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The Stalker Is Getting Out Of Hand


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As of 2013-12-09, the Stalker is stupidly over-powered and annoying. It's possible to kill the Stalker, but the battle is so disorienting and denigrating that there is no joy in the occasional victory. Fighting the Stalker is like having five older boys jump you in the grade school bathroom and push your head into the toilet. If you manage to give one of them a bloody nose, great. But your head was still in the toilet. Color me unhappy with the Stalker.



Then you didn't win, you got owned.


Indeed, that means he left when you killed yourself with the Ogris. That's how it works - you down, he leaves.


It's not like he cannot be killed - simply he is not fun to fight in any ways because if you win it's pure luck, not skill. People like challenges but he is kinda the same challenge as getting the Ember prime bp/parts from voids. You sure can, even for first try if you are lucky - but your skill has nothing to do with it, thus that's not a challenge, only a random generated result.


The Stalker should be the boogie man, whom you are afraid of, and if you win you feel like the coolest guy in the universe - or at least it seems to be the intention behind him. Yet he is nothing like that, he is ridiculous, packed with abilities you cannot protect against in any way, you cannot use most of your abilities against him - all-in-all, the end result only depends on your luck.

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Again, explain.


Being vague and saying "I killed him" is completely useless. Tell us what weapons did you use, the mods were in it, your warframe and its mods, which tileset and mission, if it was soloing or in a group. If you want people to believe your claims or take you seriously, you need to be more coherent than this.


So, try again.

Okay, Vectis with a potato, crit build (crit chance,serration, vit sense, and multishot) magnetic damage Party, as Frost, standard vit, steel fiber, redirection, and Corpus defense. I shot him about twice and my partners finished him off the moment his "absorb" ultimate finished. No  I don't remember the build because it was a defense pub, I don't care about who runs what else.


Does this make him balanced? Hell no, we had to scramble to get back in position and he dispelled my snow globes but we won. I think the argument should be turned away from "can he be beaten" to "is the way he can be beaten fun or worth the effort" and as it stands that's no on both accounts

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Okay, Vectis with a potato, crit build (crit chance,serration, vit sense, and multishot) magnetic damage Party, as Frost, standard vit, steel fiber, redirection, and Corpus defense. I shot him about twice and my partners finished him off the moment his "absorb" ultimate finished. No  I don't remember the build because it was a defense pub, I don't care about who runs what else.


Does this make him balanced? Hell no, we had to scramble to get back in position and he dispelled my snow globes but we won. I think the argument should be turned away from "can he be beaten" to "is the way he can be beaten fun or worth the effort" and as it stands that's no on both accounts

Thanks for sharing, even though I wasn't asking you, just the two "pros" i quoted.

You're right though, it's also an issue of being worth our time to fight him. If, in the very few times he shows up, we might get a blueprint for certain instead of the usual Slash Dash mod, it's well worth a try. Otherwise, it's alt+f4 all the way...



...until the day it rains potatoes and he gets balanced.

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Thanks for sharing, even though I wasn't asking you, just the two "pros" i quoted.

You're right though, it's also an issue of being worth our time to fight him. If, in the very few times he shows up, we might get a blueprint for certain instead of the usual Slash Dash mod, it's well worth a try. Otherwise, it's alt+f4 all the way...



...until the day it rains potatoes and he gets balanced.

2nd time i used my Dread with Corrosive damage (fully modded) and 3rd time used Despair but the out come that i still have 50 HP left.

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2nd time i used my Dread with Corrosive damage (fully modded) and 3rd time used Despair but the out come that i still have 50 HP left.

Again, I ask you, since either you didn't read it fully or you're slow:

"What weapons did you use, the mods that were in it, your warframe at the time and its mods, which tileset and mission, and if you were soloing or in a group."


You blatantly ignored most of my questions.

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Despairs 3x forma + potato and max corrosive/ice damage with 800 puncture damage. The stalker came at me with my frost prime (1111 shield, 820 hp, maneuver mods + knockdown resistance), but I tore him up under 3 seconds. My shields barely got scratched. How is this scrub too easy for you guys again? Btw I was solo in nuovo- grineer survival on ceres.  

