your playing is free.

They have to make profit to continue new development for everyone.

The scarf is cosmetic and does not alter stats/gameplay in any way.


F2P players should be thanking every person they see wearing the scarf because that person's money is supporting the future free content that they are going to enjoy...for free.


if you want a 100% f2p game where everyone gets the same stuff then go to https://www.healthcare.gov/

Good luck on getting passed the first level. 

Edited by ADDpillz
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They would still make a good profit if there were a pack with just Misa and Titan Prime for maybe a slight lower price... Hell they probably would make more profit from that than the rest of the packs, since the more accessible a product is, the more people will be interested in buying. But meh i doubt DE will ever hear to reason.

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To be fair to DE, IF the Misa Prime is available in the market for plats, you can be sure it will be more than 50 plats. The normal Syandana we have currently already cost that, and this is a Prime we are talking about. I actually think it would make more sense to cost 200-300 plats. That would make it a costly proposition in terms of plats, but for those whom have supported the game with a decent sum of money would have something to ponder. And that would actually remove plats from the game and make people buy more. It's a winner for both sides.

No cosmetic option is going to cost 2-300 plat... You get frames and weapons for that or less.

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Oh boy well ill go ahead and say this again. There are two options which we should choose from as these two options is what were mostly agreed on by the majority before the posts were merged.


A 4th Tier called "Platinum Tier" that contained only the exclusives from the current Prime Access available at that moment. The 4th tier would contain ONLY those exclusives meaning no platinum, no prime frame/prime weapons for $50. $50 option to get only the exclusives is fair for all parties meaning we give DE money and a good bit of it showing we still want to support the growth and development of the game and we don't go broke doing so. We should discuss who may access this 4th tier. I have mentioned that it should be to all Founders and those who have spent a bit on platinum/spent time in the game so $100 worth of platinum and 80-100 hours invested in the game. People who have bought platinum are like founders at heart they see the game as being fun and see its potential so give their hard earned money in buying platinum discount of not they still support it. Do you agree with that or do you think it should be allowed for everyone? If you agree it should be for everyone explain why and remember we do not want to undermine profits of the Devs. Think of buying around $100 worth of plat and having 80-100 hours in the game as steps and for doing so you are AWARDED the right to be able to purchase this 4th tier so it would be an incentive.


The other option, i believe, was to be able to pick and choose what you want from the current Prime Access. I do not agree nor have an opinion on this because I do not know enough about it. The newer one that could be with this one is the ability to purchase those cosmetics with platinum. If you like these options then explain who would be able to purchase them and for how much.


Those two options are what we should be discussing as they were the most talked about before the merging and when the posts were still relatively new. Adding the option to have the most sought after item in all the tiers would make no sense as it would be the most incentive item to purchasing the top tiers. Its currently the scarf later who knows either way i believe strongly against the idea of having the tier 3 award be in all tiers.

Edited by AllanIncubi
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No cosmetic option is going to cost 2-300 plat... You get frames and weapons for that or less.

It could and people will buy it. Not many perhaps, but people will buy it.

Cosmetic pricing isn't just "it does nothing". But its a status symbol. Just like Eve online $60 Monocle. People will pay to be rare and look down upon the filthy 99%.

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@ManaVersipellis You would have to buy the Prime Access pack again for an additional $140. That is for the current Prime Access setup. Every 2-3 months is a new Prime Access which you would have to spend an additional $140 to own.

Edited by AllanIncubi
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Damn you giant mega merge.  Here're the polls again since the original post is lost somewhere in this cluster****.  I've also added a new one for pricing.


Poll 1: How should Prime Access items be distributed?



Poll 2: Your general sentiments toward the Prime Access program



Poll 3: Realistically, how much would you really pay if PA is a continuing program every 2-3 months (including whatever shiny exclusive you really really want)


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So it seems DE don't really care, since there were no mention about even thinking on a possible extra pack on the new community hot topic, do they really expect me to pay another 140 USD each like 2 month or so?


They dont.

You are not supposed to be flipping out over a scarf, man.

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