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Tenet Arca Plasmor Build



Looking for suggestions or what mods are good for this gun. Current load out is below. With three formas leveled, i currently have 9 points to spare. Is there a particular mod that I don't have that works well for this gun? Example is nightmare napalm for ogris, i never knew about that mod (and still don't have it lol). Shotgun spazz? Put galvanized accel on there? Replace galv saavy?


Additionally, at some point I noticed the shots from the arca plasmor would turn into an oval "wall". See end of this video which I decided to shoot and record. You can clearly see it. Is that normal and I didn't notice? It seemed to start after all the recent updates like 2-3 days ago. I was one shotting arbi drones before but now it takes 2-3 shots and i have more forma. Puzzling.


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16 answers to this question

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13 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Oh and that wall effect is normal

Ok it looks strange and is not consistent so thought it was a graphical bug or something. 

I have Primed Ravage on there but need one more level (20k Endo) to max it out. 

I need a better secondary for when I have to reload. My kiva seer at 38 is not doing it. I'll have to go for the Nukor at some point.

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I have 148 and he wants 150! Arrrgh


Ha so close. Oh well thats not too bad, you have almost an entire week (until next Sunday/Monday when his Inventory will switch over, its a weekly cycle). 

Converting mods is a pretty good way to get Endo fast, a few certain Bounties too. 

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1 hour ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

around 30k Endo

I have 148 and he wants 150! Arrrgh

LOL, I ran Earth Mantle and waited for the acolyte...got my 30k Endo! Thanks for telling me that factoid about Teshin, that's huge for me right now...also traded some statant sculptures so I'm loaded up with about 50k now.


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I have laetum already but it doesn't "chain" i don't think. I've not yet forma'd it either but for single target it's good. I've been putting forma and energy into ogris, TAP, Zarr, seer, bramma, Grattler, etc all the kuva and sister weapons I accumulated a couple weeks ago. 

1 hour ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Laetum may possibly be the most popular/powerful secondary right now

I'll check Teshin. I just spent a bunch of essence so i doubt i have enough. Never realized you can buy Endo. I did convert some mods for 20k but the 15 level of primed chilling grasp used it all up. I'm 13k shy of that last primed Ravage. Though I might need to level up some secondary mods at this point...

I did test primed chilling grasp and I don't think it is as good as before. So hard to tell but initial damage is much lower (18k vs 31k) and Lua 80-100 lvl enemies don't die as easily or frequently with one shot as they did before. 

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4 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I have Primed Ravage on there but need one more level (20k Endo) to max it out. 

I need a better secondary for when I have to reload. My kiva seer at 38 is not doing it. I'll have to go for the Nukor at some point.


You don't necessarily have to upgrade it to maximum necessarily. I have been playing for years, and I only actually just upgraded my Primed Ravage to maximum about a month ago. Despite shotguns being my fav, just never really needed to, my builds will always effective enough. That being said, this week at Teshin, is his Endo offering, around 30k Endo, if you have the Steel Essence for it! 

Kuva Nukor is really good, if you are keen on variety and having choices, Epitaph is a great choice too, with two practical fire modes, one that has a good cold/slow procc on enemies, Laetum may possibly be the most popular/powerful secondary right now, and Tenet Plinx which just released is also a lot of peoples favourites due to its Alt Fire. 

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looks like most of my Words will be a bit redundant, but anyways:

  • considering you have Galvanized Savvy and Primary Merciless already, assuming that you'll be keeping the Arcane stacked and you'll be Killing often enough for the Multi-Shot to be stacked up - Point Blank and Blaze are kinda redundant.
    • things to have instead.... Primed Ravage is huge, Primed Chilling Grasp is a big deal as long as your Damage Types can accomodate it, Anti-Faction Mods are a big deal if you're up to using them.
      another option to consider would be Seeking Fury. the center part of Plasmors' Projectile is solid while the rest not, so usually you'll phase through stuff but you may not always depending on exactly where you aim - so you might like what it offers.
  • that still probably leaves you with Slots - some weaker-ish stuff but still worth considering for the side effects they offer would be like, another Status Elemental (so that you almost guarantee applying all of the Status Effects from your Weapon in a single Shot as long as Galvanized Multi-Shot is stacked up), Vicious Spread (if you're someone that likes the dispersion - generally works best with a Punch-Through Mod though), Vigilante Armaments.
1 hour ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I need a better secondary for when I have to reload. 

some other options related to that:

2/4 Synth Set (10% Holster Reload) - usually it's not a big deal to fit 2/4 on your Companion. and Synth Fiber also lets you pick up Health Orbs at full Health - which is useful for anytime you might be running Equilibrium.
Lock And Load (20% Holster Reload) - if Reloading is enough of a bother, maybe consider it over Fatal Acceleration.

you might already be using these based on that Wording, but you might not. particularly, Holster Reload works literally any time the Weapon isn't in your Hands, actually Holstering it is not necessary.
you have a Melee Weapon too, ofcourse. but if you have a style preference for avoiding the use of Melee, just try a bunch of things. whatever has Mechanics that work for your playstyle - hard for us to tell you what that'll be.

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38 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

The arcane is redundant? I have dexterity and deadhead but merciless seems the most forgiving, though dexterity would be ok since I always switch from melee to the TAP then back to melee. I have arcane rise and arcane ice on my RevP WF right now. Arcane ice for the fire eximus guys, seems to really help since I primarily melee since the TAP doesn't have a lot of ammo. Suggestions?