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Again, I ask you, since either you didn't read it fully or you're slow:

"What weapons did you use, the mods that were in it, your warframe at the time and its mods, which tileset and mission, and if you were soloing or in a group."


You blatantly ignored most of my questions.

sorry about that i didn't read the full question so here it is

i used my dread with full corrosived mod (max Stormbringer and Infested Clip) + crit build and multishot (Max Serration) with 3 formas and potatoed, despair 2 formas (potatoed) with corrosived and 220% damage hornet strike with 180% of multi shot.

the 1st time i died as i mentioned, 2nd time i defeated him with dread in Void Orokin Mobile Defense using Volt with full shield and HP no Vigor (going with my friend that is). 3rd time was the "darvo Request" mission reward you a forma, the stalker appear to aim at my friend when we are defending the control, using the despair and throw at him. considered the 3rd time was lucky cause he stand still for 1 or 2 secs enough for me to damage 1/2 of his HP, i was using Exacalibur with full Shield + HP and Vigor this time. the 4th time in Survival (Phalan / Eris) i didn't kill him cause he ran away after he killed my friend. i haven't seen him since then.

Synapse can kill Stalker quicker than using Dread and Despair as i mention above.

my Dread Build are:

_ Serration, Split chamber, Point Strike, Infested Clip, Stormbringer, Vital Sense and Speed trigger.

my Despair Build are:

_ Hornet strike (220%), Lethal Torrent, Barrel Diffusion, Pathogen Round, Deep Freeze, pistol Mutation, Armor Piercing and Razor shot.

my Volt have: 990 shield and 500 HP (i forgot how much HP)

my Excalibur have: 840 shield and 780 HP.

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Despairs 3x forma + potato and max corrosive/ice damage with 800 puncture damage. The stalker came at me with my frost prime (1111 shield, 820 hp, maneuver mods + knockdown resistance), but I tore him up under 3 seconds. My shields barely got scratched. How is this scrub too hard for you guys again? Btw I was solo in nuovo- grineer survival on ceres.  


Like I said before, get off your high horse. You've just proven to me that your gear is already "end-game" and meant for high-level targets, and yet you keep forgetting that most people don't have your maxed mods and multi-forma'd gear. If you posted here to brag and rub it in our faces, then you might as well shut up, because that arrogant attitude of yours isn't gonna get anyone on your side of the argument.

sorry about that i didn't read the full question so here it is

i used my dread with full corrosived mod (max Stormbringer and Infested Clip) + crit build and multishot (Max Serration) with 3 formas and potatoed, despair 2 formas (potatoed) with corrosived and 220% damage hornet strike with 180% of multi shot.

the 1st time i died as i mentioned, 2nd time i defeated him with dread in Void Orokin Mobile Defense using Volt with full shield and HP no Vigor (going with my friend that is). 3rd time was the "darvo Request" mission reward you a forma, the stalker appear to aim at my friend when we are defending the control, using the despair and throw at him. considered the 3rd time was lucky cause he stand still for 1 or 2 secs enough for me to damage 1/2 of his HP, i was using Exacalibur with full Shield + HP and Vigor this time. the 4th time in Survival (Phalan / Eris) i didn't kill him cause he ran away after he killed my friend. i haven't seen him since then.

Synapse can kill Stalker quicker than using Dread and Despair as i mention above.

my Dread Build are:

_ Serration, Split chamber, Point Strike, Infested Clip, Stormbringer, Vital Sense and Speed trigger.

my Despair Build are:

_ Hornet strike (220%), Lethal Torrent, Barrel Diffusion, Pathogen Round, Deep Freeze, pistol Mutation, Armor Piercing and Razor shot.

my Volt have: 990 shield and 500 HP (i forgot how much HP)

my Excalibur have: 840 shield and 780 HP.

Thank you, that's better. But like I said to mr.pisces13 just above your post, you only prove my argument that you are already at such a level were everything seems "easy" for you. Take it down several notches by taking non-forma'd or potato'd gear and you'll see how hard he currently is.

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Doesn't really work when he doesn't need LOS to teleport him to you or you to him.

I've had him teleport me out of an elevator that was half way up to the next floor.


