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Quitting New war quest (and other probably)


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I still can't understand why there's so much focus on The New War when The War Within was the one to set this precedent, and I'd argue The War Within is a bigger gameplay departure than The New War.

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43 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

I still can't understand why there's so much focus on The New War when The War Within was the one to set this precedent, and I'd argue The War Within is a bigger gameplay departure than The New War.

Read the thread…?

You can always abort the mission in The War Within

Can’t do that in New War

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20 minutes ago, Aruquae said:

Read the thread…?

You can always abort the mission in The War Within

Can’t do that in New War

You could not abort The War Within as recently as November 2022:

If you can do so now it still doesn't change you couldn't do it for 6 years, becoming a precedent that pre-dates The New War.

Edited by Jarriaga
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2 hours ago, Jarriaga said:

You could not abort The War Within as recently as November 2022:

If you can do so now it still doesn't change you couldn't do it for 6 years, becoming a precedent that pre-dates The New War.

Thanks for the clarification, I never tried to abort the War Within, but I know leaving the game kicked you out of the mission (from my sister crashing). Which you can’t do that in New War

Edited by Aruquae
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On 2024-01-02 at 5:14 PM, TheKurtiStryke said:

the game:

specifically warns you about the quest beeing  several hours long, your loadout is limited and normal warframe gameplay is locked until the quest's completion.


player: whatever, let me play!

also the player: yooo, can i quit please!? it's taking too long.


my dude, you where warned, and you still accepted.

this does not prevent people from starting it thinking they are ready, and then getting stuck because they aren't ready 

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As an older working adult who plays Warframe because I like trying out new builds and weps, I totally agree.

The most offensive quest in the game is the New War and being locked out of the game until completion…and newer content.

Before kiddos run and say git gud and you typed you agree blah blah, youre correct, but  I honestly didnt know I would be locked out of the not being able to do anything else in the game. 

Anyway, we all get older, kids these days just think everything will be easy for them forever because they are young.

I get its easy for a young players with amazing skills  and reflexes, good for you.  Just like real life, we’re all different. 


DE needs to recode New War and not make it a roadblock for newer content, or being locked out of the game. 

We should be allowed for plat to just skip New War at a certain MR level.  They push plat to rush/ skip everything else. 

Not everyone that plays  this game is a pro gamer with dead accurate aim and hyper reflexes…and likes puzzles/ stealth, etc.


If New War was easy for you grats, not all of us care about getting/ git gud. 


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On 2024-01-21 at 12:38 AM, Wall-- said:

I was not asking you to understand how it would feel to play with anything that could possibly interfere with 100% mobility of limbs, -snip-

I understand that part. This is my nearly 10 years in this game talking. I have my biases and I can't just "unlearn" the muscle memory that has ingrained over said years. I can at least somewhat imagine how the overwhelming power and AoE capabilities of a frame would allow for a more "hands off" method of play. Otherwise I simply can't see the Operator/Drifter, Khal and all the other characters as more manually complicated to control then a Frame. 

What I will agree with is the argument that being unable to pause or cancel the quest to access the core game is a sour choice on DE's part. One that I am sure they did not make lightly. At the very least there should of been an abort option to reset progress. The lack of which I also want to believe isn't a choice made lightly. 
Doesn't change that you'd be locked out of new content that have TNW as a requirement, but at least you'd still be able to do everything you did up until now. Ironically makes the "pay to progress" concept that set a fire of not insignificant proportions have one more justification besides just fast-tracking progress. 

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Time wise what is the longest mission or quest before New War?

Making the New War that long without being able to leave it  and go back later was and is idiotic besides the fact that it is not like the rest of the game.

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On 2024-01-28 at 12:16 AM, (PSN)JAX-taposition said:

As an older working adult who plays Warframe because I like trying out new builds and weps, I totally agree.

The most offensive quest in the game is the New War and being locked out of the game until completion…and newer content.

Before kiddos run and say git gud and you typed you agree blah blah, youre correct, but  I honestly didnt know I would be locked out of the not being able to do anything else in the game. 

Anyway, we all get older, kids these days just think everything will be easy for them forever because they are young.

I get its easy for a young players with amazing skills  and reflexes, good for you.  Just like real life, we’re all different. 


DE needs to recode New War and not make it a roadblock for newer content, or being locked out of the game. 

We should be allowed for plat to just skip New War at a certain MR level.  They push plat to rush/ skip everything else. 

Not everyone that plays  this game is a pro gamer with dead accurate aim and hyper reflexes…and likes puzzles/ stealth, etc.


If New War was easy for you grats, not all of us care about getting/ git gud. 


I struggled a lot with the puzzles in the new war, for me those parts were just a slog. Frankly for a game centred around combat there should be an option to fight your way through instead of do puzzles. I get giving us challenges but my 2000 hours previous to the new war never included puzzles.

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Still no way to quit or abandon or break this quest out in February 2024.  And a special fu to the person who told me to just dive into it that it was incredibly easy in chat. I get it now, but seriously ... cruel, dude.

And thanks a lot devs. This quest is the biggest insult in Warframe I've encountered to date.

