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Strun Prime much better than Strun Wraith?



Excuse me guys,i have a problem of selecting which Strun incarnon.


I watched many youtubers' videos,and most of them selected Strun Prime even they have riven mod of it.

And i checked wiki,the stats between these 2 Strun are barely comparable,

i thought the Strun Prime disposition will be leveled down soon for it's very hot now,so Strun Wraith will receive more stats buff from riven mod than Prime.

Really not sure which to pick up now,can you guys give me some advices? 


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9 answers to this question

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9 минут назад, (PSN)Visitare сказал:

And i checked wiki,the stats between these 2 Strun are barely comparable

?? Prime is better in 99% of aspects.

What exactly riven stats you are aiming onto?

Strun Prime has higher base critical chance: 18% vs. 24%. Thus, even if Wraith had better riven numbers, those would give lower final result because of lower base numbers.

Also, Riven disposition is a fluctuating thing. Theoretically, Prime's disposition could get better in future, compared to Wraith's.

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it's a direct upgrade. Strun Wraith has a higher Status Chance figure, but Prime has higher Multi-shot and also the extra Status is really not that significant anymore. this isn't the 100% Status breakpoint stuff anymore, 6.67% x12 is plenty of Status.
with Mods you're going to have more Multi-shot and probably boost Status a bit, and at that point every Shot will easily apply half a dozen Status Effects on the Enemy.
Strun Wraith will apply more Status Effects per Shot, but it just doesn't matter. there's no need to apply as many Status Effects as possible irregardless of your Damage.

Strun Prime will apply less Status Effects per Shot, but will always Kill every possible Enemy faster because all of its other Stats are better.


as for Rivens, Rivens very rarely go up. generally only if it was a newer Weapon and so the Rivens were low to begin with. if it's already fairly high, which it is, it ain't going up any more. so the closeness of the twos' Rivens, is unlikely to change. Strun Prime is a newer Weapon so it already started really low and was increased up to where it is now. Wraith isn't going up.

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21小时前 , Slayer-. 说:

Also apart from the Crit, I have not seen a Wraith weapon in the choices ever, don't know why but I went with the Strun Prime even though I own them all with rivens.

According to what i heard,if we have both versions,the system will only show up our Prime as default.That's why most people reported never saw Wraith in Duviri cave.

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20小时前 , taiiat 说:

as for Rivens, Rivens very rarely go up. generally only if it was a newer Weapon and so the Rivens were low to begin with. if it's already fairly high, which it is, it ain't going up any more. so the closeness of the twos' Rivens, is unlikely to change. Strun Prime is a newer Weapon so it already started really low and was increased up to where it is now. Wraith isn't going up.

Thanks for your analysis,it helps me alot.Thank you~

I didn't expect Wraith will go up,but i thought Prime will surely go down soon,
because DE always adjust the disposition by popularity,and plenty players jumped to hug Strun Prime recently.

Maybe i'll go for Prime first,and get another genesis for Wraith in the future,lol.

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32 minutes ago, (PSN)Visitare said:

According to what i heard,if we have both versions,the system will only show up our Prime as default.

It will be prioritised yes, but the other (alternate) versions will not be excluded. 

If put your Incarnon on Wraith. Then the Incarnon version is heavily prio.

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3 hours ago, (PSN)Visitare said:

According to what i heard,if we have both versions,the system will only show up our Prime as default.That's why most people reported never saw Wraith in Duviri cave.

Considering all the crappy low MR5 weapons I'm surprised we don't get the invasion weapons amongst the choice.

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10 часов назад, (PSN)Visitare сказал:

Maybe i'll go for Prime first,and get another genesis for Wraith in the future,lol.

You are aware of the possibility to remove an incarnon adapter, aren't you?

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On 2023-07-04 at 4:33 AM, (PSN)Visitare said:

Excuse me guys,i have a problem of selecting which Strun incarnon.


I watched many youtubers' videos,and most of them selected Strun Prime even they have riven mod of it.

And i checked wiki,the stats between these 2 Strun are barely comparable,

i thought the Strun Prime disposition will be leveled down soon for it's very hot now,so Strun Wraith will receive more stats buff from riven mod than Prime.

Really not sure which to pick up now,can you guys give me some advices? 



I am one of the rare few using the Strun Wraith with Incarnon. It is purely preference but it is not to be written off.

The only saving graces that Strun Wraith can offer you over the prime variant are:

  1. Higher Riven Disposition, and likely higher disposition maintained after the next reshuffle (as you are predicting)
  2. Damage increase in Incarnon Evolution II is much higher (+240 DMG vs. +24) so the gap in damage should not be 
  3. Twice the base status % per pellet
  4. Damage leans primarily to Impact whereas Prime distributes heavier between Impact/Slash. This can be useful in niche setups.

The disadvantages POST incarnon installation compared to prime are:

  1. Lower overall crit rate
  2. Lower pellet count (and some dmg as a result)
  3. No Innate Punchthrough

Despite these differences, I am still able to produce hard hitting red crits in Strun Wraith's incarnon mode easily carrying through level 350+ on steel path. It does require a healthy riven to fill in for the stat differences (i.e. multishot, critical chance, dmg, or punchthrough) but most of these can be achieved with a simple riven or an additional mod in slot. Innate punchthrough is big from a modding perspective because it literally saves you a slot or a riven attribute so Prime is still the generally SAFER better choice. 

Hope this helps.

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