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The Stalker Is Getting Out Of Hand


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I used to find the Stalker as a true nemesis and rival but now its just plain broken,...... There is no challenge, no honor, and no point anymore. Its now be killed or quit mission before he kills you. Now i dont see the point of trying to kill him when I have a fullymodded Hate or any other weapons to try and kill him. Melee is greatly lacking guns arent enough to kill him. Even with everything maxed its not possible to match the stalker anymore....So where is the point that you D.E. are trying to prove to us.....If it was a challenge make it so that its a challenge...Not a certain death without a fight. A rhino with 1030 shield, 450 heath, and focused iron skin still dies in 3-5 sec flat.....that is not funny seriously its not funny

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It's been how many days since U11 and I haven't seen the stalker once, and before, I used to get the stalker at least once a day (on me), not including being in a mission when it spawns for someone else.  I kill bosses a lot. (mostly farming ruk for cells)  I do it solo several times to guarantee I made the final kill.  I do tons of alerts and void missions and regular missions throughout the day and nothing.  Absolutely freakin nothing.


He's not spawning any more.  Period.  So it doesn't matter how hard he is if he never shows up.


If the requirements to get him to spawn haven't changed or haven't changed much since before U11 and only his strength once spawned has been changed, then something is seriously wrong because with the hours I play every day, for him to not spawn in over a week makes no sense.

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He's not spawning any more.  Period.  So it doesn't matter how hard he is if he never shows up.

Lucky you.  I was trying to farm Cells, without doing Ruk, and every map I chose, he showed up.  I even tried the same map FOUR times and he spawned, killed and left FOUR TIMES.


I decided that the game did not want me playing Tuesday.

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Ahem. Bringing this back up from two days ago.


Seems like he's back to his old, weak self. He attacked a party of mine during a Xini run, and we were all riled up to be fighting the stupidly-overpowered post-U11 one with no real chance of winning. He ragdolled over one of the rails within three seconds of spawning. It's certainly an improvement from the stupidity that we've had to deal with for a week and a bit, but still needs a bunch of tweaks.


Anyone know if he still has that stupid "if-you-have-a-Shade-with-you-then-you-are-instantly-dead" ability?


Yes, he is spawning. And he seems to have been nerfed. Defensive stats, anyways. Not sure about attack.

I think he managed to get one Slash Dash out, but he didn't survive long enough to show whether his new abilities (like Absorb) were still in his arsenal.

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Lucky you.  I was trying to farm Cells, without doing Ruk, and every map I chose, he showed up.  I even tried the same map FOUR times and he spawned, killed and left FOUR TIMES.


I decided that the game did not want me playing Tuesday.


Sounds fun. Wonder why nobody likes him now. Most people only "accept" him at best.

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 His bow is weak.  His kunai are moderate but still extremely deadly because he spams them at max speed and most people have had no luck dodging them.  He doesn't seem to melee.  Most important are his powers, he should either teleport to you or use pull on you if you try to use a box for too long.  After that, spend long enough on foot in view and he will slash dash.  Spend long enough shooting him and he uses absorb.  Not sure if he has anything else, he seems fixated on those powers.


 If you can convince him to keep firing his bow, you can just go toe to toe with him, but as he starts using other abilities, you start having to worry so much more.  I suppose one thing I will need to figure out is can you still dodge his absorb by using cover, or did his absorb get fixed along with player absorbs so that it doesn't miss when a target takes cover.


 And it does seem like either his shield bugs often and can't be taken down, or he just has a shield that is 1000x his life bar.  That is an exaggeration but with four people shredding into him, two of them with weapons of mass destruction and we never see his shield even move, we kind of had to wonder.

Edited by JHarlequin
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Try reading this thread from beginning to the end, would you? You'll understand why.


Chill. Try looking up the word "Sarcasm" in the dictionary. You'll understand then.


- q86d.png -


As for Stalker's abilities, it seems unfair, illogical and a ton of other things to let him use abilities, while most of ours simply don't work on him. If he is so devilishly powerful he can go to hell all I care. Seriously, when he appears it's not fear he induces but resignation, depression - at least in most people. We are a clan and not any of us have the "Yeehaa, a challenge!" kind of mood when we see the light flashing, more like "Damn, there goes my last revive for today... sry guys, can we restart?".

Edited by K_Shiro
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I don't understand why people see him as such a huge threat now. I was being swarmed in a T(3?) Mobile Defense and all of the sudden Stalker appears. Playing with only one other player, who decided to take out the Corrupted enemies, I took Stalker on by myself with my Ogris (which at the time wasn't even forma'd) for the first time since U11, and took him out no problem. Granted, I did end up blowing myself up with my Ogris, but I took Stalker out in the process. All I have to say is learn how he fights and work around it. He's the only REAL challenge in this game.

