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Tell An Outrageous Lie About The User Above You


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Six months ago, a terrible storm caused the HM Boaty McBoatface to capized.

16 crewman, 49 passenger confirmed dead, while an addition 91 still unrecovered. A search party was sent out for 2 weeks, but to no avail in finding the missing 91.

5 months later, 3 of the missing 91 suddenly appeared from nowhere. Reporters from all over the world wanted to know what happened.

However, after whispering a single word, all 3 survivors died of an heart attack. The chief inspector have been under scrutiny for refusing divulge on what was said, except for “this word is too dangerous”. Autopsy report on the 3 survivors has stated that the death was natural.


It has now been 1 month since that incident, and the chief inspector overseaing this case has also died. Early autopsy report has ruled out foul play, and suggest he died from a heart attack. The police have released a single piece of paper that is to be believed to have been written by inspector, moments before dying.

Upon inspection, the word in question reads “Skycook3y”.


Currently, no information is kno-



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