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Wishes for warframe


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Wishes for warframe, these are warframe changes, status effect changes, and general qol changes

- first gen warframe updates

What i mean by this is there are certain frames id considered first generation, as in the simplest in the first years of the game. Examples of these in need of overhauls and more explanation

- oberon - his abilities need to be synced up more with allies so instead of having to cast them to get the unique buff if they come in contact with any of the 2 and 3 they get it. Also his 2 needs to be more than just lanes, need to fill outwards more

- hydroid - entire kit is stuck in "my casting time is forever and i cannot move it after" dude is a literal puddle, he cannot move his abilities without taking too long to cast compared to other denial warframes. He needs to be a pirate squid, so give him cannons and make his ult massive like an actual kraken size instead of being stuck poking its face out of a keyhole size

- Banshee same problem but with her ult. It has this feeling of "im literally shaking your atoms" but only staggers and makes defense really dumb, make it literal atom breaking when they come into a field of vibrations

Ash - abilities only scales to certain things but are not explained easily enough, i only barely learned his ult DOES NOT scale at all with power strenght but melee weapon. Make it obviois

Frost - domes do not scale, his abilities only do cold (will go over that later in status effects) and his 2 does not imaple enemies, no piercing which is stupid when its ice spikes

Equinox - HOW ARE YOU NOT TIED TO THE DAY AND NIGHT PLANET SYSTEM WHAT, make them on earth so farming them is not horrid


Wall latch swing - why is it that so, slow and has no forward momentum? Its just so sad looking


Ghoul saw overhaul - make it have a gas system where you need to rev it up in order to just hold e for an attack. I already have bad carpal tunnel ghoul saw should not be adding to it 



status effects. Some need a rework like heat, keep goods good but make worst better

Cold - only slows, what my issue is it should totally have a cold to frozen status where enough ticks freezes them entirely and gives a damage multiplier and for frost cold is literally the weakest of the elemental status effects because it only slows and has no damage changer, slow still means a missile can hit your face. 

Piercing - gotta do more than turn the 20 million damage from an enemy into a 5 million damage hit to the face, maybe give it inate punchthrough on those hits or the stacks make an enemy basically paper so other hits fly through them

Magnetic - it only affects shields, i think it should give little magnet spheres on armored enemies or makes them cluster a bit like you made an enemy into a literal magnet 


Quality of life! 

Add a menu to void Armageddon - running up to the turrets is too much when you dont remember the time limits, add a menu on the exodamper that lets you just have a menu pop up and let you select the ones you wanna make a turret

Make forma a reward not a grind for weapons - weapons having insane forma dumping is a spit in the face because i am not waiting 24 hours for 1 forma, when these things are needed more n more at the end game its insane how much of a grind they are

Add a warframe marker for which boss drops which frame- simple statement, show me in the ui of the boss which frame drops 



Big wishes


Make empyren better and more fun - what i feel is that empyren is stuck in its own void of "you can play me when you want" but no one ever does it besides when its needed. Id say make it more integral to the game, but in a way that you get rewarded for actively participating in it. The original idea was in space you get to help a team below but they never finished that which im sad about


Make planets be more lively - besides the occasional grind for something most of the time people dont do normal missions anymore, you dont go to earth for unique loot but just for a fast mission to finish. And thats sad, with destiny i feel that when you go back to a location you still get a reward you can turn in but here its just a .00001 chance reward, not good


Movement - movement in this game is good! But, the parkouring off walls or wall latching is not really worth it. So what i say is make it harder for enemies to track you when doing flips off walls or such because guess what, THATS IN YOUR ADVERTISEMENT 


Im just a rambling fool with 3 k (i think) in warframe, i want it to grow and talking about what you want in the game shouldnt be a bad thing! Tell me what you wish for warframe!



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Based on a few of your comments, I'm a little worried about how you're getting your information...

13 hours ago, Becson said:

Also his 2 needs to be more than just lanes, need to fill outwards more

Oberon's 2 scales with Range, you can get it to cast a fan that's almost a complete circle with max range, and it's not a 'lane' unless you're on absolute minimum range.

13 hours ago, Becson said:

Frost - domes do not scale

Domes are like Iron Skin, they can store up to 1 million HP in them based on both the initial casting strength, the damage received, and also based on absorbing domes that were cast in the same location before.

13 hours ago, Becson said:


That... would be the worst possible way of doing this frame. Hours at a time only able to use Day mode, and only 90 minutes of time as Night mode? When there are augments and builds designed around being able to switch between the two?

This is a worrying idea...


For a ramble... I really am worried about you.

Are you getting the right amount of sleep?

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5 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

Based on a few of your comments, I'm a little worried about how you're getting your information...

Oberon's 2 scales with Range, you can get it to cast a fan that's almost a complete circle with max range, and it's not a 'lane' unless you're on absolute minimum range.

Domes are like Iron Skin, they can store up to 1 million HP in them based on both the initial casting strength, the damage received, and also based on absorbing domes that were cast in the same location before.

That... would be the worst possible way of doing this frame. Hours at a time only able to use Day mode, and only 90 minutes of time as Night mode? When there are augments and builds designed around being able to switch between the two?

This is a worrying idea...


For a ramble... I really am worried about you.

Are you getting the right amount of sleep?

What i mean is acquisition of the parts not actual ablities tied to it 

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