You misunderstood me , sorry for jamming everything in a sentence ,

Ppb , galvanized savvy , blaze and merciless all provide extra base damage, but that tends to have diminishing returns the more you stack the same thing.

PPB only provides damage while others provide other things , so in order of benefits PPB is weakest , followed by blaze (can be replaced by dual status) followed by merciless (no need to replace) , followed by galvanized which provides most benefits for its slot.

So it is not merciless that is bad , it is ppb in that setup.

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19 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

primary merciless is kinda redundant

The arcane is redundant? I have dexterity and deadhead but merciless seems the most forgiving, though dexterity would be ok since I always switch from melee to the TAP then back to melee. I have arcane rise and arcane ice on my RevP WF right now. Arcane ice for the fire eximus guys, seems to really help since I primarily melee since the TAP doesn't have a lot of ammo. Suggestions?

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Oh and that wall effect is normal. Its a feature of the weapon, you may not notice it when you shoot enemies because well, you are focusing on shooting enemies. 

Those glyphs are actually Corpus language as well. I forget what they say exactly. Oh I looked it up, it means "Integrating Offset Sector Income Differential", and "Power In Prosperity, Prosperity In Victory".

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Unless you are trying to make some sort of boss killer, I am not sure why so much Radiation damage, it already comes with decent Radiation damage as it is, with that amount making it already decent for say Acolytes. As others have mentioned, building for Viral/Corrosive, should get you great results, across different factions, Heat on top of that is great too, if you can fit it. You'll want to keep Galvanised Savvy, at some point, more damage isn't necessarily the best, by itself, and you'll start to need to rely on statuses to help out, so not a bad idea to get some 60/60 mods in there. Fine to keep say, Primed Charged Shell, but try not create redundancy with overlapping elemental types. Even though you don't go over say 100% of Crit Chance, Primed Ravage aka more Crit damage is still worth slotting, and will give you a lot of DPS/Effectiveness.

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4 hours ago, 0_The_F00l said:

arca plasmor shots reflect off surfaces , so if you aim right you can get it to hit an enemy twice so be mindful of your surroundings

Did not know this!


5 hours ago, (PSN)iuvenilis said:

The fact you're missing crit damage mod is a substantial dps loss

I'll make some changes...ty

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Hmmm , there's quite a few things i would recommend on this , 

1) having ppb , galvanized savvy , blaze and primary merciless is kinda redundant , sure its more damage but you can get better return with a different multiplier ppb is most obvious , 

2) Primed charged shell and shell shock is also redundant , would recommend replacing shell shock with some other dual status mod , 

3) That reduced fire rate would hurt , while critical decceleration itself is fine , shotgun spazz is recommended to get fire rate as close to 2 as possible. You get lesser paper damage but it becomes a lot more usable allowing you to actually take advantage of that galvanized savvy.

4) The plasmor already has radiation damage , and you seem to have magnetic as the bonus , so would recommend getting either corrosive+heat or vira+heatl on it , if you want to maintain toxin at the end just drop radiation mods completely and focus on toxin. It will bra better spread.

5) Critical damage is missing , that is a no brainer , you want a critical damage mod absolutely on your build.

6) arca plasmor shots reflect off surfaces , so if you aim right you can get it to hit an enemy twice so be mindful of your surroundings.


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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

over frames

There's your first mistake. Never copy overframe builds. They're almost always suboptimal. You can use them as a starting guide, but there's almost always many different ways to improve them.

Once you understand the math yourself, you won't ever have to look at overframe again.

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:


Prime faction mod would be an obvious choice. Or, if you're concerned about fire rate, shotgun spazz.

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

If I max the cc mod, the fire rate is even slower so i was delaying on doing that. 

The difference between what the mod is now, and one extra point, you won't notice any difference in the fire rate.


At the very least, I would remove shell shock and put contagion spread in its place to get corrosive. That way you'd have radiation, magnetic, corrosive and heat. While radiation procs are kinda neat, and radiation damage does have situational advantages, overall I wouldn't like having that much radiation. And make sure to add ravage. 

The build's not "terrible", but there's definitely improvements to make. The fact you're missing crit damage mod is a substantial dps loss.

Other mod for consideration; hunters munition, however, you'll need some way to apply viral procs e.g. change the elements to include viral, or use a companion or frame abilities or other weapons. On paper it might not seem great, given the weapon's low fire rate, and not super high crit chance, but putting an arca "bullet" down a hallway will proc hunters, and the slash procs it produces are pretty absurd. That's just a personal choice, though.

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7 minutes ago, (PSN)iuvenilis said:

I never use blaze

Many over frames use blaze. I'm not sure if I have the 60/60 for heat on a shotgun I'll have to check.

If I max the cc mod, the fire rate is even slower so i was delaying on doing that. 

I can try to swap PPB for something else but I'm not sure what. I'll see what mods I have. I did just get all the galvanized last night but the galvanized acceleration is unranked. Time to farm Endo!

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At the very least, you'll want crit damage, and max the crit chance mod. Since you've got merciless and savvy, you could drop point blank. Looks like you've got two shock mods, so one of those can go. I never use blaze. If I want heat, I'd just use the 60/60. The extra base damage from blaze is negligible. You're just getting serious diminishing returns on base damage.

It already has radiation, so I'm not entirely sure why you've gone for more radiation. But maybe you've got a specific purpose in mind. 

As you mentioned, you could swap fatal accel for the galvanized version.

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