1) No way to quit or abandon and you're literally locked out of the main game until you finish. Idiotic.

2) Based around puzzles and mini-games that have little to no bearing on the main game. Solving puzzles is the *last* thing I play Warframe for.

3) Hey let's make you play as really weak characters that move incredibly slowly compared to the main game and play in ways with little relationship to the way you'll use most Warframes.

4) Weirdly high difficulty spike, which in combination with the above factors makes it incredibly frustrating, especially to players with little to zero interest in the tediously overwrought story or solo content.

Just change this so it doesn't suck so much for future players. I've never seen so much incredibly polished content that I just wanted to be OVER.

Only good thing about this quest is that the (majority) of the cut-scenes are skippable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The stealth quest simply sucks.
A stealth system where discovery is instant reset.
No way to spot enemies at the factory.
This is not warframe, this is a bad attempt at a stealth game I am forced to go through to get more content.

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I hate this so much, this is my first post ever.

I work full time, I just want to come home and be op on Warframe and have fun. I'm fine with it being several hours long, progress is saved, but having to be behind my friends, even when we started at the same time, is like sitting in class and not getting to go out to play with your friends.

The missions are slow, tedious messes. The bosses are boring and frustrating at the same time. There's a weirdly huge difficulty spike at points that is just painful. I don't like souls games, i don't want to "git gud", i don't even play hi level content or farm that often. i like the story (even as stupid as its gotten), and when i play these "story" missions that are needless difficult and frustrating, that's bag enough. Being locked out of just playing with my friends sucks. This doesn't feel like a quest, this feels like punishment.

All i want, is if we cant have the option to go back to the regular game, give me the choice to 1 hit everything and get along with the story, so i can enjoy this game again.

Please DE.

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  • 3 weeks later...

People defending The New War are getting the complete wrong idea. I would love to try it out but the fact you're locked in till you complete it has completely put me off.

I'm quite good at games and would probably beat it but just for the risk it's not worth it. That's a shame because after you beat it you just continue doing the same missions and playing the same game you already have access too. But if you get stuck on the new war you no longer have access to the game at all. That's ridiculous and a terrible design decision if everyone asked for a way for players to back out, apprehensive players like myself would engage with it and probably enjoy it. And people who didn't like it could go back to enjoying the game.

You can be a massive fan and still be critical of a product, I totally get wanting to defend a developer you love as if they can never make a design decision that they should re evaluate. And this is exactly one, until they do change it I'll never start the quest, and people will be stuck playing gameplay mechanics they don't enjoy.. 

It's a damn shame really.. 

Edited by JammaJonesPC
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On 2024-01-26 at 3:33 PM, Jarriaga said:

You could not abort The War Within as recently as November 2022:

If you can do so now it still doesn't change you couldn't do it for 6 years, becoming a precedent that pre-dates The New War

So surely this shows that this has been an issue before that Digital Extemes patched and resolved for a lot of players. Only for them to do the exact same thing on the next major story quest. So I guess I'll just leave the quest inactive for 3 more years then. 

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On 4/13/2023 at 8:16 AM, (XBOX)Mineslayer2010 said:

I'm not at new war yet but it worries me it might be a bit hard I play soul games so I'm no too worried I just see people make it seem an extremely hard quest. Not gonna watch the quest spoilers because it looked amazing when it came out. Any recommend gear I should bring when I do start the quest?

Make sure your rail jack and necromech are upgraded is what I was told

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On 2024-01-30 at 5:15 PM, Lakais said:

I understand that part. This is my nearly 10 years in this game talking. I have my biases and I can't just "unlearn" the muscle memory that has ingrained over said years. I can at least somewhat imagine how the overwhelming power and AoE capabilities of a frame would allow for a more "hands off" method of play. Otherwise I simply can't see the Operator/Drifter, Khal and all the other characters as more manually complicated to control then a Frame. 

What I will agree with is the argument that being unable to pause or cancel the quest to access the core game is a sour choice on DE's part. One that I am sure they did not make lightly. At the very least there should of been an abort option to reset progress. The lack of which I also want to believe isn't a choice made lightly. 
Doesn't change that you'd be locked out of new content that have TNW as a requirement, but at least you'd still be able to do everything you did up until now. Ironically makes the "pay to progress" concept that set a fire of not insignificant proportions have one more justification besides just fast-tracking progress. 

It was a choice made lightly and a choice they won't go back on as they're going to add a pay to skip function to make people soft locked to give them money to continue playing. As soon as the next major content that involves online play that requires you to beat The New War comes out pay to skip will come with it so everyone whether they have a necromech and railjack or are soft locked into the quest can carry on playing. It's so obvious man.

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It'd probably be too much technical effort to make you able to jump in and out of some of these quests especially like when New War changes the whole starchart. Every time you get to use a warframe you get to choose your loadout, so I don't see the problem CONCEPTUALLY with locking you in.