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I don't understand why people see him as such a huge threat now. I was being swarmed in a T(3?) Mobile Defense and all of the sudden Stalker appears. Playing with only one other player, who decided to take out the Corrupted enemies, I took Stalker on by myself with my Ogris (which at the time wasn't even forma'd) for the first time since U11, and took him out no problem. Granted, I did end up blowing myself up with my Ogris, but I took Stalker out in the process. All I have to say is learn how he fights and work around it. He's the only REAL challenge in this game.

Did you even read what you posted?  Challenge?  All you did was out damage him, to the point that he didn't have time to deploy his Absorb power.  That's not skill, that's your weapon.

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I recently came out ahead while using my Nyx (with maxed Vigor/Redirection) by furiously running around and spamming Psychic Bolts with occasional Hikou bursts. My teammate contributed slightly, but was absent for most of the (long) fight. Safe to say there's no way I would have survived if I hadn't run around like a headless chicken for more than a full minute.

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Chill. Try looking up the word "Sarcasm" in the dictionary. You'll understand then.

Detecting sarcasm in a written text is much harder than hearing it out loud, just so you know.


I don't understand why people see him as such a huge threat now. I was being swarmed in a T(3?) Mobile Defense and all of the sudden Stalker appears. Playing with only one other player, who decided to take out the Corrupted enemies, I took Stalker on by myself with my Ogris (which at the time wasn't even forma'd) for the first time since U11, and took him out no problem. Granted, I did end up blowing myself up with my Ogris, but I took Stalker out in the process. All I have to say is learn how he fights and work around it. He's the only REAL challenge in this game.

Guess what, not everyone has your gear available. You can brag all you want, you were just lucky you had an Ogris with you. Next time he catches you though, and you don't have powerful weapons or warframe with you, you'll sing a different tune.

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Detecting sarcasm in a written text is much harder than hearing it out loud, just so you know.



True at that but I would prefer if you first considered such replies as sarcasm and only after making sure it's not, taking the other guy for a fool that blatantly. Actually consider it a sarcasm even then, you will have more friends that way...

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I recently came out ahead while using my Nyx (with maxed Vigor/Redirection) by furiously running around and spamming Psychic Bolts with occasional Hikou bursts. My teammate contributed slightly, but was absent for most of the (long) fight. Safe to say there's no way I would have survived if I hadn't run around like a headless chicken for more than a full minute.

I tryed running like a idiot myself, sadly, it took one arrow to one shot me :(

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As of 2013-12-09, the Stalker is stupidly over-powered and annoying. It's possible to kill the Stalker, but the battle is so disorienting and denigrating that there is no joy in the occasional victory. Fighting the Stalker is like having five older boys jump you in the grade school bathroom and push your head into the toilet. If you manage to give one of them a bloody nose, great. But your head was still in the toilet. Color me unhappy with the Stalker.

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I don't understand why people see him as such a huge threat now. I was being swarmed in a T(3?) Mobile Defense and all of the sudden Stalker appears. Playing with only one other player, who decided to take out the Corrupted enemies, I took Stalker on by myself with my Ogris (which at the time wasn't even forma'd) for the first time since U11, and took him out no problem. Granted, I did end up blowing myself up with my Ogris, but I took Stalker out in the process. All I have to say is learn how he fights and work around it. He's the only REAL challenge in this game.


Then you didn't win, you got owned.

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Also, remember that on certain maps you can decompress areas. Stalker shows up, wait until he spawns inside a window room, get near a door jam and hit a window. You could lock him inside this way and basically wait for oxygen deprivation to do it's work.

he just teleport, him to you or you to him

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so, DE insist on continuously buffing the stalker and getting him new abilities. and i, as someone who's played for 700hrs, i reckon it's getting out of hand.


so as of update 11, he now spawns at lvl45 (so it should be about comparable to lvl90 from pre-U11), which means he does quite some damage. but he also have a few ability, it instantly teleport his victim to his melee range NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE. he previously gets a dispell aoe which disable every power we have, now he gets this? is this what DE want the stalker to be? a random event that steals revives from players for no good reason? the stalker isnt a exciting mini-boss to encounter and fight anymore, he's simply a nuisance when the light flickers, ill just let him kill me and get it over with. my max damage max crit Soma couldnt get him below 75% health (was in solo), granted i was using Ember, who has 703 shield and 300 health(effective health of 2003 with guardian).


at the end of the day, the stalker should be fun, and this isnt it.

he has lore... scan him 3 times. He is out for revenge because we wiped out the Orokin... even though they made the infested and sent them out to kill millions all in order to kill sentients... because you know. "I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." -Ripley (and variations of this by every movie that had the military wanting to nuke a city)

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met him 4 times since U11, 1st time died, 2nd and 3rd times kick his bloody butt with his own weapon. 4th times, he escaped before i could defeat him. (cause he aims other player). still wish he appears more for me though.



He's back at appropiate level now. I have killed him two times in a row now. After some update of course.

Again, explain.


Being vague and saying "I killed him" is completely useless. Tell us what weapons were you using, the mods that were in it, your warframe and its own mods, which tileset and mission were you running, if it was solo or in a group. If you want people to believe your claims or take you seriously, you need to be more coherent than this.


So, try again.

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