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The Stalker Is Getting Out Of Hand


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Yes, I forgot to mention it in my post but he's indeed designed to be faced with the top gear. Personally, I don't think you should be able to face him while running a gear that you're leveling up. Besides, my gear isn't godlike. As to what durability goes, I only got a rank 8 Redirection mod on my Rhino. No vitality nor Steel Fiber.


From your description, I feel like you're still facing him the old fashion way. I mentioned in my post above, but a simple slide melee is all you need to avoid all of his deadly strikes. I was using shade as well when I fought him a few hours back, by the way. The fact that you're saying shades coating can stun you, means you weren't aware of slide melee capabilities. Since using slide melee prevents you from being coated by it. Sorry if this is offending in any way.


Besides, did you know that a timed slide melee can even avoid the heavy grineer knock down even if you're in its range? And I believe you already know that it can also be used to pass through laser doors. Basically, it has some invincibility frames.

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... Go in to a mission with radiation, just to deal with the stalker?
Most of us (hi, don't have super, fully forma'd gear) are too busy switching up to actually face the faction we're meant to be dealing with.


The Stalker is utter bullS#&$. I play with a group of people quite regularly, and we just can't deal with him. 

He's a revive @#&*(.

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I would have no problem with the stalker as he currently is if we could choose whether or not to fight him.

Since he is completely random he SHOULD be beatable by the average player.  Especially since he can appear to anyone with a frame level higher that 5.

Since he appears randomly and at any time with no way to prevent it he NEEDS to be beatable with standard average gear, not just the top end game gear.  Otherwise he just steals revives which is NOT a good gameplay mechanic.

And I have tried running, jumping, dodging, wall-running.  He can pull you or teleport to you.  And I have tried everything with him but if you have shade equipped and shade decides to cloak you then you staggered.  And it will repeat until your dead.

If he was completely optional I would have no problem with how he is currently.  But since he isn't he NEEDS to be able to be beaten by the average casual player.

Since he can and will appear whether the player is leveling gear or not he NEEDS to be beatable in either condition.  Either that or limit it to only appear when everyone is in level 25+ frames and weapons in the entire group.  Otherwise your reasoning that he shouldn't be able to be beaten while your leveling gear is just BS.

I cant believe that you cant see the problem with it when he is only beatable when you have top of the line R30 gear and he can appear when you have R5 gear equipped.  Thats a big problem.  DE can solve it three ways:
1) Keep him as he is BUT he is only fightable with a key or something else that prevents him from being random.
2) Make him balanced, probably around conclave or something else, so that a group of average players in average gear can fight him.
3) Remove him.

I would personally be happy with any of those options.  But something needs to change.  As he is currently he isn't fair to anyone and is not fun.


So your solution is to bring radiation into every single mission in the game just to deal with him if he decides to show up?  That should NEVER be the answer with a random gameplay mechanic.
Basically its like saying that even though we have a bunch of different elements to use and play around with Radiation is the only one to use.  And that is complete BS in a game like this.
The answer to a gameplay mechanic should not be to ignore the vast majority of the game in order to be able to hand it when it occurs.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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He's BS, plain and simple. Abusing bad AI is the only way to win. That's not a challenge, that's some super-powered god-like BS you practically have to cheat to defeat. Tone down all the BS-into-the-stratosphere stats and then make him a challenge via AI, please. Stalker should actually, uh, STALK you - where you're like "uh...where the hell is he?" - then a dagger is sticking out of your back and you realize he's on the ceiling behind you. He leaps behind some boxes, trying to lose you, but you slide around the corner and open fire. He backflips away flinging Kunai on the way.

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Going up against immortal Gods and deal God-lik... I mean, Godly, magical, chaotic powers while YOU, you're bringing a standard issue rifle (plus lagging behind other rushers, in regards to stamina and frame-specific speed. Yes, this matters. Playing in groups/leeching no matter how good they are, you lag behind, and then you can only hope they make it in time, oh wait, we just die off.) is not challenging. It's a given that this is a losing battle so why bother? 


I mean, dying before we can properly put a bullet in a guy is not challenging, it's mere frustrating inta-kill. Same as aimbotting in FPS and I've yet to find someone as masochistic. He has Absorb, I still take damage whether I pop his Buddha-mockup bubble or not, I still get smacked like the Buddha did with demons. 


At the very least, he no longer insta-kills with his OP weapons and yes. I resign from this uphill forum struggling.

