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Unplayable - Finally Quit. Too Hard For Me.



Im on some mission where you are on some life support timer. My gun wont kill anything, everyone instantly died.


Im not having fun feeling too stupid to play . I cant figure out how to make my Warframe better. Not even in the slightest can I figure out what to do. If I could spend money and do it I would but I can figure out how to do that either. None of my friends can either.


I guess wrframe showed me that in all of my years of gaming Im a terible failure. Thats how it makes me feel. Im unable to even begin to play it and dont have the desire to get on social netowrking sites and figure out how to buy something or let alone play this game. Im upset and frustrated. Thats how this game made me feel. I Just came off of a 34 and 4 in Battlefield 4. I know I can play..


The game makes no sense to me and is laid out in the most awkawrd form.


Sorry everyone. Thank you for trying to help me. I gave it my .best. The game isnt playable. Start, die,, to weak to play for 1 minute. Cant do anything.


I deleted it.

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AI can never be as versatile as actual players. Real players can be extremely unpredictable while AI will be the same every fight over and over and over and eventually you will know it as the back of your hand. Learning to counter AI is so much easier than learning to counter each individual playstyle a single player can have or multiple players.


It's why PvE can never ever top PvP in skill cap. You can learn how to counter AI in a matter of hours. Learning to counter players can take years and I mean years. I've played shooters for almost 15 years and I can still learn new tactics/strategics with each PvP match.

I just shoot people in pvp shooters until i die, because then I'll respawn like 2 secs later and continue.

Thats if it allows for infinite revives and crap...

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Still, older weapons like Aklatos are nerfed and all players admit it. I have full arsenal of OLDER weapons and now i can throw them to trash can? Dmg 2.0 is sheety change, and i hope that we will ged back to Dmg 1.0.



New update becouse for someone a game was too hard? I can't beleave it. ;/

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Well this thread has been thoroughly laid out. If you are leaving, then sad to see you go and I hope you find more enjoyment with other games.

On the other hand, I sincerely hope you'll give the game another chance when U11 rolls out to the PS4. I also highly recommend finding a clan/group of people to play with, also you should avoid survival missions until you're a bit more used to the game mechanics, enemies and combat.

When I first started playing Warframe I nearly quit after the first week because it was super confusing, though I'm glad that I kept at it.

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I was about to write a post about how much drama you are putting into the issue of the game being too hard for you - because EVERY game is hard when you play it the first time! - but then I realized you are playing it on PS4, which makes a bit of difference to me... let's put it this way: I have always been terrible at shooters of any kind on a console. Single player is hard enough, multiplayer is an automatic NOTHX - just too frustrating, I'm better off with keyboard + mouse. Regardless of what is your situation with console shooters, I could understand if anybody had trouble with it.


But... my point still stands - every game is hard when you play it the first time. I think your reaction is a bit overly dramatic.

Perhaps you should play with friends? Or just not giving a d*mn about losing constantly? I've had my fair share of death streaks when I first started, now I find it hard to die even on purpose. Gear upgrading means something, but only at high levels.


You know WHAT is your problem? Your gear. Low mastery rank means you can't access some of the neat toys; low gear rank means your upgrade capacity is limited; low inventory space means you have less choice for bringing a weapon instead of another. That is only solved through playing, and yes, if you have to lose a lot before kicking in then do a favour to yourself quit the bad attitude, because you are no different from ANY of us, from the most inexperienced scrub to the most experienced demigod of gaming.



Here's what I will try - building another Excalibur to rank up, clearing Mercury with basic gear, making some videos if possible... if I manage to do all of that, I hope it will come to be helpful material for those like you who are having a sh*t time playing this cool game.

(EDIT: that is, when U11 rolls out on PS4 as the guy above me stated - the previous version MIGHT be making the game a little harder)

Edited by Vintovka
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The game pretty much feels the same to me, but I'm really high level.  From what I can tell, if you already had all your clantech, everything potatoed and polarized with max redirection, max serration, max split chamber, then you're gonna be fine post U11.  You'll hardly notice a difference.  And if you're not at that level, then it's like don't even try.  Such a shame.  I'll still play because it's still fun for me, but the balance for newbies (or even mid level players) really needs addressing.  I started playing at U7 I think, and it felt great.  It needs to get back to that somehow.

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The game seems alot harder with 2.0 on the PC. Hard int hat the enemies take too many hits and it doesn't seem fun. I still have Steve and Rebecca's messages from way back when the game was new, promising this would always support the SOLO player, even in boss fights, but it doesn't anymore mid to late in the game. It was just so I'd not be hesitant about buying the GM pack. I think the game is awesome when it's soloable,  since I have a pretty bad connection sometimes, and play the game that way.


For me I can barely connect to anyone and when I can sometimes if I am living somewhere else (but 95% of the time I have to play alone because of connection issues), I don't even like the people I play with. Everyone just rushes, spoils the whole game for me and I am one of the people who plays slow but shoots guns fast. I just don't like rushing around maps  and I don't feel accomplishment from being helped to kill stuff.  Plus there's always that one person that is waiting at the extraction that just rushes through it all. It's unfun crap. It was alot better when you could definitely solo most everything. I have all my mods maxed or close and all that and there's just ridiculous amounts of enemies and BS CHEAP deaths from insane spawns and all that. It's poorly made in that regard. I'm awesome at games but this is just cheap &#! balancing. At one time when they promised me directly, it was solo and even others I knew who quit because it turned out to be a ruse, the game was so fun. I really enjoyed playing alone fighting bosses and stuff or just duoing with a friend occasionally, who sadly left. The characters felt powerful, the game was fun (what games should be) At least other action rpgs or shooters let people solo to the end, and the developers work on scaling (something they promised here, but it's not working).

Edited by BloodDoll
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I've been playing for around a week now, and while there was a slight learning curve, it wasn't anything a little looking around couldn't fix. The forums, wiki, YouTube, and google make wonderful resources. As for buying plat, on pc there is a tab in the market lacked purchase platinum, or on this site there's a link covered in payment options that you can't miss.

Some games can be rough for people who can't look for answers. Rage quit away I guess, but you don't have to come on the forums to announce it. That long rage story probably took longer to write than googling how to buy platinum in warframe, or warframe beginers guide...but what do I know?

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Why is this forum still continuing? He quit and will come back a later time. Stop giving advice when he had the intention of leaving. People already tried convincing and giving advice from the beginning. Just stop. You don't add new ideas to the conclusion.


Someone is grumpy pants eh?

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You probably simply didn't understand how the mod system works, and tried doing too high lvl missions. Sometimes it's very frustrating when you dont understand systems that game itself SHOULD explain clearly, and it's one of the biggest flaws for new players in Warframe, imo. The game doesn't tell you that you're supposed to do the same missions again and again to farm mods and materials.


If you, OP, are still reading these posts, then my advice is: come back later, especially after the next big update for PS4. Calm down, take your time. Ask for help. Search for guides, there's plenty. And learn to write properly, no offense. It really helps if you can clearly express your mind.

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