I hate it the most when the bosses are bosses because of abilities that far pass the boundaries present in that game's world. Players can have about 1000hp, enemies start from double and go waaaay higher. It's actually scary to scan the bosses. And then come the abilities they are immune to and their abilities you cannot defend against. This "boss immunity" thing that supposedly makes boss battles more challenging was always a mystery to me, especially when we have (most of us anyways) seen bosses that were challenging and had stats/abilities similar to ours in other areas.

Don't misunderstand, I like the game and I like other games with similar idea about bosses too (I've Diablo3 and that's one hell of an example), I just say that if we look at this through an experienced gamer's eye, it is one of the most apparent areas WF can be improved.

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I abort the mission at the first sign of flickering lights. No point in wasting revives.

Just press Alt and F4. That way your stats aren't saved, and you can just relog and try again.


At the moment, that's the only weakness the Stalker has.

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last couple of times i saw him, my brothers and i were doing T3 survival so were pretty decked out gear-wise. so like RazorTip was saying, doesn't really count.


stalker now is basically the equivalent of the d-bag kid who, when playing with others, just keeps saying 'nu uh! didn't work cause i'm immune to it! nope i'm immune to that too! yea you did lose cause i got so and so that beats you instantly!'


worst thing i noticed is if he gets his slash damage to go off on you, you'll bleed out in about 3 seconds no matter how confident you are in your health. the bleed ticks are around 200-300 per second and all it takes is 1 hit with any of his weapons to proc it.


has he been readjusted? yes.

is he 'fixed'? absolutely not.

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Woah, don't get too upset. Here's what happened.


I have all experienced unkillable stalker like you all. So I didn't tried resisting him anymore until the great Darvo's mission. That was the first time I beat him after this update. I was elated that he's finally died... But I didn't count it into my win, because I was nova with synapse at that time. But after that mission, I started fighting him again.


First time I beat him fairly was at kappa. I was levelling my unpotatoed supra with maxed serration. He showed up before defense. I was with him in the pipe and proceed to empty two magazine into him. Maybe he died because it was a little bit laggy.. I'm not quote sure... but my saryn was left with 50 HP when he fall (from 960~). 


Second time was in T3 Capture with fully armed squad. When he spawned, I ripline away. And proceed to snipe him with 2 Lanka's shot (Infected clip max, serration max, split chamber max, speed trigger max). I didn't think I would make it but he started using absorb and my squad stopped shooting and position them around him. He died upon getting out of his absorb. Too many brakk upon him I guess... I was 40 Meters away.


My point is he's toned down, based on the fact that he's killable now. But he still proved a great threat even to me. So here's some tip that I have been observed. 

1 With squad, run around but not away. Always look directly into stalker and keep yourself in friend's vicinity. He apparently has short attention span.. If your squad hit him enough, he'll start attacking them too. That's time to engage him. But be warned... Do not go into hate's range.

2. While fighting, do not rely on any warframe skill, except damage skill. He just loved attacking you while you cast something. I feel that survival rate improve a lot when you don't use skills. Also focus on his weapon. Dread is weaker than despair( unless bleed proc'd). I tend to keep some fighting him in his dread's range. It's much more avoidable than his other weapon.

3. When you decided to engage him, do not look away.    He seem to deal more damage shooting at your butt.

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So you can to brag about your E-Peen.


Many people have killed him, but that doesn't fix his complete brokenness.


I kill him most times he shows up just because of my experience in conclaves, but that doesn't change anything

Finally, someone who gets it.


Don't take this wrong, it's just frustrating when players come on to these threads to brag on their "l33t skillz" and maxed gear.

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plus stalker's reward suck, all you got is dread and dread. I hardly ever see despair or hate unless lucky :/ 

ok, he's op and required team to kill it, but honestly the reward just doesn't worth it. 

I've been playing since July, and in all the encounters with the Stalker, I've only had 2 Dreads and 1 Hate. The rest were all Slash Dash mods. When I managed to beat him, of course. The first Dread and the Hate were obtained during the Gradivus Dilemma, when he was admitedly a bit of a pushover.


Now, he's just frustrating.

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I'm not. I just sigh when the lights flicker and prepare to revive.


This is what I hate about it. He's not scary, or intimidating, or even what I'd call challenging. He's just a guaranteed unavoidable death that randomly shows up, and it's getting to the point that I'd actually be better off just manually quitting the map when the lights flicker than I am staying and eating the death.

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