Edited by Shinobi-kun
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What if the stalker started at a low level, then continuously increased his level for the duration of the fight? Making him more powerful the longer he's alive, so we can still kill him quick or have an epic high level battle depending on what we feel like doing.

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Yeah I died to him yesterday. Teleported right in front of me and insta-killed me. Amusing but still a touch uncalled for.


What annoys me is his dispel spam. No way in hell should he be allowed to cast it once, then cast it again 3 seconds afterwards, then again and then again. Needs a cooldown on his ability and decent energy consumption and less of an energy regen. Right now it seems he has neither. 

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Its not that he has any form of energy regen, its that he simply has infinite energy to spend using dispel endlessly.  Which is completely unfair that he has no CD and no energy to worry about.  He really needs one or the other in order to even start to be more balanced.
But his dispel spam is why I have stopped using shade all together.  Its suicide to try with how the stalker can pop into any mission.

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Why this damn thread still exist? Just drop it already.

No, we're not just going to let it drop, it's the only Stalker thread that's still going on and DE needs to know their precious creator's pet is getting entirely out of hand. Just because you think everything is fine doesn't mean everyone else is.

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 Why this damn thread still exist? Just drop it already.

Don't bother posting here if you disagree then. Go take and your disagreement elsewhere if you have nothing constructive to contribute.


Tsukinoki, thought that might be the case but I wasn't sure in believing that was true because whoever thought that was a good idea and concept is a complete loon. 

Edited by Naith
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Stalker is SUPPOSED to be hard. He is SUPPOSED to be a boogeyman for Tenno.


I remember the first few times I faced him, just after starting the game. He was a fricking NIGHTMARE.


Then he was a sick joke.


Now he is a nightmare again. Beatable, but very, very hard.


Is he perfect? NO.


It needs some tweaking. Dispel needs to be looked at and Absorb is just insane. But he is supposed to be able to take out unwary Tenno, not just be the butt of bad jokes.


Yes. He has a codex entry. No, I am not going to say what it is. It is SERIOUSLY spoilerish.

Edited by Kalenath
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DE are still using their ridiculous 'What Stalker?' response even after releasing a market bundle with his gear and his own codex entry. And now they'll probably do the same with the Harvester as they couldn't have been more vague about his release, so he'll end up just like stalker too (he already has his dispel).


As someone mentioned before, it's mostly that he completely ignores all the core game mechanics which he - as a Tenno - should have to follow. We have all these rules and limitations on how we perform in combat such as weapon swap time, cast animations, reload times, stamina and energy cost. He has none of these however. Having him blatantly ignore the game mechanics is just like spitting in the player's face while knowing there's nothing they can do about it.


Though not too relevant an issue, i want to also say that his supposed 'lore' makes absolutely no sense mainly because we often find him defending the infested (Phorid). This coming after Lotus says 'No one deserves infestation.' Do we take this to mean that Lotus is wrong and we should just let the whole system get overrun by infested considering Stalker is the only on that remembers our time before stasis? If there's anything he should mad about aside from our betrayal of the orokin (which i think was just to maintain the 'balance' as they became the supreme power after the war with the ancients) it's that somewhere along the line we've become nothing more than hired mercs for the corpus and grineer. It's less about balance and more about battle pay now.


But I'll stop there considering i'm getting into a lore based rant which contains much speculation and is getting away from the topic a bit.

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So of course we know exactly where DE is going with their story. We know all the facts and have all the information to make assumptions about what makes sense in the lore and what doesn't.


We know it all, so we don't NEED them to give us a story, since we know it all.


Good to know.


Just a thought from my evil twisted for profit (Not warframe related) author type mind:


DOES he remember it right? I am sure that hundreds or thousands of years of nursing hate make for perfect recollection.


Nevermind, I am sure all the fine and upstanding paragons of virtue who post on these forums (all of whom have college degrees in logic and grammar by the way) know FAR better than the people who are WRITING the lore about what is IN said lore.

Edited by Kalenath
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So of course we know exactly where DE is going with their story. We know all the facts and have all the information to make assumptions about what makes sense in the lore and what doesn't.


We know it all, so we don't NEED them to give us a story, since we know it all.


Good to know.


Just a thought from my evil twisted for profit (Not warframe related) author type mind:


DOES he remember it right? I am sure that hundreds or thousands of years of nursing hate make for perfect recollection.