THAT SAID, New War is just super long. It's a slog. You have to finish it before you do anything else with your account, and the things you have to finish are like, Veilbreaker. It's like a two to four hour boomer shooter with mid combat that you have to do before you can progress with the game itself. Obviously it's too late now to change TNW entirely - personally I think it's absurd that the game introduces this faction which took over the whole solar system and then you only fight them in a few bounties and a once a week sortie plus - and would've preferred if it added nodes along the starchart where you could participate in the war, which could then be easily flavored post-TNW as cleaning up stragglers with minimal or no gameplay changes. Allowing you to break up the four hour interactive cutscene with some missions where you could play normal Warframe at your own pace would've been nice and I hope their next cinematic quest works more like that. That said, unless they're going to go back to TNW and do that in a new Echoes update (WHICH I DO THINK THEY COULD AND SHOULD DO!) there isn't a whole lot they can do. It's got too many choices in it to make it wholly unskippable, and the choice at the end is straight up unchangeable. One of the things they could try and do is make it so that you can still access the Void and Zariman and Duviri during TNW, so you can still play SOME of the game to take a break.

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  • 2 weeks later...

TNW is absurd.  yeah I'm pissed.  I'm a founder of this game.  I quit after the second dream released because I went in another direction with my games.  but I played a lot. 

My son picked it up a few months ago and I dusted off my account and started working through the quests.  ran into some struggles with "The Sacrifice"  and beating Umbra with a bog standard non upgraded operator, but I got there and completed it.  I consider myself a decently good gamer.  the warning on the front end of TNW suggests upgrading warframes and voidrig and so on and then it forces you into modes of gameplay that use neither, and a game play fundamentally different than the rest of the game.  on top of that it locks your account.

I haven't given up, but I have poured over 40 hours into trying to beat the archons each one and I can get closest on Amar.  but it is just beyond my skill.  

As a founder with over 2,080 hours in the game and hundreds of dollars spent, I feel shat on by DE.

/edit.  My thoughts on the two things that could be done either one making TNW doable.  Simply allow the damage done in one attempt to stick through the next attempt.  Or give you unlimited stalker resses.

/edit #2  I got my oldest to do it for me...  I'm not afraid to say I didn't have the skills to do it.  and DE locked an account with 2080 hours and hundreds of dollars because of a poorly designed quest...

yeah that's just really bad design.


Edited by Ineffably_Sublime
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  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)
On 2023-05-18 at 3:57 PM, (XBOX)JesQ4264 said:

New player, starting in December largely because of 10yr Ani news.  Now I will no longer be playing due to my inability to complete TNW.  I've been gaming for 30 years and this is the first time I've come across a game that I've had to walk away from.  Not a big fan of DE right now.  Also I just can't understand why TNW is coded the way it is.  It's coded like a separate game within a game but you lose the bigger game because of it.  I've tried and failed at various high-level content in many other MMO's .  Never have I encountered content where the lesson learned was "You just suck too much to play our game anymore, see ya".



After seeing all of these posts I'm extremely nervous about starting TNW.  I am not as coordinated as some of the younger gamers these days, who a lot of games seem catered to.  I love Warframe and don't want to be unable to play because I started something I can't finish, but I also don't want to be unable to progress further by not attempting it.  >.<

Edited by Countess_Katherina
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15 hours ago, Countess_Katherina said:

After seeing all of these posts I'm extremely nervous about starting TNW.  I am not as coordinated as some of the younger gamers these days, who a lot of games seem catered to.  I love Warframe and don't want to be unable to play because I started something I can't finish, but I also don't want to be unable to progress further by not attempting it.  >.<

I guess watch a playthrough first and see if this is something you might struggle with. 

As I wouldn't be concerned with spoilers if was worried I couldn't complete it.  I have played this quest like 3 or 4 times though, and was recently told last week I suck at the game over chat. So I believe you can do it. But if you are still worried I would do the Duvuri Paradox and just practice the movement a bit. 

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On 2024-06-06 at 7:52 PM, Countess_Katherina said:

After seeing all of these posts I'm extremely nervous about starting TNW.  I am not as coordinated as some of the younger gamers these days, who a lot of games seem catered to.  I love Warframe and don't want to be unable to play because I started something I can't finish, but I also don't want to be unable to progress further by not attempting it.  >.<

It's not FromSoft hard. When you actually play it and see the various puzzles that "stopped" a lot of players from finishing it don't be surprised if your opinion of the player base goes down astronomically. Here's a little clue for one of them: There's a hole in the window.

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Same here, New war is a SOLO game and a hate that type of game.

Unfortunally for me and my friends, we cant quit it game (new war is a other game not a quest), then we have stop to play to Warframe.

YES just because i cant quit that BAD SOLO game.


After 10 years lost my avatar, in a BAD spy SOLO game, i havent resist, now i play to an other game. (my friends too)
Thanks DE

You should take a looks on you stats, how many pepoles have start New war quest , and after fews days never connect anymore ....

Thanks for have lock my avatar inside a BAD SOLO game, to be honest i prefert to play with my friends then uninstall warframe,

Each 5 years i'll check if it have a unlock capability, if not i'll retest 5 years later.

Bye Bye , Warframe is not the only one good game on earth, developper think that game is make with god code ... that is wrong.

New war is a not a quest but a VERY BAD solo game, sorry in that case i consider normal to have capability to quit that game.


If DE developper not understand that go away and let them play to that solo game.

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