Nevermind, I am sure all the fine and upstanding paragons of virtue who post on these forums (all of whom have college degrees in logic and grammar by the way) know FAR better than the people who are WRITING the lore about what is IN said lore.


That's why i called it speculation. I never said i went to college or mentioned any degrees.


You have one interesting bit there though: did it really happen the way he remembers it? maybe after all the years he's kind of just gone insane?


But really i had to bring it up since it's feeling to me like they don't know where they want to go with the story. And i distinctly remember Steve saying he wanted the players to control it. So at the moment, my own little 8th grade syndrome fantasy for the game in my head is far more interesting to me than what's considered 'lore' in the game currently.

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I'm not against the Stalker scaling depending on our equipped gear. As long as he's at least as strong as the current Stalker while facing us when we have a rank 30 warframe with a reactor and at least our primary or secondary at rank 30 with a catalyst.

The only thing that I'm against is making the Stalker weaker in general.

PS: I already explained above how to solve the "shade-stun" problem. Repeating the same things won't bring the discussion any step forward. It can put the discussion in an endless cycle of unnecessary argumentations. Just something to keep in mind.
Or are you saying you don't understand what I mean by "slide melee"?

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Stalker is SUPPOSED to be hard. He is SUPPOSED to be a boogeyman for Tenno.


I remember the first few times I faced him, just after starting the game. He was a fricking NIGHTMARE.


Then he was a sick joke.


Now he is a nightmare again. Beatable, but very, very hard.


Is he perfect? NO.


It needs some tweaking. Dispel needs to be looked at and Absorb is just insane. But he is supposed to be able to take out unwary Tenno, not just be the butt of bad jokes.


Yes. He has a codex entry. No, I am not going to say what it is. It is SERIOUSLY spoilerish.

The codex entry is on the wiki for all to see.


We don't want him to pose no challenge. We want him to pose a reasonable challenge; a challenge that adds to the depth of the game's mechanics and our understanding of the story behind it.

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The Stalker IS out of control. He's incredibly difficult to solo because he has boss level hitpoints and does beyond-boss level damage with attacks that, unlike those of bosses, are not clearly telegraphed. Warframe's controls are not suited to the fine dexterity needed to really combat him on his own terms and honestly, anyone who says he SHOULD be murdering you really needs to re-examine their priorities when it comes to games. I don't like fighting a randomly spawning monster I can't fight back against unless I'm wearing the correct warframe (A tank) for, because bloody everything else doesn't work due to dispel and his general bull**** resistance to tenno abilities. 


Get it together, DE. Just because you don't want him to be a sucker doesn't mean you turn him into someone who is effectively unbeatable by all but a team of tenno You make him a challenge by reorganizing his AI, coming up with smart ways for him to respond to player actions (by that I don't bloody mean dispel, which is a lazy half-measure by any standard) and generally implementing *good* game design.


Nintendo hard only pleases the masochists who enjoy that sort of thing, and they need to be recognized as tiny if nail-bitingly obnoxious crowd of chest beaters.

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Well, even when in a group of rushers, I don't have problems. First flicker I do this :


1 - Squad message : "Stalker - Regroup".

2 - Waypoint.


You have some time before he appears.


If you're on a mission solo, too bad. The mastery test thing is kinda ridiculous, everyone can agree on this one.

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Stalker is SUPPOSED to be hard. He is SUPPOSED to be a boogeyman for Tenno.


I remember the first few times I faced him, just after starting the game. He was a fricking NIGHTMARE.


Then he was a sick joke.


Now he is a nightmare again. Beatable, but very, very hard.


Is he perfect? NO.


It needs some tweaking. Dispel needs to be looked at and Absorb is just insane. But he is supposed to be able to take out unwary Tenno, not just be the butt of bad jokes.


Yes. He has a codex entry. No, I am not going to say what it is. It is SERIOUSLY spoilerish.

yes he is supposed to be hard...not IMPOSSABLE

yes he is supposed to deal/take a heafty amount of damage NOT GODDLY AMOUNTS


as said in op he is out of hand  especially when he one shots a maxed rhino witch lephanthis can't even do.... yet stalker makes it seem like he sneezed an just walks away not to mention all the ammo it now takes to kill the lil turd that 9.99/10 times you don't even have time to use and lets not forget the biggest issue NONE OF OUR POWERS WORK ON HIM

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